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         Brussig Thomas:     more books (17)
  1. Heroes Like Us by Thomas Brussig, 2000-05-07
  2. Leben bis Männer. by Thomas Brussig, 2003-03-01
  3. Schiedsrichter Fertig - Eine Litanei by Thomas Brussig, 2007-09-30
  4. Heimsuchung: Schauspiel fur funf Personen (German Edition) by Thomas Brussig, 2000
  5. Die Berliner Orgie by Thomas Brussig, 2007-03-31
  6. Wasserfarben. by Thomas Brussig, 2002-05-01
  7. Helden wie wir by Thomas Brussig, 2006-10-31
  8. Am kürzeren Ende der Sonnenallee by Thomas Brussig, 2004
  9. Literatur als Gegengeschichtsschreibung: Zu den Wenderomanen "Helden wie wir" von Thomas Brussig und "Nox" von Thomas Hettche (German Edition) by Vera Markert, 2010-08-23
  10. La desmitificacion del pasado en Helden wie wir, de Thomas Brussig (Europaische Hochschulschriften. Reihe 1: Deutsche Sprache Und Literatur) (Spanish Edition) by Ana Sanchez Santolino, 2009-06-26
  11. La avenida del sol/ The Sun's Avenue (Nuevos Tiempos/ New Times) (Spanish Edition) by Thomas Brussig, 2001-06-30
  12. Wie es leuchtet by Thomas Brussig, 2004-09-30
  13. Helden wie wir. Erläuterungen und Materialien. (Lernmaterialien) by Thomas Brussig, Cornelia Walther, 2002-07-01
  14. Wie Es Leuchtet by Thomas Brussig, 1989

1. Thomas Brussig - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Thomas Brussig (born 1965 in Berlin) is a German writer. After having visited the HeinrichHertz School, he went on to train as a builder.
Thomas Brussig
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to: navigation search Thomas Brussig (born in Berlin ) is a German writer . After having visited the "Heinrich-Hertz" School, he went on to train as a builder. In 1984 he finished school and training, and served in the National "Volksarmee". Brussig found difficulty in wielding a weapon and had a hard time. He worked as a Museum guard, cleaner and Hotelportier among a viarity of other odd jobs until the early 90's. In 1990 he studied Sociology at a University in Berlin. He changed Universities 3 years later to study the art of Film-making. He graduated in the year of 2000. He is now a well-known German author, with 5 successful books under his belt. Thomas Brusig commutes back and forth, from Berlin to Mecklenburg as a writer, and is married.
edit Works
All of Brussig's published novels to date ( ) deal with the German Democratic Republic in a satirical manner:
  • Wasserfarben (Watercolors) ( Helden wie wir (Heroes Like Us) ( Am k¼rzeren Ende der Sonnenallee (At the Shorter End of Sonnenallee) ( Leben bis M¤nner (Living Like Men) ( Wie es leuchtet (How it shines) (
Brussig studied sociology and dramaturgy . He also uses Cordt Berneburger as a pseudonym . Two movies of his books have been released, "Helden wie wir" and "

2. Thomas Brussig - Wikipedia
Translate this page Thomas Brussig wurde 1965 in Berlin geboren und verbrachte seine Kindheit im Ostteil seiner Heimatstadt. Nach Besuch der Heinrich-Hertz-Schule begann er
Thomas Brussig
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklop¤die
Wechseln zu: Navigation Suche Dieser Artikel oder Abschnitt bedarf einer œberarbeitung. N¤heres ist auf der Diskussionsseite angegeben. Hilf bitte mit, ihn zu verbessern , und entferne anschlieŸend diese Markierung. Thomas Brussig 19. Dezember in Berlin ) ist ein deutscher Schriftsteller und Drehbuchautor Dieser Artikel oder Abschnitt ist nicht hinreichend mit Belegen (Literatur, Webseiten usw.) ausgestattet. Die fraglichen Angaben werden daher m¶glicherweise demn¤chst gel¶scht. Hilf Wikipedia, indem du die Angaben nachrecherchierst und gute Belege einf¼gst. Bitte entferne zuletzt diese Warnmarkierung. Thomas Brussig wurde 1965 in Berlin geboren und verbrachte seine Kindheit im Ostteil seiner Heimatstadt. Nach Besuch der Heinrich-Hertz-Schule begann er eine Berufsausbildung zum Baufacharbeiter, die er 1984 zusammen mit dem Abitur "Gruppe 05" . Thomas Brussig ist verheiratet und lebt als freiberuflicher Schriftsteller und Drehbuchautor in Berlin und Mecklenburg.
Bearbeiten Werke
F¼r das Drehbuch zu Sonnenallee von Leander HauŸmann erhielt er unter anderem den Drehbuchpreis der Bundesregierung. Unter dem Titel

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    4. Singapore Polytechnic Library
    brussig thomas 1965, 2002? 1. Brusson Herbert Leon 1936 See Brussow, Herbert L. (Herbert Leon), 1936, 1. Brussow Herbert L Herbert Leon 1936, c1995, 1, Thomas, 1965-/abrussig thomas 1965/-3,
    KEYWORD TITLE AUTHOR SUBJECT CALL NO ISBN/ISSN Limit results to available items Nearby AUTHORS are: Result Page Previous Next Save Year Entries Brusse Janet Brusseau Mark L Brusseau Peggy Brussee Warren ... Brussig Thomas 1965 Brusson Herbert Leon 1936 See Brussow, Herbert L. (Herbert Leon), 1936- Brussow Herbert L Herbert Leon 1936 Brust Andrew J Brustad Kristen ... Bryan John L 1926 Result Page Previous Next

    5. Libri Di Brussig Thomas - Tutti I Libri Di Brussig Thomas - AzetaLibri
    Translate this page Libri di brussig thomas - Tutti i libri di brussig thomas - Libreria per ragazzi on-line - Azeta Libri - Libri per ragazzi libri scolastici. Thomas&idaff=0

    6. Brussig Thomas - I Libri Di Brussig Thomas - UNILIBRO
    Translate this page brussig thomas libri, Libri di brussig thomas , come brilla , in fondo al viale del sole , eroi come noi.
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    Editore: Mondadori
    data publ.: 12 Dec 07 Prezzo di listino: € 18,50 Libro: In fondo al viale del sole Autore: Brussig Thomas
    Editore: Mondadori
    Genere: Letteratura Straniera
    data publ.: 2001 A Berlino Est, proprio in fondo al Viale del Sole, abita Micha Kuppisch. Ogni volta che esce di casa si deve sorbire gli sberleffi dei suoi coetanei occidentali che lo scherzano per come va in giro vestito. Ma a Micha non importa, ha altro a cui pens...

    7. Brussig Thomas Libri - I Libri Dell'autore: Brussig Thomas - Libreriauniversitar
    Translate this page Libri dell autore brussig thomas, libri dell autore brussig thomas,, La grande libreria online con oltre 2.5 milioni di libiri thomas-brussig thomas.h
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    8. Thomas Brussig
    Translate this page Offizielle Präsenz des 1965 geborenen Autors mit persönlichen Daten, Werkübersicht, Interviews sowie Artikel und Rezensionen zu seinen Büchern,

    Bücher Filme Theater
    Bücher Filme Theater ... Portraits

    9. Am Kürzeren Ende Der Sonnenallee - Thomas Brussig
    A review, and links to other information about and reviews of Am kürzeren Ende der Sonnenallee by thomas brussig.
    Literary Saloon
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    Title: Author: Thomas Brussig Genre: Novel Written: Length: 157 pages Original in: German Availability:
    • Awarded the Hans Fallada Prize
    • Based on the film Sonnenallee
    • Sonnenallee
    • has not yet been translated into English

    - Return to top of the page - Our Assessment: A- : gentle lampoon of East Berlin life in the shadow of the Berlin Wall See our review for fuller assessment. Review Summaries Source Rating Date Reviewer Berliner Morgenpost Birgit Warnhold The Economist B FAZ Der Spiegel A- Volker Hage Die Zeit A- Andreas Nentwich Review Consensus The Germans are very positive Brussig pokes fun very well. Only The Economist thinks it's a bit thin. From the Reviews
    • "Brussig hat seine Geschichte mit frechem Witz geschrieben, ohne seine Figuren zu denunzieren." - Birgit Warnhold, Berliner Morgenpost
    • "Mr Brussig's unseriousness is programmatic. (...) Nothing very bad happens. It is rather like a Billy Bunter book, japes and scrapes of the boys of the Remove. Not so bad; after all we had lots of fun. Is that how the GDR looks, ten years after its demise ?" -

    10. Thomas Brussig Biography (1965– ) Online Encyclopedia Article About Thomas
    thomas brussig Biography (1965– ). Novelist, born in East Berlin, German Democratic Republic (now Germany). He worked as a removal man, museum attendant,
    Online Encyclopedia
    Search over 48,000 terms in the online reference dictionary. Bookmark at
    Thomas Brussig Biography
    Novelist, born in East Berlin, German Democratic Republic (now Germany). He worked as a removal man, museum attendant, and hotel porter before studying sociology and drama. His first novel, Watercolours (1994), was published under the pseudonym Cordt Berneburger . His best-selling satirical novel Heroes Like Us (1998) comments on the downfall of former East Germany, and chronicles the farcical fortunes of the fictional Klaus Uhltzscht, the man who breached the Berlin Wall. End of Article: Thomas Brussig Biography Do not copy, download, transfer, or otherwise replicate the site content in whole or in part. Link to this article directly: Thomas Brussig Thomas Bulfinch [next] [back] Thomas Brassey var dc_UnitID = 14; var dc_PublisherID = 18833; var dc_AdLinkColor = 'red'; var dc_isBoldActive= 'no'; var dc_adprod='ADL';

    11. Thomas Brussig - Aufwachsen Im Ostberlin Der 70er Jahre Und Die Wendejahre
    Translate this page thomas brussig - Aufwachsen im Ostberlin der 70er Jahre und die Wendejahre.
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    Thomas Brussig: Aufwachsen im Ostberlin der 70er Jahre und die Wendejahre
    • Kurzbiographie
      Aktuellster Beitrag
    • Thomas Brussig in seiner eigenen Schreibe
      • BRUSSIG, Thomas (2001): Liebe zu Zeiten der Kohl-Ära.
        Der mit mehreren Kleinkunstpreisen ausgezeichnete Autor und Entertainer Frank Goosen erweist sich in seinem Debüt "Liegen lernen" als großes Erzähltalent,
        in: Spiegel Nr.5 v. 29.01. BRUSSIG, Thomas (2002): Die Treppe war zu steil für den Sarg.
        Deutschland extrem (4): Vor allem nicht stehen bleiben - Zwickau will nicht gerade die älteste, aber die lebendigste Stadt sein,
        in: Süddeutsche Zeitung v. 23.09.

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    English Dictionary math for students travel deals hotel rooms biography classifications major works cross references biography name: Brussig, Thomas pronunciation: broo sikh] sex: male lived: biography: Novelist, born in East Berlin, German Democratic Republic (now Germany). He worked as a removal man, museum attendant, and hotel porter before studying sociology and drama. His first novel, Watercolours (1994), was published under the pseudonym Cordt Berneburger . His best-selling satirical novel Heroes Like Us (1998) comments on the downfall of former East Germany, and chronicles the farcical fortunes of the fictional Klaus Uhltzscht, the man who breached the Berlin Wall. browse by name A B C D ... Z browse by year 2700 - 691 BC 690 - 531 BC 530 - 481 BC 480 - 391 BC ... Allsites LLC

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    15. Book Reviews - The New York Times - Narrowed By 'BRUSSIG, THOMAS'
    A free collection of book reviews published in The New York Times since 1981., THOMAS&

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    17. Euro|topics - Thomas Brussig
    euro topics covers contemporary debates on politics, culture, and society in Europe. The daily press review delivers contributions from 28 European nations
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    articles of this author have been cited in the European Press Review so far.
    Thomas Brussig on the new wave of German patriotism
    "I, too, have joined in the singing and worn the German colours on my face for hours on end," author Thomas Brussig confesses in an article on the Germans' new passion for Germany. "Complete strangers are linking arms at public viewings and singing the German national anthem – things we haven't witnessed since August, 1914. We anxiously ask ourselves: Is it okay to do this? Are we getting dangerous again?" But Brussig soothes our fears: "Once our team has been eliminated we will see that this passion is more a passion for football than for Germany. Then the German flags will fly at half-mast for three days – until we paint other colours on our faces. Then we'll be rooting for the Brazilians, the Italians or the Portuguese. But we'll remember that we were for Germany, just as the French are for France, the Italians for Italy and the Brazilians for Brazil. And that it wasn't such a bad thing after all." » to the homepage (external link, S¼ddeutsche Zeitung)

    18. Thomas Brussig
    Writer Sonnenallee. Visit IMDb for Photos, Filmography, Discussions, Bio, News, Awards, Agent, Fan Sites.
    Now Playing Movie/TV News My Movies DVD New Releases ... search All Titles TV Episodes My Movies Names Companies Keywords Characters Quotes Bios Plots more tips SHOP THOMAS... DVD VHS CD IMDb Thomas Brussig Quicklinks categorized by type by year by ratings by votes by TV series awards titles for sale by genre by keyword power search credited with biography publicity contact Top Links biography by votes awards news articles ... message board Filmographies categorized by type by year by ratings ... tv schedule Biographical biography other works publicity contact ... message board External Links official sites miscellaneous photographs sound clips ... video clips
    Thomas Brussig
    advertisement photos board add contact details Photos Add photo(s) and resume with IMDb Resume Services
    Date of Birth: Berlin, Germany more Awards: 1 win more
    Jump to filmography as: Writer Actor Self Writer:
  • Heimat-Fragmente: Die Frauen (2006) (writer) NVA (2005) (screenplay) TV series (unknown episodes) Helden wie wir (1999) (novel) (screenplay)
    ... aka Heroes Like Us (International: English title) Sonnenallee
    ... aka Sun Alley (USA) Rache (1995) (writer)
  • Actor:
  • NVA (2005) .... Sani III
  • 19. PAJ: A Journal Of Performance And Art, Volume 22 - Table Of Contents
    brussig, thomas, 1965 Dehler, Peter. Weber, Carl, 1925-, tr. Heroes Like Us Access article in HTML Access article in PDF Subject Headings
    PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art 65 (22.2), May 2000
    Berlin 2000

    20. Thomas Brussig
    Translate this page (Glossen) Auszug aus dem Roman von thomas brussig in Wort, Bild und Ton, Heft 3/1997.
    glossen autorenlesung Auszug aus Thomas Brussig: Helden wie wir Teddy Teddy Die Faschisten haben unseren Teddy umgebracht . Wie gesagt, an diesen Satz erinnere ich mich. Er hat mich sehr bewegt. Ich war sieben Jahre und liebte meinen Teddy. Die Erwachsenen, also die fertigen Menschen, die alles durften und alles bestimmen konnten, hatten also auch einen Teddy, unseren Teddy Teddy beim Hofgang wer Rot Front, Teddy Rot Front, Genosse Rot Front, Teddy! Rot Front, Genosse! Und hob seine Faust leicht im Handgelenk. Und bei seiner letzten Runde wurde aus allen Fenstern Rot Front, Teddy Rot Front, Genossen! Lied vom Kleinen Trompeter lustiges Rotgardistenblut Quicktime Videoversion von Thomas Brussigs Lesung (13, 5 M) Quicktime Audioversion von Thoams Brussigs Lesung (5,5 M) Link zu einem Interview mit Thomas Brussig zum inhaltsverzeichnis

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