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         Banks Iain M:     more books (100)
  1. Walking On Glass by Iain M. Banks, 1988
  2. Exzession. by Iain M. Banks, 2002-03-01
  3. The Human Front by Ken MacLeod, Iain M. Banks, 2001-12-01
  4. (SURFACE DETAIL) by Banks, Iain M.(Author)Hardcover{Surface Detail} on28-Oct-2010 by Iain M. Banks, 2010-10-28
  5. Biography - Banks, Iain M(enzies) (1954-): An article from: Contemporary Authors by Gale Reference Team, 2002-01-01
  6. El algebrista/ The Algebraist (Ficcion) (Spanish Edition) by Iain M. Banks, 2008-10-10
  7. INVERSIONS by IAIN M. BANKS, 2003-11-14
  8. PLAGE DE VERRE -LA by B�n�dicte Lombardo, Bernard Sigaud Iain M. Banks, 2010-06-28
  9. Inversions by Iain M Banks, 2006
  10. Classic Glamour Photography by Iain M. Banks, 1990-01-01
  11. THE CULTURE. THE IAIN (M) BANKS FANZINE #4 by Iain Banks, 1998-01-01
  12. Espedair Street by Iain M. Banks, 1981
  13. Inversiones / Inversions (Spanish Edition) by Iain M. Banks, 2006-06-30
  14. RUSSIAN LANGUAGE Consider Phlebas by Iain M Banks, 2002

41. Iain M Banks - Compare Prices & Buy - Discount - Price
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42. Authors: Iain M. Banks
Consider Phlebas, his first science fiction novel, was published under the name iain M. banks in 1987. He is now acclaimed as one of the most powerful,

Iain M. Banks

ain Banks came to widespread and controversial public notice with the publication of his first novel, The Wasp Factory , in 1984. Consider Phlebas , his first science fiction novel, was published under the name Iain M. Banks in 1987. He is now acclaimed as one of the most powerful, innovative, and exciting writers of his generation. Iain Banks lives in Fife, Scotland. Find out more about him at

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43. Novel Reflections: Iain M. Banks Against A Dark Background Review
Review of iain M. banks novel Against a Dark Background Review.
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Against a Dark Background
Against a Dark Background
Iain M. Banks
Against a Dark Background is a novel about a woman who is a mercenary, an antiques hunter, and a noble. Sharrow's family is no longer rich. Her grandfather Gorko amassed a fortune, and her father gambled it away. There is nothing left for her and her half-sister Breyguhn. The Lady Sharrow is the last of the female Dascen line, involved in a blood feud with the cult known as the Huhsz. Her female ancestor stole a Lazy Gun from the Huhsz, and they believe their messiah cannot be born until either it is returned or all the female Dascens are dead. They have acquired hunting permits, the legal right to find her within a year and assassinate her. Her cousin Geis has money and offers to help her but she won't submit to his obsession. For years he has attempted to seduce her, but she loathes him, especially after his attempted rape of her when they were teenagers. Breyguhn loves him, but she isn't what he wants. There is plenty of adventuring in this book, and clever stories, and there are many instances that are quite poignant. Iain Banks writes with a dark and cynical humour, which is often perfect for the situations he describes. He makes it very easy to relate to Lady Sharrow, through all of her adventures, and she is a very human, and difficult, character.

44. Special Circumstances: Consider Phlebas By Iain M. Banks
I took the quotes shown here by iain M. banks from an interview with the author at the Culture Shock web site which is an excellent resource on the writings
Special Circumstances
About this Blog This weblog is written and maintained by Anoop Sarkar Search Search this site:
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June 29, 2004
Consider Phlebas by Iain M. Banks
Nothing like a good space opera fix. A broth of a book - not particularly bright, but great fun to be with, the life and soul of the party. Rather a Brian Blessed sort of book. Iain M. Banks Bora Horza Gobuchul hates machines. Not all machines, just the sentient kind and only for what they represent. He likes the fallibility, the irrational nature and most importantly the social inequalities of the more flawed biological species in the galaxy. He lives in a utopian society, called the Culture, where self-expression and good taste have replaced commerce and industry, but Horza stands against everything that the Culture represents. He considers them fruity, hypocritical and completely dependent on annoyingly superior sentient machines called Minds. The Idirans, on the other hand, conquer the species they considered inferior and subjugate them into their righteous religious empire. Following their Faith, the immortal Idirans continue to fight and expand until this philosophy brings them in furious contact with the Culture who engage them in war on a matter of principle.

45. Feersum Endjinn By Iain M. Banks - WordRidden
This is a weird, twisty iain M. banks novel about saving a planet—namely, Earth. There’s some interesting cyberspacelike action in it, with people creating
Feersum Endjinn by Iain M. Banks
December 2007
Born to Kvetch: Yiddish Language and Culture in All Its Moods
Subscribe to the WordRidden RSS feed Jessica Spengler design by a d a c t i o

46. Matter - Iain M Banks - Big Dumb Object
Matter iain M banks. 03 January 2008 - Comments (4). Matter (UK / US) is the first Culture novel for seven years, the last one was Look to Windward (and
Big Dumb Object A Science Fiction blog
Matter - Iain M Banks
03 January 2008 Comments (4)
Matter ( UK US ) is the first Culture novel for seven years, the last one was Look to Windward (and the last SF novel by Banks being The Algebraist ). That's a lot of expectation, seven years. Too much for me perhaps.
The prologue to Matter is typically Culture, with a Special Circumstance agent and a drone meddling in some lower civilisation. The story then splits into a few plots. The core of the story is the Shell World Sursamen, it's a Big Dumb Object on a truly gigantic scale, Peta-Scale Engineering! A great setup then, with plenty of infodump detail on the Shell Worlds and their origins.
The first half of the story kept me entertained, although it was perhaps a little slow. The story focuses on the lower tech "worlds" of levels 8 and 9 of the shell world, and if you just read these strands you may think that you are reading a fantasy novel: there's a king, some princes, a quest and politics. (I'm being vague about plot details because I don't want to give away spoilers.)
What's new in this novel is a greater explanation of how The Culture fit into the galaxy, with descriptions of at least one other civilisation that is their equal. Before now I've always felt that The Culture were the dominant species (culture?) but Matter reveals that not to be the case. If you are after some alien civilisations, with their own weird ways and massive engineering eye-kick projects then you'll enjoy it. Personally I'd have preferred some more of the Culture and the Minds. There were a few tantalising glimpses of life in The Culture, especially a civillians reaction to a Special Circumstances agent, but a few scenes aren't enough for me. And of course it was witty, with some funny moments (usuallly involving drones and ships) that made me laugh out loud eg.

47. Iain M. Banks Quotes
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48. 19. Iain M. Banks's "Culture" Books? (In What Order Should I Read...)
From Andrea Leistra ( and others TULARC Education rec.arts.sf.written
19. Iain M. Banks's "Culture" books? (In what order should I read...)


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This article is from the rec.arts.sf.written FAQ , by Evelyn C. Leeper with numerous contributions by others.
19. Iain M. Banks's "Culture" books? (In what order should I read...)
From Andrea Leistra ( and others: [See also question 12A.] There are generally two recommended reading orders for Banks. None of the Culture books are directly connected, so in terms of spoilers it makes little difference, and generally most of the debate tends to be over which book should be read first. The publication order is one that is often recommended: CONSIDER PHLEBAS PLAYER OF GAMES USE OF WEAPONS "The State of the Art" (see question 12A) EXCESSION INVERSIONS ("A Gift from the Culture" can be read after any book other than CONSIDER PHELBAS) This is frequently recommended, at least to the extent of "Read

49. CFP: Iain (M.) Banks (UK) (2/28/06; 9/2/06) From Katharine Cox On 2005-10-18 (Ca
categorising banks writing, compounded by his decision to publish his science fiction writing under the name of iain M. banks, his work has been neglected.
CFP: Iain (M.) Banks (UK) (2/28/06; 9/2/06)
Date : Tue, 18 Oct 2005 11:45:37 +0100
CFP: Iain (M.) Banks(UK) (02/28/06; 09/02/06) Call for papers for a
one-day conference hosted at University of Westminster, London England.
The UK Network for Modern Fiction Studies in partnership with the
University of Hull invites proposals for papers and panels for our Iain
(M.) Banks conference to be held on Saturday 2nd September 2006 at the
University of Westminster, London. This is the first UK conference to
focus solely on Iain Banks and coincides with the publication of his
latest novel.
Confirmed speakers include: Tim Middleton James Kneale Iain (M.) Banks is unquestionably an original, innovative writer whose work is marginalised and remains on the periphery of academic acceptance, failing to gain recognition from the contemporary canon. His often experimental, avante-garde and cross-genre narratives are concerned principally, but not exclusively, with the contestation of

50. 'Matter' By Iain M Banks - Cover Art Revealed : The Genre Files
2 Responses to “ Matter by iain M banks cover art revealed”. Alex on August 9th, 2007 410 pm. It s official! We just got a post up at the Orbit blog,
The Genre Files
Books, graphic novels, genre fiction, book marketing
Filed by: Darren on August 9, 2007 at 8:19 Filed In: Art Books My mate Ed Ashby seems to have managed a bit of a coup. Or at least, I'm assuming so as I haven't seen the cover art for the brand new Culture novel, Matter Amazon ] splashed across all the sf news blogs just yet. In fact, I don't know if it's even official. It's on the Little, Brown website, sure, but there hasn't been a post to the Orbit Books blog ... so either this is actually an early draft artwork that some LB website intern has managed to upload by mistake and the guys at Orbit are going to kill me, or it really is the finished product and very few others have seen it yet, in which case, full kudos to Ed! Of course, the other possibility is that I've had my head under a rock, everyone has seen this already and the previous two paragraphs - plus the newsbite I just posted to UKSFBN - will come back to haunt me (cue a rash of comments with links to 'New Banks cover' posts written months ago...)

51. Iain M Banks Books : Lovereading UK
iain M banks,Read a free first chapter extract and online book review for iain M banks and hundreds of other authors such as Wilbur Smith, Stephen King, M Banks/gd

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Read the opening extract of the brand new Tim Winton novel before its publication on 02/05/2008
Iain M Banks
Iain M Banks came to widespread and controversial public notice with the publication of his first novel, THE WASP FACTORY, in 1984. He has since gained enormous popular and critical acclaim for both his mainstream (published under the name Iain Banks ) and his science fiction novels.
Featured Books, with extracts, by Iain M Banks
Iain M Banks It is 4034 AD, humanity has made it to the stars and there is no better guide than this man to take you there too. It is his first new paperback in four years, a celebration indeed. Comparison: Peter F... Format: Paperback - Released: Lovereading Price: Books by Iain M Banks Algebraist ... Iain M Banks The year is 4034. The Nasqueron Dwellers, regarded as barbaric by the rest of the solar system, live on a gas giant at the edge of the universe. Fassin Taak, a Slow Seer at the Court of the Dwellers, must...

52. London Meeting: Iain M Banks « Torque Control
The guest at tonight’s BSFA meeting is iain M banks, who will be interviewed by Farah Mendlesohn. The venue for tonight’s meeting is Physics Lecture Theatre
Torque Control
The Vector Editorial Blog How I Am Spending My Weekend Thoughts on the BSI
London Meeting: Iain M Banks
You know, between the BSFA news community , and the shiny new website feed , you barely need me to post these reminders any more. Nevertheless: Iain M Banks , who will be interviewed by Farah Mendlesohn Physics Lecture Theatre 1, Blackett Lab, Imperial College London, South Kensington Campus (on the corner of Prince Consort Road and Queensgate), London, SW7 2AZ . Here is a (pdf) map ; the Blackett building is no. 7, in the North-West corner of the campus. This entry was posted on November 28, 2007 at 11:55 am and is filed under BSFA Events SF . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response , or trackback from your own site.
  • Neuromancer Says:
    November 28, 2007 at 1:10 pm
    but doing it ahead of time might have given some of us who dont liv ein london more time to plan a trip to town Niall Says:
    November 28, 2007 at 2:18 pm
    Ah. Sorry about that. I did mention it at the start of last week, although admittedly said mention was buried in a post about many other things.
  • 53. Iain M Banks - Science Fiction Fantasy Chronicles: Forums
    iain M banks Discussion board for the writings of iain M banks.

    FORUM Other forums
    Science Fiction Fantasy Chronicles: forums
    ... Authors Iain M Banks User Name Remember Me? Password Register Forum RULES Members List Gallery ... Mark Forums Read
    Threads in Forum : Iain M Banks Forum Tools vbmenu_register("forumtools"); Search this Forum Rating Thread Thread Starter ... A good price for Matter Bascule 25th January 2008 07:35 PM
    by Rane Longfox Question about Cheradenine Zakalwe (Spoliers! Read Use of Weapons First!) Coolhand 20th January 2008 01:48 PM
    by HiEx Iain M Bank's top ten SF novels - how many have YOU read? Tabitha 17th January 2008 06:14 PM
    by mchc Iain Banks is a scotch expert? dwndrgn 13th December 2007 01:51 AM
    by bruno-1012 Iain M Banks: The Algebraist Dave 11th December 2007 01:08 PM
    by Poll: Do you prefer Iain Bank's SF or 'normal' fiction novels? Tabitha 7th December 2007 11:11 AM
    by easygoingman Iain Banks appearing in Northampton Ian Whates 13th November 2007 11:13 PM
    by Ian Whates Culture Fans? (Iain M Banks) padders 7th October 2007 09:49 PM by Razorback The Culture's starship names - got any suggestions? (Iain M Banks)

    54. Iain M. Banks, Inversions
    A review of the author s 1998 novel, the sixth in the Culture universe.
    WELCOME JUMP EXPLORE THE POINT ... HOME INVERSIONS BY IAIN M. BANKS (Review by Nick Gevers, Ph.D., Cape Town, South Africa) In Inversions Inversions employs these methods with unusual verve and force. It is an ornate labyrinth of disguise, subtle contrast, and revelatory comparison. Use of Weapons [1990] and Excession Inversions Inversions Inversions Coelestis A Maggot ORBIT (UK). 1998. TRADE PAPERBACK. This page hosted by Get your own Free Home Page

    55. Iain
    I put in the manuscript of The Wasp Factory as iain M. banks, and my publishers then, Interview from Wired magazine, June 1996, taken from iain M. banks

    56. Banks, Iain M. Look To Windward - Brief Article - Young Adult Review - Book Revi
    banks, iain M. Look to windward Brief Article - Young Adult Review - Book Review from Kliatt in Reference provided free by Find Articles.
    @import url(/css/us/pub_page_article.css); @import url(/css/us/template_503.css); @import url(/css/us/tabs_503.css); @import url(/css/us/fa_bnet.css); @import url(; @import url(; @import url(; On CNET: Can anything save HD DVD? Search Advanced Search in free and premium articles free articles only premium articles only Arts Autos Business Health News Reference Sports Technology Search
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    Banks, Iain M. Look to windward - Brief Article - Young Adult Review - Book Review
    Kliatt March, 2003 by Sherry S. Hoy Pocket Books. 483p. c2000. 0-7434-2192-2. $6.99. A The setting is in the far future on an artificial satellite world called Masaq' Orbital, home to about 50 billion members of the Culture. This story takes place some 800 years after the particularly nasty Idiran war, which took out several planets, killing all inhabitants. Composer Ziller, who lives on Masaq', is informed that an emissary, Major Quilan, from Chel will arrive soon. Everyone thinks Quilan is coming to bring the extremely talented composer home to Chel, while Ziller thinks Quilan is coming to kill him; in fact, Quilan is a plant with deep-seeded instructions to blow up the entire orbital as retribution for the souls lost during the war. It seems the Chel believe that these lost souls will only reach heaven by taking an equal number of Culture casualties.

    57. RPG Archive: Role Playing Community Site And Online Adventure Database
    A vage plot arc and background details for running a series of senarios in a universe inspired by iain M banks Culture books. Ultraultra high tech.

    58. Iain Banks Bibliography Of First Editions At Bookseller World
    It was under the name iain M banks that the author entered the genre fully though. A best selling both respected and challenging he is a favourite amongst
    Iain Banks Bibliography
    A Collectors Reference Guide
    UK First Edition Books
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    More Information Iain Banks was born in Scotland on 16th February 1954 was educated in Stirling and after university travelled through Europe before taking a job with a steel company. He later became a solicitors clerk whilst trying to get his first novel published. His first efforts were rejected until he wrote Wasp Factory which was snapped up immediately. It caused quite a stir at the time with some public libraries even refusing to stock it. The author always had an enthusiasm for science fiction, suggestions of which appear in his early work. It was under the name Iain M Banks that the author entered the genre fully though. A best selling both respected and challenging he is a favourite amongst collectors, the first book being the most sought after.
    If you are looking to buy or sell books then our rare booksellers section may be of some assistance. You may also Like
    John Wyndham
    Aldous Huxley

    Dennis Wheatly

    Kurt Vonnegut
    Title Publisher Date Notes The Wasp Factory Macmillan 5,000 copies

    59. Science Fiction (Title Index)
    Against a dark background, banks, iain M, samuel j. Against A Dark Background, iain M. banks, Carsten Klinge. Against A Dark Background, iain M. banks
    Science Fiction (Title Index)
    Back to the Reader's Robot Science Fiction Menu Page Title Author Reviewed by "Dreams-The Gateway" Poessel, Louis Louis Poessel "Hold Back This Day" Kendall, Ward John Relson the "Neveryona" quartet Samuel R Delany brendon murley "Shadow People-Spectators or Participants?" Poessel, Louis Louis Poessel (something) Hope series Feintuch, David David Richards Flint, Eric Joseph Farand Orwell, George Charles Spitzig Orwell, George Carrie Corlette Orwell, George Charles Spitzig Orwell, George Chris Barts Orwell, George David Monterrubio Barragan 3001: The Final Odyssey Arthur C. Clarke Daniel LeBoeuf Disch, Thomas T. Caraway The Passing of the Techno-Mages Cavelos, Jeanne Daniel LeBoeuf The Abyss Orson Scott Card Kevin Kierans Acorna, the Unicorn Girl Mccaffrey, Anne Eleanor Chae Acorna, the Unicorn Girl Mccaffrey, Anne Katie Wiens Across Realtime Vernor Vinge Charles Danforth Adventures In Spacetime Derrick Neill Derrick Neill The Affirmation Christopher Priest Keith Barnett Against a Dark Background Banks, Iain

    60. Excession
    First off if you haven t read any of iain M. banks s Culture novels, go get them instanter. My favorite is Player of Games, but the first one,
    Part 3 of an occasional series of essays presenting more verbiage on books too much has been said about already
    Iain M. Banks's Excession
    First off: if you haven't read any of Iain M. Banks's Culture novels, go get them instanter. My favorite is Player of Games , but the first one, Consider Phlebas , is good, grand space opera, and Use of Weapons is a chilling and breathtaking tour de force. Banks burst into science fiction like your good uncle, bearing just what we needed and hardly knew we wanted: good writing, notable characters, impeccable technique, humor (no one will ever be able to name spaceships the same way again), a sense of enormous scale, icy plunges into the macabre, and a gleeful reversal of the usual politics of sf instead of peddling libertarianism or anarchism, or projecting the U.S. into the far future, Banks depicts an unabashed socialist utopia. (If that sounds grim, rest assured that the Culture is one of the few sf worlds it would really be fun to live in and that the "M." in Banks's name most likely stands for "moral ambiguity".) So go and read them. Then you can come back here and hear about

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