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Carroll Lewis: more books (100) | ||||||||||||||
21. Lewis Carroll Various attempts have been made to solve the riddle of lewis carroll himself; these include the efforts to prove that his friendships with little girls http://dspace.dial.pipex.com/town/parade/hq69/Pages/carroll.html | |
22. Lewis Carroll Presents a biographical sketch, photograph, bibliography and selected poem. http://www.poets.org/lcarr/ |
23. Lewis Carroll Scrapbook Home The lewis carroll Scrapbook at the Library of Congress is an original scrapbook that was kept by Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, also known as, lewis carroll. http://lcweb2.loc.gov/intldl/carrollhtml/lchome.html | |
24. Lewis Carroll www.stg.brown.edu/projects/hypertext/ landow/victorian/carroll/carrollov.html Alice in Wonderland (USA complete title); Alisa v Zazerkale http://www.stg.brown.edu/projects/hypertext/landow/victorian/carroll/carrollov.h |
25. Lewis Carroll - Biography And Works lewis carroll. Biography of lewis carroll and a searchable collection of works. http://www.online-literature.com/carroll/ | |
26. GradeSaver: ClassicNote: Biography Of Lewis Carroll Born Charles Lutwidge Dodgson in Cheshire, on January 27, 1832, the man who would become lewis carroll was an eccentric and an eclectic whose varied works http://www.gradesaver.com/classicnotes/authors/about_lewis_carroll.html | |
27. The Walrus And The Carpenter The Walrus And The Carpenter, by lewis carroll. lewis carroll. (from Through the LookingGlass and What Alice Found There, 1872) http://www.jabberwocky.com/carroll/walrus.html | |
28. Alice's Adventures In Wonderland (Project Gutenberg) lewis carroll. The Millennium Fulcrum Edition 3.0. NOTE This is a hypertext formatted version of the Project Gutenberg edition. http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~rgs/alice-table.html | |
29. Read Lewis Carroll Books Online - The Literature Page lewis carroll (1832 1898). English author recreational mathematician. We have the following works by lewis carroll http://www.literaturepage.com/authors/Lewis-Carroll.html | |
30. Poetry Archives @ EMule.com A selection of poems. http://www.emule.com/poetry/?page=overview&author=34 |
31. Dodgson Summary Dodgson was a mathematics lecturer and author of mathematics books who is better known by the pseudonym lewis carroll. He is known especially for Alice s http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Dodgson.html | |
32. Lewis Carroll - MSN Encarta carroll, lewis (183298), English author, mathematician, and logician, best known for his creation of the immortal fantasy http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761562250/Carroll_Lewis.html | |
33. Lewis Carroll's Logic Game lewis carroll s fame is universal. I can easily cite a couple dozen books that mention him or quote from his books. Temptation to quote from Alice s http://www.cut-the-knot.org/LewisCarroll/index.shtml | |
34. Alice's Adventures In Wonderland By Lewis Carroll - Project Gutenberg Download the free eBook Alice s Adventures in Wonderland by lewis carroll. http://www.gutenberg.org/etext/11 | |
35. FireBlade Coffeehouse: Lewis Carroll Online text for all of lewis carrolls Alice books and his Sylvie Bruno books, as well as more of his poetry and writings. http://www.hoboes.com/html/FireBlade/Carroll/ | |
36. Portfolio Project - Department Of Rare Books And Special Collections, Princeton from the Department for reproduction. Click on caption for details. lewis carroll lewis carroll / Holiday Album lewis carroll / Separate photographs. http://libweb2.princeton.edu/rbsc2/portfolio/lc-all-list.html | |
37. Great Science-Fiction & Fantasy Works: Lewis Carroll The speculativefiction work of lewis carroll evaluated as literature. http://greatsfandf.com/AUTHORS/LewisCarroll.php | |
38. About Lewis Carroll The Life and Work of lewis carroll. carroll messageboard, complete text of carroll s books and short stories, links to other information on carroll. http://carroll.classicauthors.net/ | |
39. Metastuff -- Lewis Carroll And Other's Works This is a bunch of lewis carroll s literature that we keep around because Tom Loos is strange These works are all available thanks to the people who work http://www.cs.indiana.edu/metastuff/dir.html | |
40. Lewis Carroll Quotes lewis carroll quotes,lewis, carroll, author, authors, writer, writers, people, famous people. http://thinkexist.com/quotes/lewis_carroll/ | |
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