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61. Augustus - Wikiquote edit About augustus. He Julius caesar learned that Alexander, having completed nearly all his conquests by the time he was thirtytwo years old, http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Caesar_Augustus | |
62. Augustus Caesar Memorial Originally named Gaius Octavius, augustus was born in Rome on September 23, 63 BC; he was the grandnephew of Julius caesar, whom he succeeded as ruler of http://sangha.net/messengers/Augustus.htm | |
63. Augustus: Epistula Ad Gaium Unknown edition of the Octavian s letter to Gaius. http://www.forumromanum.org/literature/aug_epistula.html | |
64. Augustus Caesar (Character) augustus caesar (Character) on IMDb Movies, TV, Celebs, and more http://www.imdb.com/character/ch0027723/ | |
65. Augustus Caesar's World - By: Genevieve Foster - Christianbook.com Christianbook.com (CBD) augustus caesar s World by Genevieve Foster. First printed in 1947, this slice of history will delight readers young and old! http://www.christianbook.com/Christian/Books/product?event=AFF&p=1012563&item_no |
66. Augustus Caesar: Diamond Geezer - The Official Site Tongue in Cheek Productions present augustus caesar Diamond Geezer a Roman sci-fi epic. This web-site tells you all about the film, who was involved in http://www.acdgthemovie.co.uk/ | |
67. Octavian To Augustus: Timeline January 1 augustus COS XIII, Presents Lucius caesar (heir) in public in the Forum; augustus named PATER PATRIAE (Father of His Country) http://www.sas.upenn.edu/~ekondrat/Octavian2.html | |
68. Augustus Caesar General overview of the life and history of Gaius Julius caesar Octavianus. Provides biographical timeline, maps and images, text of dictionary and http://www.bible-history.com/augustus/ | |
69. Cæsar Augustus - Wikipedia The young Octavius wis adoptit bi his great uncle, Julius caesar, an cam intae his inheritance efter caesar s assassination in 44 BC. http://sco.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cæsar_Augustus | |
70. Malaspina Great Books - Augustus Caesar (63 BCE-14 CE) Please browse our Amazon list of titles about augustus caesar. For rare and hard to find works we recommend our Alibris list of titles about augustus caesar http://www.malaspina.com/site/person_274.asp | |
71. Caesar And Augustus The taking of the name caesar originated as augustus was named Gaius Julius caesar like the original dictator upon his adoption. As each successive emperor http://www.unrv.com/government/caesar-augustus.php | |
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