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Bowering George: more books (100) | ||||||
41. Poets Against War george bowering. Vancouver, BC, Canada. (Statement of Conscience). Someone, please introduce the idea of God, if not Christianity, into http://www.poetsagainstthewar.org/displaypoem.asp?AuthorID=618 |
42. Serendipity Books bowering (george) Burning Water. NY Beaufort (1980) First American edition. bowering (george) Concentric Circles. CoaBlackMoss(1977) First edition. http://www.serendipitybooks.com/canfic.html | |
43. John Taggart Papers An Inventory Of His Papers At Syracuse University Box 1, bowering, george 1968. Box 1, Bronk, William 19661967. Box 1, Brown, Robert Edward 1974. Box 1, Butterick, george F. 1969-1974 http://library.syr.edu/digital/guides/t/taggart_j.htm | |
44. NINE: A Journal Of Baseball History And Culture, Volume 15, 2006 - Table Of Cont Access article in HTML Access article in PDF Subject Headings. bowering, george, 1935 Baseball love. bowering, george, 1935- http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/nine/toc/nin15.2.html | |
45. BiggerBooks.com â Discount Bookstore. Bestsellers, New Books, Used Books An Author(s) bowering, george; Hutcheon, Linda. ISBN10 0889104468 bowering ( Caprice ) and Hutcheon ( The Politics of Postmodernism ) decline to define http://www.biggerbooks.com/book/9780889104464 | |
46. World Literatures In English - Canada bowering, george, ed. The Contemporary Canadian Poem Anthology. 2nd ed. Toronto Coach House, 1984. PR 9195.7 .C665 1984. bowering, george, ed. http://www.library.wwu.edu/ref/subjguides/lit/worldliteng/speccan.htm | |
47. Northwest Passages - Canadian Literature Online Bookstore! We Ship Worldwide. Burning Water is george bowering s retelling of this epic adventure. Set against the rough lives of the sailors and the sardonic, funny observations of the http://nwpassages.com/profile_book.asp?ISBN=0140242848 |
48. The Online Books Page: George Bowering bowering, george Piccolo Mondo , also by Angela bowering, Michael Matthew, and David Bromige (HTML at chbooks.com). Help with reading books Report a bad http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/book/lookupname?key=Bowering, George |
49. The Journal Of Commonwealth Literature -- Sign In Page Canadian Poetry An Album of Two LP Records, Canadian Reader, 17 Inkerman St, Toronto 5, $7.50; poets include Earle Birney, george bowering, Leonard Cohen, http://jcl.sagepub.com/cgi/content/refs/4/1-3/46 | |
50. Alexa - Sites In: Bowering, George Alexa Browse Sites Browse and search through sites by category or by most popular in category based on Alexa traffic rank. http://www.alexa.com/browse/general/?&CategoryID=67587&mode=general&Start=1&Sort |
51. The Peak (15/3/1999) Arts: Characters On Campus - George Bowering This week s More Than Just a Pretty Face is Professor george bowering. Dr. bowering has been teaching at Simon Fraser for 25 years now, and he s had the http://www.peak.sfu.ca/the-peak/99-1/issue10/bowering.html | |
52. University Of Manitoba: Canadian Literature Archive - Bibliographies - Robert Kr george bowering and Robert Kroetsch in conversation. Future Indicative. Rev. of george bowering s Imaginary Hand and Robert Kroetsch s The Lovely http://www.umanitoba.ca/canlit/robert_kroetsch.shtml | |
53. Canadian Poetry Web Links - Notable Canadian Poets Borson, Roo, Newlove, John. bowering, george, Nichol, bp. Brand, Dionne, Nowlan, Alden. Clarke, george Elliot, Ondaatje, Michael. Cohen, Leonard, Page, P.K. http://www.uwo.ca/english/canadianpoetry/links_new_notable_canadian_poets.htm | |
54. The Western Front : Research Library Various Readings in 1974; The 4 Horsemen (Rafael BarretoRivera, Ken Belford, Robin Blaser, george bowering, Victor Coleman, David Cull, Paul Dutton, http://front.bc.ca/research/events?letter=b |
55. George Bowering Criticism bowering, george 1935. bowering is a Canadian poet, novelist, playwright, short story writer, biographer, essayist, and editor. http://www.enotes.com/contemporary-literary-criticism/bowering-george | |
56. Bibliothek bowering, george (ed.) And Other Stories, Vancouver Talonbooks, 2001. Glaap, AlbertReiner und Michael Heinze, Contemporary Canadian Plays Overviews and http://www.univie.ac.at/Anglistik/Canada_Centre/buchbestandgebiet.htm | |
57. George Bowering - Canadian Author george bowering was born in Penticton, British Columbia, in 1935. After serving as a photographer in the RCAF, bowering attended the University of British http://kyluka.com/people/briefing/george_bowering.html | |
58. Magers & Quinn Booksellers, Discount New And Used Books by bowering, george ISBN 0887847897 New. More about this title by bowering, george ISBN 088922451x Used Standard. More about this title http://www.magersandquinn.com/index.php?main_page=index&author_id=189340 |
59. Stone Country A Unauthorized History Of Canada By George Bowering Alibris has Stone Country A Unauthorized History of Canada and other books by george bowering, including new used copies, rare, outof-print signed http://www.alibris.com/search/books/qwork/7784010/used/Stone Country: A Unauthor | |
60. Bowering, George 1935– Criticism: Critical Essay By Robert Fulford bowering, george 1935 Critical Essay by Robert Fulford summary with 1 pages of encyclopedia entries, research information, and more. http://www.bookrags.com/criticism/bowering-george-1935_1/ | |
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