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         Blackwood Algernon:     more books (100)
  1. Four Weird Tales by Algernon Blackwood, 2010-07-12
  2. The Damned by Algernon Blackwood, 2010-07-06
  3. Ancient Sorceries and Other Weird Stories by Algernon Blackwood, 2009-01-01
  4. The Willows by Algernon Blackwood, 2010-07-24
  5. Best Ghost Stories of Algernon Blackwood by Algernon Blackwood, 2009-01-01
  6. The Empty House and Other Ghost Stories by Algernon Blackwood, 2010-07-12
  7. The Best Supernatural Tales of Algernon Blackwood by Algernon Blackwood, 1973-01
  8. Incredible Adventures by Algernon Blackwood, 2010-04-20
  9. The Wendigo by Algernon Blackwood, 2010-07-24
  10. Three John Silence Stories by Algernon Blackwood, 2010-07-06
  11. Starlight Man: The Extraordinary Life of Algernon Blackwood by Mike Ashley, 2001-11-16
  12. Short Works of Algernon Blackwood by Algernon Blackwood, 2008-08-18
  13. Eerie Tales : The Best Stories Of Algernon Blackwood by Algernon Blackwood, 2009-03-27
  14. The Collected Works of Algernon Blackwood (Halcyon Classics) by Algernon Blackwood, 2010-03-09

1. Algernon Blackwood - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Born in Shooter s Hill (today part of southeast London, but then part of north-west Kent) and educated at Wellington College, Algernon Blackwood had a
Algernon Blackwood
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to: navigation search Algernon Henry Blackwood CBE March 14 December 10 ) was an English writer of tales of the supernatural
  • Life and work Selected works
    edit Life and work
    Although Blackwood wrote a number of horror stories , his most typical work seeks less to frighten than to induce a sense of awe. Good examples are the novels The Centaur , which climaxes with a traveller's sight of a herd of the mythical creatures; and Julius LeVallon and its sequel The Bright Messenger , which deal with reincarnation and the possibility of a new, mystical evolution in human consciousness. His best stories, such as those collected in the book Incredible Adventures , are masterpieces of atmosphere, construction and suggestion. Born in Shooter's Hill (today part of south-east London , but then part of north-west Kent ) and educated at Wellington College , Algernon Blackwood had a varied career, farming in Canada , operating a hotel, and working as a newspaper reporter in New York City . In his late thirties, Blackwood moved back to England and started to write horror stories. He was very successful, writing 10 books of short stories and appearing on both radio and television to tell them. He also wrote fourteen novels and a number of plays, most of which were produced but not published. He was an avid lover of nature, and many of his stories reflect this.

2. The Literary Gothic | Algernon Blackwood
Algernon Blackwood page at The Literary Gothic, the web s premier guide to Gothic and supernaturalist literature written prior to 1950.
Blackwood, Algernon
14 March 1869 - 10 December 1951
Arthur Machen

Sites: Algernon Blackwood Includes biographical note, bibliography, images, and more. [Miskatonic University Press - and no, that's not a real university. It's a Lovecraft thing...] Blackwood resource page [Allan Gulette] Algernon Blackwood Includes a brief biographical note, bibliography, gallery of book cover images, and more. Brief biographical note [Wikipedia] Brief biographical note At Starkhouse Press; includes cover images of Blackwood reprint volumes. Brief biographical note Includes bibliography. [FantasticFiction] Bibliography Includes images of some early editions of Blackwood's works. [Tartarus Press]
Etexts: "Accessory Before the Fact" [1914] A neat little "time slip" story, but mystical rather than science fictional. This tale was filmed as part of the early 1960s British TV series Tales of Mystery - at HorrorMasters (PDF)
- at BlackMask (multiple formats)
"Ancient Lights" [1914] Another work testifying to Blackwood's fascination with the mystical/supernatural aspects of wilderness, often (as in this case), malefic; this tale could just as well be called "The Man Whom the Trees Hated." Blackwood's nature tales compare interestingly to Nathaniel Hawthorne 's classic "Young Goodman Brown."

3. Algernon Blackwood - Wikipedia, La Enciclopedia Libre
Translate this page Blackwood nació en Shooter s Hill (una localidad que forma hoy parte de Londres, pero pertenecía entonces a Kent). A lo largo de su vida, desempeñó oficios
Algernon Blackwood
De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Saltar a navegaci³n bºsqueda Algernon Henry Blackwood 14 de marzo de 10 de diciembre de ) escritor ingl©s de relatos fant¡sticos.
Tabla de contenidos
editar Biograf­a
Blackwood naci³ en Shooter's Hill (una localidad que forma hoy parte de Londres, pero pertenec­a entonces a Kent). A lo largo de su vida, desempe±³ oficios muy variados en Norteam©rica: granjero en Canad¡, encargado de un hotel, minero en Alaska, reportero en Nueva York. De vuelta a Inglaterra, comenz³ a escribir relatos de terror, con gran ©xito. Como a otros escritores brit¡nicos del g©nero, se le relaciona con la Golden Dawn , organizaci³n secreta cuyas ense±anzas pueden haber influido en la peculiar atm³sfera m¡gica de sus cuentos.
editar Obra
Public³ diez libros de historias cortas y a menudo particip³ en radio y televisi³n como lector de las mismas. Escribi³ tambi©n catorce novelas, la mayor parte de las cuales quedaron in©ditas. Amaba apasionadamente la naturaleza, y muchas de sus historias dan fe de ello. Uno de sus relatos los Willows , traducido en espa±ol como los sauces, es considerado una de las mejores historias sobrenaturales jamas escrita.

4. Algernon Henry Blackwood --  Britannica Online Encyclopedia
Britannica online encyclopedia article on Algernon Henry Blackwood British writer of tales of mystery and the supernatural.
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Algernon Henry Blackwood
Page 1 of 1 born March 14, 1869, Shooters Hill, Kent, Eng.
died Dec. 10, 1951, London Algernon Blackwood, 1948 Tom Blau from Camera Press British writer of tales of mystery and the supernatural. After farming in Canada, operating a hotel, mining in the Alaskan goldfields, and working as a newspaper reporter in New York City, experiences that he recalled in Episodes Before Thirty Blackwood, Algernon Henry... (75 of 145 words) To read the full article, activate your FREE Trial Commonly Asked Questions About Algernon Henry Blackwood Close Enable free complete viewings of Britannica premium articles when linked from your website or blog-post.

5. Free Ebooks By Algernon Blackwood
Algernon Blackwood. Life 18691951. Titles. Sort by Date or Title More Information. Algernon Blackwood at Wikipedia
Algernon Blackwood
Life Titles Sort by: Date or Title The Best British Short Stories of 1922 The Centaur The Damned The Empty House and Other Ghost Stories ... Masterpieces of Mystery In Four Volumes
Mystic-Humorous Stories A Prisoner in Fairyland
The Book That 'Uncle Paul' Wrote Three John Silence Stories Three More John Silence Stories The Wendigo The Willows
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Algernon Blackwood at Wikipedia
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6. Algernon Blackwood Biography And Summary
Algernon Blackwood biography with 59 pages of profile on Algernon Blackwood sourced from encyclopedias, critical essays, summaries, and research journals.
Literature Guides Criticism/Essays Biographies Research Anything: All BookRags Literature Guides Essays Criticism Biographies Encyclopedias History Encyclopedias Films Periodic Table ... Summary Pack Details
Algernon Blackwood
About 59 pages (17,641 words) in 4 products
"Algernon Blackwood" Search Results
Contents: Biographies Works by Author Summaries Biography
Name: Algernon (Henry) Blackwood Variant Name: Algernon Blackwood, Algernon Henry Blackwood Birth Date: March 14, 1869 Death Date: December 10, 1951 Nationality: British, English Gender: Male
summary from source:
of Algernon (Henry) Blackwood
6,878 words, approx. 23 pages
During a career spanning sixty-one years, Algernon Henry Blackwood wrote more stories and novels in the realms of the psychic, mystic, and supernatural than any other contemporary. Much of his neoromantic fiction is of high quality and particularly... summary from source:
of Algernon (Henry) Blackwood
5,903 words, approx. 20 pages
During a sixty-one-year career Algernon Blackwood wrote more stories and novels featuring psychic, mystical, and supernatural phenomena than any other contemporary. Many of his short stories are of high quality and particularly excel at evoking... summary from source:
of Algernon (Henry) Blackwood 4,156 words, approx. 14 pages

7. Algernon Blackwood
Algernon Blackwood. Certain houses, like certain persons, manage somehow to may boast an open countenance and an ingenuous smile; .
Enter your search terms Web Submit search form Geneva, 19 January 2008
Humanitarian Law Reader Paramilitaries Reports from the Field Inongo, Democratic Republic of the Congo Photos Cyangugu, Rwanda Related Authors Albert Coia Algernon Blackwood Ambrose Bierce Arthur Machen ... Authors Algernon Blackwood Strange Disappearance of a Baronet by Algernon Blackwood http:
Strange Disappearance of a Baronet. By Algernon Blackwood © 2005 by His intrinsic value before the Eternities was exceedingly small, ... Entrance and Exit by Algernon Blackwood http:/ / www.horrormaste
Entrance and Exit. By Algernon Blackwood © 2004 by These three—the old physicist, the girl, and the young Anglican parson who was ... Algernon Blackwood
The Empty House. Algernon Blackwood. Certain houses, like certain persons, manage somehow to ... may boast an open countenance and an ingenuous smile; ...

8. Free - Author - Algernon Blackwood
Algernon Henry Blackwood (March 14, 1869 – December 10, 1951) was an English writer of tales of the supernatural. Although Blackwood wrote a number of
var fontSizeDefault = 90; var increment = 10; var cookieName = 'setfontsize'; var fsLabel = 'Text Size'; var fsBigger = 'bigger'; var fsNormal = 'default'; var fsSmaller = 'smaller'; Big View Titles Home Page Author ... Algernon Henry Blackwood (March 14, 1869 – December 10, 1951) was an English writer of tales of the supernatural. Although Blackwood wrote a number of horror stories, his most typical work seeks less to frighten than to induce a sense of awe. Good examples are the novels The Centaur, which climaxes with a traveller's sight of a herd of the mythical creatures; and Julius LeVallon and its sequel The Bright Messenger, which deal with reincarnation and the possibility of a new, mystical evolution in human consciousness. His best stories, such as those collected in the book Incredible Adventures, are masterpieces of atmosphere, construction and suggestion. This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License . It uses material from the

9. Algernon Blackwood: Blogs, Photos, Videos And More On Technorati
Saturday s Guardian had an extensive review of a new biography of Algernon Blackwood. For reasons unknown, I am not a great reader of biographies (I think I Blackwood
Check out the buzz in Technology
8 posts tagged Algernon Blackwood
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  • TRANSICI“N 2008/ 01/ 06/ transicion/ «Ten­a m¡s de cincuenta a±os, era calvo, oficinista, honesto de h¡bitos y manera de pensar, de opiniones inseguras, ideas pol­ticas inseguras, e ideas religiosas inseguras. Sin embargo, se ten­a a s­ mismo por un caballero firme y decidido, sin percatarse de que la prensa matinal determinaba sus opiniones del d­a.» Algernon Blackwood. 18 days ago by laglorybox in laglorybox Authority: 8
    Algernon Blackwood on H P Lovecraft
    Yes, we know that HPL adored The Willows and called Blackwood a master. Since Blackwood lived from 1869 to 1951 (Vs. HPL: 1890-1937). Perhaps living longer, being on radio and TV, and meeting more literary types he had a bit broader perspective that Lovecraft.
  • 10. Algernon Blackwood
    Algernon Blackwood An Extraordinary Life. New York Carroll and Graf, 2001. xiii + 395 pp. $28.00 U.K. edition Starlight Man The Extraordinary Life of

    11. Algernon Blackwood Review At Kaboodle
    Kaboodle Algernon Blackwood review and product info . Learn more about Algernon Blackwood, learn other people s perspectives, compare prices,
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    Algernon Blackwood
    Flag Product Add to my list Send to friend Compare prices Shop for it: (added from 1 site) Added by lunaman added to Authors Rate this: Ratings Added to 1 list comment about it Add Comment Description: .A bibliography of the works of Algernon Blackwood Join the conversation: Flag Comments 1 comment From Authors by lunaman Algernon Posted by lunaman at 12:36 PM on 12/01/07 Latest Blog Posts Latest Finds Valentine's Day Gift Ideas For Her Valentine's Day Gift Ideas For Him Valentine's Day Gift Ideas By Price Navigate Home Products Lists Gift Ideas ... My Profile Get Help Getting Started Get the Buttons FAQ More Info About Us Blog Retailers Community Guidelines ... Send Feedback Not a Kaboodler? Join Now, It's Free!

    12. "Bibliographie De Blackwood Algernon"
    LISTE DES OUVRAGES ECRITS PAR blackwood algernon (USA, 1869 1951) 2 8 ROMANS OU ANTHOLOGIES. Ancient Sorceries and other Stories 1968; Ancient Sorceries
    (USA, 1869 - 1951)
    Paul Denis
    Mise à jour : 29/07/2002.

    13. Infotainment: Blackwood
    Biography, bibliography, interview with blackwood scholar Mike Ashley, and text of the story House of the Past.

    14. HorrorMasters -- Algernon Blackwood Page...Dozens Of Classic Horror Stories By A
    Welcome to HorrorMasters algernon blackwood Page Dozens of classic Horror Stories by algernon blackwood and links to several sites that feature algernon
    Algernon Blackwood Page
    Welcome to HorrorMasters' Algernon Blackwood Page Dozens of classic Horror Stories by Algernon Blackwood and links to several sites that feature Algernon Blackwood.

    ~ Stories ~
    Accessory Before The Fact Ancient Lights Ancient Sorceries The Attic ... The Wings of Horus

    ~ Links ~
    Bibliography Bio Bio Miskatonic University Blackwood Page ... Review of "The Other Wing" Web

    15. Algernon Blackwood
    A bibliography of algernon blackwood s books, with the latest releases, covers, descriptions and availability.
    Fantastic Fiction Authors B Algernon Blackwood Preferences google_ad_client = "pub-4149752303753296";google_alternate_ad_url = "";google_ad_width = 468;google_ad_height = 60;google_ad_format = "468x60_as";google_ad_type = "text_image";google_ad_channel ="5061332721";google_color_border = "6699CC";google_color_bg = "003366";google_color_link = "FFFFFF";google_color_url = "AECCEB";google_color_text = "AECCEB"; Home Awards New Books Coming Soon ... Years Browse Authors A H O V ... U
    Algernon Blackwood
    Search Authors Search Books About Algernon Blackwood Algernon Blackwood was born into a well-to-do Kentish family. His parents, converts to a Calvinistic sect, led an austere life, ill-suited to their dreamy and sensitive son. During adolescence, he became fascinated by hypnotism and the supernatural and, on leaving university, studied Hindu philosophy and occultism. Later, he was to draw on these beliefs and experiences in his writing. Sent away to Canada at the age of twenty, his attempts at making a living were wholly unsuccessful and shortly after his return to England, he began to write. The Empty House and Other Ghost Stories, published in 1906, was followed by a series of psychic detective stories, featuring John Silence, 'physician extraordinary'. His reputation as one of the greatest exponents of supernatural fiction began to grow.Chiefly known for his ghost stories, Blackwood wrote in many different forms within the genre. His most personal works, however, are his 'mystical' novels, for example The Centaur, where he explores man's empathy with the forces of the universe.

    16. Algernon Blackwood
    A brief biography and bibliography of the writings of one of the modern masters of supernatural fiction.
    Algernon Blackwood
    E nglish writer of ghost stories and supernatural fiction, of whom Lovecraft wrote: "He is the one absolute and unquestioned master of weird atmosphere." His powerful story "The Willows," which effectively describes another dimension impinging upon our own, was reckoned by Lovecraft to be not only "foremost of all" Blackwood's tales but the best "weird tale" of all time. (Unfortunately, Blackwood, who was familiar with Lovecraft's work, failed to return the compliment. As he told Peter Penzoldt, he found "spiritual terror" missing in his young admirer's writing, something he considered all-important in his own.) Among his thirty-odd books, Blackwood wrote a series of stories and short novels published as John Silence, Physician Extraordinary (1908), which featured a "psychic detective" who combined the skills of a Sherlock Holmes and a psychic medium. Blackwood also wrote light fantasy and juvenile books. The son of a preacher, Blackwood had a life-long interest in the supernatural, the occult, and spiritualism, and firmly believed that humans possess latent psychic powers. The autobiography Episodes Before Thirty (1923) tells of his lean years as a journalist in New York. In the late 1940s, Blackwood had a television program on the BBC on which he read . . . ghost stories!

    17. Algernon Blackwood Literary Works
    algernon blackwood. Titles in Fiction category. Three John Silence Stories. And what is it makes you think I could be of use in this particular case?

    Non-Fiction Young Readers Poetry ... Members :: Tools Printer-friendly
    Algernon Blackwood
    Titles in Fiction category:
    • Three John Silence Stories "And what is it makes you think I could be of use in this particular case?" asked Dr. John Silence, looking across somewhat sceptically at the Swedish lady in the chair facing him. Three More John Silence Stories Harris, the silk merchant, was in South Germany on his way home from a business trip when the idea came to him suddenly that he would take the mountain railway from Strassbourg and run down to revisit his old school after an interval of something more than thirty years. And it was to this ... Willows, The After leaving Vienna, and long before you come to Budapest, the Danube enters a region of singular loneliness and desolation, where its waters spread away on all sides regardless of a main channel, and the country becomes a swamp for miles upon miles, covered by a vast sea of low willow-b ...
    Titles in Short Stories category:
    • Case of Eavesdropping, A Jim Shorthouse was the sort of fellow who always made a mess of things. Everything with which his hands or mind came into contact issued from such contact in an unqualified and irremediable state of mess. His college days were a mess: he was twice rusticated. His schooldays were a mess: h ... Empty House, The

    18. Blackwood, Algernon
    blackwood returned to England in 1899 where he wrote most of his occult stories. In 1900 he joined the famous Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.
    Back to Home Page or Contents Page or People or Index Blackwood, Algernon (Henry)
    amous British author, known for his works because of their brilliant occult themes. Born in Kent, at seventeen he became interested in the mystical and occult. His interest was aroused after he read the translation of the Yoga Sutrus of Patanjali.
    When 20, in 1890, he emigrated to Canada where he started a varied career there and in the United States. His occupations included being a journalist, dairy farmer, hotel proprietor, actor plus others. He was intensely poverty-stricken until he became a secretary to James Speyer, a millionaire of the time.
    Blackwood returned to England in 1899 where he wrote most of his occult stories. In 1900 he joined the famous Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn . He was some what of a mystic, being particularly responsive to wild natural scenery. He believed man possessed a latent occult faculty. He died when 82. A.G.H.

    19. The Wendigo By Algernon Blackwood - Project Gutenberg
    Download the free eBook The Wendigo by algernon blackwood.
    Online Book Catalog Quick Search Author: Title Word(s): EText-No.: Advanced Search Recent Books Top 100 Offline Catalogs ... Main Page Project Gutenberg needs your donation! More Info Did you know that you can help us produce ebooks by proof-reading just one page a day? Go to: Distributed Proofreaders
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    Help Read online Bibliographic Record Creator Blackwood, Algernon, 1869-1951 Title The Wendigo Language English EText-No. Release Date Base Directory /files/10897/
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    20. Miskatonic University Department Of Literature - Algernon Blackwood
    A short introductory biography of algernon blackwood Selected Works of algernon blackwood. An Egyptian Hornet. off site link The House of the Past.
    Department of Literature
    Algernon Blackwood
    BIO A short introductory biography of
    Algernon Blackwood

    tr IMAGES
    A gallery of images from the life of
    Algernon Blackwood

    Selected Works of Algernon Blackwood An Egyptian Hornet off site link
    The House of the Past
    The Listener off site link
    A Victim of Higher Space
    The Wendigo The Willows The Centaur A bibliography of the works of Algernon Blackwood LINKS

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