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Carter Raphael: more books (22) |
21. CODRE Minutes Present Tomarra Adams, Nichole Burruss, Mike Byrne, Julien carter, raphael FernandezBotran, Robin Harris, Bryan Hicks, Veronica Hinton-Hudson, http://louisville.edu/diversity/CODREMinutes021304.html | |
22. Weinberg Journalists In Fiction Collection In University Of Missouri Special Col carter, Angela. Wayward Girls Wicked Women An Anthology of Subversive Stories. PN6120.95 .W7 W39. carter, raphael. The Fortunate Fall. PS3553. http://mulibraries.missouri.edu/specialcollections/weinberg2.htm | |
23. Raphael Carter Quotes raphael carter quotes,raphael, carter, author, authors, writer, writers, people, famous people. http://thinkexist.com/quotes/raphael_carter/ | |
24. SocioSite: SEX-GENDER And QUEER Brothersister raphael carter Explains all rarely or never asked Questions. There might be a good reason for this the whole point of androgyny is to ask http://www.sociosite.net/topics/gender.php | |
25. Article: Defining/Redefining The Masculine "Other" In Science Fiction, By Neil P carter, raphael. Congenital Agenesis of Gender Ideation. Starlight 2. Ed. Patrick Nielsen Hayden. New York Tor, 1998. 89106. Dorsey, Candas Jane. http://www.strangehorizons.com/2002/20020701/masculine_other.shtml | |
26. Arch Ophthalmol -- Reviewers Who Completed A Review During 2001, January 2002, A Louis B. Cantor, Antonio Capone, Joseph Caprioli, Keith D. carter, Susan carter, raphael Caruso, H. Dwight Cavanagh, Stanley Chang, Richard J. Chappell, http://archopht.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/full/120/1/12 | |
27. My Book List carter, raphael, The Fortunate Fall. Carver, Jeffrey, Dragons in the Stars. Carver, Jeffrey, Infinity Link. Chalker, Jack, Downtiming the Night Side http://www.eblong.com/zarf/bookscan/booklist.html | |
28. Site Index carter, raphael. XML for More Like This Web Log This is the Document Type Definition for the More Like This web log. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) http://whump.com/siteindex.html | |
29. Feminist SFF & Utopia: Theme & Character Lists: Individual Sex Change The Passion of New Eve (1977) (separatists capture a man and surgically change him into a woman); carter, raphael. Congenital Agenesis of Gender Ideation http://feministsf.org/bibs/sexchange.html | |
30. The Other Change Of Hobbit Science Fiction & Fantasy Bookstore: June 1996 Releas carter, raphael. The Fortunate Fall. $21.95. Jacket art by Bruce Jensen. Clayton, Jo. Drum Warning. $23.95. The Drums of Chaos 1. Cole, Babette. http://www.otherchangeofhobbit.com/9606.html | |
31. Christina Schulman's Science Fiction Reviews C Cadigan, Pat Tea From an Empty Cup carter, raphael The Fortunate Fall Clough, Brenda How Like a God Culley, Travis Hugh The Immortal Class http://www.epiphyte.net/SF/ | |
32. Reading Lists Carroll, Jonathan Black Cocktail; carter, Angela Passion of New Eve ISBN0860683419 (?) carter, raphael The Fortunate Fall ISBN0312863276 St Martin s Press http://www.glbtfantasy.com/?section=lists&sub=biglist |
33. Adherents.com - Religious Groups In Literature Bengali, India, 2008, carter, raphael. Congenital Agenesis of Gender Ideation by K. N Sirsi and Sandra Botkin in Starlight 2 (Patrick Nielsen Hayden, ed. http://www.adherents.com/lit/Na/Na_38.html | |
34. The Nanotechnology In Science Fiction Bibliography Issue 29 A 1991 3.0 Bull, Emma Falcon 1989 2.0 Calder, Richard Dead Boys 1995 Calder, Richard Dead Girls 1995 carter, raphael Fortunate Fall, The 1996 Carver, http://www.geocities.com/asnapier/nano/n-sf/ninsf029.txt |
35. Raphael S. Grunfeld, Partner - Carter Ledyard & Milburn LLP Attorney carter Ledyard Milburn is a general practice law firm with offices in New York, raphael S. Grunfeld. Partner Wall Street Office 2 Wall Street http://www.clm.com/attorney.cfm/ID/63 | |
36. Alguire, Judith Lesbian Author? carter, raphael. *****, Main Lesbian Character. Category Dystopian future Summary Talk about imaginativethe narrator of this book is a whale. http://www.lesbiansciencefiction.com/LSFCharbyAuth0001.html | |
37. BUBL LINK: Fractals Author carter, raphael Subjects american poetry, extraterrestrial life, fractals DeweyClass 811 Resource type poems; WWW Virtual Library Complex http://www.bubl.ac.uk/Link/f/fractals.htm | |
38. Gay/Lesbian/Bi/Transgendered Fiction For YAs Cart, Michael MY FATHER S SCAR (S S, 1996) wonderful carter, raphael THE FORTUNATE FALL Chambers, Aiden DANCE ON MY GRACE Chbosky, Stephen PERKS OF http://www.seemore.mi.org/booklists/Gay.txt |
39. Mark Damon Hughes: Cyberpunk: Text Canter, Mark Ember From the Sun; carter, raphael The Fortunate Fall; Delaney, Samuel Neveryona Return to Neveryon Flight From Neveryon Dhalgren; Dick, http://kuoi.com/~kamikaze/Cyberpunk/Text.php | |
40. Recommended Readings carter, raphael. (1996) The Fortunate Fall Scott, Melissa. (1996). Dreaming Metal Shirley, John. (1996). Silicon Embrace Calder, Richard. (1997). http://www.west.asu.edu/mavalos/images/S4306.html | |
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