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         Boll Heinrich:     more books (100)
  1. Die Darstellung des Kindes im fruhen Werk Heinrich Bolls: D. Kind in d. Rolle d. moral. Gegenspielers zu e. inhumanen Welt (Europaische Hochschulschriften ... Literatur und Germanistik) (German Edition) by Ikhwa Song, 1978
  2. Die Subversive Madonna: Ein Schlussel z. Werk Heinrich Bolls (Pocket ; 59) (German Edition)
  3. Die Rezeption Von Heinrich Boll Und Gunter Grass in Den U S A: Bol Und Gross in Spiege (European university studies. Series I, German language and literature) by T. Schaller, 1988-06
  4. Das Heinrich Böll Lesebuch. by Heinrich Böll, Viktor Böll, 2002-11-01
  5. Geschichte und Melancholie: Uber Heinrich Bolls Roman Frauen vor Flusslandschaft (German Edition)
  6. Der andere Deutsche: Heinrich Böll: Eine Biographie. (German Edition) by Heinrich Vormweg, 2002-10-01
  7. Heinrich Boll: Einf. in d. Werk u. in d. Forschung (Fischer-Athenaum Taschenbucher ; 2084 : Literaturwissenschaft) (German Edition) by Rainer Nagele, 1976
  8. Heinrich Boll (Guides to European Literature) by Enid Macpherson, 1972-03-06
  9. Heinrich Boll: E. Einf. in d. Gesamtwerk in Einzelinterpretationen (Scriptor-Taschenbucher ; S 52 : Literatur & [i.e. und] Sprache & [i.e. und] Didaktik) (German Edition)
  10. Entfremdung Untersuchunge Zum Fruhwerk Heinrich Bolls 1949 1963 (Regensburger Beitrage zur deutschen Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft) by Sunok Sa, 1993-06
  11. Der deutsche Roman der Gegenwart: Entwicklungsvoraussetzungen u. Tendenzen : Heinrich Boll, Gunter Grass, Uwe Johnson, Christa Wolf, Hermann Kant (Sprache und Literatur ; 70) (German Edition) by Manfred Durzak, 1979
  12. Zu Heinrich Boll (LGW-Interpretationen) (German Edition)
  13. Heinrich Boll: Gruppenbild Mit Dame (German Edition) by W. Bellman, 2002-09-30
  14. Die Russischen Ubersetzungen Der Romane Heinrich Bolls (Beitrage zur Slavistik) by Schmidt, 1993-06

61. Heinrich-Böll-Foundation
The heinrich Böll Foundation supports people and projects around the world who are working for meaningful participation, solidarity, sustainable development

62. Heinrich-Böll-Foundation
heinrich Boell. Office in Nahalat Binyamin St. 24 in Central Tel Aviv. In Israel the work of the foundation takes place in the complex and multidimensional

63. The EU Regional Office Of The Heinrich Böll Foundation
The EU Regional Office of the heinrich Böll Foundation in Brussels, established in 1998, represents the Foundation in contacts with European and
"Meddling is the only way to stay relevant'' (Heinrich Böll)
The EU Regional Office in Brussels was established in 1998. The office organises the Foundation's contacts with European and international institutions (EU, NATO, Council of Europe), as well as with associations, non-governmental organisations and the media. Its main task is to provide a forum for dialogue between governmental and non-governmental organisations. The office manages two programmes:
Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP)

Global Dialogue Programme

The , affiliated with the Green Party in Germany, is a legally independent political foundation working in the spirit of intellectual openness The Foundation’s primary objective is to support democracy and active citizenship through political education in Germany and abroad, thus promoting democratic involvement, socio-political activism, and cross-cultural understanding. The Foundation also provides support for art and culture, science and research, and developmental co-operation. Its activities are guided by the fundamental political values of ecology, democracy, solidarity, and non-violence.

64. Heinrich Boell Foundation, East And Horn Of Africa
Welcome to the website of the East and Horn of Africa office of the heinrich Böll Stiftung. The Foundation s Regional office focuses its activities around





East and Horn of Africa Region Welcome to the website of the East and Horn of Africa office of the Heinrich B
The Foundation's Regional office focuses its activities around three programmes: the Gender Programme , the Environment Programme and the Conflict and Dialogue Programme. Arts and Culture cross-cuts issues on environment, gender and conflict resolution.
The Foundation organises and/or supports activities such as Conferences, Publications and projects carried out by our Partners

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Save The Date!!! Extractive Industries Discussion Group [If you would like to join our Extractive Industries (oil, gas, and mining) Discussion Group follow the link below. Publications COMING SOON!!!!!!! Beyond CDF: Making Kenya's Sub-Sovereign Finance Work for the Socially Excluded, 2007 Nairobi+21: Commemorating the Third UN World Conference on Women, 2007 ......5.27MB Mapping Best Practices: Promoting Gender Equality and the Advancement of Kenyan Women, 2006 .....1.01MB Perspectives on Gender Discourse. Gender in International Agricultural Trade Agreements: A Kenyan Synopsis 5/05 .........1.35MB Protectors of Environment: Mapping and Profiling Environmental Organisations in Kenya, 2006 ....1.27MB [ In Quest for a Culture of Peace in the IGAD region: The Role of Intellectuals and Scholars, 2005]

65. Krul Antiquarian Books At
936 BÖLL, heinrich. Die verlorene Ehre der Katharina Blum, oder Wie Gewalt entstehen 932 BÖLL, heinrich. - Entfernung von der Truppe. Erzählung.
Krul Antiquarian Books
Verdilaan 23, NL 2151 NA Nieuw Vennep, The Netherlands Email: Search our books Search Antiqbook Search on this page Click on booknumber for full information : BERTOUILLE, HORACE ET ANDRÉ CAILLEUX. - Dépots calcaires, fentes et ferruginisations quaternaires près de Paris.
: BERTRAM, HANS. - Türme des Schweigens. (Filmdrehbuch).
: BERTRANDT, ANDRZEJ. (1938 - ) - Medéa. Pier Paolo Pasolini.
: BESS, JACK, E.A. - Wij zingen vrij ... 13 actuele liederen door populaire auteurs o.a. Jack Bess, Fred Fagel, Ferry, Lou de Groot. Kees Klaare enz. enz.
: BESSE, E. - Een molenbestek van Leegwater.
: BESSE, E. - De Uitgeester Woude en een handschrift van Leegwater.
: BESSE, E. - Een plan tot droogmaking van het Langemeer.
: BESSELAAR, G. - Handhaving en versterking der cultureele betrekkingen tusschen Nederalnd en Zuid Afrika.
: BETH, H. - Rottingslagen.
: BETHGE, HANS. - Satuila oder vom Zauber der Südsee. : BETHUNE, P. DE. - Le Relief du Condroz. : BETTWS-Y-GOED. - Water view. : BEUKERING, J. A. VAN. -

66. Böll, Heinrich - Plurabelle Books - Cambridge Bookseller For
Plurabelle Books Cambridge Bookseller for Secondhand and exLibrary Books Plurabelle Books Cambridge Bookseller for Secondhand and ex-Library Books.

67. Stokbro Antikvariat
Böll, heinrich Der Zug war pünktlich. Ullstein Bücher. Frankfurt am Main, Berlin 1969. 154 s. Paperback. DKK 39. Böll, heinrich Gruppebillede med dame.
Forside Katalog Kontakt Salgsbestemmelser ... ABC for bogelskere Andet Sk¸nlitteratur A B C D ... I A Abrams, M.H. (ed.) The Norton Anthology of English Literature Smudsomslaget mangler og der er enkelte noter i r¸d kuglepen . DKK 175. Adams, Richard Watership Down . Penguin. Harmondsworth u.¥. 478 s. Paperback. Brugsspor . DKK 37. Adams, Richard Kaninbjerget . Borgen. Valby 2001. 397 s. Kartonbind. I meget god stand . DKK 90. Adams, Richard Shardik . Gyldendals bogklub. K¸benhavn 1977. 487 s. Halvl¦rredsbind u. smudsbind. DKK 70. Adams, Richard Pigen i gyngen . Gyldendals bogklub. K¸benhavn 1981. 371 s. Kartonbind m. smudsomslag. Smudsomslaget er solbleget p¥ ryggen, men ellers er det i fin stand . DKK 49. Agger, Ragnhild Parret . Gyldendal. K¸benhavn 1978. 1. oplag. 205 s. Heftet. DKK 90. Airth, Rennie Svindlerkvartetten . Lademann. K¸benhavn u.¥. 288 s. Halvfablea m. noget nusset omslag. DKK 30. Allende, Isabel …ndernes hus . Gyldendals Paberback. k¸benhavn 1989. 395 s. Paperback. DKK 40. Almquist, C.J.L.

68. Project MUSE
Böll, heinrich. And Where Were You, Adam? Trans. Leila Vennewitz. Evanston, Ill. Northwestern Böll, heinrich. Missing Persons And Other Essays. Trans.
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69. Böll, Heinrich (Theodor)
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(1959) and (1971). He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1972.
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70. Haus Ohne Hüter - Roman - BÖLL, HEINRICH
Haus ohne Hüter Roman; BÖLL, heinrich. Offered by Lesefreude Buchversand.
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BÖLL, HEINRICH Haus ohne Hüter - Roman
Ullstein, 1975. Softcover , 219 S. oberer Schnitt mit kleinen Wasserfleckchen. (ISBN: 3548021859). Gewicht/weight: 300 gr.
EUR 1.99 = appr. US$ 2.92 Offered by: Lesefreude Buchversand - Book number: 6152
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