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         Bishop John Peale:     more books (69)
  1. Biography - Bishop, John Peale (1892-1944): An article from: Contemporary Authors by Gale Reference Team, 2003-01-01
  2. The undertakerÃ?¯Ã'¿Ã'½s garland / John Peale Bishop [and] Edmund Wilson, Jr. ; decorations by Boris Artzybasheff by John Peale (1892-1944). Wilson, Edmund (1895-1972). Boris Artzybasheff Bishop, 1922
  3. An F. Scott Fitzgerald Companion by John Peale Bishop, Amar Shah, et all 2000
  4. Green Fruit (1917) by John Peale Bishop, 2010-09-10
  5. Nassau Literary Magazine (Three Issues: June, October and November 1913) by Edmund Jr., Bishop, John Peale et al Wilson, 1913
  6. MINUTE PARTICULARS by John Peale Bishop, 1935
  7. NOW WITH HIS LOVE. by John Peale. Bishop, 1933
  8. Act of Darkness by John Peale Bishop, 1970
  9. THE UNDERTAKER'S GARLAND.Decorations by Boris Artzybasheff by John Peale and Edmund Wilson,Jr. Bishop, 1922-01-01
  10. Selected Poems by John Peale BISHOP, 1941-01-01
  11. The American Culture: Studies In Definition And Prophecy by Rushton Coulborn, Clyde Kluckhohn, et all 2010-09-10
  12. Green Fruit by John Peale Bishop, 1917
  13. Act of Darkness by John Peale Bishop, 1935-01-01
  14. SELECTED POEMS. by John Peale. Bishop, 1960

21. Biografia De John Peale Bishop
Translate this page john peale bishop. (Charlestown, 1892-Hyannis, 1944) Escritor estadounidense. Amigo de Scott Fitzgerald, escribió poesías y relatos y una serie de ensayos
Inicio Buscador Las figuras clave de la historia Reportajes Los protagonistas de la actualidad John Peale Bishop (Charlestown, 1892-Hyannis, 1944) Escritor estadounidense. Amigo de Scott Fitzgerald, escribió poesías y relatos y una serie de ensayos publicados en 1948. Inicio Buscador Recomendar sitio

22. ICU.SPCL.LATIMER Guide To The Ronald Lane Latimer Papers 1926-1938
Cummings, Ford Madox Ford, john peale bishop, Erskine Caldwell, Archibald MacLeish, Marianne Moore, Ezra Pound, Robert Penn Warren, William Carlos Williams

23. Guide To The Harvey Breit Correspondence, 1940-1965 Entire Finding Aids Informat
bishop, Elizabeth, 19111979 bishop, john peale, 1892-1944 Blackmur, Richard P., 1904-1965 Bogan, Louise, 1897-1970 Bourke-White, Margaret, 1904-1971
@import ""; @import ""; @import ""; McCormick Library of Special Collections archival collections

24. MISS HUTCHINS ENGAGED.; Daughter Of Mr. And Mrs. Robert G. Hutchins To... - Arti
Hutchins of 44 East Sixtyfifth Street announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Margaret Grosvenor Hutchins, to john peale bishop of this city.

25. John Bishop — Keisha Bishop ZoomInfo Business People Information
bishop, john, The Anniston Star, john peale bishop -. bishop, john, The Boeing Company, john P. bishop, Supplier Management and Procurement, Phantom Works

26. Books And Writers - John Orley Allen Tate
with john peale bishop (Ed) Recent American Poetry and Poetic Criticism A Selected List of (Ed) The Collected Poems of john peale bishop (1948)
@import "";
Books and Writers
Surname : All A B C ... Z
John Orley Allen Tate
Male : Nationality : American Place of Birth : Winchester, Kentucky
Date of Birth : Date of Death : Age :
Other Work : Professor of English at University of Minnesota 1951-68
Education :
- with Ridley Wills
Mr Pope and Other Poems (1928 Minton, Balch NY)
Offered in 1999 for £365
Stonewall Jackson : The Good Soldier - A Narrative (1928 Minton)
(Ed) Fugitive : An Anthology of Verse - et al
Jefferson Davies : His Rise and Fall - A Biographical Narrative
Three Poems Ode to the Confederate Dead Robert E Lee Poems 1928-31 (1932 London) Reactionary Essays on Poetry and Ideas (Ed) Who Owns America ? A New Declaration of Independence - with Herbert Agar The Mediterranean and Other Poems Selected Poems The Fathers (1938 Putnam) - novel (Ed) America Through the Essay : An Anthology for English Courses - with A Theodore Johnson Reason In Madness : Critical Essays (1941 Putnam) Sonnets at Christmas (1941 Cummington Press) Invitation to Learning - with Huntington Cairns and Mark Van Doren (Ed) The Language of Poetry (Ed) Princeton Verse Between Two Wars : An Anthology (Ed) American Harvest : Twenty Years of Creative Writing in the United States - with John Peale Bishop (Ed) Recent American Poetry and Poetic Criticism : A Selected List of References (Trans) The Vigil of Venus Sixty American Poets 1896-1944 : A Preliminary Checklist The Winter Sea : A Book of Poems Poems 1920-45 : A Selection (Ed) A Southern Vanguard

27. Poetry Recordings (Recorded Sound Reference Center, Library Of Congress)
john peale bishop. Return to Connecticutt; Moving Landscape with Falling Rain; Winter Print; Beyond Connecticutt, Beyond the Sea; That Summer’s End
The Library of Congress Especially for Researchers Research Centers Home Poetry Recordings Find in Recorded Sound Web Pages Researchers Web Pages All Library of Congress Pages
Walt Whitman holding a butterfly on his finger. [Detail] Walt Whitman. ca. 1877-1883.
Poetry Recordings Available from the Library of Congress
Ordering Instructions

28. Muna Lee: A Pan-American Life
john peale bishop s THE POETRY OF JORGE CARRERA ANDRADE Published as the Preface to Jorge Carrera Andrade, Secret Country Poems, translated by Muna Lee,
John Peale Bishop's

[Published as the Preface to Jorge Carrera Andrade, Secret Country: Poems
translated by Muna Lee, New York: MacMillan Publishers, 1946] W HEN I was a child and first went to school, I was taught that the Equator was an imaginary line encircling the globe midway between the poles. Later, in that book from which I first learned how the sensation of distance can be evoked by the strange names of far places, I was told of a country called Ecuador. Its name had been given it because it lay athwart that line which, first and last, is a convenience of the imagination. It was, nevertheless, a real country. On the maps, I drew and crudely colored it was bounded on one side by blue to describe a Pacific shore, while across the interior crawled lines, fuzzy as caterpillars, to indicate mountains, whose peaks bore remarkable names like Cotopaxi and Chimborazo.
Secret Country
The poems create their sense of abundance, precisely because they are so filled with the most commonplace details of everyday life. The lives of these laboring people are remote from us, but not their cares; so many of them are poor. Much that we encounter at first seems strange; but presently we recognize that the immediate strangeness of things is due less to their having been brought to us from a distant and equatorial climate than to their having been seen as though no one had looked at them before.
Corn hangs from the rafters of the barns in Ecuador as it does here; the husks have the same pale yellow color, the same shape. But who before had thought of telling us that the corn hangs by canary wings? Jorge Carrera Andrade uses his imagination as the first geographers did when on their charts they drew the Equator.

29. Stories, Listed By Author
bishop, john peale (18921944). * Toadstools Are Poison, (ss) North American Review Jun 1932. The Best Short Stories of 1933 and the Yearbook of the
Miscellaneous Anthologies
Stories, Listed by Author
Previous Table-of-Contents
BIERCE, AMBROSE (continued)

30. Ernest Hemingway Outgoing Correspondence: Name File: B (#104) - John F. Kennedy
john F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum bishop, James. 28 Dec 1951 19 Jan 1961. bishop, john peale. 15 Oct 1929 Resources/Archives/Archives and Manuscripts
var isEditMode = "y"; Home Historical Resources Archives Hemingway, Ernest
Search the archives, the web site, or other NARA resources
Oral History Project Summaries
Ernest Hemingway Outgoing Correspondence: Name File: B (#104)
Introduction Abbreviations Manuscripts Outgoing Correspondence ... Photographs
I. Name File
II.  Chronological File A ] [B] [ C D E F ... Fragments B
Baker, Carlos
17 Feb 1951
7 Oct 1951
22 Nov 1951
4 June 1952
Sept 1952
Sept - Oct 1952
26 Oct 1952
16 Jan 1961 20 Jan 1961 26 Jan 1961 Balas-Pory, Mrs. 21 May 1956 Balmer, Edwin 15 Feb 1935 Barber, George 9 Oct 1936 16 Mar 1930 Barr, Mr.[Alfred] 1 Sept 1934 Barrett, Pete Time Magazine 7 Dec 1951 16 Dec 1951 20 Jan 1961 12 Feb 1961 Baxter, William

31. Mss043 John Berryman Papers Manuscripts Staff And Students
Preferred Citation john Berryman Papers (Mss 43), Literary Manuscripts Eric 1960 bishop, Elizabeth 19451949, 1968-1970 bishop, john peale 1939 Blackmur
John Berryman Papers Manuscripts' staff and students University of Minnesota Libraries University of Minnesota Libraries Minneapolis, MN 55455 EAD encoding by Leslie Czechowski, April 2004 English Berryman, John, 1914-1972 John Berryman Papers University of Minnesota Libraries. Literary Manuscripts Collection, Manuscripts Division [mss] 57 cubic feet Collection contains manuscripts, notes, typescripts, galleys and proofs of works in poetry and prose. Also includes photographs, diaries, awards, financial records and other personal papers. Mss 43 English Mezzanine Administrative Information Restrictions on Access Access restricted; written permission required; consult the archivist for further information. Preferred Citation John Berryman Papers (Mss 43), Literary Manuscripts Collection, University of Minnesota Libraries, Minneapolis. Acquisition Purchase, 1972. Processing Information The collection was processed and the finding aid written by Craig Olson, student processors, and other Manuscripts' staff. Arrangement The collection is roughly organized by material type including diaries, correspondence, prose, poetry, personal papers, photographs, etc.

32. Boris Artzybasheff Bibliography
bishop, john peale and Edmund Wilson, Jr. The Undertaker s Garland. Decorations by Boris Artzybasheff. New York Alfred A. Knopf, 1922.
Boris Artzybasheff
Welcome to the Internet School Library Media Center Boris Artzybasheff bibliography. For biography, see Boris Artzybasheff Page . See also Boris Artzybasheff Papers . The ISLMC is a meta-site of educational materials for school librarians, teachers, parents and students. You can search this site, use an index or sitemap
Bianco, Margery Williams. Apple Tree . Illustrated by Boris Artzybasheff.
Bishop, John Peale and Edmund Wilson, Jr. The Undertaker's Garland . Decorations by Boris Artzybasheff. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1922. [Literary collection]
Bontemps, Arna Wendell. Black Thunder . New York: Macmillan, 1936.
Celarie, Henriette. Behind Moroccan Walls . Translated and adapted by Constance Lily Morris from the books of Henriette Celarie; with pictures by Boris Artzybasheff. Freeport, NY: Books for Libraries Press, 1970; New York: Macmillan, 1931.
Finney, Charles G. The Circus of Dr. Lao . With drawings by Boris Artzybasheff. New York: The Viking Press, 1935.
Kreymborg, Alfred.

33. Bishop Family Crest
1936), American biologist, who shared the 1989 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine; john peale bishop (18921944), American poet and man of letters
endVar=220;//make scroll to end of screen seeing don't have right panel
Bishop Family Crest and Name History
Text Size
Origin Displayed: English
Where did the English Bishop family come from? What is the English coat of arms/family crest? When did the Bishop family first arrive in the United States? Where did the various branches of the family go? What is the history of the family name?
One relatively recent invention that did much to standardize English spelling was the printing press. However, before its invention even the most literate people recorded their names according to sound rather than spelling. The spelling variations under which the name Bishop has appeared include Bishop, Bisshop, Bisshope, Bishope, Bishoppe and many more. First found in Worcestershire, where they held a family seat from ancient times, long before the Norman Conquest in 1066. At this time, the shores of the New World beckoned many English families that felt that the social climate in England was oppressive and lacked opportunity for change. Thousands left England at great expense in ships that were overcrowded and full of disease. A great portion of these settlers never survived the journey and even a greater number arrived sick, starving, and without a penny. The survivors, however, were often greeted with greater opportunity than they could have experienced back home. These English settlers made significant contributions to those colonies that would eventually become the United States and Canada. An examination of early immigration records and passenger ship lists revealed that people bearing the name Bishop arrived in North America very early: Daniel Bishop who settled in Virginia in 1663; Henry Bishop settled in Maryland in 1633; Joseph Bishop in Virginia in 1644; Thomas Bishop settled in the Barbados with his wife and servants in 1680.

34. Gesture Of Despair - TIME
ACT OF DARKNESS—john peale bishop —Scribner ($2.50). john peale bishop is the proudest literary boast of Charles Town, W. Va. where john Brown was tried and,9171,748579,00.html
var s_account="timecom"; Search Archive
  • Home U.S.
    Gesture of Despair
    Monday, Mar. 18, 1935 Article Tools Print Email Reprints Sphere addthis_url = location.href; addthis_title = document.title; addthis_pub = 'timecom'; RSS
    Related Articles'sphereSideBar','') tiiQuigoWriteAd(755769, 1290761, 180, 200, -1); John Peale Bishop is the proudest literary boast of Charles Town, W. Va. where John Brown was tried and hanged. Of the same Princeton generation as Novelist Francis Scott Fitzgerald and Critic Edmund Wilson, he has for years been regarded by his contemporaries as a dark horse who had not yet shown his real paces. He placed in the money four years ago when his story, Many Thousands Gone, won a $5,000 prize. His collection of poems. Now With His Love, got him a good rating on form. Last week bystanders saw him perform for the first time on the full-length course of a novel. Slow over the first hurdles, he picked up in the straightaway, came home in style. tiiQuigoWriteAd(755769, 1290655, 600, 240, -1);

35. A Library Of Literary Criticism: Modern American Literature
bishop, Elizabeth (1911 ) bishop, john peale (1892-1944) Blackmur, Richard (1904- ) Bodenheim, Maxwell (1893-1954) Bogan, Louise (1897- )

36. Named Collections In CUL
bishop, john peale, first editions, RMC. bishop, Morris, papers printed works papers on hist. of CU, RMC. Blancheteau, 18th century France, RMC
Cornell University Library
Named Collections in CUL This is a list of collections in CUL that are sometimes identified by the donor's name, the name of the individual who originally collected the material, or the name of the person whose papers, publications, etc. make up the collection. Dispersed means that all or most of the original collection was broken up, and its individual components shelved separately throughout CUL. Patrons should be referred to the location designated if they have specific questions about particular collections. Name Subject Location Adelmann, Howard B. anatomy, embyrology Hist. Sci. (RMC) Ammons A.R. (Archie) his papers RMC Anthon, Charles classics dispersed Bailey, L.H. botany, horticulture Mann Barnes, T.W. 18th century almanacs RMC Bennett, Earl J. statute law Law Berkowitz, Hyman C. Spain dispersed Berrigan papers RMC Beyer, Preston modern literature
Katherine Anne Porter RMC
RMC Beziat, Andre 18th century France RMC Bishop, John Peale first editions RMC Bishop, Morris
papers on hist. of CU RMC Blancheteau 18th century France RMC Boordy Nursery winemaking Geneva Bopp, Franz

37. Hemingway, Ernest: AuthorSheets, Reference Services, Carnegie Library Of Pittsbu
Criticism A Clean, WellLighted Place. In bishop, john peale. Collected Essays of john peale bishop. New York Octagon Books, 1975, c1948. pg. 37-46.
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Hemingway, Ernest
American b.1899. d.196
  • In Aldridge, John W. . Columbia, Mo.: University of Missouri Press, 1992. pp. 29-48.
    Criticism Dangerous Summer, The Sun Also Rises
  • In Allen, W.E. Short Story in English . New York: Oxford University Press, 1981. pp. 146-157.
    Criticism Short Stories "Big Two-Hearted River" "A Clean, Well-Lighted Place" "Fifty Grand" "Indian Camp" "The Killers" "The Undefeated"
  • In American critical essays: twentieth century . London: Oxford University Press, 1959. pp. 286-313.
    Criticism Works
  • In Baldwin, Kenneth H. Individual and Community . Durham, N.C. : Duke University Press, 1975. pp. 94-109.
    Criticism Works
  • In Bayley, John. The Short Story: Henry James to Elizabeth Bown . New York : St. Martin's Press, 1988. See index. Criticism Short Stories "Cat in the Rain" "Indian Camp" "Out of Season"
  • In Beach, Joseph Warren.
  • 38. Bishop - Definitions From
    Definitions of bishop at john peale, 1892–1944, U.S. poet and essayist. 4. Morris (Gilbert ), 1893–1973, U.S. humorist, poet,
    SafeAddOnload(_init_luna); SafeAddOnload(show_sp); var pid = 70030; var nid = 70072; var mid = 679788; var word = 'bishop'; SafeAddOnload(init_near);
    18 results for: bishop
    • Browse Nearby Entries
      bisferious bisferious pulse BISG ... bisho bishop bishop berkeley bishop bird bishop of rome bishop pine ... Share This bish·op ˈbɪʃ əp Pronunciation Key Show Spelled Pronunciation bish uh p Pronunciation Key Show IPA Pronunciation noun, verb, -oped, -op·ing. –noun a person who supervises a number of local churches or a diocese, being in the Greek, Roman Catholic, Anglican, and other churches a member of the highest order of the ministry. a spiritual supervisor, overseer, or the like. Chess one of two pieces of the same color that may be moved any unobstructed distance diagonally, one on white squares and the other on black. a hot drink made of port wine, oranges, cloves, etc. Also called bishop bird. any of several colorful African weaverbirds of the genus Euplectes, often kept as pets. –verb (used with object) to appoint to the office of bishop.

    39. Bishop's-wort - Definition Of Bishop's-wort By The Free Online Dictionary, Thesa
    Information about bishop swort in the free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. bishop, john Michael bishop, john peale bishop, Maurice's-wort
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    n. (Bot.) Wood betony ( Stachys betonica ); also, the plant called fennel flower ( Nigella Damascena ), or devil-in-a-bush.
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    Cite / link Email Feedback Add definition Charity('US') Mentioned in No references found Dictionary/thesaurus browser Full browser bishop's cap bishop's hat Bishop's length bishop's pine ... Bishop's-weed Bishop's-wort Bishop-stool Bishopdom Bishoplike Bishoply ... Bishop's-weed Bishop's-wort Bishop(Wizardry Character class) Bishop, (John) Michael Bishop, CA Bishop, California ... Bishop, Stephen TheFreeDictionary Google Word / Article Starts with Ends with Text Free Tools: For surfers: Browser extension Word of the Day Help For webmasters: Free content NEW! Linking Lookup box ... Farlex, Inc. All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional.

    40. - Historical Sources From Thousands Of Archives
    Berryman, john 19141972 - Friends and associates; Berryman, john, 1880-1968; bishop, Elizabeth, 1911-1979; bishop, john peale, 1892-1944; Bitker,

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