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21. Fragment.nl :: Cyberculture, Identity And Gender Resources Heim, michael (1992) The Erotic Ontology of Cyberspace. In benedikt, michael (ed.) (1992) Cyberspace. First Steps. Cambridge MIT Press. Online html http://fragment.nl/resources/print.html | |
22. Michael Benedikt Books (Used, New, Out-of-Print) - Alibris UK Alibris UK has new used books by michael benedikt, including hardcovers, softcovers, rare, outof-print first editions, signed copies, and more. http://www.alibris.co.uk/search/books/author/Benedikt, Michael | |
23. Cybersociology #7: Is Cyberspace A Spiritual Space? (Wertheim) (1) In his introduction to the influential collection of essays Cyberspace First Steps, editor michael benedikt informs readers that the impetus towards http://www.cybersociology.com/files/7_wertheim.html | |
24. News & Congresses Erich benedikt / michael Jahn Die Musikhandschriften des Pfarrarchivs WienLichtental. Wien Verlag Der Apfel 2006 (= Veröffentlichungen des http://rism.stub.uni-frankfurt.de/engl/e_aktuell.htm | |
25. PosadaSpace benedikt, michael, Cyberspace First Steps (MIT Press, Cambridge MA 1991). Includes Tim McFadden s essay Notes on the Structure of Cyberspace and the http://www.ylem.org/artists/mmosher/posadasp.html | |
26. Thesis List Of References benedikt, michael, ed. Cyberspace First Steps. benedikt, michael. Unreal Estates. Architecture New York. Nov./Dec. 1993 5657. Best, Kathryn. http://www.hitl.washington.edu/publications/campbell/document/refs.html | |
27. TechTonic - The Digital Imaginary: Bibliography Stone, Allucquere Rosanne/Sandy, Will the Real Body Please Stand Up?, in benedikt, michael, First Steps in Cyberspace, MIT, 5th Edition, Mass, 1991/93. http://www.culture.com.au/techtonic/self/bibliography.htm | |
28. Stories, Listed By Author benedikt, michael (chron.) * A Beloved Head, (pm) Holding Your Eight Hands, ed. Edward LucieSmith, Garden City, NY Doubleday 1969 http://contento.best.vwh.net/s23.htm | |
29. Paul Smith's College Library: Search On Benedikt, Michael, 1935- Results 13 of 3 for benedikt, michael, 1935- (0.1250 seconds). Sort by. Relevance, Pub. by benedikt, michael, 1935-. Wesleyan University Press 1976 http://library.paulsmiths.edu/catalog/search/?q=Benedikt, Michael, 1935-&index=a |
30. I-20 Gallery :: Sylvia Sleigh :: Biography benedikt, michael, Bronx Museum Fights to Preserve Autonomy, Artworkers News (1975), 1,3. Hess, Thomas, A Giggle of Nudes, New York Magazine (June 23, http://www.i-20.com/artist.php?artist_id=105&page=bio |
31. Publishers Book Catalogs 8340, benedikt, michael. Body, The. Poems (Wesleyan University Press) 1967, OUT OF PRINT 79pp. An excellent likenew copy in a like-new dust jacket.; CLOTH, http://www.leabooks.com/Out-of-Print/Poetry.htm | |
32. GRAZIANO MSS. benedikt, michael. benedikt A Profile. With Critical Essays by Louis Gallo and Alan Ziegler, an interview by Naomi Shihab and a portfolio of 18 new poems http://www.indiana.edu/~liblilly/lilly/mss/subfile/grazianoinv.html | |
33. Ted Berrigan Papers An Inventory Of His Papers At Syracuse University benedikt, michael, 1935. Berrigan, Ted. Brodey, Jim. Ceravolo, Joseph, 1934- Box 1, benedikt, michael. Box 1, Berkson, Bill. Box 1, Brodey, Jim http://library.syr.edu/digital/guides/b/berrigan_t.htm | |
34. Readme.cc: Benedikt, Michael L. - Cyberspace: First Steps (A Book Tip By [ Medie benedikt, michael L. Excellent. buy/borrow this book. rate this book michael benedikt is Professor in the School of Architecture at the University of http://www.readme.cc/index.php?id=99&tx_readmecc_pi1[booktip]=1462&cHash=edcabd0 |
35. Biblio.full.990916 Books Abbate, Jane. Inventing The Internet benedikt, michael, ed. Cyberspace First Steps. Cambridge, MA MIT Press, 1991. Beniger, James R. The Control Revolution Technological and Economic Origins http://www.davidabrahamson.com/WWW/Articles/Biblio.txt |
36. CERN Document Server: Public Basket Report of the High Intensity Protons Working Group / benedikt, michael; . Study of a New Working Point for the CERN PS Booster / benedikt, michael; Blas, http://cdsweb.cern.ch/yourbaskets/display_public?bskid=3229 |
37. Benedikt, Michael Translate this page benedikt, michael, * 17. 11. 1928 Wien, Philosoph. Nach Studium an der Universität Wien zunächst als Lehrer und in der Erwachsenenbildung tätig sowie Leiter http://aeiou.iicm.tugraz.at/aeiou.encyclop.b/b286546.htm | |
38. Sociology Of Cyberspace - Bibliography Chip Morningstar and F. Randall Farmer, The Lessons of Lucasfilm s Habitat from Cyberspace First Steps, michael benedikt (ed. http://sociologyindex.com/cyberspace_bibliography.htm | |
39. Body & Society -- Sign In Page benedikt, michael (1991) `Introduction , pp. 125 in michael benedikt (ed.) Cyberspace First Steps. Cambridge, MA MIT Press. http://bod.sagepub.com/cgi/content/refs/1/3-4/135 | |
40. Michael Benedikt Criticism (Vol. 4) benedikt, michael 1935. benedikt is an American poet, critic of art, film, and music, and translator. (See also Contemporary Authors, Vols. 1516.) http://www.enotes.com/contemporary-literary-criticism/benedikt-michael | |
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