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Chaviano Daina: more books (25) | |||||||||
21. Chaviano, Daina, Arts And Humanities: Cuba Links chaviano, daina, Arts and Humanities Cuba Links. Cuba Travel Guide. Tourism guide tourist information. Vacations in Cuba. Hotels reservation. http://www.cubaxp.com/modules/cuba-links/singlelink-54.html | |
22. Buy.com - Chaviano, Daina: Books Search Results chaviano, daina Books Search Results. Author chaviano, daina Publisher Riverhead Hardcover. Publish Date 12/20/2007 Format Hardcover http://www.buy.com/search/q/qutype/2/loc/106/search_store/3/queryType/book_autho | |
23. Ik Fata-Morgana 1 , Nizhnij Novgorod, Floks ,1991 Franke al manah Na sushe i na more , Moskva, 1984 chaviano, daina Opyat etot robot! sbornik Nochnaya pogonya , Moskva, 1989 chaviano, daina Feya na poroge http://www.kuzbass.ru/moshkow/lat/RAZNOE/printed.txt_Piece40.10 |
24. CHAVIANO, DAINA Autor - Unilibro Translate this page chaviano, daina ,EL HOMBRE, LA HEMBRA Y EL HAMB chaviano, daina ,CASA DE JUEGOS chaviano, daina ,PAIS DE DRAGONES chaviano, daina ,LA ISLA DE LOS AMORES http://www.unilibro.es/find_buy_es/result_scrittori.asp?scrittore=CHAVIANO, DAIN |
25. Books & More From Paddyfield.com RELATOS INVISIBLES ANTOLOGIA DE CUENTOS CONTEMPORANEOS (SPANISH EDITION) chaviano, daina / DE SANTIS, PABLO / DOMINGUEZ, CARLOS MARIA http://www.paddyfield.com/mainstore/searchbooks.php?qtype=author&q=Chaviano, Dai |
26. Magers & Quinn Booksellers, Discount New And Used Books by chaviano, daina ISBN 0307376540 New. Cecilia keeps returning to a Miami bar to listen to the intertwined stories an old woman tells her, http://www.magersandquinn.com/index.php?main_page=index&author_id=953619 |
27. MavicaNET - Chaviano, Daina Multilingual search directory of Internet resources. Supports major European languages. Extensive human edited and easy to use catalog of annotated Web http://www.mavica.ru/lite/gle/40629.html?sortby=5 |
28. Lunchbox Lessons by chaviano, daina (Author). $11.95. A woman remembers the contacts with interplanetary beings by chaviano, daina (Author) by De Santis, Pablo (Author) http://www.lunchboxlessons.com/product/result.aspx?s=Chaviano, Daina&st=all |
29. CHAVIANO, DAINA: Todos Sus Libros Y Obras En Su Libreria Casa Del Libro Translate this page Libros más vendidos de daina chaviano. Comprar HISTORIAS DE HADAS PARA ADULTOS junto con LA chaviano, daina. EDITORIAL BETANIA 1993. Cómpralos hoy por http://www.casadellibro.com/fichas/fichaautores/0,,CHAVIANO32DAINA,00.html?autor |
30. Sitio De Ciencia-Ficcion - Autores - Chaviano, Daina - CUB Translate this page Daína chaviano nació en La Habana (Cuba). Cuando todavía cursaba sus estudios universitarios, ganó la primera convocatoria del Premio David para autores http://www.ciencia-ficcion.com/autores/chavianod.htm | |
31. Booklist Spanish Adult Fiction No. 23 - Newark Public Library chaviano, daina Casa de juegos Barcelona Planeta, 1999. ISBN 8408030663 863 C396ca Fantastical novel in which the main character experiences surrealist and http://www.npl.org/Pages/Multimac/Booklist/no23/saf.html | |
32. CHAVIANO, DAINA - La Isla Libros Translate this page 1-3 de 3. La Isla Libros, todo en libros de Informática, Marketing y Publicidad, Ingenierías, Ciencias, Artes, etc. http://www.laislalibros.com/autores/CHAVIANO, DAINA/ | |
33. Paseos Por La Habana .com - Daina Chaviano, Cuba Translate this page daina chaviano, Cuba - daina chaviano, escritora cubana. Nacio en La Habana, Cuba, donde ganó su primer premio literario cuando aún era estudiante. http://www.paseosporlahabana.com/subs.asp?sID=664&cID=72 |
34. MaComere: Recent Publications, 1997-1999 chaviano, daina. El hombre, la hembra y el hambre. Miami Palenta, 1998. (Cuban novel about everyday life). Cliff, Michelle. The Store of a Million Items http://www.macomere.com/recentpubs.html | |
35. Lo Sentimos, Pero Nosostros No Encontrámos La Página En OfertonDeLibros.com Translate this page Casa de Juegos / Playhouse, chaviano, daina, 9788408030 - Comprar libro, Venta de libro, Libro en español e ingles, Ofertondelibros.com venta de libros en http://www.ofertondelibros.com/libros de daina chaviano.html | |
36. DaÃna Chaviano - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia daina chaviano (La Habana) is a Cuban writer. She earned her B.A. degree in English daina chaviano was awarded the Gold Medal in the category of Best http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DaÃna_Chaviano | |
37. BiggerBooks.com â Discount Bookstore. Bestsellers, New Books, Used Books An Author(s) chaviano, daina. ISBN10 0979504228. ISBN13 9780979504228. Cover Paperback. Copyright 12/30/2007. Currently Not Available http://www.biggerbooks.com/book/9780979504228 | |
38. Daina Chaviano - Authors - Random House daina chaviano. Author Spotlight. author spotlight. share; Add to del.icio.us; Digg This; Add to Facebook; Add to Furl; Add to Google Bookmarks http://www.randomhouse.com/author/results.pperl?authorid=73724&view=full_sptlght |
39. The Basics: 100 Fiction Titles You Should Stock - 12/1/2002 - Criticas chaviano, daina Gata encerrada (Trapped Cat) Spain/U.S. Planeta. 2001. ISBN 840-804043-X. $19.95. Cisneros, Sandra* Caramelo U.S. Knopf Random House. http://www.criticasmagazine.com/article/CA258777.html | |
40. Results For Cuba Page 1 chaviano, daina, 1957, SPANISH F CHAV. La isla de amores infinitos / Daína chaviano. 2006. 4. Latell, Brian, 972.91064 LATE http://tpl-websvr.trenton.lib.nj.us:8000/kcweb/kcResults?search=//wcuba&page=0&g |
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