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41. Mars In The Mind Of Earth: Novels - Full List carter, lin. Down to a Sunless Sea. New York DAW, 1984, 1st edition, paperback. carter, lin. The Man Who Loved Mars. London White Lion, 1973 http://www.marsearth.com/novels/terciv.html | |
42. Stories, Listed By Author Conan of Aquilonia, L. Sprague de Camp lin carter, Ace 1977 * Black Tears (with L. Sprague de Camp) Conan, (nv) Conan the Wanderer, Lancer 1968 http://contento.best.vwh.net/s57.htm | |
43. The Other Change Of Hobbit Science Fiction & Fantasy Bookstore: November 2000 Re carter, lin. The Black Star. $14.00. Ondemand trade paperback facsimile reprint 1973 paperback carter, lin. Tower at the Edge of Time. $14.00. http://www.otherchangeofhobbit.com/0011.html | |
44. BOOKpedia.Net Carter, Lin Books carter, lin Bookpedia.Net Book Store s features some of the best hardcover and paperback titles of the year, with spotlights on specific topics, http://bookpedia.net/17/10134/49/5439/5956/6026/ | |
45. My Book List carter, lin (ed.) Flashing Swords 5 Demons And Daggers. carter, lin (ed.) Flashing Swords 5 Demons and Daggers. carter, Raphael, The Fortunate Fall http://www.eblong.com/zarf/bookscan/booklist.html | |
46. Rare, Out Of Print, Antique And Used Books, Maps And Prints From Massoglia Books Conan of the Isles De Camp, L. Sprague and carter, lin (based on Robert E. Howard character) Conan of the Isles De Camp, L. Sprague and carter, http://www.booksandcollectibles.com.au/dump/Massoglia_Books/books-0005.html | |
47. Goodreads | Carter, Lin (ed.) Get all the rants and raves about carter, lin (ed.) s books on Goodreads.com where you can see what your friends are reading. http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/723731 | |
48. Pseudonyms For Lin Carter The Essential Fiction Reference. FictionDB has over 20000 author listings and over 90000 titles in romance, mystery, suspense and westerns. http://www.fictiondb.com/GenreDB/Pseudos.asp?AuthorNumber=32087&genre=G |
49. City Outside The World (Lin Carter Discovery Ser.) Mythos Books, LLC stocks new and used Lovecraft and related titles, Cthulhu Mythos and related titles, horror and supernatural fiction. http://www.mythosbooks.com/?page=shop/flypage&product_id=44001&CLSN_23=120036045 |
50. The Enchantress Of World's End - CARTER, LIN The Enchantress of World s End; carter, lin. Offered by Titles Books. http://www.antiqbook.co.nz/boox/tib/8878.shtml | |
51. For Sale List - PopShops Beyond The Gates Of Dream; Giant of World s End (2 books) carter, lin . The Man Who Was Thursday A Nightmare Chesterton, G. K. ; carter, lin (Intro) http://www.popula.com/st/no_360.htm | |
52. Alexa - Sites In: Carter, Lin Alexa Browse Sites Browse and search through sites by category or by most popular in category based on Alexa traffic rank. http://www.alexa.com/browse/general/?&CategoryID=55819&mode=general&Start=1&Sort |
53. Conan By Robert E. Howard, Lyon Sprague De Camp, Lin Carter (Used Alibris has Conan and other books by Robert E. Howard, Lyon Sprague De Camp, lin carter, including new used copies, rare, outof-print signed editions, http://www.alibris.com/search/books/qwork/1265570/used/Conan | |
54. BOOKSAMILLION.COM (BAMM.COM) - Search And Browse by lin carter / Paperback / Oct 2007 / ISBN 1434492788 by Edward John Moreton Dunsany; John Gregory Betancourt; lin carter / Paperback / Apr 2002 / ISBN http://www.booksamillion.com/ncom/books?id=3921358075614&type=author&find=Carter |
55. Index To Comic Art Collection: "Cart" To "Cartons" Adapted from the novel by L. Sprague DeCamp and lin carter. 1. Sword and sorcery comics. I. Thomas, Roy. II. Buscema, John. III. http://www.lib.msu.edu/comics/rri/crri/carter.htm | |
56. Abbey, Lynn Daughter Of The Bright Moon Paperback Abbey, Lynn The 5 Paperback antho carter, lin Giant of World s End Paperback carter, lin Golden Cities, Four Paperback carter, lin Great Short Novels of Adult Fantasy I http://spectre.caltech.edu/oldwobsite/catalog/catalog |
57. Bill Leone Bookseller - De Camp, L. Sprague And Carter, Lin All Books / Titles B Bill Leone Bookseller L Sprague And carter, lin De Camp - Books for sale. http://www.billleonebookseller.com/author.php?author=De Camp, L. Sprague and Car |
58. LOT OF 14 LIN CARTER On Flickr - Photo Sharing! Flickr is almost certainly the best online photo management and sharing application in the world. Show off your favorite photos to the world, securely and http://flickr.com/photos/rusticstains/2197903917/ | |
59. Midamericon, The 1976 Worldcon lin carter, and Madman Riley maybe? carter, lin; Riley, Mark. carter, lin. Richard Tatge, Samuel Edward Konkin, (), (), () http://dd-b.net/dd-b/SnapshotAlbum/data/1976/09000-Midamericon/ | |
60. ResBibli carter, lin, TOLKEIN A LOOK BEHIND THE LORD OF THE RINGS, 1969, Ballantine, PB. carter, lin, IMAGINARY WORLDS, 1973, Ballantine, PB. entry. http://www.cafes.net/ditch/ResBibli.htm | |
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