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1. :: Norton Poets Online :: Marilyn Chin Marilyn Chin is the author of The Phoenix Gone, the Terrace Empty, winner of the PEN Josephine Miles Award, and Dwarf Bamboo. She was born in Hong Kong and http://nortonpoets.com/chinm.htm | |
2. Marilyn Chin Marilyn Chin. THE FLORAL APRON. GRUEL. back to the Fat Poetry Book Index. THE FLORAL APRON. The woman wore a floral apron around her neck, http://www.math.buffalo.edu/~sww/poetry2/chin_marilyn.html | |
3. The MFA At Ashland - Visiting Writers Marilyn chin marilyn Chin, poetry, was born in Hong Kong and raised in Portland, Oregon. Her books have become Asian American classics and are taught in http://www.ashland.edu/mfa/PSR-VisitingWriters.html | |
4. Marilyn Chin - Trailer - Showtimes - Cast - Movies - New York Times A biography and related information about Marilyn Chin. http://movies.nytimes.com/person/682199/Marilyn-Chin | |
5. Congregation Beth Israel: About: Virtual Tour chin marilyn Cohen andrew Susan Lawrence Cohen David Cohen Manfred Linda Cohen Mark Judith Concus Celia Congregation Beth Israel Sisterhood http://www.cbiberkeley.org/about/tour/ | |
6. Marilyn Chin www.english.uiuc.edu/maps/poets/a_f/chin/chin.htm marilyn chinAn Academy of American Poets poetry exhibit, including a brief biography, online text of an essay, and an audio recording of the author reading one of her http://www.english.uiuc.edu/maps/poets/a_f/chin/chin.htm | |
7. VG: Artist Biography: Chin, Marilyn Activist poet marilyn chin was born in Hong Kong in 1955, where her father ran a restaurant. As a child, chin immigrated to the United States and was raised http://voices.cla.umn.edu/vg/Bios/entries/chin_marilyn.html | |
8. Marilyn Chin Born in Hong Kong in 1955, poet marilyn chin came to the United States soon after with her family. One of the first signs of the change in location was her http://www.korepress.org/firstbook/chin.htm | |
9. DWARF BAMBOO. - CHIN, MARILYN, DWARF BAMBOO.; chin, marilyn,. Offered by Boston Book Company. http://www.antiqbook.com/boox/bos/57477.shtml | |
10. POETRY FROM ZYZZYVA chin, marilyn, Urban Love Poem, 15 chin, marilyn, Song of the Sad Guitar, 22 chin, marilyn, Portrait of the Self as Nation, 30 http://www.zyzzyva.org/published.poetry.htm | |
11. Marilyn Chin Actress Stargate SG1 Emancipation ( 1.3) . Visit IMDb for Photos, Filmography, Discussions, Bio, News, Awards, Agent, Fan Sites. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1652229/ | |
12. IPac2.0 chin, marilyn. 2. 2. chin, Mel, 1951, 1. 3. chin, Michael. 1. 4. chin-mou, 0. 5. Author is Zimmern, Alfred Eckhard, Sir, 1879-1957. http://occ.dalnet.lib.mi.us/ipac20/ipac.jsp?session=11738W643B6C6.19682&profile= |
13. Kenneth Chin â Michael-Lee Chin : ZoomInfo Business People Information chin, marilyn, Eastern Connecticut State, Judge marilyn chin University of Pittsburgh Press Gray Jacobik s book, The Double Task (Univ. of . http://www.zoominfo.com/people/level2page6954.aspx | |
14. LEO - The New York Public Library chin, marilyn. by title. Rhapsody in plain ye by call number Chatham Square Branch, 811 chin, CHR Books about china, Books about china, Book http://leopac.nypl.org/ipac20/ipac.jsp?profile=dial--3&index=ISBN&term=039304167 |
15. Poet: Marilyn Chin - All Poems Of Marilyn Chin Poet marilyn chin All poems of marilyn chin .. poetry. http://www.poemhunter.com/marilyn-chin/ | |
16. JSTOR Beyond Lot S Wife The Immigration Poems Of Marilyn Chin Beyond Lot s Wife The Immigration Poems of marilyn chin, Garrett Hongo, LiYoung Lee, and David Mura Mary Slowik Pacific Northwest College of Art When God http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0163-755X(200023/24)25:3/4<221:BLWTIP>2.0.CO;2- |
17. Beyond Lot's Wife: The Immigration Poems Of Marilyn Chin, Garrett Hongo, Li-Youn Beyond Lots Wife The Immigration Poems of marilyn chin, Garrett Hongo, LiYoung Lee, and David Mura - Critical Essay from MELUS in Arts provided free by http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m2278/is_2000_Fall-Winter/ai_74483367/pg_1 | |
18. Chin, Marilyn The Phoenix Gone, The Terrace Empty Mikweed Editions There are multiple exiles in this new poetry of marilyn chin s, but none so engrossing and fulfilling as their flights into formtheir miraculous crossings http://members.cruzio.com/~gyre/ken/marilyn.html | |
19. Auburn Public Library -- Unified List By Author chin, marilyn, Elegy for Chloe Nguyen, LIW, REF 808.8 CHA. chin, marilyn, How I Got That Name, LIW, REF 808.8 CHA. chin, marilyn, On the Canon http://www.auburnalabama.org/Library/OldSite/c.htm | |
20. Used, Rare And Out Of Print Books And Textbooks Are All Available Online At Grea Author marilyn chin W.W. Norton Company January 1, 2002. List Price $8.65 Rhapsody In Plain Yellow. See more titles by marilyn chin http://www.chapters.indigo.ca/usedbooks/getSearchResults?isbn=0393041670 |
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