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Cherryh C J: more books (100) | ||||||||||||
41. Strange Horizons Reviews: Deliverer By C.J. Cherryh, Reviewed By Siobhan Carroll C. J. cherryh has always excelled at describing the alien. Whether her novels feature actual alien creatures (as in The Chanur Saga ) or merely human beings http://www.strangehorizons.com/reviews/2007/04/deliverer_by_cj.shtml | |
42. FutureFiction.com - C. J. Cherryh C. J. cherryhs real name is Carolyn Janice Cherry. She was born in St. Louis, Missouri in 1942. Her initial career was as a teacher of Classics, http://www.futurefiction.com/C. J. Cherryh.htm | |
43. C. J. Cherryh - Biography A selection of articles related to CJ cherryh Biography. http://www.experiencefestival.com/c_j_cherryh_-_biography | |
44. C.J. Cherryh's Fiction | Literary Review | Find Articles At BNET.com CJ Cherryhs Fiction from Literary Review in Arts provided free by Find Articles. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m2078/is_3_44/ai_75563771 | |
45. The Collected Short Fiction Of C.J. Cherryh - C. J. Cherryh - Penguin Group (USA Find The Collected Short Fiction of CJ cherryh by CJ cherryh and other Fiction books online from Penguin Group (USA) s online bookstore. http://us.penguingroup.com/nf/Book/BookDisplay/0,,9780756402563,00.html | |
46. Alien Interface: A C.J. Cherryh Webring RING DESCRIPTIONThe title s pretty selfexplanatory. This webring consists of sites dedicated to the Goddess of sci-fi/fantasy C.J. cherryh. http://www.ringsurf.com/netring?action=info&ring=alien_interface |
47. IngentaConnect C. J. Cherryh: The Ties That Bind In Destroyer (2005) and Pretender (2006) C. J. cherryh continues her exploration of loyalty, family ties, feudal devotion, and personal friendship. http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/mhra/yes/2007/00000037/00000002/art00012 |
48. Powell's Books - Downbelow Station 20TH Anniversary Edition By C J Cherryh Winner of the 1982 Hugo Award for Best Novel, cherryh s blockbuster space opera of More Books by C J cherryh. ISBN13 9780756400590 ISBN10 0756400597 http://www.powells.com/cgi-bin/partner?partner_id=29700&cgi=product&isbn=0756400 |
49. C.J. Cherryh, Arafel's Saga C.J. cherryh, Arafel s Saga (Daw, 1983). Long have I been haunted by a song on a filk recording. by Naomi de Bruyn . Visit C.J. cherryh s website. http://www.rambles.net/cherryh_arafel.html | |
50. Fictionwise EBooks: Downbelow Station [Company Wars Series Book 1] By C. J. Cher Downbelow Station Company Wars Series Book 1 by CJ cherryh Chanur s Homecoming Compact Space Series Book 4 Secure Mobipocket by C. J. cherryh http://www.fictionwise.com/ebooks/Ebook8375.htm | |
51. Information Portal Chanur s legacy a novel of compact space / C.J. cherryh The sword of knowledge / C.J. cherryh, Mercedes Lackey, Nancy Asire, Leslie Fish. http://catalogue.onkaparinga.sa.gov.au/uPortal/Initialize?uP_tparam=props&props& |
52. SFFaudio » CJ. Cherryh cherryh (1), Clark Ashton Smith (1), classic (1), cloning (2), Cold War (2) .. C.J. cherryh (Heavy Time), Harry Harrison (The Turing Option), http://www.sffaudio.com/?cat=625 |
53. SFBookcase.com - Author C.J. Cherryh's Biography,Bibliography,Novels,Short Stori Related Sites, 3 of 3 sites listed. Alien Interface, A Web Ring For C.J. cherryh Fans CJ cherryh s own website Welcome To C.J. cherryh s Worlds http://www.sfbookcase.com/author.asp?forename=C.J.&surname=Cherryh |
54. C. J. Cherryh: Blogs, Photos, Videos And More On Technorati Gate of Ivrel C. J. cherryh 191 pages published in 1976 cherryh has always been a bit hit or miss with me; some books I ve devoured in one evening, http://technorati.com/tag/C. J. Cherryh | |
55. C. J. Cherryh, Science Fiction Writer CJ cherryh. Novels. cherryh, CJ,. Original Short Fiction. cherryh, CJ, Absolute Magnitude Bradley s Fantasy. Sources of Biographical and Bibliographical http://www.hycyber.com/SF/cherryh_c_j.html | |
56. Raven's Reviews: C. J. Cherryh Reviews of the books of CJ cherryh, with a general introduction to her work. http://members.fortunecity.com/arwen_e/ae/cjc.html | |
57. C. J. Cherryh Library Prism-Perfect.net C. J. cherryh. C. J. cherryh. 1 Media Items. Title, Rating, Date. Rusalka, 342 Pages, 00 out of 10, 1990. Stats, 342 Pages, 00 out of 10 http://prism-perfect.net/author/c-j-cherryh/ |
58. C. J. Cherryh - Care2 Members Who Love This Book CJ cherryh Care2 Members who Love this Book. C. J. cherryh. 3 Members Love this Book. See Our Favorite Books at Care2 http://www.care2.com/c2c/people/tag/books/C. J. Cherryh | |
59. C.J. Cherryh:Heavy Time While C.J. cherryh s Alliance/Union universe definitely originates from Earth, she hasn t spent much time in our system until recently. http://www.telusplanet.net/public/alfvaen/reviews/heavy_time.html | |
60. Downbelow Station By C.J. Cherryh, Hugo Award Winning Book Our book group has also read the following books by C. J. cherryh C.J cherryh (1942 ) is a US writer of science fiction and fantasy. http://members.aol.com/siure/cherryh.htm | |
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