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61. The New Yorker & Raymond Carver At Pinkyspaperhaus raymond carver is perhaps the most esteemed short story writer of the latter half of the 20th century. His biography is wellknown an early marriage; http://pinkyspaperhaus.com/?p=645 |
62. Thomas Hirschhorn: Altar To Raymond Carver An altar to poet and writer raymond carver by the FrenchSwiss artist Thomas Hirschhorn. http://thegalleriesatmoore.org/publications/hirsch/hirschhorn.shtml | |
63. Guardian Unlimited: Arts Blog - Books: Minimalising Raymond Carver Gordon Lish, raymond carver s editor at Knopf, ignored carver s plea to stop publication of carver s second collection of short stories, What We Talk About http://blogs.guardian.co.uk/books/2007/12/minimalising_raymond_carver.html | |
64. Poet: Raymond Clevie Carver - All Poems Of Raymond Clevie Carver Poet raymond Clevie carver All poems of raymond Clevie carver .. poetry. http://www.poemhunter.com/raymond-clevie-carver/ | |
65. The Missouri Review | Raymond Carver Its been known for several decades that the editor Gordon Lish did more than slay a few precious lines in raymond carvers 1981 story collection What We http://www.missourireview.com/tmr-blog/archives/tag/raymond-carver | |
66. Raymond Carver's Widow Seeks To Publish Unedited Stories - International Herald raymond carver s widow seeks to publish unedited stories. http://www.iht.com/articles/2007/10/17/arts/20carver.php | |
67. Who 'owns' Raymond Carver? - Los Angeles Times Last week brought the news that Tess Gallagher, widow of raymond carver, had plans to publish original versions of the 17 stories that make up his 1981 http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/la-oe-ulin27oct27,0,6839877.story?coll=la-op |
68. Raymond Carver Criticism raymond carver Criticism and Essays. raymond carver And Larry Mccaffery And Sinda Gregory (Interview Date 1987) Greg Kuzma (Review Date Spring 1988) http://www.enotes.com/poetry-criticism/carver-raymond | |
69. IPL Online Literary Criticism Collection There are no other sites about raymond carver in the collection; do you know of any that Use these links to search for raymond carver outside the IPL. http://www.ipl.org/div/litcrit/bin/litcrit.out.pl?au=car-430 |
70. My Other Shoes Are Manolos: Raymond Carver's Principles Of A Story raymond carver s Principles of a Story. I ve been struggling lately What s a good short story? Is it ok to offer the reader a glimpse into a world and http://shoefiend.blogspot.com/2007/12/raymond-carvers-principles-of-short.html | |
71. Kate's Book Blog: James Lasdun On Raymond Carver's Stories James Lasdun on the prospect of a new edition of raymond carvers stories that would restore them to their preedited state. If the restorations of carver http://katesbookblog.blogspot.com/2007/10/james-lasdun-on-raymond-carvers-storie | |
72. Raymond Carver, Writer And Editor raymond carver. 1939 August 2, 1988. Original Short Fiction carver, raymond, and Tom Jenks, American Short Story Masterpieces, Delacorte Press, http://www.hycyber.com/HF/carver_raymond.html | |
73. ‘The New Yorker’ Publishes Raymond Carver's Original; Is It Better T The differences are stark; Lish s published version is 4800 words, or about half as long as carver s, for example. http://nymag.com/daily/entertainment/2007/12/the_new_yorker_publishes_raymo.html | |
74. Unicorn - Team Unicorn He s one of America s finest . now Ray carver has set his sights on proving himself on the world stage of darts, after breaking into the World s top 50 http://www.unicorn-darts.com/team/RayCarver.asp | |
75. Talking About Editing Ray Carver - The Boston Globe I have never met a writer who didn t need an editor, and an editor without a writer is a person without a job. It is a fraught and oftenimperfect http://www.boston.com/ae/books/articles/2007/12/19/talking_about_editing_ray_car | |
76. Wordwing Editors Copy Editing, Proofreading. Free sample edit and price quote. Fiction and nonfiction. Resources for writers. How to find an editor, how to get manuscript http://www.wordwing.com/ | |
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