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Bidart Frank: more books (45) | |||
61. Atlantic Unbound | Interviews | 2003.07.03 An Atlantic Unbound interview with frank bidart, editor of Robert Lowell s collected Read aloud by frank bidart, Peter Davison, and Robert Pinsky. http://www.theatlantic.com/unbound/interviews/int2003-07-03.htm | |
62. Search > Arts : Literature : Authors : B : Bidart, Frank frank bidart. An Academy of American Poets poetry exhibit on bidart, including a brief biography and selected texts online. http://www.cooltoad.com/links/show.php?n=Arts/Literature/Authors/B/Bidart,_Frank |
63. Handball In Bakersfield - Kern County Basque Club Delegates on their way to the World Championships held in France in 1978 pictured KCBC President, Marcel Membrede, Bennat Arduain, Sauveur bidart, frank http://www.kcbasqueclub.com/history/handball/index.htm | |
64. About The Graduate Services Collections - Doe/Moffitt Libraries *bidart, frank 1939. Bishop, Elizabeth 1911-1979. Blackmur, Richard P. 1904-1965. Blixen, Karen (Isak Dinesen) 1885-1961. Blunden, Edmund Charles 1896-1974 http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/doemoff/grad/xmac.html | |
65. Professor Frank Bidart Wins Prestigious Prize In Poetry frank bidart, Wellesley College s Andrew W. Mellon Professor of English, has been chosen as the 2007 winner of Yale Universitys Bollingen Prize in American http://www.wellesley.edu/PublicAffairs/Releases/2007/022207a.html | |
66. ABAA Antiquarian Booksellers Association Of America bidart, frank. Golden State. NY Braziller (1973). First Edition of the simultaneous paperback of the poet s first book. INSCRIBED to Peter Dale Scott for http://search.abaa.org/dbp2/books2060.html | |
67. Frank Bidart Wins Bollingen Prize In Poetry For all these reasons, the Bollingen Prize Committee for 2007 is pleased to honor frank bidart, who has already built up a lifetimes worth of memorable http://www.yale.edu/opa/newsr/07-02-26-02.all.html | |
68. BIDART, FRANK: Chaos.com Add bidart, frank to your Artist Watch list (click for more information). Sorted by. Most Popular, Title, Release Date, Price High to Low http://chaos.com/artist/bidart_frank_269289.html | |
69. Vidz Of Oz - BIDART, FRANK bidart, frank / STAR DUST, A collection of poems illuminates the drive to bidart, frank / MUSIC LIKE DIRT (1), A long poem by the Pulitzer Prize and http://www.vidzofoz.com.au/artist.asp?intArtistID=269289 |
70. Home Fitness Delivered - BIDART, FRANK bidart, frank / MUSIC LIKE DIRT (1) A long poem by the Pulitzer Prize and bidart, frank / STAR DUST A collection of poems illuminates the drive to http://www.homefitnessdelivered.com.au/artist.asp?intArtistID=269289 |
71. University Of Delaware: THE JOHN MALCOLM BRINNIN PAPERS bidart, frank, 1975 102 2. Bishop, Elizabeth, 19751977 102 3. Campbell, Robert Bhain, 1938-1938 103 4. Combs, Tram, 1954-1967 103 5. http://www.lib.udel.edu/ud/spec/findaids/brinnin1.htm | |
72. Poetry Reading: Frank Bidart « Poetry At Beinecke Library Please join us for a poetry reading by frank bidart on Tuesday, November 27th, 4 pm. This event is coSponsored by the Yale Collection of American http://beineckepoetry.wordpress.com/2007/11/16/poetry-reading-frank-bidart/ | |
73. TED BURKE, Like It Or Not: "Valentine", A Poem By Frank Bidart Its a sad sequence of snapshots frank bidart has given the reader, a compressed tale about the making of cynic who couldnt sustain a passion for life http://ted-burke.blogspot.com/2007/11/valentine-poem-by-frank-bidart.html | |
74. Poets&Writers, Inc. bidart, frank. Music Like Dirt (Sarabande Books, 2002). Bukowski, Charles. Terror Street and Agony Way (Black Sparrow Press, 1966). Burroughs, William. http://www.pw.org/mag/check_34.5.htm | |
75. Cancer Research -- Table Of Contents (May 15 2005, 65 [10]) vß5 Integrins Claire Magnon, Ariane Galaup, Brian Mullan, Valérie Rouffiac, JeanMichel bidart, frank Griscelli, Paule Opolon, and Michel Perricaudet http://cancerres.aacrjournals.org/content/vol65/issue10/ | |
76. Past Poetry Readings-Folger Shakespeare Library bidart, frank2/10/1981, 12/9/1993, 10/21/1997 Bly, Robert10/20/1980 Boland, Eavan1/26/1999 Brathwaite, Kamau3/25/1997 BrockBroido, Lucie2/17/1996 http://www.folger.edu/template.cfm?cid=559 |
77. Author Index A-F bidart, frank, Two Poems (V20, No. 4). BILGRAMI, Akeel. The Idea of India (reviewessay) (V18, no.3). Gandhi s Integrity (V21, No. 2). BISHOP, Tom http://raritanquarterly.rutgers.edu/author_index_a-f.html | |
78. The World Authors 1985-1990Authors Covered bidart, frank. Binchy, Maeve. Bissoondath, Neil. Black, David. Blandiana, Ana. Bloom, Allan. Boland, Eavan. Bosse, Malcolm J. Bradley, Marion Zimmer http://www.hwwilson.com/print/waseries_authorslist_1985_90.htm | |
79. Frank Bidart: Tu Fu Watches The Spring Festival Across Serpentine Lake A poem by frank bidart from Boston Review, March/April 2006. http://bostonreview.net/BR31.2/bidart.html | |
80. Queering Myrrha In Frank Bidart's Desire The story of Myrrha takes pride of place in Desire, an awardwinning volume of poetry published by frank bidart in 1997. In The Second Hour of the Night, http://www.apaclassics.org/AnnualMeeting/05mtg/abstracts/Resinski.html | |
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