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Brett Jan: more books (100) | ||||||||||||||||
21. Jan Brett's Winter Books - TeacherVision.com Four jan brett books are featured with activities and resources Trouble with Trolls, The Night Before Christmas, Annie and the Wild Animals, http://www.teachervision.fen.com/reading/activity/4092.html | |
22. Jan Brett @Web English Teacher jan brett Lesson plans for The Mitten and other books. jan brett s Home Page Hedgie s Surprise Readers Theater with jan brett http://www.webenglishteacher.com/brett.html | |
23. Jan Brett Interview jan brett is the author of numerous famous children s picture books, including The Cat, The Mitten, Annie s Wild Animals, Armadillo Rodeo, http://www.hipark.austin.isd.tenet.edu/grade1/brunello/brett/jan_brett_interview |
24. Horizon Information Portal Annie and the wild animals / written and illustrated by jan brett. . Daisy comes home / jan brett. This library owns a copy http://ipac.cacl.lib.oh.us/ipac20/ipac.jsp?profile=a&uloper==&ullimit=&sort=3100 |
25. The Three Snow Bears Jan Brett's New Book Cover Art The Three Snow Bears by jan brett If you have children, you probably already know about popular picture book creator jan brett, http://childrensbooks.about.com/b/2008/01/02/the-three-snow-bears-jan-bretts-new | |
26. SCORE: The Mitten - Teacher Guide Using jan brett s The Mitten, crossage students will use the Internet to learn After reading The Mitten, students visit jan brett s home page to learn http://www.sdcoe.k12.ca.us/SCORE/mit/mittg.html | |
27. Books,activities, And Lesson Plans Go to Hedgehog activities and click on activity 4 and print out the hedgehog and costumes by jan brett for the children to make. http://www.siec.k12.in.us/west/proj/hedge/hatbook.htm | |
28. Jan Brett Author Study We read the story The Mitten by jan brett. The children were asked to choose their favorite part of the story and draw a picture, using wax crayons. http://www.internationalauthorstudies.ecsd.net/lm Jan Brett 1.htm | |
29. Project 2: Author/Illustrator Study jan brett is an author/illustrator who is familiar to many young children. This project will enable children to become more familiar with books written and http://www.stellar.nf.ca/1997-1998/district8/lrashe2.html | |
30. Jan Brett Biography - Reading Comprehension Print jan brett (font options, pick words for additional puzzles, and more) Leave your feedback on jan brett (use this link if you found an error in the http://edhelper.com/DailyThemes_694.html | |
31. SEN Web Links : Jan Brett : SEN Teacher ~ Free Teaching Resources For Special Ne jan brett is an American author who provides a huge (3632 pages at the last count) collection of PDF teaching aids as free downloads. http://www.senteacher.org/Resources/2/Kids.xhtml | |
32. Real Learning: Jan Brett's 'Twas The Night Before Christmas v Watch the jan brett video online to see where the story is set. Listed below are links to weblogs that reference jan brett s Twas the Night Before http://ebeth.typepad.com/reallearning/2006/11/jan_bretts_twas.html |
33. The January Seen -- Bill Brett's Photos Around Town - Boston.com jan. 13 in Boston. 200 guests attended a reception for Boston and Beyond A Bird s Eye of Boston, and John Sasso, of Boston. (Bill brett / Globe Staff) http://www.boston.com/lifestyle/specials/bill_brett/january08seen/ | |
34. Technically Teaching (Lynn's Blog): Jan Brett Videos jan brett Videos. This time of year it seems inevitable that I will end up searching for something new on jan brett s website. http://technicallyteaching.blogspot.com/2007/12/jan-brett-videos.html | |
35. N2teaching: Jan Brett And Dena Just returned from a whirlwind trip to Wichita, KS to see jan brett with Dena. Oh yes, also to shop! LOL More to follow, but I wanted to post at least one http://samccoy-n2teaching.blogspot.com/2007/10/jan-brett-and-dena.html | |
36. USM De Grummond Collection - JAN BRETT PAPERS Ever since jan brett was a young child, she knew she wanted to be an author and illustrator of children s books. She was born in a seacoast town, Hingham, http://www.lib.usm.edu/~degrum/html/research/findaids/brett.htm | |
37. Jan Brett - Penguin Classics Authors - Penguin Classics Find information on jan brett, including popular titles and books by jan brett. Read more with Penguin Classics. http://www.penguinclassics.ca/nf/Author/AuthorPage/0,,1000038553,00.html | |
38. Jan Brett - Penguin Group (USA) Authors - Penguin Group (USA) Find information on jan brett, including popular titles and books by jan brett. Read more with Penguin Group (USA) http://us.penguingroup.com/nf/Author/AuthorPage/0,,0_1000038553,00.html?sym=BIO |
39. Jan Brett -- Especially For Christmas! jan brett knows all about the magical relationship between a book and a reader. I remember the special quiet of rainy days when I felt that I could enter http://www.kidspoint.org/columns2.asp?column_id=646&column_type=author |
40. Happy Holidays With Jan Brett I love to do a jan brett author study in December. Her books are so much fun and the illustrations are beautiful. We get into the spirit of winter with http://www.calicocookie.com/happyholidays.html | |
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