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         Bachmann Ingeborg:     more books (100)
  1. Songs in Flight: The Collected Poems of Ingeborg Bachmann by Ingeborg Bachmann, 1995-04
  2. Die Hoerspiele (German Edition) by Ingeborg Bachmann, 1996-12-31
  3. Last Living Words: The Ingeborg Bachmann Reader (Green Integer) by Ingeborg Bachmann, 2006-07-01
  4. Sämtliche Gedichte by Ingeborg Bachmann, 2003-10-31
  5. Malina: A Novel (Portico Paperbacks) by Ingeborg Bachmann, Mark Anderson, et all 1999-06
  6. Correspondence (SB-The German List) by Paul Celan, Ingeborg Bachmann, 2010-08-15
  7. Darkness Spoken: The Collected Poems of Ingeborg Bachmann (German Edition) by Ingeborg Bachmann, 2005-10-01
  8. The Thirtieth Year: Stories by Ingeborg Bachmann by Ingeborg Bachmann, 1995-07
  9. Kritische Wege Der Landnahme: Ingeborg Bachmann Im Blickfeld Der Neunziger Jahre: Londoner Symposium Zum 20. Todestag Der Dichterin (Publications of the Institute of Germanic Studies, Universit)
  10. Selected Prose and Drama: Ingeborg Bachmann and Christa Wolf (German Library) by Patricia A. Herminghouse, 1998-09-01
  11. Ingeborg Bachmann (Rowohlts Monographien) (German Edition) by Hans Holler, 1999
  12. Ingeborg Bachmann by Ingeborg Bachmann, 2008
  13. Werke von Ingeborg Bachmann. Interpretationen by Ingeborg Bachmann, 2002-01-31
  14. The Book of Franza and Requiem for Fanny Goldmann by Ingeborg Bachmann, 2010-08-31

1. Ingeborg Bachmann - Wikipedia
Translate this page Oktober 1973 in Rom) war eine der bedeutendsten österreichischen Schriftstellerinnen des 20. Jahrhunderts. Teilweise verwendete Ingeborg Bachmann das
Ingeborg Bachmann
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklop¤die
Wechseln zu: Navigation Suche Ingeborg Bachmann 25. Juni in Klagenfurt –sterreich 17. Oktober in Rom ) war eine der bedeutendsten ¶sterreichischen Schriftstellerinnen des 20. Jahrhunderts . Teilweise verwendete Ingeborg Bachmann das Pseudonym Ruth Keller
Bearbeiten Leben und Werk
Elternhaus in Klagenfurt mit Gedenktafel Ingeborg Bachmann ist das erste Kind von Olga (geb. Haas) und Mathias Bachmann. Sie verbrachte ihre Kindheit und Jugend in K¤rnten . In den Nachkriegsjahren (1945 bis 1950) studierte sie Philosophie Psychologie und Germanistik (sowie Rechtswissenschaften ) an den Universit¤ten Innsbruck Graz und Wien . Sie absolvierte das Studium mit der Promotion zum Dr. phil. und thematisierte darin eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit Martin Heidegger . Ihr Doktorvater war der Philosoph und Wissenschaftstheoretiker Victor Kraft (1890–1975), der letzte in Wien lehrende Philosoph des mit dem Aufstieg des Nationalsozialismus in den 1930er Jahren aus Wien vertriebenen Wiener Kreises . W¤hrend ihrer Studienjahre lernte sie Paul Celan Ilse Aichinger und Klaus Demus kennen. Dass Ingeborg Bachmann und Paul Celan Ende der vierziger und Anfang der f¼nfziger Jahre ein Liebesverh¤ltnis verband, wird durch Celans Tageb¼cher best¤tigt.

2. Ingeborg Bachmann
Ingeborg Bachmann was born in Klagenfurt, the capital of Carinthia, as the daughter of a teacher. In her childhood, at the age of twelve, she witnessed the
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Ingeborg Bachmann (1926-1973) Austrian poet, dramatist, and novelist, a leading voice in post-war German literature. Bachmann ceased to write poetry in the 1960s and focused on prose. In these later works feminist themes came to the fore. Bachmann was a reclusive, but socially engaged writer. During most of the fifties and from 1965 onward, she lived in Rome, where she died in a fire in her apartment. "Her apartment was meticulously clean, but gave off a faint "old-woman" smell which she was not aware of and which put Leo Jordan to flight, apart from the fact that he had no time to lose and no idea what to talk about with his eighty-five-year-old mother. Sometimes, seldom, he had been amused - that much Franziska knew - namely, when he was having a relationship with a married woman, because then old Frau Jordan had gone without sleep and made strange, convoluted allusions, trembling for his safety: she believed that the married men who wives Leo Jordan was living with were dangerous and jealous and bloodthirsty, and she wasn't able to calm down until he married Franziska, who did not have a jealous husband lurking in the bushes but was young and cheerful, an orphan, admittedly not from an educated family, but at least with a brother who had gone to college." (from 'The Barking') Ingeborg Bachmann was born in Klagenfurt, the capital of Carinthia, as the daughter of a teacher. In her childhood, at the age of twelve, she witnessed the march of Nazi troops into her town and returned to this period in her memoir

3. Ingeborg Bachmann - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Ingeborg Bachmann was born in Klagenfurt, Carinthia on June 25, 1926. She studied philosophy, psychology, German philology, and law at the universities of
Ingeborg Bachmann
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to: navigation search Ingeborg Bachmann Ingeborg Bachmann June 25 Klagenfurt Austria October 17 ... Rome , Italy) was an Austrian poet and author
edit Biography
Ingeborg Bachmann was born in Klagenfurt, Carinthia on June 25, 1926. She studied philosophy psychology , German philology , and law at the universities of Insbruck, Graz, and Vienna. In she received her Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Vienna with her dissertation entitled "The Critical Reception of the Existential Philosophy of Martin Heidegger After graduating, Bachmann worked as a scriptwriter and editor at the Austrian radio station Rot-Weiss-Rot, a job that enabled her to obtain an overview of contemporary literature and also supplied her with a decent income, making possible proper literary work. Furthermore, her first radio dramas were published by the station. Her literary career was enhanced by contact with Hans Weigel (literateur and sponsor of young post-war literature) and the legendary literary circle known as Gruppe 47 , whose members also included Ilse Aichinger Paul Celan Heinrich B¶ll Marcel Reich-Ranicki and G¼nter Grass In , she moved to Rome , Italy, where she spent the large part of the following years working on poems, essays, opera libretti and short stories which soon brought with them international fame and numerous awards. Her relationship with

4. Ingeborg Bachmann --  Britannica Online Encyclopedia
Britannica online encyclopedia article on Ingeborg Bachmann Austrian author whose sombre, surreal writings often deal with women in failed love
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Ingeborg Bachmann
Page 1 of 1 born June 25, 1926, Klagenfurt, Austria
died Oct. 17, 1973, Rome, Italy Austrian author whose sombre, surreal writings often deal with women in failed love relationships, the nature of art and humanity, and the inadequacy of language. Bachmann, Ingeborg... (75 of 403 words) To read the full article, activate your FREE Trial Commonly Asked Questions About Ingeborg Bachmann Close Enable free complete viewings of Britannica premium articles when linked from your website or blog-post. Now readers of your website, blog-post, or any other web content can enjoy full access to this article on Ingeborg Bachmann , or any Britannica premium article for free, even those readers without a premium membership. Just copy the HTML code fragment provided below to create the link and then paste it within your web content. For more details about this feature, visit our

5. Literary Encyclopedia: Ingeborg Bachmann
Ingeborg Bachmann has been recognized as one of post1945 German literature’s most important writers at least since 1954, when she was featured on the cover

6. - Ingeborg Bachmann
INGEBORG BACHMANN was born in 1926 in Klagenfurt, a small Austrian city near what were then the German, Yugoslavian and Italian borders, a place where

7. Perlentaucher - Ingeborg Bachmann
Translate this page Ingeborg bachmann ingeborg Bachmann, wurde 1926 in Klagenfurt (Kärnten) als ältestes von drei Kindern geboren. Sie schreibt bereits in ihrer Schulzeit
Perlentaucher - Das Kulturmagazin
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Ingeborg Bachmann
Bücher von Ingeborg Bachmann
Bachmann, Ingeborg: Kritische Schriften.
Piper Verlag, München 2005, ISBN 3492047076, Gebunden, 842 Seiten, 49,90 EUR mehr lesen
Bachmann, Ingeborg: Der gute Gott von Manhattan. Hörspiel. 2 CDs. 90 Minuten
DHV - Der Hörverlag, München 2005, ISBN 3899406400, CD, 19,95 EUR mehr lesen
Bachmann, Ingeborg: Die gestundete Zeit. Frühe Gedichte und Prosa gelesen von der Autorin. 1CD
DHV - Der Hörverlag, München 2004, ISBN 3899403444, CD, 14,95 EUR mehr lesen
Bachmann, Ingeborg / Henze, Hans Werner:

8. Evelyn Schlag: Brauchst Du Den Schlaf Dieser Nacht. Gedichte.
Translate this page buch/rez/bachmannletzte/bio.html - Translate this page Ingeborg Bachmann , bachmann ingeborg - Ecrivain autrichienne. Découvrez la biographie d Ingeborg Bachmann, ainsi que des anecdotes, des citations


Evelyn Schlag
Brauchst du den Schlaf dieser Nacht. Gedichte.

Wien: Paul Zsolnay Verlag, 2002.
217 S., geb., EUR 16.40.
ISBN 3-552-05208-9. Martin Reiterer
2. Dezember 2002 Originalbeitrag Hinweise auf weitere Rezensionen bietet unsere Online-Datenbank zum Zeitungsausschnittarchiv

9. Bachmann Ingeborg - WIEM, Darmowa Encyklopedia
bachmann ingeborg (19261973), austriacka pisarka. Cz onkini Grupy 47, zrzeszaj cej autorów niemieckoj zycznych, zwolenników literatury,,,,bachmann_ingeborg,haslo.html

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Bachmann Ingeborg
Dodaj do notesu Literatura, Europa, Austria, Dwudziestolecie miêdzywojenne, II wojna ¶wiatowa Bachmann Ingeborg (1926-1973), austriacka pisarka. Cz³onkini Grupy 47, zrzeszaj±cej autorów niemieckojêzycznych, zwolenników literatury spo³ecznie zaanga¿owanej i antyfaszystowskiej, istniej±cej do koñca lat 60. W swojej twórczo¶ci ukazywa³a niebezpieczeñstwo globalnej zag³ady oraz wyobcowanie cz³owieka wspó³czesnego pod wp³ywem zmian cywilizacyjnych i spo³ecznych.
Zbiory wierszy ( Die gestundete Zeit , 1953), opowiadania (np. Symultanka , 1972, wydanie polskie 1975), powie¶æ Malina (1971, wydanie polskie 1975), eseje krytycznoliterackie. Wydany w polskim przek³adzie Wybór poezji Inne na ten temat: Grupa 47 Austriacka literatura wiêcej Strona do Druku Encyklopedia WIEM zosta³a opracowana na podstawie Popularnej Encyklopedii Powszechnej Wydawnictwa Fogra

10. BACHMANN Ingeborg | Malina Ingeborg Bachmann Prevela S Njemaèkoga Truda Stamaæ
Malina Ingeborg Bachmann prevela s njema koga Truda Stama .

11. Ingeborg Bachmann - Poems, Biography, Quotes
Free collection of all Ingeborg Bachmann Poems and Biography. See the best poems and poetry by Ingeborg Bachmann.
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Women Poets ... Meaning of Names Ingeborg Bachmann Enlarge Picture View Ingeborg Bachmann: Poems Biography Books Ingeborg Bachmann was born in Carinthia and studied philosophy, psychology and German at the Universities of Innsbruck, Linz and Vienna from 1945-50, when she earned a doctorate in philosophy. In 1951, she started working as an editor at an Austrian radio station, where she wrote her first radio play. In 1952 she managed her lyrical breakthrough with a reading at the "Gruppe 47". From 1953 she moved between Vienna, Zurich and Rome, where she settled for permanent in 1963. With publishing her.. Continue.. Some of Ingeborg Bachmann Poems Stay In The Storm Of Roses Menschenlos The Broken Heart ... Contact Us The Poems and Quotes on this site are the property of their respective authors. All information has been reproduced here for educational and informational purposes.

12. Ingeborg Bachmann - Wikipédia
Translate this page Ingeborg Bachmann, poétesse et nouvelliste autrichienne née à Klagenfurt en Carinthie le 25 juin 1926, et morte à Rome le 17 octobre 1973.
Ingeborg Bachmann
Un article de Wikip©dia, l'encyclop©die libre.
Aller   : Navigation Rechercher Ingeborg Bachmann , po©tesse et nouvelliste autrichienne n©e   Klagenfurt en Carinthie le 25 juin , et morte   Rome le 17 octobre Apr¨s avoir commenc© des ©tudes de droit, elle se consacre aux lettres et   la philosophie et obtient son doctorat de philosophie en Martin Heidegger Comme beaucoup d'©crivains germanophones de l'imm©diat apr¨s-guerre, elle commence sa carri¨re de po©tesse   l'int©rieur du Groupe 47 . Elle re§oit du reste le prix du Groupe 47 pour son premier recueil de po¨mes, Le d©lai consenti Die Gestundete Zeit ), en La session du Groupe 47 de 1958, dite Grossholzleute , voit l'©mergence d'une frange f©minine men©e par Bachmann, Ilse Aichinger La trenti¨me ann©e Das dreiŸigste Jahr De 1958   , Ingeborg Bachmann partage sa vie avec l'©crivain suisse allemand Max Frisch , rencontr©   Francfort. Ils vivent entre Rome et Francfort. En 1959, elle inaugure, comme premier professeur invit©, la Chaire de Po©tique de l'Universit© de Francfort-sur-le-Main Elle re§oit en Berlin, un lieu de hasards

13. Ingeborg Bachmann - Wikipedia, La Enciclopedia Libre
Translate this page Hija mayor de un profesor de educación secundaria, Ingeborg Bachmann pasó su infancia y juventud en Carintia en Austria. Durante la posguerra, entre 1945 y
Ingeborg Bachmann
De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Saltar a navegaci³n bºsqueda Ingeborg Bachmann Klagenfurt Austria 25 de junio de Roma Italia 17 de octubre de ) fue una poeta y autora austr­aca y una de las m¡s destacadas escritoras en lengua alemana del siglo XX
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Hija mayor de un profesor de educaci³n secundaria, Ingeborg Bachmann pas³ su infancia y juventud en Carintia en Austria . Durante la posguerra, entre y , y tras haber comenzado estudios de derecho, se consagr³ a la filosof­a psicolog­a y literatura alemana habiendo pasado por las universidades de Innsbruck Graz y por ºltimo Viena , donde termin³ sus estudios doctor¡ndose en filosof­a con una tesis titulada: La recepci³n cr­tica de la filosof­a existencial de Martin Heidegger . Pronto public³ su primera historia corta. Su carrera literaria se benefici³ del contacto con Hans Weigel (literato y promotor de la literatura joven de posguerra) y el renombrado c­rculo literario Gruppe 47 , entre cuyos miembros tambi©n se contaban Ilse Aichinger Paul Celan Heinrich B¶ll Marcel Reich-Ranicki y G¼nter Grass . De este grupo recibi³ en un premio por su primera colecci³n de poemas Die Gestundete Zeit El retraso consentido Un empleo en la emisora de radio Rot-Weiss-Rot (Rojo-Blanco-Rojo, la emisora de radio de las fuerzas de ocupaci³n americanas) facilit³ a Bachmann hacerse con una visi³n amplia de la literatura contemporanea a la vez que le proporcion³ un un sueldo decente que le permiti³ un trabajo literario serio. Adem¡s, sus primeras

14. Ingeborg Bachmann Biography And Summary
Ingeborg Bachmann biography with 24 pages of profile on Ingeborg Bachmann sourced from encyclopedias, critical essays, summaries, and research journals.
Literature Guides Criticism/Essays Biographies Research Anything: All BookRags Literature Guides Essays Criticism Biographies Encyclopedias History Encyclopedias Films Periodic Table ... Ingeborg Bachmann Summary
Ingeborg Bachmann
About 24 pages (7,123 words) in 2 products
"Ingeborg Bachmann" Search Results
Contents: Biographies Summaries Biography
Name: Ingeborg Bachmann Birth Date: June 25, 1926 Death Date: October 17, 1973 Nationality: Italian, German, Austrian Ethnicity: Austrian Gender: Male
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of Ingeborg Bachmann
6,676 words, approx. 22 pages
Encyclopedia and Summary Information summary from source:
Ingeborg Bachmann
447 words, approx. 2 pages
Ingeborg Bachmann( June 25, 1926 Klagenfurt, Austria- October 17, 1973 Rome, Italy) was an Austrian poet and author. Overview Ingeborg Bachmann was born in Klagenfurt, Carinthia on June 25, 1926. She studied philosophy, psychology and German philology...
Ingeborg Bachmann Summary Pack
Get the complete Ingeborg Bachmann Summary Pack, which includes everything on this page. Approximately 24 pages (at 300 words per page) in 1 products. This Summary Pack Contains: 1 Biography 1 Encyclopedia Article Multiple Formats Available: · "print-friendly" format

15. Ingeborg Bachmann Forum
Translate this page Das ingeborg bachmann Forum - die umfangreichste Literatur-, Material-, Foto- und Linksammlung über das Werk und die Person ingeborg bachmanns im Internet.

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[Themen dieser Seite] [Weitere Forum-Seiten] [Impressum] Navigationshilfe Forum-Seite(n) Externer Link THEMENINDEX In eigener Sache Home AUF DIESER SEITE Werke Neuerscheinungen Biografie Literaturwiss. Arbeiten ... Literatur-Portale FORUM-SEITEN Erinnerungen Bachmann gewidmete Gedichte Filme ... Ausstellungen Werke Lyrik Libretti/Vertonungen Literaturpreise/Reden Romane Essays Frankfurter Vorlesungen zur Poetik (1959/60) Werkregister Bibliografie Neuerscheinungen Ingeborg Bachmann. Kritische Schriften.
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, Heft 10, 5. Jg., April 2005 Ingeborg Bachmann. Ein Tag wird kommen.
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Ingeborg Bachmann:
Ingeborg Bachmann: Ingeborg Bachmann:
Biografie Ingeborg Bachmann: Biographisches [1952, Auszug aus dem Essay] Ingeborg Bachmann - Zeittafel [pdf] - Ernst Probst [2005] Ingeborg Bachmann, 1926-1973

16. Biographie: Ingeborg Bachmann , 1926-1973
Translate this page Oktober ingeborg bachmann stirbt in Rom an den Folgen schwerer Brandverletzungen. Die letzte Erzählung der Schriftstellerin Gier bleibt Fragment.
Ingeborg Bachmann
Studium der Philosophie, Psychologie und Germanistik in Innsbruck, Graz und Wien, Promotion zum Dr. phil. mit dem Thema "Die kritische Aufnahme der Existenzialphilosophie Martin Heideggers Ilse Aichinger
Bachmann verfasst ihr erstes Hörspiel "Ein Geschäft mit Träumen" (1952).
Der literarische Durchbruch gelingt ihr mit ihrer Lyrik bei einer Lesung der "Gruppe 47" in Niendorf/Ostsee.
Im Anschluss lebt Bachmann als freie Schriftstellerin in Italien, wo sie anfangs auch unter dem Pseudonym Ruth Keller als politische Korrespondentin der "Westdeutschen Allgemeinen Zeitung" schreibt.
1955 und 1960
Auszeichnung mit dem Literaturpreis der Freien Hansestadt Bremen.
Max Frisch

Auszeichnung mit dem "Anton-Wildgans-Preis".
17. Oktober: Ingeborg Bachmann stirbt in Rom an den Folgen schwerer Brandverletzungen. Die letzte Erzählung der Schriftstellerin "Gier" bleibt Fragment.

17. Poet: Ingeborg Bachmann - All Poems Of Ingeborg Bachmann
Poet ingeborg bachmann All poems of ingeborg bachmann .. poetry.
Poem Hunter .com
Poet: Ingeborg Bachmann - All poems of Ingeborg Ba
1/26/2008 1:19:56 AM Home Poets Poems Lyrics ... SEARCH Ingeborg Bachmann
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3 poems of Ingeborg Bachmann
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To download the eBook right-Click on the title and select "Save Target As". Biography Poems Comments More Info ... Stats Ingeborg Bachmann was born in Carinthia and studied philosophy, psychology and German at the Universities of Innsbruck, Linz and Vienna from 1945-50, when she earned a doctorate in philosophy. In 1951, she started working as an editor at an Austrian radio station, where she wrote her first radio pla .. .. more >>
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In The Storm Of Roses
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Web pages / more info about Ingeborg Bachmann
Ingeborg Bachmann - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ingeborg Bachmann was born in Klagenfurt, Carinthia on June 25, 1926. She studied philosophy, psychology, German philology, and law at the universities of

18. Ingeborg Bachmann | Biographies
This sentence from ingeborg bachmann’s Frankfurt Lectures on Poetics (195960) can also be applied to her own self-consciousness as an author,
@import ""; @import ""; Biographies
Ingeborg Bachmann
Born 25 June 1926 in Klagenfurt, Austria
Died 17 October 1973 in Rome
Austrian poet and author
80th birthday on 25 June 2006
“What actually is possible, however, is transformation. And the transformative effect that emanates from new works leads us to new perception, to a new feeling, new consciousness.” This sentence from Ingeborg Bachmann’s Frankfurt Lectures on Poetics (1959-60) can also be applied to her own self-consciousness as an author, and to the history of her reception. Whether in the form of lyric poetry, short prose, radio plays, libretti, lectures and essays or longer fiction, Bachmann’s œuvre had as its goal and effect “to draw people into the experiences of the writers,” into “new experiences of suffering.” ( GuI 139-140). But it was especially her penetrating and artistically original representation of female subjectivity within male-dominated society that unleashed a new wave in the reception of her works. Although Bachmann’s spectactular early fame derived from her lyric poetry (she received the prestigious Prize of the Gruppe 47 in 1954), she turned more and more towards prose during the 1950’s, having experienced severe doubts about the validity of poetic language. The stories in the collection

19. Bachmann, Ingeborg (Harper's Magazine)
THINGS CONNECTED TO “bachmann, ingeborg”. HUMAN BEINGS The enigma of ingeborg bachmann. by Robert Boyers Review, April 2005, 6 pp.
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Bachmann, Ingeborg
SUBJECT OF 1 Review from 2005
HUMAN BEINGS Boehm, Philip Searls, Damion Many types of ambiguity: The enigma of Ingeborg Bachmann by Robert Boyers
Review, April 2005 , 6 pp. Harper's Magazine is an American journal of literature, politics, culture, and the arts published from 1850. Subscriptions start at $16.97 a year.
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20. Understanding Ingeborg Bachmann
Understanding ingeborg bachmann introduces the Austrian writer regarded as one of postwar Europe s most innovative modernists to American readers.
Ingeborg Bachmann Karen R. Achberger
Bachmann and her critique of postwar Europe 6 x 9, 207 pages
cloth, ISBN 0-87249-994-4, $34.95s About the Book About the Author Order the Book
Understanding Ingeborg Bachmann Emphasizing the tragedy of the Germanic obsession with Bachmann's personal life rather than with her critique of postwar society, Achberger explores Bachmann's central themes of constant war and of woman's absence from patriarchal society. Comparing Bachmann's influence to that of Virginia Woolf in America, Achberger describes Bachmann's concern with gender-specific issues, which intensified as her career progressed. Achberger contends that beneath these themes lay Bachmann's tireless search for a new language and her utopian belief in writing on the brink of destruction.
Karen R. Achberger is professor of German at St. Olaf College and author of Literatur als Libretto: Das deutsche Opernbuch seit 1945 If you did not enter this site from our home page, click here.

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