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Carrier Roch: more books (82) | |||||||||||
41. Carrier, Roch carrier, roch top web sites on the web. Interview with roch carrier - From the Marginal Librarian. Well Known Canadians - Profile of the author. http://www.bazsites.com/Arts/Literature/WorldLiterature/Canadian/Authors/Novelis | |
42. Carrier, Roch Authors roch carrier, Sheldon Cohen, and Sheila Fischman. Our price $8.95 Sales rank 331524 Authors roch carrier and Sheldon Cohen. Our price $8.95 http://children.idoneos.com/index.php/Authors_&_Illustrators,_A-Z/(_C_)/Carrier, | |
43. Author Search Results -- C carrier, roch, All Books Mystery / Suspense. carrier, Warren, All Books, Mystery / Suspense. Carrington, Ruth, All Books Mystery / Suspense http://www.fictiondb.com/GenreDB/AuthLett.asp?Letter=C&Genre=S&Page=4&Pane=0 |
44. BiblioTravel: Quebec carrier s much beloved story of a boy growing up in rural Quebec. The boy and everyone else in his town is hockey mad, a carrier, roch, 1979, 1940s http://www.bibliotravel.com/locale.php?locale=46 |
45. Library Catalogue - McMaster University You browsed by Author carrier, roch (remove) . 19. View larger image. Le jardin des délices roman. Author/Editor carrier, roch. Published cop. 1975. http://libcat.mcmaster.ca/index.jsp?sid=114950C7E8F8&Ne=20564&N=20219 4294959123 |
46. Product Listing carrier, roch. Translated by Shelia Fischman. The Hockey Sweater and Other Stories. Anansi, 1979, later printing,160 pages, 8 x 5 inches, softbound. http://www.dominionbooks.com/cgi-bin/Web_store/web_store.cgi?product=fiction poe |
47. Lamson Library Attribution. roch carrier ; translated by Sheila Fischman carrier, roch. Comments (0) Click for location and availability http://www.plymouth.edu/library/browse/?auth=carrier-roch |
48. CCL: Index Of Items Reviewed: C carrier, roch, and Sheldon Cohen. La Chassegalerie. 31.2 (2005) 147-62. . The Flying Canoe. 31.2 (2005) 147-62. Carson, Linda A. Dying To Be Thin. http://ccl.uwinnipeg.ca/indexes_e/items_c.shtml | |
49. The Hockey Sweater By Roch Carrier; Illustrated By Sheldon Cohen In the days of rochs childhood, winters in the village of Ste. Justine were long. Life centered around school, church, and the hockey rink, and every boys http://www.tundrabooks.com/catalog/display.pperl?isbn=0887761747 |
51. Books & Collectibles Online Bookstore And Search Engine For Rare, Out Of Print, 001737 carrier, roch LA Guerre, Yes Sir! Stoddart Pub Niagara Falls, New York, Anansi, Toronto, 1977 roch carrier, trans, Sheila Fischman, La Guerre, http://www.booksandcollectibles.com.au/bsearch.php3?bsearch_submit=Search&auth=C |
52. JSTOR Il N Y A Pas De Pays Sans Grand-pere carrier, roch. II n y a pas de pays sans grandpere. Montreal Editions Internationales Alain Stanke, 1977. Pp. 116. Previously well known in Quebec for his http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0016-111X(197904)52:5<789:INAPDP>2.0.CO;2-I |
53. Listings Canada : Science And Humanities : Literature : Novels : Authors : Carri Dr Beheshti roch carrier begins his speech Dr. carrier presents his vision for the National Library Photos by D. Gwyn Author Becomes National Librarian roch http://listingsca.com/Science_and_Humanities/Literature/Novels/Authors/Carrier_R | |
54. Volume 10 carrier, roch. The Flying Canoe! Pencil drawings with digital colouring by Sheldon Cohen carrier, roch. La Chassegalerie. Illustrated by Sheldon Cohen. http://www.resourcelinks.ca/indexes/indexv10.htm | |
55. Roch Carrier's La Guerre, Yes Sir! While I was at the Missisauga Central Library last week, I managed to pick up a slim paperback for a buck roch carrier s La Guerre, Yes Sir!, http://withoutliterarymerit.tripod.com/carrier.html | |
56. Biographie Et Bibliographie De Roch Carrier Translate this page roch carrier est né à Sainte-Justine (Québec), comté Dorchester, le 13 mai 1937. Poète, conteur, romancier et dramaturge, roch carrier a étudié au Collège http://www.ratsdebiblio.net/carrierroch.html | |
57. Roch Carrier On LibraryThing | Catalog Your Books Online Users with books by roch carrier Favorites. No members have added roch carrier as a favorite. Also known as? This entry includes roch carrier http://www.librarything.com/author/carrierroch | |
58. The Girdle Of Melian carrier, roch The Hockey Sweater Carroll, Lewis Alice s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There Carroll, http://thegirdleofmelian.blogspot.com/ | |
59. ArtsBulletinseptember142005 roch carrier has a number of works to his credit, and has received many prizes roch carrier is also known for his books for children, most notably The http://www.halifax.ca/cah/ArtsBulletinseptember142005.html | |
60. The Journal Of Commonwealth Literature -- Sign In Page carrier, roch. La Guerre, Yes Sir!, translated by S. Fischman, 113 pp. carrier, roch. Crossing the Thin Line , R. Sutherland in Canadian Literature, http://jcl.sagepub.com/cgi/content/refs/6/2/43 | |
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