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41. Earle Syllabus Atlantic History Seminar catherine clinton, Southern Dishonour Flesh, Blood, Race and Bondage, in In Joy and In Sorrow Women, Family and Marriage in the Victorian South, http://www.fas.harvard.edu/~atlantic/syllabi/mis/earlemissyllabus.html | |
42. Slavery - News - Times Topics - The New York Times - Narrowed By 'CLINTON, CATHE Rss Feeds On Slavery. Subscribe to an RSS feed on this topic. What is RSS? Slavery RSS feed Slavery Narrowed by clinton, catherine http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/subjects/s/slavery/index.htm |
43. Columbiagha » Cultural Constructions Of Gender African-American In clinton, catherine and Nina Silber. Divided Houses Gender and the Civil War. New York Oxford University Press, 1992. Hodes, Martha. http://columbiagha.wikispaces.com/Cultural Constructions of Gender African-Ameri |
44. Catherine Elizabeth Townsend Antebellum Richmond Angels Of The clinton, catherine and Nina Silber. Divided Houses. New york Oxford University Press, 1992. Confederate Veteran. Vol. I, May 1893 and Vol. XIII, July 1905. http://srnels.people.wm.edu/antrichf95/townsend.html | |
45. Rosenberg, Rosalind, 1946- . Papers, 1979-1987: A Finding Aid clinton, catherine. 5. Cole, Stephen. 6. Cooper, Sandi. 7. Crespi, Irving. 8. Degler, Carl . clinton, catherine, 1952. Cooper, Sandi. Degler, Carl N., http://oasis.lib.harvard.edu/oasis/deliver/~sch00880 | |
46. Google Directory - Arts > Literature > Authors > C > Clinton, Catherine Information concerning catherine clinton historian, writer and children s book author. Biography, published works and upcoming scheduled lectures. http://www.google.it/alpha/Top/Arts/Literature/Authors/C/Clinton,_Catherine/ | |
47. Recent Scholarship The Journal Of American History, 87.4 The clinton, catherine, and Christine Lunardini, The Columbia Guide to American Women in the Nineteenth clinton, catherine, ed., Fanny Kemble s Journals. http://www.historycooperative.org/journals/jah/87.4/rs_39.html | |
48. Clinton, Catherine. Fanny Kemble's Civil War. | Kliatt (May , 2002) Oxford Univ. Press. 304p. illus. notes. bibliog. index. c2000. 019-514815-0. $15.95. SA Fanny Kemble (1809-1893) was a leading member of a renowned British http://www.accessmylibrary.com/coms2/summary_0286-4213037_ITM | |
49. Educator Area- Plantation Life Background clinton, catherine, The Plantation Mistress Woman s World in the Old South, p. 63. The idea of columns comes from the most prominent architectural style http://www.laheritage.org/educatorarea/PlantationLife/PLbackground.html | |
50. Lamson Library Women · United States · History · 19th century · clinton, catherine, 1952 · Lunardini, Women · Southern States · History · clinton, catherine, 1952- http://www.plymouth.edu/library/browse/?subject=women|History&author=clinton, ca |
51. Fanny Kemble's Civil Wars By Clinton, Catherine - Willis Monie Books New Simon Schuster, 2000. 1st Printing. H. Very Good. Item 118261. $8.00. Add to your cart......clinton, catherine. http://www.wilmonie.com/cgi-bin/wmb455/118261.html | |
52. Reconstruction: America's Unfinished Revolution. A Gilder Lehrman Institute Teac catherine clinton and Nina Silber, 30619. New York Oxford University Press, 1992. Collier-Thomas, Bettye. Daughters of Thunder Black Women Preachers and http://sitemaker.umich.edu/reconstruction/women__gender__and_reconstruction__a_b | |
53. Mid-Hudson Library System /Kid Cat When Harriet met Sojourner / by catherine clinton ; illustrated by Shane W. Evans. clinton, catherine, 1952 New York Katherine Tegen Books, c2008. http://gigcat.midhudson.org:90/search/X?d:(united states) and (history) and not |
54. All 'catherine Zeta-jones' Posts - New York Magazine's Daily Intelligencer More Gossipmonger »anna nicole smith, barack obama, beyonce, bill clinton, catherine zetajones, court tv, denise rich, haylie duff, jake gyllenhaal, http://nymag.com/daily/intel/tags/catherine zeta-jones | |
55. Books R4 Teens - Book Review - Lyddie clinton, catherine, editor. (2003). A Poem of Her Own Voices of American Women of Today and Yesterday. New York Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 79pp. http://www.edb.utexas.edu/resources/booksR4teens/book_reviews/book_reviews.php?b |
56. Project MUSE clinton, catherine. 1991. Ella Baker. In Portraits of American Women From Settlement to the Present, eds. catherine clinton and G.J. BarkerBenfield, http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/nwsa/v011/11.3fosl.html | |
57. Shear Dismay - TIME It also turned out that a distant cousin of clinton s, catherine Cornelius, who had written a memo back on Feb. 15 criticizing the travel office as overly http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,161817,00.html | |
58. JSH 2002 Index - C clinton, catherine ed., Fanny Kemble s Journals, revd., 7012; Fanny Kemble s Civil Wars, revd., 701-2; and SHA, 766 clinton, William Jefferson political http://jsh.rice.edu/2002Index.cfm?doc_id=2237 |
59. Contraception: Civil War Style By Kim Murphy catherine clinton states the Southern planter class remained stagnant when . clinton, catherine, The Plantation Mistress Woman s World in the Old South. http://www.coachlightpress.com/bygone/contraception.shtml | |
60. MA In Humanities At The Centre For Caribbean Studies - University Of Warwick 3 Purdue, Theda, Southern Indians and the Cult of True Womanhood in catherine clinton (ed), (1994), Half Sisters of History Southern Women and the http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/arts/ccs/programmes/ma/ | |
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