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21. Brownrigg At the ensuing sessions at the Old Bailey, the father, mother, and son were indicted; when elizabeth brownrigg, after a trial of eleven hours, http://www.ryerson.ca/~denisoff/brownrigg.html | |
22. Docbfem Mary was found guilty and sentenced to death. On September 14th 1767, elizabeth brownrigg was taken by open cart to Tyburn and hanged. http://www.real-crime.co.uk/Murder1/DOCBFEM.HTML | |
23. Index V. 4 brownrigg, elizabeth murderess, 46 Burgh, Rev. Richard (and Others) -prison incendiaries, 188 Burton, Charles (and Henry Jones http://tarlton.law.utexas.edu/lpop/etext/newgate4/indexv4.htm | |
24. Other Voices brownrigg, elizabeth. Falling to Earth A Novel. (Firebrand Books, 1998). A first novel about heaven and hell, angels and work, and love between women. http://www.grpl.org/collections/highlights/pathgay.html | |
25. Tompkins Co., NYGenWeb - Willow Glen Cemetery A-CH 1981 ae 77 BROWNELL, Nelson (b. Canada; d. Tomp Hosp) Lot 2144 bur. 1968 ae 67 brownrigg, elizabeth Lot 4-48 bur. 1901 ae 76 brownrigg, Isaac Lot 4-48 bur. http://www.rootsweb.com/~nytompki/cemeteries/tcem003.htm | |
26. Ann Arbor Rainbow Book Club: Past Books By Month Apr06, brownrigg, elizabeth, THE WOMAN WHO LOVED WAR. Mar-06, Proulx, Annie Beck, Gad, BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN AN UNDERGROUND LIFE - MEMOIRS OF A GAY JEW IN http://sitemaker.umich.edu/queerbookclub/past_books_by_month | |
27. Lateral Body-supporting Pillow - Patent 6088854 brownrigg, elizabeth Ann (Dallas, TX, US). Application Number. 107264. Filing Date. 06/30/1998. Publication Date. 07/18/2000. View Patent Images http://www.freepatentsonline.com/6088854.html | |
28. Queensland Police Service Getting it the spirit of National NHW Day by putting up balloons around the neighbourhood were Merv brownrigg, elizabeth Struder and Hans Struder of http://www.police.qld.gov.au/services/newsletters/nhw/2006/summer/NHWAroundState | |
29. AuthorB brownrigg, elizabeth. From Francesca s story. Disc. Brownsey, Paul. Desert legion. Harr (v.4 no.2) A transformation. FaTr. Brownworth, Victoria A. Fever. http://www.swarthmore.edu/library/ghuber1/index/authorB.html | |
30. Outdoors : Elizabeth Brownrigg : Designers Portfolio Search : Home & Garde Don Raney, Douglas Dolezal, Eileen Gould, Elina Shaffy, Elinor Jones, Elissa Russo, Elizabeta Skorucak, elizabeth brownrigg, Erica Islas, Estelle Jaivin http://web.hgtv.com/hgtv/web/portfolioSearchResults/1,8213,5,FF.html?searchType= |
31. Baker Sarah brownrigg died at age of 91 no issue married 6 Jan 1820 Capt. William Sparkman d. Priscilla elizabeth brownrigg married John L Bailey http://www.sallysfamilyplace.com/Neighbors/baker2.htm | |
32. Read About Arts, Literature, Authors, B, Brownrigg, Elizabeth From Thumbshots.ne Free thumbnails for your website! Free Web thumbnail preview image. Visualize sites in directory, search engine. View visual screenshot picture link. http://www.thumbshots.net/webguide.aspx?cat=Arts/Literature/Authors/B/Brownrigg, |
33. ImageBase Anonymous, artist British elizabeth brownrigg (executed for the murder of Mary Clifford) Achenbach Foundation for Graphic Arts 1963.30.23603 http://search3.famsf.org:8080/view.shtml?keywords=She&artist=&country=&period=&s |
34. The Other Change Of Hobbit Science Fiction & Fantasy Bookstore: May 1999 Release brownrigg, elizabeth. Falling to Earth. $12.95. 1998 trade paperback. Nominee 1998 Lambda Literary Award. Clemens, James. Wit ch Storm. $13.95. http://www.otherchangeofhobbit.com/9905.html | |
35. Reference.com/Encyclopedia/Elizabeth Brownrigg Reference.com free online encyclopedia article for elizabeth brownrigg, powered by Wikipedia. http://www.reference.com/browse/wiki/Elizabeth_Brownrigg | |
36. North Carolina Collection-P51: Lyman Atkinson Cotten Jr. Collection Biographical Sketch Lyman Atkinson Cotten Jr. (19091990), the son of Lyman Atkinson Cotten Sr. and elizabeth brownrigg Henderson Cotten, graduated from http://www.lib.unc.edu/ncc/pcoll/51cotten.html | |
37. ThePeerage.com - Person Page 22565 elizabeth Casamaijor married John Studholme brownrigg, son of John Studholme brownrigg. Child of elizabeth Casamaijor and John Studholme brownrigg http://www.thepeerage.com/p22565.htm | |
38. Dossier On Elizabeth Brownrigg. - NEELE & STOCKLEY, PUBLISHER. Dossier on elizabeth brownrigg.; NEELE STOCKLEY, PUBLISHER.. Offered by Wittenborn Art Books. http://www.antiqbook.com/boox/witt/59-0356.shtml | |
39. List Of Executions At Englands Newgate Prison Executions In Strabane brownrigg, elizabeth 1767 14 Sep Murder of her apprentice; Tyburn PERREAU .. Newgate SMEDLEY, William 1875 21 Dec Murder of elizabeth FIRTH, http://members.tripod.com/~Data_Mate/Execut.txt |
40. Feminist SFF & Utopia: Other Works Of Interest brownrigg, elizabeth. Falling to Earth (1998) Modern lesbian novel. Bored lesbian gets a guardian angel and learns to fly, literally and emotionally. http://feministsf.org/other/ | |
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