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         Bachmann Ingeborg:     more books (100)
  1. Aussenstehend, ungelenk, kopfuber weiblich: Psychosexuelle Autorpositionen bei Marlen Haushofer, Marieluise Fleisser und Ingeborg Bachmann (Ergebnisse der Frauenforschung) (German Edition) by Elke Bruns, 1998
  2. The Image of the Woman in the Works of Ingeborg Bachmann (European University Studies. Series I, German Language and L) by Eckenbert Von Redwitz, 1993-01
  3. Malina: Lecture plurielle du roman d'Ingeborg Bachmann (Contacts) (French Edition) by Astrid Starck, 1987
  4. Gedichte berühmter Frauen. Von Hildegard von Bingen bis Ingeborg Bachmann. by Elisabeth Borchers, 1996-02-01
  5. Ingeborg Bachmann (Sammlung Metzler) (German Edition) by Kurt Bartsch, 1997
  6. Von vorletzten Dingen: Schreiben nach "Malina" : Ingeborg Bachmanns "Simultan"-Erzahlungen (German Edition) by Bettina Bannasch, 1997
  7. Dichtung und Musik bei Ingeborg Bachmann und Hans Werner Henze: Der " Augenblick der Wahrheit " am Beispiel ihres Opernschaffens by Katja Schmidt-Wistoff, 2001
  8. In memoriam: [Kurt Absolon, Ingeborg Bachmann ...] (German Edition) by Hans Weigel, 1979
  9. Cemetery of the Murdered Daughters: Feminism, History, And Ingeborg Bachmann by Sara Lennox, 2006-12-30
  10. Ingeborg Bachmann: Complex and Compelling.(Poetry Today)(Darkness Spoken)(Last Living Words: The Ingeborg Bachmann Reader)(The Night Begins with a Question: ... review): An article from: The Antioch Review by John Taylor, 2007-09-22
  11. Hans Werner Henze und Ingeborg Bachmann: Die gemeinsamen Werke. by Christian Bielefeldt, 2003-04-30
  12. Ingeborg Bachmann: E. Bibliogr (German Edition) by Otto Bareiss, 1978
  13. Lerngegenstand Literatur: Studien u. Unterrichtsmodelle zu Max Frisch, Peter Weiss, Ingeborg Bachmann u. Uwe Johnson (Zeitschrift fur Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik : Beiheft) (German Edition)
  14. Giuseppe Ungarettis Werk in deutscher Sprache: Unter besonderer Berucksichtigung der Ubersetzungen Ingeborg Bachmanns und Paul Celans (Studia Romanica) (German Edition) by Stephanie Dressler, 2000

41. Powell's Books - Green Integer #136: Last Living Words: The Ingeborg Bachmann Re
ISBN 9781933382128; Subtitle The ingeborg bachmann Reader; Translator Friedberg, Lilian; Author Friedberg, Lilian; Author bachmann, ingeborg

42. Goethe-Institut London - Theaterstücke: B
bachmann, ingeborg The Good God of Manhattan (Der gute Gott von Manhattan, Engl.). see German Radio Plays. see bachmann, ingeborg Selected Prose and
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Bachmann, Ingeborg
The Good God of Manhattan (Der gute Gott von Manhattan, Engl.).
see: German Radio Plays.
see: Bachmann, Ingeborg: Selected Prose and Drama
Bachmann, Ingeborg
Selected Prose and Drama / Ingeborg Bachmann and Christa Wolf . -Bachmann; Ingeborg: The Good God of Manhattan (Der gute Gott von Manhatten, Engl.). Tr. Valerie Tekavec. New York: Continuum, 1998. 283 pp. (The German Library ; 94)
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Bachmann, Ingeborg
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Barlach, Ernst
The Blue Boll (Der blaue Boll, Engl.).
see: Barlach, Ernst: Three Plays.
Barlach, Ernst
see: Barlach, Ernst: Three Plays.
Barlach, Ernst
The Genuine Sedemunds (Die echten Sedemunds, Engl.).
see: Barlach, Ernst: Three Plays.
Barlach, Ernst
Squire Blue Boll (Der blaue Boll, Engl.). Tr. J.M. Ritchie and H.F. Garten.
see: Seven Expressionist Plays.
Barlach, Ernst
Library Code:
Barnes, Peter
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Barylli, Gabriel
Buttered Bread (Butterbrot, Engl.). Tr. Mark Cervania.

43. Ingeborg Bachmann Prize - Signandsight
The reading race is on to see who will take home this year s ingeborg bachmann Prize. Awarded as part of the German Literature Days in Klagenfurt, is a service of search: Login RSS Newsletter
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Ingeborg Bachmann Prize
Background and links on Austria's most prestigious literary award.
The German Literature Days opened in Klagenfurt on Wednesday the 29th with the usual "Speech on Literature". As part of the festival, the prestigious Austrian Ingeborg Bachmann Prize for literature is awarded. This year's speaker, Swiss author and literary critic Iso Camartin warned the jury and the audience to exercise critical rigour in their decision. "Of course we can let anyone write what they want, but let us ensure that we don't waste our time with junk thoughts and word waste." It will be interesting to see whether his words are heeded. (Read the speech in full on the Bachmann Prize website which is full of other useful links.)

44. Bachmann, Ingeborg (1926-1973)
ingeborg bachmann WestHollywood/Heights på italiensk; LiTTerair ingeborg bachmann på nederlandsk; bachmann, ingeborg Pseud. Ingeb

45. Ingeborg Bachmann
Translate this page Biografia, commenti e alcuni testi tradotti della scrittrice austriaca.
Ingeborg Bachmann (1926-1973). Nata a Klagenfurt in Carinzia, vi rimane fino al 1945, anno in cui inizia gli studi (dapprima filosofia e giurisprudenza, successivamente filosofia e psicologia) ad Innsbruck, che prosegue a Graz e successivamente a Vienna. Nel 1949 la rivista viennese Lynkeus pubblica alcune sue poesie. Nel 1950 si laurea con una tesi intitolata Die kritische Aufnahme der Existentialphilosophie Martin Heideggers. Die gestundete Zeit. Der gute Gott von Manhattan, Die Wahreit ist dem Menschen zumutbar Wittgenstein . Nella stessa prospettiva devono inquadrarsi anche le lezioni che la Bachmann tiene a Francoforte, dove occupa la cattedra di Poetica, nel semestre invernale 1959/60. Nel 1961 pubblica la raccolta di racconti che ottiene numerosi premi e riconoscimenti. Dell'opera in prosa della Bachmann fanno parte anche un secondo volume di racconti ( Simultan , 1972) e il romanzo Malina (1971), primo di un ciclo che avrebbe dovuto intitolarsi Todesarten . Questo progetto, di cui ci rimangono altri due frammenti ( Der Fall Franza e ) rimane incompiuto per la tragica morte della scrittrice, scomparsa il 17 ottobre 1973 a Roma in seguito ad un incendio. Amica e compagna di Hans Werner Henze, per cui ha anche scritto libretti d'opera, e di Max Frisch, vicina a Nelly Sachs, Hans Magnus Enzensberger e Witold Gombrowicz, traduttrice di Anna Achmatova e Giuseppe Ungaretti, impegnata in battaglie femministe e contro la guerra del Vietnam, collaboratrice della Televisione bavarese e della rivista «Botteghe oscure», Ingeborg Bachmann attraversa con il suo "disperato sforzo intorno all'indicibile" la seconda metà del Novecento europeo. Nella sua opera è posto in discussione il valore della parola, sulla scia di Hofmannsthal, certo, ma con il rigore e la determinazione di Wittgenstein:

46. Poetry
ingeborg bachmann stirbt in Rom/ingeborg bachmann Dies in Rome, Tr. by Andrew Shields. by Barbara Köhler. One death comes before another. Breath and smoke.
October 1998
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Ingeborg Bachmann stirbt in Rom/Ingeborg Bachmann Dies in Rome, Tr. by Andrew Shields
One death comes
before another.
Breath and smoke.
And smoke which puts out breath.
And silence.
But sometimes only a cigarette
helps you keep your grip. And keeps its promises more quickly, too. Between yellowed fingers it burns like love becomes ashes like betrayal. Breath and smoke. The three fingers of oath curved around the cigarette: to not forswear. Giordano burns on the Campo de Fiori. The bells of Santa Maria Maggiore Breath and smoke. And smoke which puts out breath. And to write with a burned hand about fire. And the borders of the German language are mined with murderous accidents. One death comes before another. Translated by Andrew Shields Ein Tod kommt vor dem andern. Atem und Rauch. Und Schweigen. Manchmal ist aber eine Zigarette was sie verspricht auch schneller. Zwischen vergilbten Fingern brennts wie Liebe wird Asche wie Verrat. Atem und Rauch.

47. Ingeborg Bachmann - Biography - Famous People From Vienna, Austria
ingeborg bachmann was born in Carinthia and studied philosophy, psychology all over Austria before she settled down in Vienna. In 1951, she started working

Franz Grillparzer
Ingeborg Bachmann Ferdinand Raimund Thomas Bernhard ... Joseph Roth
Ingeborg Bachmann
Ingeborg Bachmann (1926-1973)
Ingeborg Bachmann was born in Carinthia and studied philosophy, psychology all over Austria before she settled down in Vienna. In 1951, she started working as an editor at an Austrian radio station, where she wrote her first radio play.
In 1952 she acchieved breakthrough by reading her lyrical poetry at a "Gruppe 47" meeting
In 1961 her partly autobiographic collection of short stories 'Das dreissigste Jahr' (The Thirtieth Year) was published, in which she criticized post-war society. Her short stories collected in 'Simultan' belong to the most dense short stories in German language and are a definite highlight allowing for insights into the Austrian way of being.
In 1971 she wrote her first novel 'Malina'
Ingeborg Bachmann is one of the major players in Austrian literature. She was awarded many prices. One of Austria's major annual literary awards was named in her honor Ingeborg Bachmann price. Some of her short stories and radio plays have been turned into movies.

48. MySpaceTV Videos: Reklame By Ingeborg Bachmann By EMC Freddy
Reklame by ingeborg bachmann by EMC Freddy Watch it on MySpace Videos.

49. JSTOR Ingeborg Bachmann Liest Gedichte Und Prosa
bachmann, ingeborg ingeborg bachmann liest Gedichte und Prosa. PiperSprechplatte Nr. 6. 30cm 33 r.p.m. DM 24. EICHENDORFF, JOSEPH VON Mathias Wieman<241:IBLGUP>2.0.CO;2-L

50. Glossen:aufsätze
Paper by Monika Albrecht in glossen heft 7 aufsätze.
glossen: Colonization and Magical World View in
Das Buch Franza

, newly founded and edited at that time by Hans Magnus Enzensberger, played an important role in this discussion.[4] Beginning with the second issue that appeared in August 1965, this periodical often dealt with matters concerning the Third World - and, almost simultanously, in July of that year, the Berlin periodical Das Argument Kursbuch Das Buch Franza ), portrayed the marriage of her title character as a relationship between (male) colonizer and colonized (female), and the termination of the marriage as an attempt at decolonization.
Yet, Bachmann did not finish this colonization story of a white woman and, obviously, five years later a change of great magnitude had already taken place. The title character of the Franza Franza Franza

Thirty years after the emergence of the Franza The Book of Franza
The Book of Franza in its Historical Context
Franza Franza
novel is embedded in the contemporary political debates of the sixties.
In the August 1965 edition of the Kursbuch Kursbuch
Another aspect of the colonization thematic in the Franza Kursbuch Das Argument Das Argument Franza The Book of Franza The "Papua-Flaw"

51. Ingeborg Bachmann | Last Living Words: The Ingeborg Bachmann Reader | Green Inte
This ingeborg bachmann Reader consists of works of poetry and fiction published during the life of the great Austrian writer.

52. Ingeborg Bachmann Biography
ingeborg bachmann biography and related resources.
Biography Base Home Link To Us Search Biographies: Browse Biographies A B C D ... Z Ingeborg Bachmann Biography Ingeborg Bachmann (June 25, 1926 Klagenfurt, Austria - October 17, 1973 Rome, Italy) was an Austrian poet and author.
She was born in Klagenfurt, Carinthia on June 25, 1926. She studied philosophy, psychology and German philology in Vienna, and soon published the first short story. Her literary career was enforced by the contact with Hans Weigel (literateur and sponsor of young post-war literature) and the legendary literary circle known as Gruppe 47, members of which were also Ilse Aichinger, Paul Celan, Heinrich Böll, Marcel Reich-Ranicki and Günter Grass.
A job at the radio station Rot-Weiss-Rot enabled Bachmann to obtain an overview of contemporary literature and also supplied her with a decent income, making possible proper literary work. Furthermore, her first radio plays were published by the station.
In 1953, she transferred her main place of residence to Rome, Italy, where she spent the large part of the following years working on poems, essays, opera libretti and short stories which soon brought with them international fame and numerous awards. The relationship with Max Frisch (Swiss author, 1911-1991) took her to Switzerland and bestowed the role of the second protagonist in Frisch's Mein Name sei Gantenbein upon her.
Bachmann's work primarily focuses on themes like personal boundaries, establishment of the truth, and philosophy of language, the latter in the tradition of Ludwig Wittgenstein.

53. Ingeborg Bachmann Biography -
Learn about the life of ingeborg bachmann at Read Biographies, watch interviews and videos.

54. Literature-Map: Ingeborg Bachmann
What else do readers of ingeborg bachmann read? What else do readers of ingeborg bachmann read? The closer two writers are, the more likely someone will bachmann.html
gnod literature map Ingeborg Bachmann
Ingeborg Bachmann
What else do readers of Ingeborg Bachmann read?
The closer two writers are, the more likely someone will like both of them.
Click on a name to travel along.
Next writer: Harold Brodkey Ingeborg Bachmann Peter Handke Marcel Proust ... Rainer Maria Rilke

55. New Books In German: Literary Prizes
Since 2000, the ingeborg bachmann Competition has taken the name Tage der deutschsprachigen Literatur and only the main prize is known as the
The Ingeborg-Bachmann-Preis (Austria) is awarded for works which are considered to define and encapsulate the spirit of contemporary German literature. It is sponsored by the city of Klagenfurt and has been awarded annually since 1977. Since 2000, the Ingeborg Bachmann Competition has taken the name " Tage der deutschsprachigen Literatur " and only the main prize is known as the "Ingeborg-Bachmann-Preis". In addition three further prizes (the Jury Prize, the 3 Sat Prize and the Ernst Willner Prize) and two grants are awarded. The members of the jury nominate authors who read extracts from previously unpublished prose works in front of an audience while being filmed live by the television station 3 Sat. The jury, which changes annually, discusses and judges the texts and elects the winners. The best works are included in the annual anthology Klagenfurter Texte , published by Piper Verlag. Earlier winners of the main prize include The winners since 1995 were : Franzobel: Krautflut (1995); Jan P. Bremer: (1996); Norbert Niemann:

56. Austrian Cultural Forum London - Ingeborg Bachmann Centre - Overview
ingeborg bachmann Centre. Film Literature Music Theatre Dance Exhibitions Visual Arts Platform ingeborg bachmann Centre – upcoming events
Austrian Cultural Forum London
Ingeborg Bachmann Centre
Wednesday 12 March 2008, 3-6pm
University of London
Die Stadt ohne Juden (The City without Jews:
A Novel of our Time)
Die Stadt ohne Juden For more information visit:
Venue and Information
University of London
Room ST 276, Senate House Malet Street, WC1

57. Intute: Arts And Humanities - Full Record Details For Ingeborg Bachmann Forum
, The ingeborg bachmann Forum, designed and maintained by Ricarda Berg, is a comprehensive and informative site, dedicated to the life and works......

58. Waggish:
The Book of Franza, ingeborg bachmann. A painful and considered novel, not totally finished, but a door to some new possibilities for fiction.
The Book of Franza , Ingeborg Bachmann
May 26, 2003
The Book of Franza , Ingeborg Bachmann
A painful and considered novel, not totally finished, but a door to some new possibilities for fiction. Or possibly a dead end. Bachmann's earlier stories collected in The Thirtieth Year were very much in a straight line from Mann and Broch. Educated men (they are almost always men) think about and discuss matters of justice and morality that their circumstances belie. They don't bring much new to the field except for a very evocative style, and for the 50's, the plots are archaic, relying on the sort of personal/political trauma that was being abandoned by her contemporaries. "A Step Towards Gomorrah," an apocalyptic lesbian power struggle almost devoid of larger context, gives the most indication of where she was going, and is the best of the batch. Her later stories, from Three Paths to the Lake , keep the style but drop the ideological orientation in favor of a more particular and partial view of damaged personalities and relationships, with gaps of information, irreparable disconnections, and hints of total breakdown. "Word by Word," about a translator breaking from her knowledge of language and consequently from the people in her world, is so immersive in its particular affliction as to rank with any Germanic fiction I've read of the last 50 years. The Book of Franza isn't the most extreme example of her later approach (the story it's bundled with, "Requiem for Fanny Goldman," is far more nightmarish and histrionic), but it's the clearest I've read, where she significantly ties a woman's breakdown to mythological and historical elements. Its nihilism, however, is total; I can't think of any redemptive moment in the story that Bachmann actually endorses. But it's a measured nihilism, far closer to

59. - Ingeborg Bachmann
Translate this page Vor achtzig Jahren wurde ingeborg bachmann geboren. Der nach ihr benannte Literaturpreis ist einer der wichtigsten - und umstrittensten - im
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Ingeborg Bachmann Text: thomas-ernst Vor achtzig Jahren wurde Ingeborg Bachmann geboren. Der nach ihr benannte Literaturpreis ist einer der wichtigsten - und umstrittensten - im deutschsprachigen Raum. Seit dreißig Jahren findet das Wettlesen im österreichischen Klagenfurt statt. Neun Jury-Mitglieder laden je zwei Schriftsteller ein, die dreißig Minuten Zeit haben, die Jury zu überzeugen. Da fließt schon mal - wie bei Rainald Goetz - Blut. Und die anschließende Diskussion wird mitunter hitzig geführt.
Anlässlich des Geburtstags der Namensgeberin eine kleine Erinnerung an eine große Autorin. Ingeborg Bachmann wird am 25. Juni 1926 in Klagenfurt geboren. Ihr Vater Matthias ist Schuldirektor, ihrer Mutter Olga wurde die Möglichkeit zum Studium verwehrt – eine jugendliche Erfahrung, die sich in ihrem als „feministisch“ bezeichneten Spätwerk niederschlägt. Unter den schwierigen Verhältnissen des Zweiten Weltkriegs erlebt sie eine chaotische Schulzeit. „Die Geschichte lehrt dauernd“, so Bachmann später, „aber sie findet keine Schüler.“
Zudem arbeitet sie während der Besatzungszeit im Sekretariat der US-Amerikaner und zieht ihre Lehren aus der Nazi-Propaganda: Man sollte sich nicht von den Medien lenken lassen, sondern die Medien selber nutzen. Sie wird Hörfunkredakteurin beim Wiener Radiosender „Rot-Weiß-Rot“ und schreibt zahlreiche Hörspiele, deren bekannteste sind „Die Zikaden“ (1955) und „Der gute Gott von Manhattan“ (1958). Für den „guten Gott“ erhält sie den renommierten „Hörspielpreis der Kriegsblinden“, ihre Dankrede trägt den programmatischen Titel: „Die Wahrheit ist den Menschen zumutbar.“

60. Backlist
bachmann, ingeborg The Measured Time 2007. € 10.50. Baczak, Jacek Egy éjszakai ügyeletes feljegyzései, 1998. € 4.00. Bacsó Béla The Shadow of the Word.
1944, Pécs, 2004. A fordítás mint kulturális praxis (Sensus 3.), 2004. A látogatás. Kortárs francia költõk, 1996. A Mindentudó Gyermek. Baránszky László emlékkönyv, 2002. A szó hatalma, 1991. Abish, Walter: Német ez még? 1996. Aczél Géza: A. G. úr X-ben, 1997. Aczél Géza: (szakma)alkony, 2005. Aczél Géza [Galloping (Back)] 2007. Agazzi, Evandro [The Good, the Evil, and Science] 1996. Ajtony Árpád: A birodalom elvesztése, 1998. Akhilleusz és a teknõc. Kortárs cseh és morva költõk, 1996. Aknai Tamás: A Pécsi Mûhely, 1995. Alaine, 2007. András Sándor: Játék vagy kaland, 1998. A századvég szellemi körképe, 1995. Atwood, Margaret: A vak bérgyilkos, 2003. Az elsõ nap. Kortárs szlovén elbeszélõk, 2002. Az eltört korsó. Szlovén esszék, 1992. Az irodalom elméletei I., 1997. Az irodalom elméletei II., 1997. Az irodalom elméletei III., 1997. Az irodalom elméletei IV., 1997. Az irodalom elméletei V., 1997. Az új század küszöbén, 1998. Bachmann, Ingeborg: Malina, 2002. Bachmann, Ingeborg [The Measured Time] 2007. Baczak, Jacek: Egy éjszakai ügyeletes feljegyzései, 1998. Bacsó Béla [The Shadow of the Word. On Celan’s Poetry] 1996.

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