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41. Les Femmes Dans La Rome Antique. - GOUREVITCH (DANIELLE) ET MARIE-THÉRÈSE RAEP L Éclair au front, la vie de René char.; (RENÉ char). GREISALMER (LAURENT).. Offered by Librairie JeanPaul Delon. http://www.antiqbook.fr/boox/delo/4801.shtml | |
42. Grenzend Aan Van Gogh. Les Voisinages De Van Gogh. - CHAR, RENÉ. Grenzend aan Van Gogh. Les voisinages de Van Gogh.; char, RENÉ.. Offered by JOOT Just Out Of Time. http://www.antiqbook.nl/boox/joo/59107.shtml | |
43. Schott Music - Char, René char, René. char, René. born 06/14/1907, died 02/19/1988. nationality France. Profile Books Back Print Top. Language. Deutsch. Search http://www.schott-international.com/shop/php/Proxy.php?purl=/essh/artists/4/5238 |
44. René Char - Wikipedia Translate this page 1955 lernte René char den deutschen Philosophen Martin Heidegger in Paris kennen. René char lud Heidegger mehrfach zu Reisen in die Provence ein. http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/René_Char | |
45. "Char, René, 1907-. Poems From The French Of René Char, Translated By Thomas M char, René, 1907 Merton, Thomas, 1915-1968. Translator, 1969, Unicorn journal, Collected poems of Thomas Merton, The, (copies)// http://www.merton.org/research/Manuscripts/manu.asp?id=3748 |
46. Bookshop René char. Of Anthony Rudolf it has been said His translations of French poems are first rate, and could illuminate contemporary English poetic practice. http://www.brindin.com/bookshop.htm | |
47. CTheory.net This Smoke That Carried Us Selected Poems of René char. Trans. Dubroff, Susanne. Buffalo, New York White Pine Press, USA, 2004. http://www.ctheory.net/articles.aspx?id=570 |
48. Antikvariat.net - Char, René: Stränghet I Ett Mandelregn char, RENÉ. Stränghet i ett mandelregn. Norstedts, Stockholm 1982. Första svenska upplagan. Bunden i förlagets pappband med skyddsomslag. 194 (8) sidor. http://www.antikvariat.net/HUN15941.cgi | |
49. Antiquarian Books :: ILAB-LILA :: International League Of Antiquarian Bookseller (Miro, Joan 18931983) char, René. Le Chien de Coeur. With signed lithograph by Joan MIRO. Paris Guy Levis Mano, 1969, first Miro edition, number 46 of 95 http://www.ilab.org/services/catalogues.php?catnr=889&membernr=2040 |
50. Au Fil De Mes Lectures : Recueil De Citations De René Char Translate this page René char 1907-1988. La jeune fille Ceux qui n ont pas besoin de leur amour auprès d eux n aiment pas. Le jeune homme Cela dépend. http://www.gilles-jobin.org/citations/?P=c&au=459 |
51. CELA, Camilo José, Nuevas Escanas Matritenses. char, René Fureur et Mystère. Paris Gallimard, 1948. Octavo, 264pp. First edition, one of ten copies on Hollande, the present numbered IV. http://www.polybiblio.com/lameduck/1446.html | |
52. Of The Mirror Of The Universe Be The Part That Is Densest, Most Useful And Least Quote from Leaves of Hypnos (NY Grossman 1973) by René char, French poet, Surrealist and leader among the French Resistance the whole series of Hypnos http://everything2.com/index.pl?node_id=593249 |
53. UNESCO Documents And Publications - UNESDOC/UNESBIB char, René. The Showman poet. Hugo. Retrato de un poeta. The Unesco courier a window open on the world; XXXVIII, 11. Publ 1985; p. 23. http://unesdoc.unesco.org/ulis/cgi-bin/ulis.pl?database=&lin=1&mode=e&gp=1&look= |
54. Taylor Modern Manuscripts, French 1 char, René, 19071988 (19) Poem. By René char. 1 p. ; 11 x 26 cm. Holograph, initialled R.C. . In French. 5 lines. http://www.taylib.ox.ac.uk/msfre1.htm | |
55. "Char, René, 1907-" Manuscript Essays: Thomas Merton Center manuscripts lists, subject list char, René, 1907 , site index site search Poems from the French of René char, translated by Thomas Merton. http://www.mertoncenter.org/Research/Manuscripts/Subject.asp?id=392 |
56. Work : Fureur Et Mystère (extraits/uittreksels) - René Char - Lecture, Char Re Fureur et Mystère (extraits/uittreksels) René char - lecture, char René, First held in 1989, the Ars Musica Festival is an international festival of http://www.arsmusica.be/cms/oeuvre_en.php?oobj=oeuvr&iobj=2498 |
57. Poésie En Liberté - René Char, Entre Fureur Et Mystère Translate this page René char, Entre Fureur et Mystère. Poésie en liberté est un site dédié au premier grand concours international de poésie sur le net pour l’ensemble des http://www.poesie-en-liberte.org/actualite/le-poete-de-l-annee/ | |
58. Read About Arts, Literature, Authors, C, Char, René From Thumbshots.net Free thumbnails for your website! Free Web thumbnail preview image. Visualize sites in directory, search engine. View visual screenshot picture link. http://www.thumbshots.net/webguide.aspx?cat=Arts/Literature/Authors/C/Char,_Renà |
59. Guernica / New Translations Of René Char René char authored some twenty collections of poetry during his lifetime. In addition to his literary accomplishments, he was a leader of the French http://www.guernicamag.com/poetry/351/new_translations_of_rene_char/ | |
60. Char, René - Ninemsn Encarta char, René (19071988), French poet, and influential figure in modern French literature. char was born in L Isle-sur-Sorgue in Provence. After http://au.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_781528901/Char_René.html | |
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