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21. English Translations Of Modern Greek Literature / First Part - Page 1 7.63 cavafy, C.P. Collected Poems. Edmund Keeley and Philip Sherrard, trs.; 7.71 *Three Poems of Passion by C.P. cavafy. Edmund Keeley and George http://www.ellopos.net/elpenor/greek-texts/modern/modern-greek-translated.asp | |
22. Powell's Books - C. P. Cavafy: The Collected Poems: With Parallel Greek Text (Ox A Greek gentleman in a straw hat, standing absolutely motionless at a slight angle to the universe. EM Forster s famous description of CP Cavafythe most http://www.powells.com/biblio?isbn=9780199212927 |
23. Project MUSE This Gestus becomes even clearer when comparing the text with the poem by C.P. cavafy to which it intertextually 3 refers. cavafy (18631933, born and http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/the_drama_review/v043/43.4varopoulou.html | |
24. DVD.CO.UK - BOOK - Collected Poems By Cavafy, C.p. DVD.co.uk Buy BOOK Collected Poems by cavafy, Cp with Free UK Delivery. DVD.co.uk is a great site with a wide variety of dvds, cds, books, games, memory, http://www.dvdusa.co.uk/Books/Collected-Poems/0199212929/product.htm | |
25. The Complete Poems Of C. P. Cavafy. Translated By Rae Dalven. Introduction By W. A very good copy in priceclipped dust jacket, slightly faded on spine. First English edition. 8vo., original blue cloth, dust jacket. http://www.maggs.com/title/CL107053.asp | |
26. JSTOR Brecht S Gestus Brecht And C. P. Cavafy. And Heiner Muller Brecht s Gestus Brecht and C.P. cavafy. And Heiner Miiller Helene Varopoulou Among Bertolt Brecht s late poems there is one pertaining to the vicinity of http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=1054-2043(199924)43:4<60:BBACP>2.0.CO;2-C |
27. C P Cavafy - Books From RBooks.co.uk rBooks is the official book store for The Random House Group publishers of fiction, biography, reference and childrens books. Free delivery over £25. http://www.rbooks.co.uk/author.aspx?id=21649 |
28. Internet Archive Search: Mediatype:audio AND Subject:Poetry English Cavafy, C. P AND collectionaudio_poetry AND subject Poetry English cavafy, CP cavafy Falstaff Keywords Poetry English cavafy, C. P Downloads 98 http://www.archive.org/search.php?query=mediatype:audio AND collection:audio_poe |
29. CARRERA ANDRADE, Jorge, Dicté Par L'eau. cavafy, CP Poiemata (19081914). Tall octavo, 29 numbered pages, printed on recto only with table of contents, in beige paper wrappers. http://www.polybiblio.com/lameduck/1401.html | |
30. Cavafy, C P - Plurabelle Books - Cambridge Bookseller For Secondhand And Ex-Libr Plurabelle Books Cambridge Bookseller for Secondhand and exLibrary Books Plurabelle Books Cambridge Bookseller for Secondhand and ex-Library Books. http://www.plurabelle.org/index.php?manufacturers_id=6472&osCsid=3c9a614ab841fe |
31. The Collected Poems Of CP Cavafy A New Translation By CP Cavafy Alibris has The Collected Poems of CP cavafy A New Translation and other books by CP cavafy, Aliki Barnstone (Translator), including new used copies, http://www.alibris.com/search/books/qwork/9364509/used/The Collected Poems of C. | |
32. Poetry Foundation: The Online Home Of The Poetry Foundation CP cavafy is widely considered the most distinguished Greek poet of the twentieth century. He was born in 1863 in Alexandria, Egypt, where his Greek parents http://www.poetryfoundation.org/archive/poet.html?id=80770 |
33. Andrew Cahan: Bookseller, Ltd. ABAA : Search Results For Cavafy, C.P. : Out-of-P cavafy, CP PASSIONS AND ANCIENT DAYS NEW POEMS TRANSLATED AND INTRODUCED BY EDMUND KEELEY AND GEORGE SAVIDIS. 8vo., xxiii, 68pp. http://www.cahanbooks.com/cgi-bin/cahan/viewauthor/Cavafy, C.P..html | |
34. Poets House - Titles By Cavafy, C. P. CP cavafy (18631933) has written some of the most powerful poems in history. His work uncannily translates history, the record of the many, http://www.poetshouse.org/author.asp?author=Cavafy, C. P. |
35. C. P. Cavafy, A Poet In History By Joseph Epstein C. P. cavafy, the Greek poet who lived in the ancient Egyptian city of Alexandria, is another such freak of literatureperhaps the most interesting, http://newcriterion.com:81/archive/12/jan94/epstein.htm | |
36. Second Story Books - Cavafy, C.P.; As Translated By Memas Kolaitis All Books / T Second Story Books CP ; As Translated By Memas Kolaitis cavafy - Books for sale. http://www.secondstorybooks.com/author.php?author=Cavafy, C.P.; as translated by |
37. BFI | Film & TV Database | CAVAFY, C.P. cavafy, CP; Filmography; Related events; Search; Search Results. Database Links. About the database; FAQs; Disclaimer; Help us improve the database http://ftvdb.bfi.org.uk/sift/individual/694215 | |
38. Modern Greek Welcome to the home page of the C. P. cavafy Professorship in Modern Greek, established in 1999. Use this website to find out more about us. http://www.lsa.umich.edu/modgreek/ | |
39. Collected Poems Of C. P. Cavafy - Cavafy, C. P.; Barnstone, Aliki (TRN); Stern, Paperback, $10.05. Collected Poems of CP cavafy by cavafy, CP/ Barnstone, Aliki (TRN)/ Stern, Gerald (FRW) 0393328996. http://booksxyz.com/profile3178369.php | |
40. Constantine Cavafy On LibraryThing | Catalog Your Books Online Also known as Constantin cavafy, Constantine P. cavafy, C. P. cavafy, Constantin cavafy (trad. Marguerite Yourcenar), C P cavafy, Konstantinos Petrou http://www.librarything.com/author/cavafyconstantine | |
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