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         Baudelaire Charles:     more books (100)
  1. The Painter of Modern Life and Other Essays (Arts & Letters) by Charles Baudelaire, 1995-08-24
  2. The Writer of Modern Life: Essays on Charles Baudelaire by Walter Benjamin, 2006-11-15
  3. The flowers of evil by Charles Baudelaire, Cyril Scott, 2010-08-25
  4. The Poems and Prose Poems of Charles Baudelaire by Charles Baudelaire, 2009-12-27
  5. Les Fleurs Du Mal by Charles Baudelaire, 1985-10-01
  6. Selected Poems (Penguin Classics) by Charles-Pierre Baudelaire, 1996-05-01
  7. Baudelaire: Poems (Everyman's Library Pocket Poets) by Charles Baudelaire, 1993-11-02
  8. Complete Poems: Charles Baudelaire by Charles Baudelaire, 2007-04-01
  9. Flowers of Evil and Other Works/Les Fleurs du Mal et Oeuvres Choisies : A Dual-Language Book (Dover Foreign Language Study Guides) by Charles Baudelaire, 1992-05-01
  10. Baudelaire: The Complete Verse (English and French Edition) (v. 1) by Charles Baudelaire, 2004-06-01
  11. Paris Spleen (New Directions Paperbook) by Charles Baudelaire, 1970-01-17
  12. Charles Baudelaire: A Lyric Poet in the Era of High Capitalism (The Verso Classics Series) by Walter Benjamin, 1997-01
  13. Intimate Journals (Dover Books on Literature & Drama) by Charles Baudelaire, 2006-06-16
  14. Paris Spleen: little poems in prose (Wesleyan Poetry Series) by Charles Baudelaire, 2009-05-04

1. Charles Baudelaire - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Charles Baudelaire Largest site dedicated to Baudelaire s poems and prose, containing Fleurs du mal, Petit poemes et prose, Fanfarlo and more together with
Charles Baudelaire
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to: navigation search "Baudelaire" redirects here. For other uses, see Baudelaire (disambiguation) Charles Pierre Baudelaire
Charles Baudelaire (portrait by Etienne Carjat , ca. 1863) Born April 9
France Died August 31
France Occupation poet, art critic Nationality French Writing period Literary movement Symbolist Modernist Influences Th©ophile Gautier E.T.A. Hoffmann Joseph de Maistre Edgar Allan Poe Influenced Arthur Rimbaud Paul Verlaine Joris-Karl Huysmans Jules Laforgue ... By category French literary history Medieval
16th century
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Playwrights ... edit Charles Pierre Baudelaire pronounced /ˈboʊdəlɛər/ ; French pronounced [ʃaʁl bodlɛʁ] April 9 August 31 ) was an influential nineteenth century French poet critic , and acclaimed translator
edit Life and work
Baudelaire was born in Paris . His father, a senior civil servant and amateur artist , died early in Baudelaire's life in 1827. In the following year, his mother married a

To The Reader
Stupidity, delusion, selfishness and lust
torment our bodies and possess our minds,
and we sustain our affable remorse
the way a beggar nourishes his lice
Our sins are stubborn, our contrition lame;
we want our scruples to be worth our while-
how cheerfully we crawl back to the mire:
with few cheap tears washing our stains away!
Satan Trismegistus subtly rocks
our ravished spirits on his wicked bed
until the precious metal of our will
is leached out by this cunning alchemist:
the Devil's's hand directs our every move-
the things we loathed become the things we love:
day by day we drop though stinking shades
quite undeterred on our descent to Hell!
Like a poor profligate who sucks and bites
the withered breasts of some well-seasoned trull,
we snatch in passing at clandestine joys
and squeeze the oldest orange harder yet.
Wriggling in our brains like a million worms,
a demon demos holds its revels there,
and when we breathe, the Lethe in our lungs

3. Charles Baudelaire
Charles Pierre Baudelaire. (18211867) Poems by Baudelaire, in the original French, can be found at this page. A couple of English translations are
Charles Pierre Baudelaire
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4. Charles Baudelaire
Charles Baudelaire, the great French poet of the mid nineteenth century whose powerful writing ushered in a era of symbolism, is one of the most important
Charles Baudelaire Charles Baudelaire, the great French poet of the mid nineteenth century whose powerful writing ushered in a era of symbolism, is one of the most important poets of the nineteenth century. Not only a poet of stunning imagery and extraordinary musicality, he was also one of the first to herald that new consciousness urban, pushing at the edges of things, uncertain of itself which we, today, still recognize as our own modern way of being. Baudelaire life was almost as important as his poetry. His rejection of bourgeois values, his use of drugs, his fascination with sex, his close friendships with painters and other poets: all of these made him a sort of model for the poet as a 'bohemian' figure. He is the archetype of the poet as someone who lives his own life on the fringes of society, rebellious in life style, dedicated to moving so far beyond the middle class that his work shocks them so deeply that their either cry out, 'But is it art?' or attempt to censor it as blasphemous, evil, pornographic. Brief versions of his biography are available on-line in several of the links below.

5. Charles Baudelaire - Wikipédia
Translate this page Walter Benjamin, Charles Baudelaire. Un poète lyrique à l apogée du capitalisme, Petite Bibliothèque Payot, 1979, traduit par Jean Lacoste.
Charles Baudelaire
Un article de Wikip©dia, l'encyclop©die libre.
Aller   : Navigation Rechercher Charles Baudelaire Baudelaire par Etienne Carjat Naissance 9 avril D©c¨s 31 ao»t Activit© Po¨te Critique d'art Essayiste Traducteur Nationalit© fran§aise Sujet spleen Mouvement parnassien symboliste Influences Victor Hugo Th©ophile Gautier Sainte-Beuve Edgar Poe A influenc© St©phane Mallarm© Villiers de l'Isle-Adam Verlaine Arthur Rimbaud Œuvres principales Les fleurs du mal Petits po¨mes en prose Charles Pierre Baudelaire , n©   Paris le 9 avril et mort le 31 ao»t dans la mªme ville, est un po¨te fran§ais Baudelaire se vit reprocher son ©criture et le choix de ses sujets. Il ne fut compris que par quelques-uns de ses pairs. Dans Le Figaro du 5 juillet Gustave Bourdin r©agit lors de la parution des Fleurs du mal ©crivain majeur de l'histoire de la po©sie fran§aise , Baudelaire est devenu un classique. Barbey d'Aurevilly Dante Au travers de son œuvre, Baudelaire a tent© de tisser et de d©montrer les liens entre le mal et la beaut©, le bonheur et l'id©al inaccessible ( € une passante ) la violence et la volupt© ( Une martyre ). En parall¨le de

6. ..:: Charles Baudelaire ::..
Charles Baudeliare poems and prose in English, French and Czech, biography, CV, photos and more..
Charles Baudelaire :: svìt prokletého básníka Úvodní stránka Poezie a próza Život v datech Galerie Citáty a glosy ...
English version

Malý koutek poezie té hrozné knihy jsem vložil celého svého ducha, celé své srdce,
celé své náboženství, celou svou nenávist..
Tato slova napsal o své básnické sbírce Kvìty zla v roce 1865 Charles Baudelaire.
Kvìty zla
vznikaly celý jeho život. Pøestože byly nìkteré básnì z této sbírky publikovány èasopisecky již od roku 1845, první vydání Kvìtù zla se v nákladu 1320 výtiskù objevilo na pultech až 25.èervna 1857 a ihned zpùsobilo velké pozdvižení nejen v literárních kruzích. Témìø okamžitì byl celý náklad Kvìtù zabaven, Baudelaire spolu s nakladateli obvinìn z urážky náboženství a veøejné mravnosti, odsouzen k penìžité pokutì a k vyškrtnutí nìkolika básní z dalšího vydání Kvìtù (tyto ovšem vyšly samostatnì již roku 1866 v Bruselu pod názvem Trosky a pozdìji byly zaøazeny do reedic Kvìtù).
V otevøeností provokujících, brilantních verších Charlese Baudelaira, se prolínají odrazy marné touhy po štìstí a odtud pramenící bolesti se smrti, jež nedìsí, ale pøináší klid duši; ženské krásy, kterou opìvuje i proklíná zároveò; jeho nespoutané osobnosti a bohémského života; milostných zklamání; pohrdání spoleèností, které vládne Pøetváøka a Zlo...
A nejen verši se Baudelaire zapsal do literárního svìta - díky nìmu coby pøekladateli se do povìdomí dostalo dílo Edgara Allana Poea, do té doby Francii témìø neznámého.

7. Charles Baudelaire --  Britannica Online Encyclopedia
Britannica online encyclopedia article on Charles Baudelaire French poet, translator, and literary and art critic whose reputation rests primarily on Les
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Charles Baudelaire
Page 1 of 9 born April 9, 1821, Paris, France
died August 31, 1867, Paris Courtesy of the Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris in full Charles-Pierre Baudelaire French poet, translator, and literary and art critic whose reputation rests primarily on Les Fleurs du mal The Flowers of Evil ), which was perhaps the most important and influential poetry collection published in Europe in the 19th century. Similarly, his Baudelaire, Charles...

8. Charles Baudelaire
Charles Bad Boy Baudelaire, mad druggie of 19th century Paris, the discoverer of Poe Who else would write Flowers of Evil?
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    Elsewhere on the Web Baudelaire site
    Les Fleurs du Mal

    An illustrated collection
    of 13 of Baudelaire’s poems
    Baudelaire was a wild man of 19th century Paris, poet of Les Fleurs du Mal Charles “Bad Boy” Baudelaire, mad druggie of Paris, the discoverer of Poe... Who else would write a book entitled Flowers of Evil ? He was one of the tribe of eight poets in our first Survivor Poet game here at About Poetry, but he was voted off the island by our readers in the second round of the game. His work was represented in the game by these poems from Les Fleurs du Mal Tristesses de la Lune
    Avant de s’endormir le contour de ses seins

    9. Charles
    Baudelaire, Charles, a French poet, born April 9, 1821; died 1867. He was the herald, if not the founder of the so called decadent school of French Baudelaire

    10. Baudelaire
    Charles Baudelaire is buried in the Cimetiere de Montparnasse, Paris, France. (See map ref no. 5). In 1857 Baudelaire published his masterpiece Les Fleurs
    Home Poets' Graves Search by Surname Search by Location Other Poets Maps of Poets' Graves Poetry Resources Poetry Forum Glossary Poetic Terms Classic Poems Poets Laureate UK ... Poetry Links Other Graves Writers Musicians Artists What's New on PG Related Site Literary Norfolk
    Charles Baudelaire
    Charles Baudelaire is buried in the Cimetiere de Montparnasse, Paris, France. (See map...ref no. 5) In 1857 Baudelaire published his masterpiece Les Fleurs du mal - arguably the most significant collection of poetry to be published in Europe during the 19th Century. It contained 101 skilfully wrought lyrics - including many sonnets. When it was originally published, six of the poems were banned as being offensive to public morals and Baudelaire received a fine. In Les Fleur du mal Baudelaire sought to create beauty out of the ugliness and degradation that he saw in contemporary Paris life. In 1842 Baudelaire came into his family inheritance - his father having died in 1827. However, he soon squandered large amounts of money on fine wine, fine foods and drugs. In 1844 his family took legal action to prevent him accessing his legacy which further exacerbated his financial difficulties.

    11. Charles Baudelaire - Wikipedia, La Enciclopedia Libre
    Translate this page Joseph François Baudelaire falleció en 1827, cuando Charles tenía seis años. Dejó una pequeña herencia. Su madre cambió de residencia y, a los veinte meses,
    Charles Baudelaire
    De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
    Saltar a navegaci³n bºsqueda Charles Pierre Baudelaire Charles Baudelaire (retrato de Etienne Carjat , ca. 1863) Nacimiento: 9 de abril
    Francia Fallecimiento: 31 de agosto
    Francia Ocupaci³n: Poeta Charles Pierre Baudelaire poeta cr­tico y traductor franc©s 9 de abril de 31 de agosto de ). Fue llamado poeta maldito ("le po¨te maudit"), debido a su vida de bohemia y excesos y a la visi³n del mal que impregna su obra. Barbey d'Aurevilly , periodista franc©s, dijo de ©l que fue el Dante de una ©poca decadente . Fue el poeta de mayor impacto en el Simbolismo franc©s. Las influencias m¡s importantes sobre ©l fueron Th©ophile Gautier Joseph de Maistre (de quien dijo que le hab­a ense±ado a pensar) y, en particular, Edgar Allan Poe , a quien tradujo extensamente.
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      Naci³ en Par­s el 9 de abril de . Su padre, Joseph Fran§ois Baudelaire, ex-seminarista, antiguo preceptor, fue tambi©n profesor de dibujo, pintor y funcionario jefe del Despacho de la C¡mara de los Pares. Joseph le ense±³ las primeras letras. Cuando naci³ Charles, su padre ten­a la edad de sesenta a±os, y un hijo, Claude Alphonse, fruto de su primer matrimonio. Su madre fue Caroline Archimbaut-Dufays, quien no llegaba a los treinta a±os al nacer Baudelaire. Era hija de emigrantes franceses a

    12. Charles Baudelaire
    Charles Pierre Baudelaire (French IPA pronunciation bod l ) (April 9, 1821 – August 31, 1867) was one of the most influential French poets of the
    This site requires JAVASCRIPT
    Charles Baudelaire
    Charles Baudelaire, photograph taken by Nadar French literature By category French literary history Medieval
    16th century
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    ... Contemporary French Writers Chronological list
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    Playwrights ... Literature Portal This box: view talk edit Portrait by Gustave Courbet Charles Pierre Baudelaire (French IPA pronunciation [bod'lɛʀ] April 9 August 31 ) was one of the most influential French poets of the nineteenth century. He was also an important critic and translator
    edit Life and work
    Baudelaire was born in Paris . His father, a senior civil servant and an amateur artist , died in , and in the following year his mother married a lieutenant colonel named Aupick, who later became a French ambassador to various courts . Baudelaire was educated in Lyon and at the Coll¨ge Louis-le-Grand in Paris. On gaining his degree in he decided to embark upon a literary career, and for the next two years led a somewhat irregular life. It is believed that he contracted syphilis during this period. To straighten him out, his

    13. Charles Pierre Baudelaire - LoveToKnow 1911
    Asselineau also undertook a vindication of his character from the attacks made upon it in his Charles Baudelaire, sa vie, son oeuvre (1869).
    Charles Pierre Baudelaire
    From LoveToKnow 1911
    CHARLES PIERRE BAUDELAIRE (1821-1867), French poet, was born in Paris on the 9th of April 1821. His father, who was a civil servant in good position and an amateur artist, died in 1827, and in the following year his mother married a lieutenantcolonel named Aupick, who was afterwards ambassador of France at various courts. Baudelaire was educated at Lyons and at the College Louis-le-Grand in Paris. On taking his degree in 1839 he determined to enter on a literary career, and during the next two years pursued a very irregular way of life, which led his guardians, in 1841, to send him on a voyage to India . When he returned to Paris, after less than a year's absence, he was of age; but in a year or two his extravagance threatened to exhaust his small patrimony, and his family obtained a decree to place his property in trust . His salons of 1845 and 1846 attracted immediate attention by the boldness with which he propounded many views then novel, but since generally accepted. He took part with the revolutionaries in 1848, and for some years interested himself in republican politics, but his permanent convictions were aristocratic and Catholic . Baudelaire was a slow and fastidious worker, and it was not until 1857 that he produced his first and famous volume of poems

    14. Charles Baudelaire - EVENE
    Translate this page Charles Baudelaire , baudelaire charles - Poète français. Découvrez la biographie de Charles Baudelaire, ainsi que des anecdotes, des citations de Charles
    sas_pageid='4827/30333'; // Page : ExpressExpansion/ sas_formatid=126; // Format : dhtml-popup 1x1 sas_target=''; // Targeting SmartAdServer(sas_pageid,sas_formatid,sas_target); sas_pageid='4827/30333'; // Page : ExpressExpansion/ sas_formatid=151; // Format : leaderboard-haut 728x90 sas_target=''; // Targeting SmartAdServer(sas_pageid,sas_formatid,sas_target); document.write(blocmembre); samedi 26 janvier
    Charles Baudelaire
    Poète français
    Littérature classique
    Né à Paris le 09 avril 1821
    Décédé à Paris le 31 août 1867
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    Biographie de Charles Baudelaire
    Charles Baudelaire n'a jamais accepté le remariage de sa mère avec Aupick alors qu'il n'avait que sept ans. Est-ce là la cause de son esprit rebelle ? Toujours est-il qu'il se fait exclure du lycée Louis-le-Grand , fermement décidé à mener une vie de dandy. Décision contrariée par son beau-père, qui le fait embarquer de force sur un paquebot en direction des

    15. Charles Baudelaire
    The Academy of American Poets presents a biography, poems, and links.

    16. Charles Baudelaire
    Biography of the French poet and discussion of his works.
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    by Bamber Gascoigne
    Charles Baudelaire (1821-1867) One of the greatest French poets of the 19th century, called 'the father of modern criticism,' who shocked his contemporaries with his visions of lust and decay. Baudelaire formed with and Paul Verlaine the so-called Decadents. Baudelaire was the first to equate modern, artificial, and decadent. In LE PEINTRE DE LA VIE MODERNE (1863, The Painter of Modern Life) Baudelaire argued in favor of artificiality, stating that vice is natural in that it is selfish, while virtue is artificial because we must restrain our natural impulses in order to be good. The snobbish aesthete, the dandy, was for Baudelaire the ultimate hero and the best proof of an absolutely purposeless existence. He is a gentleman who never becomes vulgar and always preserves the cool smile of the stoic. "There can be no progress (real, that is, moral) except in the individual and by the individual himself." (from Charles Baudelaire was born in Paris, where he lived most of his life. His father, François, was a sixty-year-old ex-priest and widower when he married Caroline Dufaÿs, a penniless orphan, who was twenty-six. François died in 1827. For some years Baudelaire was on good terms with his stepfather, Major Jacques Aupick, but in the late 1830s they started to have difficulties. Aupick, who became a senator, died in 1857. Baudelaire worshipped his mother and could not accept her second marriage. In ON COEUR MIS À NU (1897) he wrote: "Sense of solitude from childhood. In spite of the family - and above all when surrounded by children of my own age - I had a sense of being destined to eternal solitude." Jean-Paul Sartre has argued in

    17. Charles Baudelaire's Fleurs Du Mal is dedicated to the French poet charles baudelaire (1821 1867), and in particular to Les Fleurs du mal (Flowers of Evil).
    home contact email this page Flowers of Evil is a labor of love produced and maintained by Supervert Featured Books Resources Links Search FleursDuMal .org is dedicated to the French poet Charles Baudelaire (1821 - 1867), and in particular to Les Fleurs du mal (Flowers of Evil). The definitive online edition of this masterwork of French literature, contains every poem of each edition of Les Fleurs du mal

    18. Charles Baudelaire - Biography
    charles baudelaire biography, information, and selected writings.
    Charles Baudelaire
    Place of Birth: Paris, France
    Mother: Caroline Defayis
    Father: François Baudelaire Charles Baudelaire was a 19th century French poet, translator, and literary and art critic whose reputation rests primarily on Les Fleurs du mal; (1857;The Flowers of Evil) which was perhaps the most important and influential poetry collection published in Europe in the 19th century. Similarly, his Petits poèmes en prose (1868; "Little Prose Poems") was the most successful and innovative early experiment in prose poetry of the time. Known for his highly contraversial, and often dark poetry, as well as his translation of the tales of Edgar Allan Poe, Baudelaire's life was filled with drama and strife, from financial disaster to being prosecuted for obscenity and blasphemy. Long after his death many look upon his name as representing depravity and vice: Others see him as being the poet of modern civilization, seeming to speak directly to the 20th century. In his often intospective poetry, Baudelaire revealed himself as a seeker of God without religious beliefs, searching in every manifestation of life for its true

    19. Poet: Charles Baudelaire - All Poems Of Charles Baudelaire
    Poet charles baudelaire All poems of charles baudelaire .. poetry.
    Poem Hunter .com
    Poet: Charles Baudelaire - All poems of Charles Ba
    1/26/2008 1:50:03 AM Home Poets Poems Lyrics ... SEARCH Charles Baudelaire
    Free Poetry E-Book:
    53 poems of Charles Baudelaire
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    To download the eBook right-Click on the title and select "Save Target As". Biography Poems Quotations Comments ... Stats Charles Baudelaire was born in Paris. He made a name as an art critic and translator of Edgar Allan Poe, but his fame rests on the poems of Les Fleurs du Mal. He visited Mauritius in 1841 but lived most of his life in Paris in poverty on a small allowance. He is pre-eminently the poet of the City, .. .. more >>
    Poems Search in the poems of Charles Baudelaire
    Click the title of the poem you'd like read.
    Page: Afternoon Song Anywhere Out of the World At One O'Clock in the Morning Au Lecteur ... Her Hair Page:
    Quotations "The man who, from the beginning of his life, has been bathed at length in the soft atmosphere of a woman, in the smell of her hands, of her bosom, of her knees, of her hair, of her supple and floating clothes, ... has contracted from this contact a tender skin and a distinct accent, a kind of androgyny without which the harshest and most masculine genius remains, as far as perfection in art is concerned, an incomplete being."
    Charles Baudelaire (1821-1867), French poet, critic. Artificial Paradise, An Opium-eater, VII. Childhood Sorrows (1860). On men who have been raised by women.

    20. Charles Baudelaire Erin
    charles baudelaire was born in Paris on April 9, 1821. His mother, Caroline ArchimbautDufays gave birth to charles when she was 28-years-old to a much
    North Carolina State University FL 222
    Charles Baudelaire
    I am thinking about adding a page to this site for people who would like to leave messages about Baudelaire or poetry in general or email others with similar poetic interests. I figure that it would be good for people who are researching literature to talk to others. I am not advanced enough to know how to do a chat format or anything, but i may be able to figure out how to do a message board. Tell me what you think and be sure to share any ideas by emailing me "If there are amoung our poets any who are greater and more highly gifted than Baudelaire, there are none more important." - M. Paul Valery (Shanks viii) Charles Baudelaire was born in Paris on April 9, 1821. His mother, Caroline Archimbaut-Dufays gave birth to Charles when she was 28-years-old to a much older man Francois Baudelaire of sixty-one. Charles' father instilled in him an appreciation for art. Francois Baudelaire's best friends were artists and he often took his young son to museums and galleries. Charles often sat by his father's side at his easel to watch his father paint. Some of Charles' earliest memories were of the times his father took him to the Palace of the Luxembourg to explain the statues that were there. Baudelaire twice stated, "Pictures, my only, my greatest and my earliest passion (Shanks 7)." When Charles was six, his father died and Charles became very attached to his mother. A year after his father's death, Charles' mother married Captain Jacques Aupick. Charles now was forced to share the affection of his mother. Gone where the times when his mother was completely his. Aupick also did not like to share the love of his new wife with the son of another man, but his intentions to raise Charles where good. His strategy was, however, not the best. Aupick was a strict discipliarian. He expected a spoiled child who had, previously, been raised by a man with the love of the arts to obey an order without hesitation like a new soldier.

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