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         Bowles Paul:     more books (100)
  1. Paul Bowles: Collected Stories and Later Writings (Library of America) by Paul Bowles, 2002-08-26
  2. The Stories of Paul Bowles by Paul Bowles, 2006-11-01
  3. Let It Come Down: A Novel by Paul Bowles, 2006-11-01
  4. Paul Bowles: The Sheltering Sky/ Let It Come Down/ The Spider's House (Library of America) by Paul Bowles, 2002-08-26
  5. Spider's House: A Novel by Paul Bowles, 2006-11-01
  6. The Sheltering Sky (P.S.) by Paul Bowles, 2005-09-01
  7. A Hundred Camels in the Courtyard by Paul Bowles, 2001-01-01
  8. Dust on Her Tongue by Rodrigo Rey Rosa, 2001-01-01
  9. Paul Bowles: A Life by Virginia Spencer Carr, 2009-01-28
  10. Up Above the World: A Novel by Paul Bowles, 2006-06-01
  11. El cielo protector (Spanish Edition) by Paul Bowles, 2009-08-01
  12. Delicate Prey: And Other Stories by Paul Bowles, 2006-06-01
  13. Collected Stories Paul Bowles by Paul Bowles, 2000-01-01
  14. Capitalism by Paul Bowles, 2006-10-07

1. Paul Bowles - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Paul Bowles was born in Jamaica, Queens, New York City to Rena (née Rennewisser) and Claude Dietz Bowles, a dentist. He spent his childhood at 108
Paul Bowles
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to: navigation search Paul Frederic Bowles December 30 November 18 ) was an American composer author , and traveler.
edit Childhood and youth
Paul Bowles was born in Jamaica, Queens New York City to Rena (n©e Rennewisser) and Claude Dietz Bowles, a dentist. He spent his childhood at 108 Hardenbrook Avenue, then 207 De Grauw Avenue, and later 34 Terrace Avenue. His mother read Nathaniel Hawthorne and Edgar Allan Poe to him as a child, and Bowles made notebooks of writing and drawing throughout his childhood. One of these, a comic strip called "Bluey," was later published. When Bowles was 8, his father bought a phonograph and classic records; Bowles was interested in jazz but such records were forbidden in the house. About this time his family bought a piano and Bowles studied theory, singing, and piano. He continued to keep a diary of imaginary goings-on during this time, and also wrote a daily newspaper. In 1922, at age 11, Bowles bought his first book of poetry, Arthur Waley 's A Hundred and Seventy Chinese Poems . In high school he attended a performance of Stravinsky 's Firebird at Carnegie Hall which made a profound impression.

2. Paul Bowles --  Britannica Online Encyclopedia
Britannica online encyclopedia article on Paul Bowles Americanborn composer, translator, and author of novels and short stories in which violent events
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Paul Bowles
Page 1 of 1 born December 30, 1910, New York, New York, U.S.
died November 18, 1999, Tangier, Morocco in full Paul Frederic Bowles American-born composer, translator, and author of novels and short stories in which violent events and psychological collapse are recounted in a detached and elegant style. His protagonists are often Europeans or Americans who are maimed by their contact with powerful traditional cultures. Bowles, Paul... (75 of 313 words) To read the full article, activate your FREE Trial

3. Literary Kicks Paul Bowles
Paul Bowles was born in New York City on December 30, 1910. He was an only child and exhibited early the existentialist s sense of alienation.

4. Paul Bowles - Wikipedia
Translate this page Paul Bowles beginnt selbst zu schreiben und veröffentlicht ab 1945 Erzählungen. Während Jane an ihrem zweiten Roman arbeitet, geht Bowles 1947 nach Tanger,
Paul Bowles
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklop¤die
Wechseln zu: Navigation Suche Paul Bowles 30. Dezember in New York 18. November in Tanger ) war ein US-amerikanischer Schriftsteller und Komponist
Bearbeiten Leben
Bowles wird als Einzelkind konservativer Eltern in Queens , New York City geboren. Fr¼h zeichnet sich seine schriftstellerische und musikalische Gabe ab. Bereits 1929 werden einige Gedichte von ihm in Frankreich ver¶ffentlicht; daraufhin verl¤sst er die University of Virginia , an der er Musik studiert, um nach Europa zu reisen. Nach seiner R¼ckkehr widmet er sich wieder dem Studium der Musik. Im Jahr 1931 reist Bowles zum ersten Mal nach Tanger und ist von der Stadt und ihren Menschen fasziniert. Wieder zur¼ck in den Vereinigten Staaten, verdient er sich sein Geld als Komponist f¼r Kammer- und Theatermusik und schreibt Theaterkritiken. Im Jahr 1937 lernt er Jane Auer kennen, eine 20-j¤hrige angehende Schriftstellerin. Im Jahr darauf heiraten die beiden, obwohl Jane zuvor nur lesbische Beziehungen gef¼hrt hatte, w¤hrend Bowles

5. Paul Bowles - Viquipèdia
Paul Bowles, (Nova York, 3 de desembre de 1910 Tànger, Marroc, 18 de novembre de 1999) va ser un escriptor, compositor i viatger nord-americà.
Paul Bowles
De Viquip¨dia
Dreceres r pides: navegaci³ cerca Paul Bowles Nova York 3 de desembre de T nger Marroc 18 de novembre de ) va ser un escriptor, compositor i viatger nord-americ 
Taula de continguts
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    D'avis alemanys per part paterna, Bowles va viure un violent conflicte generacional amb son pare, un odont²leg i mºsic frustrat, de qui era fill ºnic, tan mani tic que li feia mastegar quaranta vegades cada mos, i amb sa mare, de manera que, al tirar-li a aquesta un ganivet en una discussi³ als dinou anys, va decidir evitar mals majors i escapar-se de sa casa sense acabar els estudis. Va comprar un passatge de vaixell i va acabar a Par­s, on va con¨ixer la Generaci³ Perduda , en especial Ezra Pound i Djuna Barnes . Com conta en el seu llibre autobiogr fic Mem²ries d'un n²mada (1972), va publicar a Par­s dos poemes surrealistes a Transition , una revista liter ria internacional, que van cridar l'atenci³ de Gertrude Stein ; aquesta, no obstant, va desanimar la seua vocaci³ d'escriptor i el jove bohemi es va dedicar a la mºsica. Va tornar a Nova York per a estudiar composici³ amb

6. Paul Bowles - Wikipedia
Translate this page Paul Bowles (New York, 30 december 1910 – Tanger, 18 november 1999) was een Amerikaans schrijver, dichter en componist. Al op jonge leeftijd worden enkele
Paul Bowles
Uit Wikipedia, de vrije encyclopedie
Ga naar: navigatie zoeken Paul Bowles New York 30 december Tanger 18 november ) was een Amerikaans schrijver dichter en componist Al op jonge leeftijd worden enkele gedichten van hem gepubliceerd. Hij schreef gedichten en speelde piano om te 'vluchten' voor zijn ongelukkige jeugd. In verlaat hij de Verenigde Staten om zijn geluk te beproeven in Parijs . Hij vertrekt een paar jaar later naar Marokko Tanger . Hier vindt hij veel inspiratie voor zijn boeken, die veelal dit gebied en de cultuur als achtergrond hebben. Ondanks dat hij slechts enkele romans heeft geschreven (w.o. het door Bertolucci verfilmde The Sheltering Sky), betreft het hier tijdloze klassiekers met als voornaamste thema de oppervlakkigheid van de westerse mens en het daaruit voorkomende onvermogen om overeind te blijven als zijn vertrouwde omgeving wegvalt. De afstandelijke beschrijvingen van hoe zijn hoofdrolspelers langzaam ten gronde gaan tegen de achtergrond van een genadeloze natuur en afwijkende culturen zijn subliem. Hij heeft veel korte verhalen geschreven, waarvan sommige eigenlijk tot een soort literair horror-genre gerekend kunnen worden. In trouwt hij met Jane Auer 22 februari 4 mei In keert hij weer terug naar de V.S. voor een festival.

7. Paul Bowles - Wikipédia
Translate this page Paul Bowles (30 décembre 1910-18 novembre 1999) était un compositeur, écrivain, et voyageur américain, qui passa la majeure partie de sa vie au Maroc.
Paul Bowles
Un article de Wikip©dia, l'encyclop©die libre.
Aller   : Navigation Rechercher Paul Bowles 30 d©cembre 18 novembre ) ©tait un compositeur ©crivain , et voyageur am©ricain , qui passa la majeure partie de sa vie au Maroc
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    De son nom complet Paul Frederic Bowles , il naquit le 30 d©cembre Jamaica (quartier du Queens , dans la ville de New York ). Sa m¨re lui fit lecture d'œuvres d' Edgar Allan Poe alors qu'il ©tait encore enfant. Par la suite, il ©tudia   l' universit© de Virginie En , il abandonna ses ©tudes pour faire son premier voyage   Paris . En , lors d'un autre s©jour en France , il s'agr©gea au cercle litt©raire et artistique de Gertrude Stein et, sur son conseil, se rendit pour la premi¨re fois   Tanger en compagnie de son ami et professeur de musique le compositeur Aaron Copland . Il retourna en Afrique du Nord d¨s l'ann©e suivante, voyageant dans d'autres r©gions du Maroc , du Sahara et de l'Alg©rie. En , il ©pousa Jane Bowles , ©crivain et dramaturge. Tout au long des ann©es 1940 , ils figur¨rent parmi les personnalit©s litt©raires marquantes de New York , Bowles travaillant par exemple comme critique musical au New York Herald Tribune sous la direction de Virgil Thomson En , Bowles partit s'©tablir d©finitivement   Tanger , o¹ Jane Auer vint le rejoindre en . Le couple devint rapidement incontournable dans le milieu des Europ©ens et Am©ricains ©tablis   Tanger. D¨s la fin des ann©es 1940, ils y re§urent la visite de figures litt©raires ©minentes, parmi lesquelles

8. New Book On Author Paul Bowles
Paul Bowles is perhaps best known as the author of The Sheltering Sky, the popular novel that was later turned into a feature film in 1990 starring John
September 15, 2003 By Scott Rappaport
Paul Bowles is perhaps best known as the author of The Sheltering Sky, the popular novel that was later turned into a feature film in 1990 starring John Malkovich and Debra Winger.
Paul Bowles on Music, co-edited by UCSC lecturer Irene Herrmann, is a collection of music criticism by Bowles, written between 1935 and 1946. Photo: Jim MacKenzie But few people realize that the prolific writer thought of himself primarily as a composer of music.
A new book co-edited by UC Santa Cruz lecturer Irene Herrmann, Paul Bowles on Music, The volume is a collection of music criticism by Bowles, written between 1935 and 1946, that has never before been compiled in book form.
It contains reviews Bowles penned as the music critic for the New York Herald Tribune, as well as complete reprints of essays on music that he contributed to Modern Music
The incisive and often humorous pieces cover classical, film, popular, and ethnic music, including important premieres of works by Copland, Cage, Shostakovich, and Stravinsky. They range from reviews of top jazz concerts of the day in Harlem, to debut recitals by emigre virtuosos, to performances by Frank Sinatra, in a compilation that highlights an extraordinary era of American musical history.
After that first encounter, Herrmann regularly traveled to visit Bowles at his apartment in Tangier, Morocco, every summer until his death in 1999. Bowles designated Herrmann as the inheritor of his musical estate in 1996.

9. Paul Bowles - Wikiquote
After his death, the literary and musical heirs of the estate of Paul and Jane Bowles established the official site, The Authorized Paul Bowles Web Site
Paul Bowles
From Wikiquote
Jump to: navigation search Paul Bowles (December 30, 1910 - November 18, 1999), was a composer, author, and traveler.
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    • I think we all really thrive on hostility, because it's the most intense kind of massage the ego can undergo.
    edit The Sheltering Sky (1949)
    Wikipedia has an article about: The Sheltering Sky A novel about an American couple travelling in North Africa. It was made into a film in 1990 directed by Bernardo Bertolucci.
    • Many days later another caravan was passing and a man saw something on top of the highest dune there. And when they went up to see, they found Outka, Mimouna and Aicha; they were still there, lying the same way as when they had gone to sleep. And all three of the glasses... were full of sand. That was how they had their tea in the Sahara. Because we don't know when we will die, we get to think of life as an inexhaustable well. Yet everything happens only a certain number of times, and a very small number really. How many more times will you remember a certain afternoon of your childhood, some afternoon that is so deeply part of your being that you, that you can't even conceive of your life without it? Perhaps four or five times more, perhaps not even that. How many more times will you watch the full moon rise? Perhaps 20. And yet it all seems limitless. For in order to avoid having to deal with relative values, he had long since come to deny all purpose to the phenomenon of existence - it was more expedient and comforting.

10. Paul Bowles - Britannica Concise
Paul Bowles USMoroccan composer, writer, and translator.
Bowles, Paul
Britannica Concise
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Paul Bowles
born Dec. 30, 1910, New York, N.Y., U.S.
died Nov. 18, 1999, Tangier, Mor.
U.S.-Moroccan composer, writer, and translator. Bowles studied musical composition with Aaron Copland and wrote music for more than 30 plays and films. He moved to Morocco in the 1940s. He set his best-known novel, The Sheltering Sky Two Serious Ladies (1943) and the play In the Summer House document.writeln(AAMB2); More on "Paul Bowles" from the 32 Volume Bowles, Paul - American-born composer, translator, and author of novels and short stories in which violent events and psychological collapse are recounted in a detached and elegant style. His protagonists are often Europeans or Americans who are maimed by their contact with powerful traditional cultures. Bowles, Jane - American author whose small body of highly individualistic work enjoyed an underground reputation even when it was no longer in print. Bowles, Paul - American-born author and composer (b. Dec. 30, 1910, New York, N.Y.-d. Nov. 18, 1999, Tangier, Mor.), composed graceful, Maurice Ravel-influenced music for the concert hall and Broadway stage before moving (1947) to Tangier and writing the best-selling novel The Sheltering Sky (1949), set in the North African desert. His subsequent fiction similarly depicted human depravity amid exotic settings, ... Shukri, Muhammad

11. Bowles Paul
bowles paul. Maria Anita Stefanelli. American Studies in Italy Full text Part 1 State of the Art of American Literary Studies in Italy
Bowles Paul Maria Anita Stefanelli
American Studies in Italy [Full text]
Part 1 : State of the Art of American Literary Studies in Italy
Lodel (reserved access)
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License
ISSN 1991-9336 Letter of

12. Paul Bowles - Authors - Books - Fine Arts - News
this as a down payment on redemption after the LoA’s publication, in recent years of such trash as Paul Bowles, H.P. Lovecraft and Philip K. Dick.
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Paul Bowles
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`The Fragility of Happiness'
Anecdotal Evidence - 01/15/2008
Tags : Artists Books Entertainment Fine Arts ... Music ... this as a down payment on redemption after the LoA’s publication, in recent years of such trash as Paul Bowles , H.P. Lovecraft and Philip K. Dick . Fourteen months ago I suggested Maxwell's induction into the same club as Henry James and Willa Cather . The LoA imprimatur coincides nicely with the centenary of Maxwell's birth, in Lincoln, Ill., on Aug. 16, 1908. He died in 2000, two... Vote!
The Homecoming and August: Osage County
Gossip Central - 01/09/2008
Tags : Actors and Actresses Authors Celebrity Fine Arts ... Tennessee “Members of the same family always hate one another,” says Paul Bowles , the American writer who also composed incidental music for such Broadway fare as Tennessee Williams’ “The Glass Menagerie” and Lillian Hellman 's “Watch on the Rhine” in the early...

The official paul bowles Web site,, authorized by the literary and musical heirs of the Estate of paul and Jane bowles. The Authorized Paul Bowles Web Site The official Web site for Paul Bowles, expatriate writer, composer and traveler who lived 52 years in Tangier, Morocco. His most famous novel is The Sheltering Sky , filmed by Bernardo Bertolucci. The Table of Contents includes a Paul Bowles biography and another one on Paul Bowles, as composer , a two-part bibliography of Paul Bowles' works (poetry, novels, short stories, published books, travel writings and Paul Bowles' translations of Moroccan writers, storytellers and other authors), music scores available and catalogue of musical works films and documentaries , music sound clips, memoirs, interviews, a Paul Bowles chronology and galleries of photographs . Also included are a biography of Jane Bowles , a bibliography of Jane Bowles' literary works and resources and links for Paul and Jane Bowles and Tangier, Morocco. And the Jane and Paul Bowles Society page details calls for papers and panels for literary conferences, Paul Bowles news, homages and events. This official site is authorized by the Estate of Paul Bowles and Jane Bowles. All content herein is Terms and Conditions of Use

14. Paul Bowles. Biography And Complete Works
Life and complete works of paul bowles, links and much more.
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Author: Bowles, Paul
Date and Place of birth:
b. Dec. 30, 1910, New York, U.S.
d. Nov. 18, 1999, Tangier, Morocco
Life and Works:

US writer and composer. Paul Frederick Bowles was brought up on the border of New York and Long Island. His father, Claude Bowles, was a successful dentist. His mother was Rena Bowles. He was an only child and exhibited early the existentialist's sense of alienation. At the age of nine Paul Bowles wrote his first opera. When 18 he had his first work, Surreal Poetry , published in Eugene Jolas's Modernist magazine Transition in Paris. Tennessee Williams , a friend and supporter of the talents of both Paul and his wife Jane. In his early creative years, prose interested him less than music. When Gertrude Stein told him he was "not a real poet," he agreed. At the time he only aspired to be a musician. Paul Bowles went back to Paris and managed to get to know Jean Cocteau, , and Ezra Pound. He travelled to Berlin and met

15. The International Paul Bowles Society
promoting the works of paul and Jane bowles in the written, musical and theatre forms good friend of paul bowles and Translation into French
promoting the works of Paul and Jane Bowles in the written, musical and theatre forms
and working with caring attitude towards helping people in need in Morocco
The definitive unofficial fan site for people who like Paul and Jane Bowles
Visited by people who like Paul and Jane Bowles from more than 108 countries
This site has been online since May 1st 2000. Now in our 8th year
About The International Paul Bowles Society

Biography of Paul Bowles

The Legend and The Legacy

Paul Bowles: his legend and his works
Our work with needy people in Morocco
Paul Bowles Memorial Evening
Tangier, February 14th 2000 At-a-glance: recommended music by Paul Bowles Recommended music on CD At-a-glance: Currently available books by Paul Bowles Books in English Books in French Books in German Index of The Written Works ... 'Lotus Pods: The Short Stories of Paul Bowles' Translations of Moroccan and French authors other writers and authors on Paul Bowles Theatre, Ballet and Opera Music by Paul Bowles Index of the Music of Paul Bowles ... Various and Compilation Recordings recorded by Paul Bowles 'Baptism of Solitude' CD notes and sources Paul Bowles on DVD and Video Currently available Paul Bowles Music in Films

16. PAUL BOWLES 1910 - 1999
Internet Source Page and Online Exhibit from the University of Delaware Library paul bowles.
Special Collections Department
Online Exhibition
Internet Source Page
Paul Bowles, 1910-1999
An online exhibition curated by L. Rebecca Johnson Melvin and Timothy D. Murray, with text and images from the actual exhibition, which was on view in the Special Collections Exhibition Gallery at the Hugh M. Morris Library from August 22 - December 15, 2000. Paul Bowles, 1910-1999 features manuscripts and papers acquired by the University of Delaware Library from Bowles in 1999, shortly before his death. The exhibit supplements and enhances the Library's exhibition of a decade earlier, Paul Bowles at 80 Introduction to the Exhibition
An Introduction by Virginia Spencer Carr
A Short History on the Paul Bowles Collections
... Life Writing
Other Internet Sources
Paul Bowles at 80
First presented in celebration of Paul Bowles's 80th birthday, this online exhibition was curated by Timothy D. Murray and originally on view in the Special Collections Exhibition Gallery at the Hugh M. Morris Library, University of Delaware, February 1 - May 29, 1990. Early Work The Beat Poets Jane Bowles
Primary Sources
at the University of Delaware Library
A comprehensive list of printed holdings at the University of Delaware Library may be searched through the Library's online catalog

17. A Writer Writes — Remembering Paul Bowles
A Peace Corps volunteer writes about meeting the expatriate American novelist during his service in Morocco.
Remembering Paul Bowles Go to for copies of
A Life Full of Holes I N HIS TRAVEL BOOK ON THE MEDITERRANEAN, The Pillars of Hercules, Paul Theroux ends his long trip by paying a visit to Paul Bowles, the expatriate American novelist who lived in Tangier until his death in 1999. Theroux made his visit in the early 1990s, when Bowles was already aged and infirm, but still receiving visitors in his modest apartment. From his bed (actually a mattress on the floor, surrounded by medicines and papers), Bowles conversed amiably for several hours, and Theroux found him to be fascinating company.
A Life Full of Holes. Bowles, whom I had never heard of, was listed as the translator.
A Life Full of Holes reveals poverty to Volunteers
Current Issue Resources Archives ... PC writers by country of service E-mail the with comments
or to be added to the new-issue notice list.

18. Moroccan Sojourn A Visit With Paul Bowles
Annette Solyst writes about meeting paul bowles.
" A World of Imagination "

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Moroccan Sojourn A Visit with Paul Bowles
If someone is really, seriously interested in Morocco, they will sooner or later find out about Paul Bowles. For the ones who have never heard of Paul Bowles, here is a little summary: Born in NYC in 1910, he starts writing poetry and stories as a young boy. He runs off to Paris in his first year of college. / Returns to Paris a short while later and meets Gertrude Stein/ Studies music under Aaron Copland/The two visit Morocco together, on the recommendation of Gertrude Stein./Adventures and misadventures in Tangier and Fez./ He starts composing music, in particular he composes scores for plays like Tennessee Williams' "Glass Menagerie"/ Marries Jane Auer/ Continues to compose music/ Travels a lot and likes it/ Feels too tied to NYC due to the music and changes genres/ Writes " The Sheltering Sky" which is published in 1949 to some acclaim/ Moves to Tangier/ Tangier becomes his home, and to my knowledge he is still there.
At least, on the 9th of October 1995, he certainly was there. This is one of those stories I like to hear, and in this case tell, because it so makes the point that if you really want something, if it is important to you, it is bound to happen.

19. Paul Bowles @
Fan site with obituaries, articles, and sound clips of the writer, composer and traveler.

20. PAL: Paul Bowles (1910-1999)
Blue Mountain ballads. words by Tennessee Williams; music by paul bowles. The stories of paul bowles. introduction by Robert Stone. NY Ecco P, 2001.
PAL: Perspectives in American Literature - A Research and Reference Guide - An Ongoing Project Paul P. Reuben (To send an email, please click on my name above.) Chapter 10: Paul Bowles (1910-1999) The Authorized PB Web Site Univ. of Delaware Library: PB Papers Primary Works Selected Bibliography 1980-Present ... Home Page
Source: Univ. of Delaware Special Collections - PB Primary Works Cabin. Words by Tennessee Williams; music by Paul Bowles. NY: G. Schirmer, 1946. Music Score M1621 .B69x B583 The sheltering sky. NY: New Directions, 1949 PS3552.O874 S5 Yallah. Text by Paul Bowles. Photos. by Peter W. Haeberlin. NY: McDowell, Obolensky, 1957. Folio DT15 .B6 A hundred camels in the courtyard. San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1962. PZ3.B6826 Hu Without stopping; an autobiography. NY, Putnam, 1972. PS3552 O874 Z5 The delicate prey, and other stories. NY Ecco P, 1972. PS3552 O874 D4 Collected stories, 1939-1976. introd. by Gore Vidal. Santa Barbara: Black Sparrow P, 1979, t.p. 1983. PS3552 .O874 A16 Blue Mountain ballads.

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