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         Barnes Djuna:     more books (100)
  1. The Book of Repulsive Women: And Other Poems by Djuna Barnes, 2006-05-28
  2. The Ladies Almanack by Djuna Barnes, 2010-05-23
  3. Nightwood (New Edition) by Djuna Barnes, 2006-09-26
  4. Creatures in an Alphabet by Djuna Barnes, 1982-10
  5. Djuna Barnes, T. S. Eliot and the Gender Dynamics of Modernism: Tracing Nightwood (Studies in Major Literary Authors) by Monika Faltejskova, 2009-11-04
  6. Djuna: The Life and Work of Djuna Barnes by Phillip Herring, 1996-12-01
  7. Collected Stories (Sun & Moon Classics) by Djuna Barnes, 2000-04-01
  8. Nightwood: The Original Version and Related Drafts by Djuna Barnes, 1995-08-05
  9. The Antiphon (Green Integer) by Djuna Barnes, 2000-04-01
  10. Ryder (American Literature Series) by Djuna Barnes, 1990-05-01
  11. Formidable Miss Barnes: Life of Djuna Barnes by Andrew Field, 1983-08-22
  12. The Selected Works of Djuna Barnes by Djuna Barnes, 1962
  13. The Selected Works of Djuna Barnes by Djuna Barnes, 1998-06-22
  14. Interviews (Sun & Moon Classics) by Djuna Barnes, 1985-03

1. Djuna Barnes
Djuna Barnes page, including biography, bibliography, Introductory essay to Nightwood by TS Eliot and photoss.

2. Djuna Barnes - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Djuna Barnes (June 12, 1892 – June 18, 1982) was an American writer who played an important part in the development of 20th century English language
Djuna Barnes
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to: navigation search Djuna Barnes, ca. 1921. Djuna Barnes June 12 June 18 ) was an American writer who played an important part in the development of 20th century English language modernist writing and was one of the key figures in and bohemian Paris after filling a similar role in the Greenwich Village of the teens . Her novel Nightwood became a cult work of modern fiction, helped by an introduction by T. S. Eliot . It stands out today for its portrayal of lesbian themes and its distinctive writing style. Since Barnes's death, interest in her work has grown and many of her books are back in print.

3. Djuna Barnes -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia
Britannica online encyclopedia article on Djuna Barnes avantgarde American writer who was a well-known figure in the Parisian literary scene of the 1920s
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Djuna Barnes American author
born June 12, 1892, Cornwall-on-Hudson, N.Y., U.S. died June 18?, 1982, New York, N.Y. Initially educated privately by her father and grandmother, Barnes attended the Pratt Institute and the Art Students League and worked as an artist and journalist. From 1913 she wrote prolifically for newspapers and popular and literary magazines. She published an eccentric chapbook entitled The Book of Repulsive Women: 8 Rhythms and 5 Drawings in 1915; four years later three of her plays were produced by the Provincetown Players. In 1920 she went to Paris, where she interviewed expatriate writers and artists for several magazines, and soon herself became an established figure. She wrote and illustrated a collection of plays, short stories, and poems titled A Book (1923; expanded as A Night Among the Horses , 1929; revised as Spillway Ladies Almanack (1928), a gentle satire of literary lesbians; and the novel

4. Literary Encyclopedia: Djuna Barnes
Djuna Barnes was born on June 12th 1892 in Cornwallon-Hudson. Her father, Wald Barnes, was a dilettante artist and polygamist, whose wife, mistress and

5. Barnes, Djuna | Find Articles At
Djuna barnes djuna Barnes (18921982) was a major literary figure in Paris of the 1920s and 1930s, who retired into reclusiveness and produced only a ., Djuna

6. Djuna Barnes
Djuna Barnes did everything in her power to escape likeability, and she had power to spare. As a result, her work (other than Nightwood , a lucky recipient

7. Carcanet Press - Djuna Barnes (1892 - 1982)
Picture of Djuna barnes djuna Chappell Barnes was born in Cornwallon-Hudson in 1892, and she grew up in an eccentric, polygamous household.

8. Djuna Barnes - Wikipedia
Translate this page NAME, Barnes, Djuna. KURZBESCHREIBUNG, US-amerikanische Schriftstellerin. GEBURTSDATUM, 12. Juni 1892. GEBURTSORT, Cornwall-on-Hudson. STERBEDATUM, 18.
Djuna Barnes
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklop¤die
Wechseln zu: Navigation Suche Djuna Barnes Djuna Barnes 12. Juni in Cornwall on Hudson 18. Juni in New York City ) war eine US-amerikanische Schriftstellerin und wird zu den wichtigsten Autorinnen der literarischen Moderne gez¤hlt.
  • Leben Werk
    Bearbeiten Leben
    Barnes Kindheit war gepr¤gt durch das Leben auf einer Farm einer l¤ndlichen Gegend im Staat New York und den sp¤ter in ihren literarischen Werken verarbeiteten sexuellen Missbrauch durch ihren Vater und ihre GroŸmutter. Beide waren extreme Freidenker , die auch einen Schulbesuch f¼r das Kind ablehnten. Sie wurde von ihrem Vater unterrichtet. Auch die GroŸmutter war eine zwiesp¤ltige Figur f¼r sie: trotz des als traumatisch empfunden Missbrauchs war sie von ihrer starken Pers¶nlichkeit fasziniert und sah sie in bestimmten Aspekten als Vorbild. 19-j¤hrig zog sie in die Bronx , um zu malen, arbeitete jedoch nebenher als freie Journalistin. Ab 1912 ver¶ffentlichte sie regelm¤Ÿig in New Yorker Tageszeitungen. Bald zog sie in das K¼nstlerviertel Greenwich Village , wo sie den Theaterkritiker Courtenay Lemon kennenlernte, mit dem sie eine nur drei Jahre dauernde Ehe einging. In dieser Zeit ver¶ffentlichte sie ihren ersten Gedichtband und einige Theaterst¼cke, in denen sie auch selbst spielte.

9. Matt & Andrej Koymasky - Famous GLTB - Djuna Barnes
Djuna Barnes was born in Cornwallon-Hudson, New York, on her family s farm. Through her father and grandmother, Barnes gained a great appreciation of and
Last update: August 23 rd Djuna Barnes
( June 12, 1892 - 1982) U.S.A.
Novelist Djuna Barnes was born in Cornwall-on-Hudson, New York, on her family's farm. Through her father and grandmother, Barnes gained a great appreciation of and dedication to the arts (the Barnes home was often frequented by such artistic greats as Jack London and Franz Liszt). Barnes did not have a formal education because her father believed that the public school system was inadequate, and thus he felt that home schooling was much more beneficial. Her only formal schooling came after she left the home and moved to New York City. In 1912 Barnes enrolled as a student at Pratt Institute (1912-13) and the Art Students League (1915-16). While at Pratt, she began her writing career as a reporter and illustrator for the Brooklyn Eagle. Barnes wrote mostly feature articles and interviews. When she was at Greenwich Village she had an affair with Mary Pyne, and met and lived for a time with the sculptress Berenice Abbott. Barnes' first published her poetry in 1915 as a collection of "rhythms and drawings" entitled The Book of Repulsive Women . Subsequently she met Jane Heap and had an affair with her. Djuna did also have a brief affair with Natalie Barney. In 1919 Barnes moved to Paris where she met and lived with the sculptress Thelma Woodfor ten years. In 1923, Barnes published a collection of lyrical poems, stories, drawings, and one-act plays which she entitled

10. Books & Collectibles Online Bookstore And Search Engine For Rare, Out Of Print,
349975 barnes djuna SpillwayAntiphon-Nightwood-HardBack THE SELECTED WORKS OF DJUNA BARNES - SPILLWAY, THE ANTIPHON, NIGHTWOOD

11. BARNES DJUNA Term Papers, Research Papers On BARNES DJUNA, Essays On BARNES DJUN
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Term Paper # 19463 SHOPPING CART DISABLED "Nightwood" by Djuna Barnes
A look at the use of imagery to describe the characters' psychological realities.
2,025 words ( approx. 8.1 pages ), 1 source, $ 71.95
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"The most basic use of imagery is the conveyance of who, what, when or where to keep an audience involved in the physical details of a recounting. But Djuna Barnes does not use imagery on the basic level. Her use of imagery in Nightwood exceeds the physical details and paints a psychological picture with her words. This statement, also, is not completely accurate for the images she creates are more fully dimensional than the trite allusion to a "terror-stricken, victim" which could be construed as psychological; Barnes' victim would know terror "like she knew the fetus that even now fought against her shallow breathing like a caged beast". The imagery of the second example breathes and fights, and the universal image of the womb plays on deep levels within our own psyches to evoke a response the first example cannot possibly imagine. Though the imagery used by Djuna Barnes..." Term Paper # 62310 SHOPPING CART DISABLED Barnes and Noble
An analysis of the largest bookseller in the world, Barnes and Noble in the digital age.

12. Djuna Barnes Quotes - Quote Cosmos
Famous quotes. Quotes for Barnes, Djuna Quote Cosmos.
Saturday, January 26 2008
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Well, isn't Bohemia a place where everyone is as good as everyone else and must not a waiter be a little less than a waiter to be a good Bohemian?
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View quote Quotes about Bohemia Dreams have only the pigmentation of fact.
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View quote Quotes about Dreams The heart of the jealous knows the best and most satisfying love, that of the other's bed, where the rival perfects the lover's imperfections.
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View quote Quotes about Jealousy The night is a skin pulled over the head of day that the day may be in torment.
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View quote Quotes about Night We are beginning to wonder whether a servant girl hasn't the best of it after all. She knows how the salad tastes without the dressing, and she knows how life's lived before it gets to the parlor door.
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View quote Quotes about Servants Sleep demands of us a guilty immunity. There is not one of us who, given an eternal incognito, a thumbprint nowhere set against our souls, would not commit rape, murder and all abominations.
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Barnes, Djuna

13. Djuna Barnes - Britannica Concise
Barnes, Djuna avant-garde American writer who was a well-known figure in the Parisian literary scene of the 1920s and 30s.
Barnes, Djuna
Britannica Concise
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Djuna Barnes
born June 12, 1892, Cornwall-on-Hudson, N.Y., U.S.
died June 18?, 1982, New York, N.Y.
U.S. writer. Barnes worked as an artist and journalist in her youth. She went to Paris in 1920, where she became a well-known figure in the literary scene. She wrote plays, short stories, and poems; her masterpiece, the novel Nightwood (1936), tells of the homosexual and heterosexual loves of five extraordinary people. After returning to New York in 1940, she wrote little and lived reclusively. document.writeln(AAMB2); More on "Djuna Barnes" from the 32 Volume Barnes, Djuna - avant-garde American writer who was a well-known figure in the Parisian literary scene of the 1920s and '30s. novel - The novel, unlike the poem, is a commercial commodity, and it lends itself less than the materials of literary magazines to that specialized appeal called coterie, intellectual or elitist. It sometimes happens that books directed at highly cultivated audiences-like Ulysses, Finnegans Wake, and Djuna Barnes's Nightwood (1936)-achieve a wider response, sometimes because of their daring in the ... var mm = [["Jan.","January"],["Feb.","February"],["Mar.","March"],["Apr.","April"],["May","May"],["June","June"],["July","July"],["Aug.","August"],["Sept.","September"],["Oct.","October"],["Nov.","November"],["Dec.","December"]]; var theUrl = location.protocol + "//" + + location.pathname; var titleFrag = document.title.substring(0,document.title.indexOf(' - Britannica Concise'));

14. Djuna Barnes
Biography of the avantgarde American author and discussion of her works.
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by Bamber Gascoigne
Djuna Chappell Barnes (1892-1982) Avant-garde American writer, illustrator, playwright, and a well-known figure in the literary scenes of Paris and London before World War II. Barnes's experimental work is characterized by malevolent characters, dark humour and decadent flavor. Her most famous novel, Nightwood T.S. Eliot 's recommendations. "Barnes knew most intimately many lesbians, such as the subjects of her in-joke satire, Ladies Almanack , including Natalie Barney, Janet Flanner, and Dolly Wilde, who had absolutely no relationship to the women she described in Nightwood ... Barnes also knew enough to agree with Natalie Barney that Proust's treatment of flighty lesbians who follow gay male patterns of cruising and sexual contacts in Remembrance of Things Past was "improbable." Yet Barnes's treatment in her own novel was not much different. It attests to the power of literary images over lesbian writers that, even after criticizing Proust's lies, Barnes called on her knowledge of lesbians in literature rather than in life in order to write her own novel." (Lillian Faderman in Surpassing the Love of Men Djuna Barnes was born in Cornwall-on-Hudson. Her wealthy and free-spirited father, Henry Budington ("Wald") Barnes, was an unsuccessful painter, who ran a farm on Long Island. Elizabeth (Chappel) Barnes, Djuna's mother, was an English violinist. Djuna was raised by her mother and her suffragist grandmother. She and the four other children of the family were taught outside the school system. Her father influenced deeply her development as an artist. According to Andrew Field's biography, she could have suffered some psychosexual abuse at home. In her works, Barnes's vision of love contains an element of incest. On the other hand, this atmosphere of understated perversity was typical for fin-de-siècle novels.

15. Glbtq >> Literature >> Barnes, Djuna
American novelist djuna barnes sought new forms of selfrepresentation of lesbians in the face of society s compulsory heterosexuality.
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Barnes, Djuna (1892-1982) American novelist Djuna Barnes sought new forms of self-representation of lesbians in the face of society's compulsory heterosexuality. Barnes was born on June 12, 1892, in Cornwall-on-Hudson, New York, the daughter of an Englishwoman, Elizabeth Chappell, and an unsuccessful American writer, Wald Barnes. "Barnes" is the birth name of her paternal grandmother, Zadel Barnes Gustafson, a feminist writer, spiritualist, and journalist who helped educate her and who inspired the character Sophia in her semiautobiographical novel Ryder Sponsor Message.
The complex network of family relationships produced by her father's bigamy and the experience of being "given" in marriage in 1909 to her father's second wife's brother influence both Ryder and the later family drama The Antiphon Barnes left home almost immediately after the marriage and around 1912 arrived in Greenwich Village, where she supported herself by writing feature stories and local color sketches for several New York dailies. In a few of the sketches, using what Monique Wittig has characterized as her "out-of-the-corner-of-the-eye perception," Barnes captures the same-sex desire encoded in the accoutrements and cultivated eccentricities of the Villagers.

16. Djuna Barnes —
June 12 Birthdays George Herbert Walker Bush June 12 birthdays George Herbert Walker Bush, Anne Frank, djuna barnes, Johanna Spyri
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    Barnes, Djuna
    Barnes, Djuna (j OO u key , American author, b. Cornwall, N.Y. She is best known for her modernist novel Nightwood (1936), which, in its sense of horror and decay, was likened by T. S. Eliot, who edited the book, to an Elizabethan tragedy. Barnes also wrote several one-act plays produced by the Provincetown Players from 1919 to 1920. Her other works include

17. Djuna Barnes - Research And Read Books, Journals, Articles At
djuna barnes Scholarly books and articles on djuna barnes at Questia, world s largest online library and research service. Subscribe now and do better

18. Djuna Barnes Criticism (Vol. 127)
This has cheapened djuna barnes. Many reviewers assess barnes s Nightwood as one of the most important modernist works of the twentieth century.
Djuna Barnes Criticism and Essays
Entire Site Literature Science History Business Soc. Sciences Health Arts College Journals Search All Criticism:
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  • Djuna Barnes 1892–1982
    (Also wrote under the pseudonym of Lydia Steptoe) American novelist, dramatist, short story writer, poet, and journalist. The following entry presents an overview of Barnes's career. For further information on her life and career, see CLC , Volumes 3, 4, 8, 11, 29.
    Barnes is most associated with the modernists of the early twentieth century. She shared the primary ideals of modernism—to revitalize language, express the unconscious mind and the alienation of the modern individual, and to reject the modes of realism. Barnes's writing was difficult to read because she stressed imagery and symbolism in her works rather than realistic or naturalistic descriptions. Although Barnes was an infamous public figure and well-known journalist, her fiction was never widely read. She had a small cult following, including some of the best-known modernist writers of the century, such as T. S. Eliot. Nevertheless, Barnes described herself as "the most famous unknown of the century."
    Biographical Information
    Barnes was born in 1892 to Wald and Elizabeth Chappell Barnes. While a child and teenager, Barnes was a victim of incest. As a result, sexual abuse is a frequent subject of her work, but is sometimes buried in the subtext of her fiction. Barnes's home life was further complicated by her mother who ignored and denied Barnes's victimization, and allowed Wald's mistress and their children to move in with the family. Barnes escaped the household, becoming a freelance journalist in the 1910s. Her work ranged from the serious to the ridiculous. She interviewed famous actors, statesman, and carnival sideshow freaks. In 1921

    19. Djuna Barnes: An Amazing Woman
    Feminist writer and illustrator djuna barnes, her life, loves, works and her inspirational story.
    Djuna Barnes
    an amazing woman
    Djuna Barnes (1892-1982) "To be 'one's self' is the most shocking custom of all." Djuna Barnes was an amazing writer, illustrator, and woman. Because she is one of the the least-known women on this site, my page on her will be a bit different from the others. My approach to describing Djuna's place as an amazing woman will be mostly a biographical account of her life. Once you read it, you will have little doubt why I think she's an amazing woman!
    The full biography is forthcoming. For now, here's a bare-bones version. Djuna Barnes was born in 1892 in Cornwall-on-Hudson, New York, and died in 1982 in New York City. However, much of her life was lived far from New York. She was an author of fiction, poetry, and plays, who started out as a freelance journalist and illustrator in New York in 1913. Her talent and her connections with the artistic community in Greenwich Village soon led to the publication of her poetry and to the production of several of her plays. Assignments from magazines took her to Europe in 1921, where she lived until 1939. During that time she published several book-length works, including the novel Nightwood , which is considered her masterpiece. In 1940 she moved to Greenwich Village, where she lived for the remainder of her life. She continued to write poetry up until her death, though little was published. While decisively disregarded as a major author and member of the literary canon, the novelty of her work and fascination of her characters have securely placed her in the aesthetic annals of literature's history.

    20. Barnes, Djuna (Harper's Magazine)
    barnes, djuna. WRITER OF, 1 Poem from 1918. SUBJECT OF, 1 Review from 1983. CONNECTIONS. HAS BORN DATE, 1892 Brief reviews. by J. S.
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    Barnes, Djuna
    WRITER OF 1 Poem from 1918
    SUBJECT OF 1 Review from 1983
    Brief reviews
    by J. S.
    Brief reviews/Review, July 1983 , 1 pp. Harper's Magazine is an American journal of literature, politics, culture, and the arts published from 1850. Subscriptions start at $16.97 a year.
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