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         Bolton Isabel:     more books (24)
  1. New York Mosaic: Do I Wake or Sleep, the Christmas Tree, Many Mansions by Isabel Bolton, 1998-10
  2. Under gemini by Isabel Bolton, 1966
  3. Many Mansions by isabel bolton, 1952
  4. Do I Wake Or Sleep? by Isabel Bolton, 2008-06-13
  5. Wach ich oder schlaf ich. by Isabel Bolton, 2001-06-01
  6. New York Mosaic: Three Novels: "Do I Wake or Sleep," "The Christmas Tree," and "Many Mansions" by Isabel BOLTON, 1997
  7. Under Gemini: A Memoir by Isabel Bolton, 1999-02
  8. Under Gemini: A Memoir by Isabel Bolton, 1966-01-01
  9. New York Mosaic Three Novels By Elizabeth Bolton : Do I Wake or Sleep, The Christmas Tree, Many Mansions. Introduction By Doris Grumbach. by Isabel Bolton (Mary Britton Miller), 1997-01-01
  10. New York Mosaic: " Do I Wake or Sleep " , " Christmas Tree " , " Many Mansions " (Virago Modern Classics) by Isabel Bolton, 1999-12-02
  11. Do I Wake or Sleep by Isabel Bolton, 1948
  12. Der Weihnachtsbaum by Isabel Bolton,
  13. New York Mosaic by Isabel Bolton, 1998-01-01
  14. Do I Wake Or Sleep? by Isabel Bolton, 2010-09-10

Isabella TOULMIN 1752 . bap. 3 Dec 1752 Bolton-l-S Isabel daughter of Abraham. Toulmin of Bolton , but Isabella in Will of ***311136,
This list contains several hundred records. Use the "Find on this page"facility in Internet Explorer to locate the record you are looking for. DESCENDANTS OF ROBERT TOULMIN OF BOLTON-LE-SANDS Return to Home Page This is the Bolton-le-Sands family of which we know most, partly due to the fact that wills made by some early members fill in the gaps left by the absence of PRs before 1655, and partly because it multiplied exceedingly for some time. Trees, extending down to the early 1800s, are given in App.C (families 1, 1a, 1b). I've found no indication of the location of their lands, though they evidently belonged to Bolton rather than Bolton Holmes, Hatlex, Slyne, Hest Bank, etc. The will of Richard (***311) mentions land near Bolton Mill (which itself belonged to a branch of the preceding family), but this may have been a separate holding. His son Robert (***3111), dying in 1699, provided for as much land to be sold as necessary to pay his debts, and in the next century his descendants scattered. Some half-dozen settled in London, and two have descendants living at the present day. There are a number of connections with the Stout family, of Bolton Holmes: see notes under ***31, ***311, ***3111.

2. Lancashire OnLine Parish Clerk Project
4 Apr 1745, Thomas Winterbottom Miller Bolton p Mary Wright. Manchester L . 24 Oct 1752, Iames Turner bolton isabel Kirman R
The Parish of Radcliffe
in the County of
Lancashire Marriages from the Parish Registers - St Mary [Transcribed here by Lynn Ransom Burton - April 2004] Watch for ”I” used as “J” as in Iames for James, Iane for Jane, and other spelling variables, such as contractions, abbreviations, etc., as employed by the various clerics through the years, often inconsistently even in the same entry. Note that dates, years, etc. may be out of order. Effort has been made to record information as it appears in the record when possible, but diacritical markings and such are not reproduced. I came to admire the clerics as they seem to compete in inventing new ways to record names such as Elizabeth, Rebecca, and many others, as you will see. 1 Page 4 = Volume I Page 4, 2 Page 23 = Volume II, page 23, and 3 Page 100 = Volume III Page 100. Pages 168, 167, 166 appear in reverse order with no explanation as to why.-LRB Volume I [Note: Unless the contractions “Wr:” [Widower], “Wo:” [Widow] be appended to the parties' names they are assumed to be Bachelor and Spinster. All marriages are by Banns unless otherwise stated. “L:” stands for License, “Cr:” for Collier, “Husb:” for Husbandman, “Whi:” for Whitster, “wr:” for weaver, “R:” for Radcliffe, and “p:” for Parish] 1 Page 4 2 Apr 1560 Ric: Alynse and Elzabeth Key 21 May 1560 Jhon Orrockes and Ellen Leghus [sic] 25 Jun 1560 Jhonn Holt and Janne Fernyside .. Jul 1560 Robart Dyggle and Grace Mather 7 Aug 1560 Hugh Alence et Ane Grundy 30 Aug 1560 Ellys Walker and Margery Hough

3. Isabel Bolton - Pipl Profile
Pipl profile of Isabel Bolton. Quick facts, related people, online personal profiles, publications, contact details and much more.
Isabel Bolton
What is this profile? Mary Britton Books Novels ... Gemini 3 quick facts about Isabel Bolton: Bolton is the pen name of Mary Britton Miller Source: Under Gemini: A Memoir: Books: Isabel Bolton Bolton is a writer worth rediscovering, and this three-in-one volume offers a Source: Bolton is an observer of a society whose members are so hungry to find a justification to their Source: Profile For Roger: Reviews Related web page for Isabel Bolton: Web Extracted Biography - Zoominfo Isabel Bolton , Kingswells School... Click here for a comprehensive search on Isabel Bolton... Terms Privacy Directory ... Contact

4. A Lost World - The New York Review Of Books
The strangest of all must have been when he discovered that isabel bolton—name deliberately reminiscent of isabel Archer?—was, in reality, a majestic
Home Your account Current issue Archives ...
December 18, 1997
A Lost World
By Gore Vidal
New York Mosaic: Do I Wake or Sleep, The Christmas Tree, Many Mansions three novels by Isabel Bolton, with an introduction by Doris Grumbach Steerforth Press, 401 pp., $35.00 By 1946 I had spent three years in the army where the name of the daily New York Times The New Yorker It was the prissy Orville Prescott who praised me while Mr. Wilson astonished everyone that season with a Pythian ode to a beautiful young woman called Isabel Bolton, whose first book, Do I Wake or Sleep aj_server = ''; aj_tagver = '1.0'; aj_zone = 'nyrb'; aj_adspot = '147551'; aj_page = '0'; aj_dim ='147520'; aj_ch = ''; aj_ct = ''; aj_kw = ''; aj_pv = true; aj_click = ''; Perfunctory attendance at a boarding school. A well-off family made travels in Europe possible. "Three years in Italy were of profound importance. In 1911 New York became my permanent home." As Miller, she published a half-dozen unmemorable works. Then, in 1946, she recreated herself under another name; and entered her kingdom. Wilson's was the first fanfare for a woman who was to write a half-dozen more novels of which two are as distinguished as her "first" (the three are now collected in New York Mosaic So little is known of Bolton that one does not know if she and Wilson ever met. But I am fairly certain he saw to it that they did. A meeting only the prose of Henry James could have risen to, unlike the equally great Edith Wharton, who might have fallen upon it with terrible rending eagle's swoop:

5. Hal Bolton — Ken Bolton : ZoomInfo Business People Information
bolton, Iris, LINK Counseling, Iris bolton, the of The Link and author of My Son, My Son A Guide to Healing bolton, isabel, Kingswells Primary
var biz_data = "";
ZoomSearchBox.init(1, ''); Welcome, Guest Register Sign in Help Welcome to the ZoomInfo People Directory Find the person you're searching for in the list below and click on their name for more detailed information. Or use the search box above to explore our entire directory of over 30 million business professionals. Can't find yourself in ZoomInfo? Create your own profile now. var biz_data = ""; Bolton, Hal Institute for International Connections Hal Bolton VICE PRESIDENT 923 Los Lovatos Rd. Sante Fe, NM 87501 (505) 988-9221 Bolton, Haley Haley C. Bolton Haley joined in ... Bolton, Hank Association of Christian Schools International Hank Bolton - ... hank Bolton, Hank MBS Textbook Exchange Inc Hank Bolton , CSR Hank Bolton joins MBS as ... . ... Bolton, Hannah The British Museum "If that is the proposal, it is certainly not one that we would agree with," said Hannah Bolton , a ... for the Bolton, Hannibal MN Chapter of AFS Hannibal Bolton to present the program at the 19th Annual Rabun Rendezvous on January 21, 2006. - Bill Kelly has arranged ...

6. The Whirligig Of Time. - BOLTON, ISABEL,
The Whirligig of Time.; bolton, isabel,. Offered by Crabtree s Collection Old Books.
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BOLTON, ISABEL, The Whirligig of Time.
NY, Crown, (1971). 1st ed. VG in VG DJ. Called best woman writer of fiction in this country today by Diana Trilling, Bolton writes about people caught in society's. trap. Christmas card glued to ft endpaper.
US$ 12.00 Offered by: Crabtree's Collection Old Books - Book number: BOOKS038850I
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7. Lehmanns Online Bookshop:
bolton, isabel;, Wach ich oder schlaf ich, Gruner + Jahr, 3570195333, 10.00 Euro. bolton, isabel;, Wach ich oder schlaf ich, Gruner + Jahr, 3570195333

8. Bolton, Isabel (Harper's Magazine)
THINGS CONNECTED TO “bolton, isabel”. HUMAN BEINGS. Anderson, Barbara. Fay, Paul B., Jr. Gaither, Frances. Grimble, Arthur Francis, Sir. Innes, Hammond
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Bolton, Isabel
SUBJECT OF 3 Reviews from 1949 to 1966
HUMAN BEINGS Anderson, Barbara Fay, Paul B., Jr. Gaither, Frances Grimble, Arthur Francis, Sir ... Books in brief by Katherine Gauss Jackson
Books in brief/Review, October 1966 , 5 pp. Harper's Magazine is an American journal of literature, politics, culture, and the arts published from 1850. Subscriptions start at $16.97 a year.
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9. Isabel Bolton - Schöffling & Co. Verlag
Translate this page isabel bolton - Autorenportait, Schöffling Co. Verlag.
Isabel Bolton Unter dem Pseudonym Isabel Bolton ver¶ffentlichte Mary Britton Miller, geboren 1883, gestorben 1975 in New York, in den Jahren von 1946 bis 1952 drei Romane, die ihren Ruhm begr¼ndeten. Sie kam aus gutb¼rgerlichem Haus, verlor in fr¼hen Jahren Eltern und Zwillingsschwester, und ver¶ffentlichte eine Reihe von B¼chern und Gedichtsammlungen f¼r Kinder. Fast ihr ganzes Leben verbrachte sie in New York.
Von Isabel Bolton erschienen
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10. Quill & Brush - Bolton, Isabel. All Books / Titles By
bolton, isabel. THE CHRISTMAS TREE. New York Charles Scribner s Sons, 1949. First edition. Light shelf wear, otherwise about fine in bright dustwrapper, Isabel.

11. RootsWeb: ENG-LAN-BOLTON-L Re: [ENG-LAN-BOLTON] Isabel Smalley - Robert Tong
Subject Re ENGLAN-bolton isabel Smalley - Robert Tong Date Fri, 3 Sep 2004 114512 -0700 (PDT) In-Reply-To 001801c4919c$d11422e0$88f26151@tinypc
writeHeader('760px','Mailing Lists');
Re: [ENG-LAN-BOLTON] Isabel Smalley - Robert Tong
Date: Fri, 3 Sep 2004 11:45:12 -0700 (PDT)
Just a word here on the use of the IGI. It contains a mix of what are known as
controlled extractions, which are essentially an index derived either from the
PRs or BTs, and patron submissions, the accuracy of which is dependent entirely
on the diligence of the submitter in researching that information.
None of the Robert TONG references were from controlled extractions, though one did have a birth and baptism date, suggesting that had been properly researched, though it does not appear in those extracted from baptisms at the parish church. Those dated 'about' are usually not fully researched. Two Isabel SMALLEY references have 'about', while two have dates and can be seen to be from the controlled extraction batch P007153 for St Peter, Bolton, the other two have 'about' dates. The practice is to assume women were 21 when they married while men were 25. Take

12. Alexa - Sites In: Bolton, Isabel
Alexa Browse Sites Browse and search through sites by category or by most popular in category based on Alexa traffic rank.

13. - Historical Sources From Thousands Of Archives
bolton, isabel, 18831975; bolton, Sarah Knowles, 1841-1915; bolton, 1948; Bynner, Witter, 1881-1968; Byron, Anne isabelle Milbank Byron, Baroness,

14. Simkhovitch, Mary K. (Mary Kingsbury), 1867-1951. Papers, 1852-1960: A Finding A
bolton, isabel, 18831975. Child, Bess M. Coffin, Henry Sloane, 1877-1954. Conant family. Cooperative Social Settlement Society of the City of New York
Harvard University Library
: Online Archival Search Information System Frames Version
Questions or Comments
Simkhovitch, Mary K. (Mary Kingsbury), 1867-1951. Papers, 1852-1960: A Finding Aid
Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America This collection was originally processed by Kathleen Marquis in July 1981 with a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (#RC-0051079-1260).
Radcliffe College
May 1995
Descriptive Summary
Call No.: A-97
Repository: Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute
Creator: Mary Melinda (Kingsbury) Simkhovitch, 1867-1951
Title: Papers, 1852-1960
Quantity: 6+1/2 file boxes, 7 photograph folders, 3 folio folders, 1 folio + folder
Abstract: Correspondence, speeches, writings, etc., of Mary K. (Mary Kingsbury) Simkhovitch, settlement worker and housing reformer.
Processing Information:
Reprocessed: May 1995 By: Bert Hartry
Acquisition Information:
Accession numbers: 144, 76-267 The papers of Mary Melinda (Kingsbury) Simkhovitch, which include Kingsbury family papers, were given to the Schlesinger Library in 1960 and 1976 by her daughter and son-in-law, Helena (Simkhovitch) and Frank Didisheim.
Access Restrictions:
Access. Unrestricted.

15. Alfred A. Knopf Inc. Records, Index
529.9, 541.5, 543.3, 601.3 bolton, Harold O 1164.3 bolton, Herbert Eugene, 122.4, 370.1, 1510.1 bolton, isabel 17.9, 42.16, 1188.13 bolton,
Harry Ransom Center The University of Texas at Austin
Search Collections
Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. Records, 1873-1996
B B-Bal Bam-Barn Baro-Baz Bea-Belk ... Bl Bn-Boo Bor-Boz Bra Bre-Bri Bro ...
Bn-Boo Return to the Index of Correspondents Return to the Alfred A. Knopf Inc. Records Table of Contents Return to Finding Aids

16. Horizon Information Portal
Bol, bolton, isabel, 1883, The whirligig of time; a novel, by isabel bolton. NJL, F. 8. Bol, Boley, Jean, 1914-1957. A little more time, and other stories.

17. Houston Public Library - Gay Reading List By Title
Name games / Craft, Michael. Narrow rooms / Purdy, James. Native / Henderson, William Haywood. New York mosaic / bolton, isabel
Search: Catalog Articles Internet You are in: Research Donate or Volunteer
Fiction Lists
HPL Reading ListTitle
Gay Reading List by Author Click on the titles below to link to the catalog. Abide with me Harris, E. Lynn Abomination Golding, Paul Acqua Calda McDermott, Keith Actor's guide to adultery Copp, Rick Actor's guide to murder Copp, Rick After the reunion Jaffe, Rona Afterlife Monette, Paul Albrick's gold LeVay, Simon All we have is now Taylor, Robert Allan Stein Stadler, Matthew American studies Merlis, Mark And this too shall pass Harris, E. Lynn Andrew and Joey James, Jamie Angel maker Maitland, Sara Angelic darkness Zimler, Richard Any way the wind blows Harris, E. Lynn Are you nuts? Zubro, Mark Richard Arkansas Leavitt, David Arrow's flight Merlis, Mark As Max saw it Begley, Louis At swim, two boys O'Neill, Jamie Babycakes Maupin, Armistead Backtrack Hansen, Joseph Bad boy Schiddel, Edmund Bad chili Lansdale, Joe R. Bardo Kraus, Krandall Bear me safely over Joseph, Sheri

18. NYPL, The New Yorker Records
bolton, isabel. Russell Volkening 1948-1950, 1955. BOUCHER, Anthony. Willis Kingsley Wing - 1938; 1950. BOURJAILY, Vance
@import "/styles/markup-nonNS4.css";
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Appendix A. References To Notable Authors In Agents' Files (Editorial Correspondence Files)
AUTHOR SEE: ADAMIC, Louis Maxim Lieber - 1930-1931; 1946 ADAMS, Samuel Hopkins AIKEN, Conrad ALDINGTON, Richard Leland Hayward - 1939 ALGREN, Nelson ALPERT, Hollis Jacques Chambrun - 1941 AMIS, Kingsley Curtis-Brown - 1955; Fact:1959 AMORY, Cleveland Curtis-Brown - 1943; 1945; 1947;1952, 1954; Fact:1954 ANDERSON, Sherwood Jacques Chambrun - 1938-1942 APPEL, Benjamin Maxim Lieber - 1933; 1935 Elizabeth Nowell - 1936-1938 ARMSTRONG, Anthony

19. Katharine Sergeant White Papers - New Yorker Correspondence | Special Collection
2, 6, bolton, isabel (Mary Britton Miller). bolton to KSW, 1 letter see bolton, isabel. 8, 13, Mitchell, Joseph. Mitchell to KSW, 3 letters
Bryn Mawr College Library Special Collections
Katharine Sergeant White Papers Part II: Box and Folder List - The New Yorker Correspondence Special Collections Department, Bryn Mawr College Library
Collection Number: M 56
August 2006
Last Update: August 2006
The New Yorker Correspondence:
White's New Yorker Correspondence comprises the largest portion ofher Papers. As editor for The New Yorker , White was engaged in a long and steady correspondence (1400 letters to and from over 250 correspondents) with a great many of the magazine's writers, poets, artists, and staff. The collection documents nearly 50 years of her personal and professional relationships with E. B. White (her husband), William Maxwell, James Thurber, Harold Ross, Vladimir Nabokov, Ogden Nash, John Updike, Marianne Moore, Jean Stafford, May Sarton, Clarence Day, Elizabeth Bishop, Janet Flanner, and John Cheever, and many others. White was described by her husband as a great "keeper-in-touch" and her correspondence with the writers whose work she edited shows her as a nurturing and maternal friend, not merely critic and editor. White's early years as editor for The New Yorker are significantly less well documented than the later years of her career, because she did not at first keep copies of her correspondence, a practice she later followed scrupulously. Her career between the years 1935 and 1961, on the other hand, is copiously documented through her own preservation of her professional and personal correspondence, which forms the bulk of this collection.

20. First Book Catalogue
Miller later wrote novels and stories for The New Yorker under the name of isabel bolton. Some tears at extremities of spine, else a fine copy lacking dust
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First Books
1. Aaron, Chester. ABOUT US. NY: McGraw-Hill, (1967). First edition, a novel of a Jewish family in Pennsylvania during the depression. Inscribed and signed by the author . Fine in lightly used dust jacket with a tear at top of spine. 75.00
2. (Abbe, George). WIND ABOUT THE EAVES: An Anthology. Dover: Erato, 1931. First edition. Boards. Contains three poems by Abbe, his first book appearance. Boards. Printed by George G. Neal. Small hole on edge of spine, else near fine. 45.00
3. (Abbe, George). HILL WIND by Charles Kittredge Abbe. Edited by George Abbe. NY: Association Press, 1936. First edition, a collection of the work of Abbe's brother. Fine in dust jacket with small piece missing on rear panel. 90.00
4. Abbe, George. VOICES IN THE SQUARE. NY: Coward-McCann, 1938. First edition, first novel. Fine in dust jacket. 75.00
5. Abbott, Jack Henry. IN THE BELLY OF THE BEAST: Letters from Prison with an introduction by Norman Mailer. NY: Random House, (1981). First edition, the murder's first book. Fine in dust jacket. 45.00
6. (Abel, Lionel - translator). SOME POEMS OF RIMBAUD. NY: Exiles' Press, (1939). First edition of these translations. Printed wrappers. 48 pp. Some wear to top of spine, else a very nice copy. 50.00

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