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41. Centre For Language And Literature - Canadian Writers - Dionne Brand - Athabasca dionne brand was born January 7, 1953, in Guayguayare, Trinidad. After attending a girls high school, she moved to Toronto in 1970 to continue her http://www.athabascau.ca/writers/dionnebrand.htm | |
42. Canadian Poetry Web Links - Notable Canadian Poets brand, dionne, Nowlan, Alden. Clarke, George Elliot, Ondaatje, Michael. Cohen, Leonard, Page, P.K. brand, dionne. Voices from the Gaps dionne brand http://www.uwo.ca/english/canadianpoetry/links_new_notable_canadian_poets.htm | |
43. Dionne Brands Global Intimacies Practising Affective Citizenship Your browser may not have a PDF reader available. Google recommends visiting our text version of this document. http://utpjournals.metapress.com/index/W613240170552339.pdf |
44. Goodreads | Dionne Brand Get all the rants and raves about dionne brand s books on Goodreads.com where you can see what your friends are reading. http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/88541.Dionne_Brand | |
45. Excite España - Arts - Literature - World Literature - Canadian - Poetry - Poet 1997 Governor General s Literary Award Winner dionne brand Guarder The Traumatic Lusciousness of History, as seen by dionne brand Guarder http://www.excite.es/directory/Arts/Literature/World_Literature/Canadian/Poetry/ | |
46. English At UCLA: Postcolonial Studies Reading List *brand, dionne. no languge is neutral. *Brathwaite, Edward Kamau. The Arrivants . brand, dionne. Sight Specific Lesbians and Representation http://www.english.ucla.edu/academics/graduate/current/readinglist/Postcolonial1 | |
47. Working For Change Tools And Resources- Books brand, dionne. What We All Long For. Mississauga, Ontario Vintage Canada, 2005. 336. brand, dionne. At the Full and Change of the Moon. http://web.uvic.ca/eqhr/calendar/resources-books.htm | |
48. Brand, Dionne. Earth Magic. | Booklist (April , 2006) brand, dionne. Earth Magic. Illus. by Eugenie Fernandes. 2006.32p. Kids Can/ KCP Poetry, $14.95 (155337-706-0). 811. Gr. 4-7. Well known in Canada for her http://www.accessmylibrary.com/coms2/summary_0286-14982602_ITM | |
49. Canadian Book Awards - Burnaby Public Library brand, dionne Inventory(poetry). Eisenstein, Bernice - I Was a Child of Holocaust Survivors(non-fiction) 1997 brand, dionne - Land to Light On http://www.bpl.burnaby.bc.ca/fiction/canawa.htm | |
50. BOOKpedia.Net Brand, Dionne Books brand, dionne Bookpedia.Net Book Store s features some of the best hardcover and paperback titles of the year, with spotlights on specific topics, http://www.bookpedia.net/17/10311/10324/1043954/1043958/1044144/ | |
51. Brand, Dionne Born in Trinidad, dionne brand has lived in Canada since 1970, and is renowned as a poet. Her books of poetry include No Language Is Neutral (1990), http://www.growinglifestyle.com/ca/j141186 | |
52. Search Result - Little Sister's Book And Art Emporium Books Search Result for Book Author like brand, dionne . Pages 1 of 1, Go to Page 1 IN ANOTHER PLACE, NOT HERE / brand, dionne. Price $ 19.95 http://www.littlesistersbookstore.com/search_result_books.asp?proid=200712272798 |
53. Sitename - Department Of English And Linguistics The Torontobased authors Margaret Atwood, dionne brand, and Judith Thompson represent, with their prose, poetry, and plays, different groups within http://www.iakfg.uni-mainz.de/123.php | |
54. Welcome To Polkadot PR - Public Relations Agency Polkadot PR displays what an effective, enterprising and energetic PR company can do for your brand. dionne is very much a partner in our business and http://www.polkadotpr.com.au/Content_Common/pg-Testimonials-Clients.seo | |
55. ABCBookWorld Trinidadborn dionne brand of Toronto came to British Columbia as a Governor General Award winning poet dionne brand has accepted the appointment as the http://www.abcbookworld.com/?state=view_author&author_id=8900 |
56. McClelland.com | Books | Inventory By Dionne Brand In dionne brands incantatory, deeply engaged, beautifully crafted long poem, the question is asked, What would an inventory of the tumultuous early years http://www.mcclelland.com/catalog/display.pperl?9780771016622 |
57. Storytelling/Poetry Linda 81425994037 12.99 POETRY INVENTORY brand, dionne 80771016622 17.99 POETRY - KADDISH AND OTHER POEMS, 1958-1960 GINSBERG, ALLEN 80872860193 12.50 http://www.adifferentbooklist.com/list_poetry.html | |
58. Metropolis Web Site Carty,Linda; brand,dionne (1993) Visible Minority Women A Creation of the Canadian State. In Returning the Gaze Essays on Racism, Feminism and Politics. http://canada.metropolis.net/research-policy/litreviews/kob_bib/kob_bib_c.html | |
59. Untitled Document brand, dionne. (2005). What we all long for a novel. brand, dionne. (2006). Inventory. Toronto McClelland Stewart. Subject Poems. PS8553. http://www.lrc.centennialcollege.ca/researchguides/BlackHistoryCommitteelist.htm | |
60. BRAND, DIONNE: Play4me.com.au Add brand, dionne to your Artist Watch list (click for more information). Sorted by brand, dionne / NO BURDEN TO CARRY, NO BURDEN TO CARRY http://www.play4me.com.au/artist/brand_dionne_272681.html | |
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