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Campbell Ramsey: more books (100) | |||||||||||||
41. BBC - Liverpool - Films - BBC Radio Merseyside - Ramsey Reviews BBC Radio Merseyside Artwaves show hosts ramsey s regular reviews. Award winning horror writer ramsey campbell recommends the pick of videos and dvds http://www.bbc.co.uk/liverpool/films/ramsey/ramsey_reviews.shtml | |
42. Overbooked: A Resource For Readers Alone With the Horrors The Great Short Fiction of ramsey campbell, 19611991 .. campbell, ramsey, Ghosts and Grisly Things, October-00, PW http://www.overbooked.org/stars/speculative/scary.html | |
43. AARP Bulletin: Green GraveyardsA Natural Way To Go campbell s ramsey Creekthe first green burial site in Americahas inspired another in Florida, and a third has recently opened in Texas. http://www.aarp.org/bulletin/yourlife/a2004-06-30-green_graveyards.html | |
44. Ramsey Campbell : Short Story Bibliography The Liverpool born exLibrarian ramsey campbell began as a writer of Mythos fiction under the influence of Lovecraft and the guidance of August Derleth. http://www.eclipse.co.uk/sweetdespise/campbell/ | |
45. Books, Listed By Author campbell, (John) ramsey (1946 ) (stories) (chron.) * *Dark Companions (Macmillan, 1982, hc) (Contents). _, ed. * _The Far Reaches of Fear (Star, http://contento.best.vwh.net/b7.htm | |
46. Adherents.com - Religious Groups In Literature science fiction Dracula/vampire stories, United Kingdom London, 1989, campbell, ramsey. Ancient Images. New York Charles Scribner s Sons (1989); pg. http://www.adherents.com/lit/Na/Na_435.html | |
47. Invisible Library, Malibu Lake Branch campbell, ramsey, The Faces at Pine Dunes (in New Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos campbell, ramsey, The Inhabitant in the Lake (in Cold Print, 1985 ed. http://www.geocities.com/nodotus/hbinvisiblelibrary.html | |
48. Ramsey Campbell Writer Sin nombre, Los. Visit IMDb for Photos, Filmography, Discussions, Bio, News, Awards, Agent, Fan Sites. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0132793/ | |
49. VJ Books - Signed Collectible First Editions Home Genres Mysteries A C campbell, ramsey - Demons By Daylight campbell, ramsey - Demons By Daylight $29.99 http://www.vjbooks.com/product-p/camdemo12.htm | |
50. Arcana: Best Horror Authors, Films Poll Here are the choices of our guest of honor, ramsey campbell. ramsey chose to list his favorites in no particular ranking; I ve arranged them in alphabetical http://pages.prodigy.net/rekal/poll.html | |
51. Cd campbell, ramsey The Hungry Moon The Doll Who Ate His Mother Good (6). Tribute site www.wmin.ac.uk/~fowlerc/patcadigan.html. campbell, ramsey http://members.tripod.com/~Ste5en/index-cd.html | |
52. Author List -- C campbell, R.T., All Books. campbell, ramsey, All Books. campbell, Rebecca, All Books. campbell, Robert, All Books. campbell, Rod, All Books http://www.fictiondb.com/GenreDB/AuthLettNon.asp?Letter=C |
53. Ramsey Campbell, Horror And Fantasy Writer campbell, ramsey, The Doll Who Ate His Mother, BobbsMerrill, 1976. The Bride of Frankenstein, Berkeley Medallion, 1977. (as by Carl Dreadstone or EK http://www.hycyber.com/HF/campbell_ramsey.html | |
54. Horror Recomendations! - Page 4 - Sffworld.com Stephen King, Ray Bradbury, Tim Lebbon, Whitney Strieber, David A Sutton, ramsey campbell, Clive Barker, Gary Fry, Susan Hill, Peter Straub, August Derleth, http://www.sffworld.com/forums/showthread.php?t=5438&page=4 |
55. Inspector Legrasse S Casebook I The Overnight /i By Ramsey Campbell It was no surprise to me then to hear that in 2001, ramsey campbell, his income being so hampered by disinterest in literature, was forced to take a part http://inspectorlegrasse.blogspot.com/2007/07/overnight-by-ramsey-campbell.html |
56. The Years Of The City /td Td 1984 /td /tr Tr Td Priest Lois McMaster /td td Shards of Honor /td td 1986 /td /tr tr td campbell, ramsey /td td The Hungry Moon /td td 1986 /td /tr http://www.lib.ru/HITPARAD/en-sf-magister.txt_Piece40.05 | |
57. SHORT STORY LIST< campbell, ramsey. The Insects from Shaggai, in The Inhabitant of the campbell, ramsey. The Sunshine Club, in The Dodd, Mead Gallery of Horror, ed. http://www.afn.org/~vampires/sslist.html | |
58. Horizon Information Portal Psychological fiction. Browse Catalog. by author. campbell, ramsey, 1946. by title. Silent children / Ra by call number. F campbell. Reviews at http://ipac.slco.lib.ut.us/ipac20/ipac.jsp?uindex=ISBNEX&term=0312870566 |
59. Liam S List Of Books This Book Is A Master From Which The Eleanor wrote The Wonderful Flight to the Mushroom Planet campbell, Marion wrote The Dark Twin campbell, ramsey wrote Ancient Images campbell, http://www.holoweb.net/~liam/xmldb/eg/bookweb/fiction |
60. Clarkesworld Books -- Used Books By Author -- C campbell, ramsey. The Nameless Fontana (1981), Used Paperback details. A00803. Our Price, $2.25. very faint reading creases. Capobianco, Michael http://www.clarkesworldbooks.com/showUSED_C.html | |
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