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21. ART MEXICO - KYRON PRESENTS - LENORA CARRINGTON LITHOGRAPH GALLERY Art Mexico, leonora carrington Gallery, artist, Mexican Lithographic Prints Kyron Tour - Asian Pacific Rim 1995 - 1998. As presented by Mexico Connect http://www.mexconnect.com/MEX/kyron/kycarrington.html | |
22. Exposición / Exhibit Fuente/Source Catálogo leonora carrington Una Retrospectiva leonora carrington Remedios Varo Spices Mexican Cuisine México CompJugador http://turingmachine.org/leonora/expo.html | |
23. Leonora Carrington (The Remba Gallery, West Hollywood) An exhibition of 17 lithographs by leonora carrington is a rare opportunity to examine firsthand the graphic work of one http://artscenecal.com/ArticlesFile/Archive/Articles1995/Articles1295/Carrington | |
24. TATE ETC. Issue 7 - More Than Surreal Two drawings by the underrated artist leonora carrington, purchased by leonora carrington I Am An Amateur of Velocipedes and Do You Know My Aunt Eliza? http://www.tate.org.uk/tateetc/issue7/morethansurreal.htm | |
25. Leonora Carrington - Feministische Phantastisch-utopische Literatur Translate this page leonora carrington. Biographie, Auszeichnungen, Links, Artikel, Interviews, feministische phantastisch-utopische Werke. http://www.feministische-sf.de/einzelne_autorinnen/fsf_leonora-carrington.html | |
26. Leonora And Me | | Guardian Unlimited Arts leonora carrington ran off with Max Ernst, hung out with Picasso, The Elements by leonora carrington. Photograph Christie s Images/Corbis http://arts.guardian.co.uk/features/story/0,,1981212,00.html | |
27. Leonora Carrington Y Algunas Lecturas, Mujerpalabra.net Translate this page En inglés, la página de leonora con una lista de sus libros. El webmaster es su hijo Pablo Weisz-carrington , artista surrealista también. http://www.mujerpalabra.net/conoce_a/pages/leonora_carrington.htm | |
28. The Metropolitan Museum Of Art - Special Exhibitions: The Pierre And Maria-Gaeta leonora carrington (Mexican, born England, 1917) SelfPortrait, ca. 193738 2004 leonora carrington/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York http://www.metmuseum.org/special/Matisse/2.r.htm | |
29. Leonora Carrington ~ The Talismanic Lens ~ At Frey Norris Gallery | Art Knowledg Frey Norris Gallery presents The Talismanic Lens, the result of a five year endeavor of collecting, studying and getting to know leonora carrington, http://www.artknowledgenews.com/Leonora_Carrington.html | |
30. Resúmen Biográfico De Leonora Carrington Translate this page Resúmen Biográfico de leonora carrington. Nació el seis de abril de 1917 en Clayton Green, Lancashire, Inglaterra. Su madre era irlandesa y su padre ingés, http://csgrs6k1.uwaterloo.ca/~dmg/leonora/resumen.html | |
31. Frey Norris Gallery | Calendar - Leonora Carrington: The Talismanic Lens Frey Norris Gallery leonora carrington The Talismanic Lens. http://www.freynorris.com/docs/Frey-Norris-Leonora-Carrington-Survey-2008_event. | |
32. Roundtable Discussion On Surrealist Leonora Carrington - San Francisco Art Insti On Wednesday, 6 February 2008, a roundtable discussion on leonora carrington (b. 1917), one of the last surviving original surrealist artists and writers, http://www.sfai.edu/News/NewsDetail.aspx?newsID=1281&navID=214§ionID=8 |
33. Leonora Carrington Page, From The Daily Bleed: A Gallery Of Saints & Sinners; La Hungry Flower Surrealist page http//www.hungryflower.com/leorem/carrington.html includes extensive leonora carrington reference materials links http://recollectionbooks.com/bleed/sinners/CarringtonLeonora.htm | |
34. Leonora Carrington The Guardian profiles the wonderful leonora carrington, one of the last of the original Surrealists. Theres little excuse for the Tates neglect as http://www.johncoulthart.com/feuilleton/?p=1202 |
35. Leonora Carrington (2000) (TV) Directed by Laura Martinez. With leonora carrington. Visit IMDb for Photos, Showtimes, Cast, Crew, Reviews, Plot Summary, Comments, Discussions, Taglines, http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1127321/ | |
36. Leonora Carrington On Artnet leonora carrington (1917) Find works of art, auction results sale prices of artist leonora carrington at galleries and auctions worldwide. http://www.artnet.com/artist/3670/leonora-carrington.html | |
37. The Dallas Museum Of Art Presents: Leonora Carrington "What She Might Be" | Dall Britishturned-Mexican surrealist painter leonora carrington turned 90 in April of 2007, and the Dallas Museum of Arts new exhibition will celebrate the http://www.pegasusnews.com/news/2007/nov/15/dallas-museum-art-presents-leonora-c | |
38. 10579. Carrington, Leonora. The Columbia World Of Quotations. 1996 10579. carrington, leonora. The Columbia World of Quotations. 1996. http://www.bartleby.com/66/79/10579.html | |
39. The Talking People Podcast: Stories. "The Debutante" By Leonora Carrington (Surr Half of this audio is me talking about the writer leonora carrington Today Im going to read one of leonora carringtons short stories, The Debutante. http://thetalkingpeoplepodcast.blogspot.com/2007/11/stories-debutante-by-leonora | |
40. Leonora Carrington Artist And Art...the-artists.org leonora carrington artist and art biography portrait and gallery ( Painting Surrealism ) on theartists.org, resource modern and contemporary art, http://www.the-artists.org/ArtistView.cfm?id=8A01F1F3-BBCF-11D4-A93500D0B7069B40 |
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