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         Brant Sebastian:     more books (100)
  1. The Ship of Fools, Volume 1 by Sebastian Brant, 2010-03-07
  2. The ship of fools; by Sebastian Brant, Alexander Barclay, et all 2010-09-09
  3. Sebastian Brants Bildnisse (1907) (German Edition) by Jaro Springer, 2009-03-20
  4. Le texte emprunte: Etude comparee duNarrenschiff de Sebastian Brant et de ses adaptations (1494-1509)
  5. Das Narrenschiff Von Sebastian Brant, Nebst Dessen Freiheitstafel (1839) (German Edition) by Sebastian Brant, Adam Walther Strobel, 2010-09-10
  6. Materials for a new Commentary to Sebastian Brant's Narrenschiff (Daphnis Zeitschrift fur Mittlere Deutsche Literatur; --Germany--, Band 26; Heft 4) by Harry Vredeveld, 1997
  7. Rechtswissenschaftler (16. Jahrhundert): Sebastian Brant, Franciscus Hotomanus, Johannes Althusius, Bartolomé de Las Casas, Georg Cracow (German Edition)
  8. Sebastian Brants Tischzucht (Thesmophagia 1490) Edition und Wortindex.: An article from: Renaissance Quarterly by Eckhard Bernstein, 1997-09-22
  9. Studien zu Sebastian Brants Narrenschiff by Ulrich Gaier, 1967
  10. Sebastian Brants Bildnisse (1907) (German Edition) by Jaro Springer, 2010-05-23
  13. An original leaf from the first edition of Alexander Barclay's English translation of Sebastian Brant's "Ship of fools," by James David Hart, 1938
  14. Person (Straßburg): Hans Bethe, Hans Arp, Hans Baldung, Sebastian Brant, Ludwig I., Jean-Baptiste Kléber, Barbara Honigmann, Émile Waldteufel (German Edition)

41. ViaLibri - Books From 1499
(GW 7284) Schönes Exemplar dieser seltenen Sammlung von Dekreten des Konzils zu Basel, die durch den berühmten Humanisten und Dichter sebastian brant
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[Bookseller: Studio Bibliografico Iavarone Check availability:
Zapf, Georg Wilhelm: Aelteste Buchdruckergeschichte von Mainz von derselben Erfindung bis auf das Jahr 1499. Ulm, Wohler . 1790 Mit gest. Titelvignette, gest. Falttafel und 7 Holzschnittvignetten. 8 Bll., 46, 163 S., 6 Bll. Pappband d. Zt. - Bigmore-W. III, 111; nicht bei Petzholdt. - Enthält: I. Versuch über die Geschichte der Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst zu Mainz. II. Annalen der ältesten Buchdruckergeschichte von Mainz. Vom Jahre 1454 bis auf das Jahr 1499. - Etwas berieben. 1 [Attributes: Hard Cover]
[Bookseller: Antiquariat Turszynski Check availability: AbeBooks
ZAPF, GEORG WILHELM: AELTESTE BUCHDRUCKERGESCHICHTE VON MAINZ VON DERSELBEN ERFINDUNG BIS AUF DAS JAHR 1499. Verfasst, herausgegeben und mit Anmerkungen erlaeutert von Georg Wilhelm Zapf. Ulm: Wohlersche Buchhandlung, 1790. 8. (16),46,163,(13) S. Mit gestochener Titelvignette und 7 Holzschnittvignetten im Text. Neuer Halbleinenband mit goldgepr. Rueckentitel. Erste Ausgabe. - Inhalt: I. Versuch ueber die Geschichte der Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst zu Mainz. II. Annalen der aeltesten Buchdruckergeschichte von Mainz. Vom Jahre 1454 bis auf das Jahr 1499. - Ohne die Falttafel; gering wasserrandig. Ordentliches Exemplar. [Bestellnr.: 11862]

42. Esop
Translate this page brant, sebastian Fabeln. Carminum et fabularum additiones sebastiani brant - sebastian brants Ergänzungen zur Aesop-Ausgabe von 1501.

Esopi appologi sive mythologi: cum quibusdam carminum et fabularum additionibus Sebastiani Brant.
Dieses Buch ist ein Werk vieler Autoren, von denen einige kaum dem Namen nach bekannt sind. Zugleich ist es aber - in seiner Zusammensetzung, Ausgestaltung und Intention - das Werk eines Einzigen, des um 1500 bekanntesten deutschen Autors Sebastian Brant. Brants größter Erfolg als Autor wurde das 1494 erschienene "Narrenschiff", eine Folge von 112 deutschen Spruchgedichten und ebensovielen Holzschnitten. Etwa zwei Drittel der Illustrationen sind nach den "visierlichen Angaben" des Dichters von dem jungen Albrecht Dürer, der damals bei Bergmann von Olpe arbeitete, ausgeführt worden. Das "Narrenschiff" stellt sittlich verfehltes Verhalten als Narrheit dar. Mit den Mitteln von Satire und Ironie versucht es, einem breiten Publikum moralische und religiöse Maximen zu vermitteln. Das reproduzierte Exemplar gehört zur Sammlung Desbillons der Universitätsbibliothek Mannheim. François-Joseph Desbillons SJ (1711-1789), der selbst ein erfolgreicher Autor lateinischer Fabeln war, hat zwei Exemplare des kostbaren Werks erworben - das erste, in dem einige Seiten fehlen, genügte ihm offenbar nicht. Das starke Papier und der satte Druck sind in beiden Exemplaren gut erhalten. In beiden ist allerdings der Buchblock gewellt. Mit dem uns zur Verfügung stehenden Scanner konnte leider nicht vermieden werden, daß sich die "Wellentäler" in der Reproduktion als Schatten bemerkbar machen.

43. Brant, Sebastian
brant, brant, sebastian German satirist; b. at Strasburg 1457; d. there May 10,1521. He was but ten years old when his father died, and,
BRANT, brant, SEBASTIAN: Though Brant was either the author or the editor of a long series of books, there is but one which has preserved his fame to the present day, the Narrenschiff (Basel, 1494). The end of the Middle Ages, which marked the wreck and ruin of all the ancient conditions in Church and State, as well as in moral and social life, was felt most keenly in Germany, where it evoked a spirit of satire which spared neither life nor death. The most striking representative of this tendency, next to the Dance of Death, is the Narrenschiff Narrenschiff, therefore, alternates between picture and text, thus giving a double representation of folly, an arrangement which divides the poem into disjointed fragments succeeding each other by chance rather than by design, although the diversity of the material would scarcely have permitted the author to mold it into a homogeneous whole. Yet Brant was swayed by two opposing tendencies, and while, on the one hand, he did not hesitate to expose the faults in the external life of the Church with its lack of faith, and its lack of morality, he feared to touch its inner and higher teachings, and lamented the wavering bark of St. Peter, upbraiding the heretics and regarding the printer as an unmixed evil. (E. S

44. Biography Of Brant, Sebastian
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English Dictionary math for students travel deals hotel rooms biography classifications major works cross references biography name: Brant, Sebastian sex: male lived: biography: Poet and humanist, born in Strassburg, SWC Germany. He studied and lectured at Basel. He is best known for his allegory Das Narrenschiff (1494), a satire on the follies and vices of his times, the most famous German literary work of his century. It was translated into English as The Shyp of Folys by Alexander Barclay and Henry Watson in 1509. browse by name A B C D ... Z browse by year 2700 - 691 BC 690 - 531 BC 530 - 481 BC 480 - 391 BC ... Allsites LLC

45. Facetation: 02/06/2005 - 02/13/2005
brant. sebastian brant s Narrenschiff published, illustrated with woodcuts, among them the famous Bookfool woodcut by Durer (?)
@import url(""); @import url(""); var BL_backlinkURL = "";var BL_blogId = "5372365";
A record of my journey through my disseration on handbooks, engineering, and the theatrum machinarum.
Friday, February 11, 2005
Prospect theory and cognitive authority
I recently had a meeting where someone of importance stressed that: “information has to flow to the bottom line.” This individual deals purely in information products that allow the company’s clients to save money. At the time I nodded and responded with those words that I had learned while working in the software industry. I talked about the importance of the customer and the importance of the value proposition. And I believed it. I still do to a certain extent but there’s a train of thought going through my head that is crowding other things out so I had better exorcize it.
Information has to flow to the bottom line
I agree. But there’s one something between the information—or the document that contains that information—and the bottom line of the corporation: the user/reader (I’m being careful not to create a mythical and idealized “user”). The only problem is that the user/reader probably really doesn’t care about the bottom line. As noted by Kahneman and Tversky’s prospect theory, individual behaviour is far from rational from an economic perspective. People make decisions based on all sorts of biases rather than just the utility dictated by the information available to them. This nature of user/reader behaviour becomes important when we consider that they will be the ones making the decision to continue purchasing those information products that are supposed to flow to the bottom line.

46. Steinhowel's Aesop
The digitized version of Steinhowel s Aesop (with additional materials from sebastian brant) can be found at this address
BESTIARIA LATINA BLOG Latin Via Fables Zoo Legenda var display = " "
Steinhowel's Aesop
The digitized version of Steinhowel's Aesop (with additional materials from Sebastian Brant) can be found at this address: Here is the original publication information given in the online document: Aesopus; Steinh¶wel, Heinrich; Brant, Sebastian: Esopi appologi sive mythologi: cum quibusdam carminum et fabularum additionibus Sebastiani Brant.
Laura Gibbs

47. Libraries & Culture, Volume 40, 2005 - Table Of Contents
Considered within the context of late Renaissance book culture (particularly, sebastian brant s Ship of Fools), Arcimboldo s humor takes on a new

Volume 40, Number 2, Spring 2005
    Elhard, K. C.
  • Reopening the Book on Arcimboldo's Librarian
    [Access article in HTML]
    [Access article in PDF]
    Subject Headings:
    • Arcimboldi, Giuseppe, 1527-1593. Librarian [visual works] Brant, Sebastian, 1458-1521. Narrenschiff.
      The Librarian (ca. 1566) is a well-known painting by Giuseppe Arcimboldo, a court artist for the Hapsburg emperors Ferdinand I, Maximilian II, and Rudolf II. Arcimboldo's "composite portrait" of a librarian cleverly assembled from a pile of books has been interpreted narrowly as a parody of librarianship and of intellectualism in general, due in part to Sven Alfons's identification of the librarian as the court historiographer, Wolfgang Lazius. This reevaluation of The Librarian attempts to broaden the conventional view held by art historians and librarians. Considered within the context of late Renaissance book culture (particularly, Sebastian Brant's Ship of Fools ), Arcimboldo's humor takes on a new signification.

48. Index To Comic Art Collection: "Brand" To "Braque"
F5 1998 v.3 brant, sebastian. Index entry (p. 37) in Cartooning for Suffrage / by Alice Sheppard
Michigan State University Libraries
Special Collections Division
Reading Room Index to the Comic Art Collection
"Brand" to "Braque" Back to the B index screen
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Brand, Michele
American comics artist
Brand, Roger, 1943-1985
American comics artist
Brandoli, Anna, 1945-
Italian comics artist. See also her Rebecca
Brandon, Barbara
American comics artist
Brandon, Brumsic, 1927-
American comics artist
Brandreth, Bob
American comics artist
In the Lucky Luke story "Jours de Round-Up" (album: Sous le Ciel de l'Ouest ) a couple of rustlers are caught changing the brands on cattle. See also Trademarks
Character in the Liberty Meadows newspaper strip
Branner, Martin, 1888-1970
American comics artist
On down the list
This segment last edited October 23, 2006

49. Oak Knoll Books & Oak Knoll Press
(brant, sebastian) Morris, Jeff THE SHIP OF FOOLS TO 1500. In the short span of six years sebastian brant s Ship of Fools swept across Western Europe, LIKE '%OKPX%') AND (Topic

50. Sebastian Brant: The Key To Understanding Luca Penni's 'Justice And The Seven De
sebastian brant the key to understanding Luca Pennis Justice and the Seven Deadly Sins. from Art Bulletin, The in Arts provided free by Find Articles.
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Sebastian Brant: the key to understanding Luca Penni's 'Justice and the Seven Deadly Sins.'
Art Bulletin, The June, 1996 by Kathleen Wilson-Chevalier
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51. Brant, Sebastian: The Ship Of Fools. - $20.00 : New Mastodon, Your Source For Fi
New Mastodon brant, sebastian The Ship of Fools. Translated by Willima Gillis and with the original woodcuts. London, 1971, The Folio Society. 334 pp.

*brant, sebastian. Narrenschiff. Latin. Strasbourg Johann Grüninger . *brant, sebastian. Narrenschiff. Latin. Basel Johann Bergmann, de Olpe, 1497.
A short-title catalogue OF INCUNABULA IN The Vassar College Library
By Julie Ann Kemper
Anselm. Works. 1491 Opera [et] tractatus beati Anselmi archiepiscopi Cantuarien[sis] ordinis Sancti Benedicti. Nurenberge : Per Caspar Hochfeder, opificem mira arte ac diligentia impressa, anno [Christi] 1491, die vero 27 Martij. [364] p. ; 29 cm. (fol.) Goff A-759 Augustine. De civitate Dei. Italian Tauola et capittoli del primo libro d[i] sa[n]cto Augnstino de la cita d[i] Dio. [Venice? : Antonio Miscomini, not after 1483] [648] p. ; 28 cm. (fol.) Grille copy: Imperfect: initial and final blank leaves wanting. Illuminated border in red, blue, green and gold on recto of leaf a1; illuminated initials in red and blue. Rubricated in red. Contemporary ms. annotations. 19th century ms. annotations on endpaper. Goff A-1248 Bartholomaeus, Anglicus. De proprietatibus rerum Liber de proprietatibus rerum Bartholomei Anglici. Impressus Argentine : [Printer of the 1483 Jordanus de Quedlinburg (Georg Husner)], anno D[omi]ni 1485 finitus in die Sancti Valentini. [600] p. ; 31 cm. (fol.)

53. Sebastian Brant - Catholic Encyclopedia - Catholic Online
Prior to this, from 1484, brant had begun to lecture at the university, practising his profession at the same time. He wrote a number of poems in Latin and

54. Alexa - Sites In: Brant, Sebastian
Alexa Browse Sites Browse and search through sites by category or by most popular in category based on Alexa traffic rank.

55. [Brant, Sebastian]., The Ship Of Fools. Translated By Alexander Barclay.
A fine, scholarly edition, including a sixtyseven page biography of Barclay, a bibliographical catalogue of Barclay s works, a glossary, and printings of
Michael R. Thompson Bookseller
[Brant, Sebastian]. The Ship of Fools. Translated by Alexander Barclay. A fine, scholarly edition, including a sixty-seven page biography of Barclay, a bibliographical catalogue of BarclayÕs works, a glossary, and printings of the original German version, and of the French and Latin versions of the Ship of Fools., cxx, 306; viii, 351 pp., With woodcuts from the Basle edition, issued under BrandtÕs own superintendence in 1497. Edited by Thomas Hill Jamieson (1843-1876), keeper of the AdvocatesÕ Library in Edinburgh., Half reddish-brown morocco over green cloth-covered boards, gilt spines. Marbled edges and endpapers. This item is listed on Bibliopoly by Michael R. Thompson Bookseller ; click here for further details.

56. Biography
sebastian brant was born in Strasbourg in 1458, the son of an innkeeper. The German humanistic writer and poet composed The Ship of Fools ( das
@import url(frame/default.css);
Sebastian Brant
deutsch english
Hans Sachs

"Beschreibung aller Stände. 1574."

Marcus Manilius

"Poetae clariss. astronomicon. 1551"

Gulielmus Pepin

"Opusculum super confiteor. 1520."

Marcus Antonius Muretus
"Murati variarum. 1586." Details Biography Works Art Market/Services Literature Contact Straßburg 1447 - Straßburg 1521

57. Elfinspell: Sebastian Brant, Extract From Ship Of Fools, Narrenschiff, Translate
Novels by brant, sebastian, translated by Whitcomb, Merrick, extract from Ship of Fools, Narrenschiff, history of literature and poetry, satire,
Back Blueprint Next Click on the footnote number and you will jump to it, then click that footnote number and you will jump back to where you were in the text [That line will be at the top of the screen]. From A Literary Source-book of the German Renaissance , by Merrick Whitcomb, PH. D., University of Pennsylvania; 1900; pp. 39-41.
Sebastian Brant (1458-1521) was born at Strasburg, studied at the university of Basel, became doctor of civil and canon law, and taught at Basel until 1501, when he returned to his native town. There he held several municipal offices and in 1521 was given charge of an embassy to Ghent by the emperor, Charles V.
Narrenschiff Ship of Fooles Narrenschiff has no purpose, other than that of a satirical presentation of the weaknesses and foibles of society. Along with other classes of society it handles somewhat roughly the shortcomings of the clergy, and in this wise furnished material for the opponents of the church. Brant, however, was thoroughly orthodox, and wrote without polemical motive and without hostility to the religious institutions of his time.
FROM THE Narrenschiff
Since I have many useless books

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Matches forbrant, sebastian. You are viewing results 1 to 5 of 5 By brant, sebastian Copies 1 Reservations 0. Add to Basket Reviews

59. Nancy Brant — Charles Brantl : ZoomInfo Business People Information
brant, sebastian, Strasbourg, This is the burden of the attack on Carnival ?folly which the Strasbourg sebastian brant added to the second, 1495 .
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60. Sebastian Brant Clipart
sebastian brant. sebastian brant. To use any of the clipart images above (including the thumbnail image in the top left corner), just click and drag the
Sebastian Brant
To use any of the clipart images above (including the thumbnail image in the top left corner), just click and drag the picture to your desktop. You may also control-click (Mac) or right-click (Windows) and choose "Save file to disk" from the pop-up menu. Click here for help downloading and using clipart files. Download TIFF* File * A TIFF file is a high-resolution (240 dpi) format. TIFF files should be used only if you are printing the clipart. Do NOT use TIFF files for clipart that will displayed on a computer screen. Click here for help downloading and using TIFF files. File Name: brant_25139
Description: A famous German humanist and satirist, famous for Das Narrenschiff
Source: Narrative and Critical History of American (New York: Houghton, Mifflin, and Company, 1886)
Keywords: sebastian brant, brandt,
Main Menu Site Map Search ... Clipart ETC is a part of the Educational Technology Clearinghouse and is funded by a grant from the Florida Department of Education, Office of Educational Technology. Produced by the Florida Center for Instructional Technology,

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