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Childers Leta Nolan: more books (25) | ||||
21. Salon Technology | Forbidden Romance? 29, 1999 leta nolan childers, gravelly voiced and extravagantly named, is a romance novelist living in a remote South Dakota town. http://www.salon.com/tech/feature/1999/09/29/romance_writers/ | |
22. Thistles & Pirates I also read leta nolan childers eLectrify Your Sales a Writer s Guide to e-Publishing What is an e-book? by bestselling e-author leta nolan childers http://www.cindyvallar.com/ebooks.html | |
23. Reviews Index childers, leta nolan Holiday Hearts R Chriss Jacob - Music Theory Vol 1 NF Claire, Marie - Russian Experiences NF http://www.booklore.co.uk/PastReviews/PastReviewsIndex.htm | |
24. Publish Thyself - TIME leta nolan childers of Fort Pierre, S.D., writes novels she calls comedy romances that combine the passion of conventional bodice rippers with a dose of http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,37643,00.html?iid=chix-sphere |
25. Locate Authors! childers, leta nolan (First Site) childers, leta nolan (Second Site) Chittenden, Margaret Cholfin, Bryan Chrisman, Freda Christian, Zita http://www.huntressreviews.com/C.html | |
26. Forbidden Romance? « Self Published Romance Authors leta nolan childers, gravelly voiced and extravagantly named, is a romance novelist living in a remote South Dakota town. Once an investigative journalist, http://romanceauthors.wordpress.com/2007/08/09/f-o-r-b-i-d-d-e-n-r-o-m-a-n-c-e/ | |
27. C - Biographical File - SD State Archives childers, leta nolan. Chilson, Herman. Chittick, Douglas. Choteau Family. Choteau, Clement/Claymore. Church, Louis. Christensen, David. Christensen, Esther http://www.sdhistory.org/arc/biofile/bio_c.htm | |
28. "the Future Of Publishing " - By "mj Rose" In December, leta nolan childers, whose books cross too many genres to be published by a traditional house, became the bestselling e-author in 1999 when http://www.spark-online.com/february00/trends/rose.html | |
29. Excite France - Childers, Leta Nolan > C > Authors > Romance > Genres > Literatu Translate this page 1 sites dans la catégorie childers, leta nolan. childers, leta nolan Enregistrer The author of On the Road to Love. http//www.geocities.com/Paris/Cathed. http://www.excite.fr/directory/Arts/Literature/Genres/Romance/Authors/C/Childers | |
30. Childers, Leta Nolan (Autor) Gefunden Bei Antikbuch24 Translate this page Antikbuch24 - Ihre Plattform für antiquarische Bücher bietet Ihnen jede Menge Angebote aus dem Antiquariat - viele verschiedene Anbieter weltweit finden Sie http://www.antikbuch24.de/an/Childers, Leta Nolan/ | |
31. Microsoft Reader EBooks - B EBooks leta nolan childers Humor Humor $4.48 Believers in Love Clay, Alan . leta nolan childers Romance Romance $4.48 The Best of Presents http://www.topicsites.com/complete-ebook-list/microsoft-reader-b.htm | |
32. Can't Stop The Presses Even the bestselling ebook of 1999, leta nolan childers fantasy-romance Best Laid Plans, sold only 16000 copies. These are impressive numbers in such a http://www.theindustrystandard.com/article/0,1902,14534,00.html | |
33. The Blue Iris Journal: Romance leta nolan childers is wellknown for just this kind of easy-reading romance that challenges while it entertains. Relying on her own Irish legacy for this http://blue_iris_journal.typepad.com/journal/romance/index.html | |
34. Livre Holiday Hearts 2 , Leta Nolan Childers Linda Bleser Elizabeth Delisi Kathl Translate this page Téléchargez le livre numérique Holiday Hearts 2 de leta nolan childers Linda Bleser Elizabeth Delisi Kathleen Culligan Techler pour votre ordinateur ou http://www.numilogebooks.com/fiche_livre.asp?id_livre=10255 |
35. Pierre Fire Department News By leta nolan childers Capital Journal Staff Wednesday, January 12, 2005. Its that time of year again. With extremely cold weather and galeforce winds http://www.pierrefiredept.org/news/2005/sewergas.htm | |
36. The New York Public Library, The Branch Libraries - EBooks leta nolan childers. Whispers in the Dark@ Whispers in the Dark. Cia Leah. Dark River@ Dark River. Erin Hunter. iSpeak English Phrasebook@ http://ebooks.nypl.org/00000037-0000-0000-0000-000000000001/10/206/en/BrowseBook | |
37. Self Published Romance Authors - Blog Toplist Why are electronically published romance novels not receiving the blessings of the traditional steamyfiction industry? by Janelle Brown leta nolan childers http://www.blogtoplist.com/literature/blogdetails-9636.html | |
38. Mary Taffs, Author Here s what leta nolan childers, the author of the 1 EBestseller of 1999, has to say about the first two books in the trilogy http://www.marytaffs.com/ | |
39. Awe-Struck E-Books: Inspirational Romance Ebook, A Time To Dance leta nolan childers, author of the 1999 ebestseller The Best Laid Plans www.diskuspublishing.com, Very Highly Recommended http://www.awe-struck.net/AUTHORS5/dance.html | |
40. PW: E-Publishing: Tomorrow's Publishers Today - 3/13/2000 - Publishers Weekly That s the sales figure for DiskUs s Best Laid Plans, a romance by leta nolan childers that has been available on the Web for less than nine monthswhich http://www.publishersweekly.com/article/CA168082.html | |
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