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Childers Leta Nolan: more books (25) | ||||||||
41. KnowBetter.com > Ebooks > Reviews ( DNN 2.1.2 ) leta nolan childers is one of the old hands at epublishing two of her novels, Best Laid Plans and Best Laid Plans Backfire! combined have sold in the http://knowbetter.com/EditModule.aspx?tabid=24&mid=345&ctl=ReviewView&ItemId=71 |
42. Publish Anything: The Saga Of A PublishAmerica Author And my novel and short story collection languished at DiskUs, home of the alleged Number One Best selling eBook author of all time, leta nolan childers. http://www.todays-woman.net/article931.html | |
43. Fictionwise EBooks: DiskUs Publishing by leta nolan childers, Maeve was unprepared to tangle with Sean O Flynn. After a devastating family tragedy, for which she blamed herself, Maeve hesitantly http://www.fictionwise.com/servlet/mw?&cache=DiskUsPublishing&t=cache |
44. Everything Romantic! | Authors C By leta nolan childers (contemporary) Rating 13. In Search Of Flesh By Jennifer Cloud (paranormal) Rating 79. In The Flesh By Jennifer Cloud (paranormal) http://www.mrsgiggles.com/ebooks/bookscd.html | |
45. Denver Public Library - Recommend To A Friend To recommend Cupid s Revenge, by leta nolan childers, to your friends and/or family simply fill out the form below! http://downloadmedia.denverlibrary.org/00000029-0000-0000-0000-000000000001/10/2 |
46. Practical Tips For Online Authors eLectrify Your Sales A Writer s Guide to e-Publishing $uccess by leta nolan childers from DiskUs Publishing http//www.diskuspublishing.com/electrify.html http://www.etext.org/Zines/TwilightTimes/practical_tips4.html | |
47. Ekc leta nolan childers http//scribesworld.com/reviews . ***. This is not your typical cookbook as the introduction to this book best explains http://www.telusplanet.net/public/ekende/ekc.htm |
48. Burlington County Library System - An Irish Lullaby Irish Lullaby by leta nolan childers is electrifying. From the beginning, youre captured in a tale of two stubborn souls fighting at every turn to control http://ebooks.bcls.lib.nj.us/00000016-0000-0000-0000-000000000001/10/148/en/Cont |
49. South Dakota State Library Study sees change in State Library s role By leta nolan childers Capital Journal The recommendations are in from a consultant hired to study the role of the http://library.sd.gov/news/archives/cj-061306.htm |
50. Red Wine For Breafast Reviews leta nolan childers, author of fiction for kids and grownups, too. www.diskuspublishing.com. * * *. Jenny Reed is a thirty-four year old New Yorker who http://ravenwest.net/raven/rw_reviw.htm | |
51. Diana Kirk - Author Other authors participating in the fund raiser include Chuck Bednar, Diana Lesire Brandmeyer, leta nolan childers, Charlee BoyettCompo, Elizabeth Delisi, http://www.eclectics.com/dianakirk/timetravel.html | |
52. Fiction Factor - Interview With Cindy Valler Some authors, like MJ Rose and leta nolan childers, have successfully stepped from epublishing into traditional publishing. http://www.fictionfactor.com/interviews/cindyvallar.html | |
53. Web-content-writing-niche-samples-Malda author of all time, leta nolan childers. PublishAmerica sent me an authors questionnaire where they asked for basic biographical information; cover art http://www.roxannewrites.com/web-content-writing-niche-samples-Malda.html | |
54. EBook Ecstasy leta nolan childers will see her 29th, 30th and 31st books being released this month; Holiday Hearts, Sarah and Samuel Give Thanks and The Ornament. http://www.twilighttimesbooks.com/ebook-ecstasy/nl_24.html | |
55. Archived Reviews Dead Man s Plan, Lee Eide, Mary E. Dana. Demons of Desire, leta nolan childers, Lois Black Lasting Impressions, leta nolan childers, Elaine Hopper http://www.sharpwriterreviews.8m.com/archive.html | |
56. Story Of E Ever hear of leta nolan childers? Her romantic comedies hold the top two spots on the ebook bestseller list compiled by a small site called eBook http://www.businessweek.com/2000/00_30/b3691032.htm | |
57. Librisite Por leta nolan childers Editor DiskUs Publishing A primer counting book for young children. Precio 4.50 USD. 36C Por Barbara Quinn http://www.librisite.com/esp/sist/ListadoEditor.php?nrecs=0&hoja=0&id=44 |
58. Common Sense South Dakota - Home By leta nolan childers Capital Journal Staff March 28, 2006. Gary Snow said that he is nearly awestruck by the response he and others in Pierre are http://www.commonsensesd.org/index.php?option=com_frontpage&Itemid=1&limit=5&lim |
59. SEO Library Consortium - Digital Catalog And Download Center - Cat Tales: A Chri To recommend Cat Tales A Christmas Story, by leta nolan childers, to your friends and/or family simply fill out the form below! http://seoebook.seo.lib.oh.us/00000031-0000-0000-0000-000000000001/10/200/en/Rec |
60. Oscar Wilde's Love Song Cover Art leta nolan childers. DiskUs Publishing. Now available in paperback at CafePress. OSCAR WILDE S LOVE SONG is a supernatural novella about Carina http://www.juliacharpentier.com/oscarwildeslovesong.htm | |
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