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Benedikt Michael: more books (100) | |||
41. Chapters.indigo.ca: For An Architecture Of Reality: Michael Benedikt, Michael Le michael benedikt teaches, practices architecture, and writes in Austin, where he is a Professor of Architecture at the University of Texas. http://www.chapters.indigo.ca/books/For-an-Architecture-of-Reality-Michael-Bened | |
42. Computers And Composition: An International Journal Benedict, michael. (2000). Class notes. Harvard Design Magazine, 11 , 59. benedikt, michael. (1987). For an architecture of reality . http://computersandcomposition.osu.edu/bibliography/b.htm | |
43. Second Story Books - Larson, Magali Sarfatti; Benedikt, Michael; Betsky, Aaron; Second Story Books Magali Sarfatti; benedikt, michael; Betsky, Aaron; Jarmusch, Ann Larson - Books for sale. http://www.secondstorybooks.com/author.php?author=Larson, Magali Sarfatti; Bened |
44. Shelter: 2000 Raoul Wallenberg Lecture. By Benedikt, Michael. : William Stout Ar benedikt, michael. Shelter 2000 Raoul Wallenberg Lecture. Ann Arbor, 2000. Binding Pap. Pages 71 pp. Book Id 46687. Price $11.50 http://www.stoutbooks.com/cgi-bin/stoutbooks.cgi/46687.html | |
45. Lamson Library Spanish drama · 20th century · Translations into English · English drama · Translations from Spanish · benedikt, michael, 1935 · Wellwarth, George E., http://www.plymouth.edu/library/browse//?author=Benedikt, Michael, 1935- |
46. Canadian Journal Of Communication - Vol. 18, No. 3 (1993) michael Heim, Sandy Stone and David Tomas all document this tendency in Cyberspace First Steps (benedikt, 1991). A recent issue of the Whole Earth Review http://www.cjc-online.ca/viewarticle.php?id=185&layout=html |
47. From Michael Benedikt's Essay From michael benedikt s essay Cyberspace Some Proposals . Cyberspace is a globally networked, computersustained, computer-accessed, http://www.dgp.utoronto.ca/people/modjeska/Cities/benedikt.essay.html | |
48. Crossings - Volume 1, Issue 1 - Michael Heim 2 benedikt, michael. Cyberspace Some proposals. In Cyberspace First Steps. Edited by M. benedikt. Cambridge, Mass. MIT Press, 1991. 119224. http://crossings.tcd.ie/issues/1.1/Heim/ | |
49. BOOKSAMILLION.COM (BAMM.COM) - Search And Browse by michael benedikt / Paperback / Nov 2007 / ISBN 0979375401 by michael benedikt / Hardcover / Feb 2003 / ISBN 8878381152 http://www.booksamillion.com/ncom/books?id=3984714854817&type=author&find=Benedi |
50. 'Spooky Poems For Halloween (& All Year Round)' By Michael Benedikt. From Book, Features poetry from michael benedikt. http://members.tripod.com/~MichaelBenedikt/indhallogo.html | |
51. Document Server@UHasselt: Browse By Title VAN DEN BUSSCHE, Jan; Wilke, Thomas; Loeding, Christof; benedikt, michael (2004), A characterization of firstorder topological properties of planar spatial http://doclib.uhasselt.be/dspace/browse-title?bottom=1942/740 |
52. Cybermedia: Cyberspace benedikt, michael. Cyberspace Some Proposals. In Cyberspace First Steps , edited by michael benedikt, pp. 119224. Cambridge, Mass MIT Press, 1991. http://mindymcadams.com/cybermedia/cyberspace.html | |
53. Magers & Quinn Booksellers, Discount New And Used Books by benedikt, michael ISBN 0930829166 New. More about this title by benedikt, michael ISBN 1199429678 Used Standard. More about this title http://www.magersandquinn.com/index.php?main_page=index&author_id=68377 |
54. Bibliography benedikt, michael (1991). Cyberspace Some Proposals. In Cyberspace First Steps, edited by michael benedikt. Cambridge, Mass. MIT Press. http://netfuture.org/fdnc/biblio.html | |
55. Modeling Industrial Thresholds benedikt, michael (1992), Cyberspace. First steps, MIT PressCambridge, Massachussetts. Beniger, James R. (1986), The control revolution. http://cultronix.eserver.org/chesher/bib.html | |
56. Cyberspace And Learning in benedikt, michael (ed.) Cyberspace First Steps. London MIT Press 335362. Miller, S. (1999) Vygotsky and education The sociocultural genesis of http://www.sociology.org/content/vol006.001/thompson.html | |
57. Lines For A Virtual T[y/o]pography [Dissertation Materials: Matthew G. Kirschenb benedikt, michael, ed. Cyberspace First Steps. Cambridge, MA MIT Press, 1991. Bernstein, Mark. Re Is hypertext different from print? http://www.iath.virginia.edu/~mgk3k/dissertation/cited.html |
58. Digital Cultures 97 Resources benedikt, michael (ed) (1994), Cyberspace First Steps, MIT Press, Boston, Mass. Beckmann, John (ed) (1998), The Virtual Dimension Architecture, http://www.staff.livjm.ac.uk/mcclpapa/modules/digitrefs.html |
60. Books Virtual Communities -- ÷äéìåú åéøèåàìéåú benedikt, michael, ed. 1991. Cyberspace First Steps. Cambridge, MA The MIT Press; Birenbaum, michael H. Psychological Experiments on the Internet, http://virtualcommunity.haifa.ac.il/books.html | |
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