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         Auster Paul:     more books (100)
  1. Sunset Park: A Novel by Paul Auster, 2010-11-09
  2. Invisible (Rough Cut) by Paul Auster, 2009-10-27
  3. The New York Trilogy (Green Integer) by Paul Auster, 2007-09-01
  4. The Brooklyn Follies: A Novel by Paul Auster, 2009-10-27
  5. The Music of Chance by Paul Auster, 1991-12-01
  6. Mr. Vertigo by Paul Auster, 1995-08-01
  7. The Invention of Solitude by Paul Auster, 2007-01-30
  8. Man in the Dark: A Novel by Paul Auster, 2009-04-28
  9. Collected Prose: Autobiographical Writings, True Stories, Critical Essays, Prefaces, Collaborations with Artists, and Interviews by Paul Auster, 2010-06-22
  10. Leviathan (Contemporary American Fiction) by Paul Auster, 1993-09-01
  11. Moon Palace (Contemporary American Fiction) by Paul Auster, 1990-04-01
  12. Timbuktu: A Novel by Paul Auster, 2009-04-28
  13. Collected Poems by Paul Auster, 2007-06-26
  14. City of Glass (The New York Trilogy, Vol 1) by Paul Auster, 1987-04-07

1. Paul Auster - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Paul Auster was born in Newark, New Jersey, to Jewish middle class parents of Polish descent Samuel and Queenie Auster. He attended school in Maplewood,
Paul Auster
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to: navigation search Paul Auster
Paul Auster (left) Pseudonym Paul Benjamin Born February 3
NJ U.S. ... novelist and poet Nationality US-American Writing period Genres Absurdist fiction crime fiction mystery fiction ... Postmodernism Debut works The Invention of Solitude Influences Montaigne Shakespeare Cervantes Dickens ... Jab¨s Influenced Michael Chabon Jonathan Lethem Jason Thornberry Christopher Moore ... Steven Hall Website Paul Benjamin Auster (born February 3 Newark, New Jersey ) is a Brooklyn -based author known for works blending absurdism and crime fiction , such as The New York Trilogy Moon Palace (1989) and The Brooklyn Follies
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      Paul Auster was born in Newark, New Jersey, to Jewish middle class parents of Polish descent Samuel and Queenie Auster. He attended school in Maplewood, New Jersey and graduated from Columbia High School. After graduating from Columbia University in , he moved to Paris France where he earned a living translating French literature. Since returning to USA in , he has published his own poems, essays, novels and translations of French writers such as St©phane Mallarm© and Joseph Joubert He married his second wife, writer

2. Reflections On The Work Of Paul Auster
Paul Auster is a writer, who, like Beckett, is obsessed with identity and the way it is constructed out of and through the medium of stories, words,
California Literary Review
Reflections On the Work of Paul Auster
by Garan Holcombe
March 25th, 2007
In the introduction to his controversial novel Crash Paul Auster, now in his late fifties, first gained international renown with three stories published collectively as The New York Trilogy (1987). An inspired subversion of the conventions of the detective genre, each of the novellas take the reader on surreal, elliptical, smoke and mirrors journeys, in which ends are not only left untied but fraying at the edges. We are in a world of mazes and parallels. The stories deal with the search for personal meaning, and the metaphysical crisis that ensues if one accepts that the self is fractured and divided, rather than fixed and immutable. City of Glass (1985) is the story of a crime novelist who becomes enmeshed in a mysterious series of events, which means he has to assume a variety of identities, masks and disguises. Ghosts (1986) concerns a private detective called Blue who is investigating a man named Black for a client named White. Who is watching whom? The Locked Room (1986), perhaps the most powerful of the three, is the tale of an author who, while researching the life of a missing writer for a biography, gradually begins to assume his identity. The stories examine solitude and obsession, of how one informs the other, and underlying all three is an atmosphere of disenchantment and dislocation, the absurdity of searching for something nameless, something beyond reach, something which is, by definition, unknowable.

3. Paul Auster --  Britannica Online Encyclopedia
Britannica online encyclopedia article on Paul Auster American novelist, essayist, translator, and poet whose complex mystery novels are often concerned
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Paul Auster
Page 1 of 1 born Feb. 3, 1947, Newark, N.J., U.S.
American novelist, essayist, translator, and poet whose complex mystery novels are often concerned with the search for identity and personal meaning. Auster, Paul... (75 of 244 words) To read the full article, activate your FREE Trial Commonly Asked Questions About Paul Auster Close Enable free complete viewings of Britannica premium articles when linked from your website or blog-post. Now readers of your website, blog-post, or any other web content can enjoy full access to this article on Paul Auster , or any Britannica premium article for free, even those readers without a premium membership. Just copy the HTML code fragment provided below to create the link and then paste it within your web content. For more details about this feature, visit our Webmaster and Blogger Tools page Copy and paste this code into your page var dc_UnitID = 14; var dc_PublisherID = 15588; var dc_AdLinkColor = '009900'; var dc_adprod='ADL'; var dc_open_new_win = 'yes'; var dc_isBoldActive= 'no';

4. PEN American Center - Paul Auster
Paul auster paul Auster is the author of numerous novels, screenplays, essays, and books of poetry. His most recent novel is Oracle Night.
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World Voices 2005 2005 Participants > Paul Auster
Paul Auster Paul Auster is the author of numerous novels, screenplays, essays, and books of poetry. His most recent novel is

5. Paul Auster - Wikipedia, La Enciclopedia Libre
Translate this page Paul Auster es un escritor estadounidense nacido el 3 de febrero de 1947 en Newark, New Jersey. Parte de su obra está ambientada en la ciudad de Nueva York.
Paul Auster
De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Saltar a navegaci³n bºsqueda Paul Auster es un escritor estadounidense nacido el 3 de febrero de en Newark New Jersey . Parte de su obra est¡ ambientada en la ciudad de Nueva York . En su juventud tradujo poes­a francesa, y fue tambi©n poeta antes de orientarse hacia la novela. Tambi©n ha trabajado para el cine. Suyos son los guiones de Smoke Blue in the Face y Lulu on the Bridge
Mientras resid­a en Brooklyn , obtuvo el Premio M©dicis en por su novela Leviat¡n
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Sus padres hab­an nacido ya en los Estados Unidos, aunque eran originarios de Europa central. Su contacto con los libros es bastante prematuro, gracias a la biblioteca de un t­o suyo, traductor. Empieza a escribir a los 12 a±os, antes incluso de descubrir el b©isbol que tanto aparece en sus novelas. Entre y , estudia en la Universidad de Columbia literatura francesa, italiana e inglesa. Empieza a traducir a autores franceses como Dupin y Du Bouchet y viaja a Par­s . Volver¡ en para evitar ir a la Guerra de Vietnam , tratar¡ de trabajar en el cine, aunque suspender¡ el examen de ingreso al IDHEC . Escribe guiones para pel­culas mudas que nunca se rodar¡n, pero que descubriremos m¡s tarde en

6. Paul Auster
Paul Auster is an American novelist, essayist, translator, and poet. After graduating from Columbia University, Auster moved to France where he began
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  • Paul Auster Biography:
    Paul Benjamin Auster (born February 3, 1947) is an American author. He is married to fellow writer Siri Hustvedt.
    He was born in Newark, New Jersey and after graduating from Columbia University in 1970, Auster moved to France, where he began translating the works of French writers. Since returning to America in 1974, he has published his own poems, essays, novels and translations. His first novel was a detective novel called Squeeze Play and was written under the pseudonym Paul Benjamin (Benjamin is his middle name).

    7. Paul Auster - Wikipedia
    Translate this page Paul Auster lebt in Brooklyn und hat mit der Schriftstellerin Siri Hustvedt eine Tochter, Sophie, und einen Sohn aus erster Ehe, Daniel.
    Paul Auster
    aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklop¤die
    Wechseln zu: Navigation Suche Paul Benjamin Auster pɔːl ˈbɛndʒəmɪn ˈɔːstɚ 3. Februar in Newark New Jersey ) ist ein US-amerikanischer Schriftsteller und Regisseur
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      Austers GroŸeltern waren j¼dische Immigranten aus dem ¶sterreichischen Kaiserreich (¶sterreichische Staatsb¼rger). Sein Vater besaŸ mehrere H¤user in Brooklyn. Mit 13, als er seine Bar Mitzwa feierte, dachte er daran, Rabbi zu werden. In seinem letzten High-School-Jahr lieŸen sich seine Eltern scheiden. Er und seine Schwester lebten nach der Trennung bei ihrer Mutter. Schon im fr¼hen Jugendalter entwickelte sich Auster zu einem passionierten B¼cherleser, der regelm¤Ÿig die Stadtbibliothek aufsuchte, um dort ein Buch nach dem anderen zu lesen. Der Roman Schuld und S¼hne von Fjodor Dostojewski l¶ste schlieŸlich in ihm den Wunsch aus, selbst Schriftsteller zu werden. Seine zweite Leidenschaft jener Tage galt dem Sport. Seine Mitsch¼ler beneideten ihn damals wegen seiner guten Leistungen in Baseball, Basketball und Football. 1966 beendete Auster die High-School und machte eine Reise nach Europa. Auf dieser Reise entdeckte er seine Vorliebe f¼r die franz¶sische Sprache und Kultur. Ende der 70er Jahre kam er zum Schreiben. Nach seiner R¼ckkehr studierte er bis 1970 Anglistik und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft an der Columbia University . Nach Abschluss seiner Studien lebte er 1971 bis 1974 in Frankreich und arbeitete in

    8. The Believer - Jonathan Lethem Talks With Paul Auster
    Paul Auster began as a poet, essayist, anthologist and translator, but since City of Glass (1985) he’s been recognized above all for being one of our most

    9. Paul Auster
    Paul Auster AKA Paul Benjamin Auster. Born 3Feb-1947 Birthplace Newark, NJ. Gender Male Race or Ethnicity White Sexual orientation Straight
    This is a beta version of NNDB Search: All Names Living people Dead people Band Names Book Titles Movie Titles Full Text for Paul Auster AKA Paul Benjamin Auster Born: 3-Feb
    Birthplace: Newark, NJ
    Gender: Male
    Race or Ethnicity: White
    Sexual orientation: Straight
    Occupation: Novelist Nationality: United States
    Executive summary: New York Trilogy Father: Samuel Auster (landlord, d. 14-Jan-1979)
    Mother: Queenie Auster
    Wife: Lydia Davis (novelist, dated 1966, m. 6-Oct-1974, div. 1978)
    Wife: Siri Hustvedt (Norwegian poet and author, b. 1955, m. 1981)
    Daughter: Sophie (with Hustvedt) Son: Daniel High School: Columbia High School, New Jersey University: BA English and Comparative Literature, Columbia University (1969) University: MA Comparative Literature, Columbia University (1970) Prix Médicis étranger 1993 for Leviathan FILMOGRAPHY AS DIRECTOR Lulu on the Bridge (14-Aug-1998) Blue in the Face (15-Sep-1995) FILMOGRAPHY AS ACTOR The Music of Chance (4-Jun-1993) Official Website: Author of books: City of Glass , novel, "New York Trilogy") Ghosts , novel, "New York Trilogy") The Locked Room , novel, "New York Trilogy") In the Country of Last Things , novel) Moon Palace , novel) The Music of Chance , novel) Leviathan , novel) The Red Notebook , nonfiction) Mr. Vertigo

    10. Paul Auster - Wikipédia
    Translate this page Paul Auster est un écrivain américain né le 3 février 1947 à Newark, New Jersey, aux États-Unis. Une partie de son œuvre évoque la ville de New York.
    Paul Auster
    Un article de Wikip©dia, l'encyclop©die libre.
    Aller   : Navigation Rechercher Pour les articles homonymes , voir Auster Paul Auster Remise du titre de Docteur Honoris Causa   l' Universit© de Li¨ge en 2007. Naissance f©vrier Activit© ©crivain Nationalit© Am©ricaine Œuvres principales Trilogie new-yorkaise L©viathan Moon Palace Tombouctou Paul Auster est un ©crivain am©ricain n© le 3 f©vrier Newark New Jersey , aux ‰tats-Unis . Une partie de son œuvre ©voque la ville de New York . D'abord traducteur de po¨tes fran§ais, il a ©crit des po©sies avant de se tourner vers le roman. Il a ©galement travaill© pour le cin©ma. Il r©side maintenant   Brooklyn
    modifier Biographie
    Ses parents, de confession juive, sont n©s aux ‰tats-Unis mais sont originaires d'Europe centrale. Tr¨s t´t au contact des livres par l'interm©diaire de la biblioth¨que d'un oncle traducteur, il commence   ©crire   l'¢ge de 12 ans, peu avant de d©couvrir le base-ball que l'on retrouvera dans nombre de ses romans. De

    11. Paul Auster - Wikipedia
    Translate this page Da questo momento Paul Auster diviene uno scrittore di culto e dalle poliedriche attività scrive per il cinema (Smoke e Blue in the face) e diviene regista
    Paul Auster
    Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera.
    Vai a: Navigazione cerca P. Auster Paul Auster. Paul Auster Newark 3 febbraio ) ¨ uno scrittore statunitense Nato da famiglia benestante di origini tedesche - il padre Samuel possiede alcuni palazzi, cresce nei sobborghi di Orange e Maplewood a Newark e durante l'adolescenza inizia a scrivere le prime poesie. Il suo ultimo anno di liceo ¨ anche quello in cui la famiglia si smembra. Non partecipa alla consegna dei diplomi e per due mesi e mezzo vive a Parigi, in Italia, in Spagna ed in Irlanda, in cui si reca solo per “ragioni che c’entravano unicamente con James Joyce Nel 1966 inizia a frequentare Lydia Davis , oggi scrittrice di fama, che sposer  alcuni anni dopo e da cui avr  un figlio. Si laurea nel alla Columbia University e parte a bordo di una petroliera, arricchendosi di storie per un anno. Tra il 1971 e il 1974 vive in Francia . Al ritorno in patria pubblica il volume di versi Unearth (1974) e Wall Writing La sua carriera di scrittore di romanzi inizia nel con L'invenzione della solitudine (romanzo autobiografico generato dalla morte del padre e incentrato sul rapporto problematico che ha sempre vissuto con questi), ma ¨ solo nel

    12. Paul Auster - Wikipédia
    Translate this page Paul Auster (The Definitive Website), Página de fan de Paul Auster com FAQ, notícias, várias ligações a críticas e biografias, entre outros.
    Paul Auster
    Origem: Wikip©dia, a enciclop©dia livre.
    Ir para: navega§£o pesquisa Paul Benjamin Auster Newark 3 de fevereiro de ) © um escritor norte-americano autor de v¡rios best-sellers como Timbuktu O Livro das Ilusµes A Noite do Or¡culo e Mºsica do Acaso Frequentou a Universidade de Columbia e viveu durante quatro anos em Fran§a . A sua proximidade   literatura francesa haveria de marc¡-lo para sempre. Foi confesso admirador de Andr© Breton Paul ‰luard St©phane Mallarm© Sartre e Blanchot , alguns dos quais traduziu para l­ngua inglesa . O seu gosto pela tradu§£o © muitas vezes referido pelo pr³prio, que aconselha os jovens escritores a traduzir poesia para entenderem melhor o significado intr­nseco das palavras. Al©m destes autores, Paul Auster refere ainda como suas influªncias Dostoi©vsky Ernest Hemingway Fitzgerald Faulkner ... Samuel Beckett e Marcel Proust Em , realizaria o seu primeiro filme , "Lulu on the Bridge". Nos seus livros © evidente a influªncia cinematogr¡fica norte-americana e as suas hist³rias desenrolam-se numa sucess£o que faz lembrar um thriller , usando igualmente o m©todo da "caixa chinesa", sucess£o de hist³rias no interior umas das outras. A sua obra parece ser mais apreciada na

    13. Bookslut | City Of Glass: The Graphic Novel By Paul Auster
    Paul Auster s City of Glass here given the graphic novel treatment by Paul Karasik and David Mazzucchelli in this reissue of their 1994 adaptation
    @import "/c/style.css"; @import "/c/style.css";
    January 2005
    Tom Bernard
    City of Glass: The Graphic Novel by Paul Auster
    What does it mean for a writer to write a story about the ways language keeps people apart? If you begin with the premise that words are an imperfect medium (and they are; just as anyone who has tried to use take what's in their brain and render it with the same clarity on the page), how can any exploration of that premise be anything but imperfect? On the other hand, paying no attention to the man behind the curtain doesn't stop him from spinning his dials, sending you after the Wicked Witch or blowing smoke up your ass. That's what storytelling is all about. It's also about a clear line of demarcation: on one side of the line you have the world of the story, on the other, the real world. So what happens when you pull back the curtain and discover that instead of Professor Marvel, you're faced with yet another curtain, with still more layers of illusion waiting behind that veil? At some point, trying to make your way through the real world with your sanity intact becomes an exercise in futility. Paul Auster's City of Glass here given the graphic novel treatment by Paul Karasik and David Mazzucchelli in this reissue of their 1994 adaptation deals with the possibilities of this impossibility. Trying to explain the story is in some ways an exercise in futility, like guessing what's in a gift-wrapped package, or trying to discern the appearance of the third nesting doll in the set based on the appearance of the first doll. It's the story of a crime novelist named Quinn, and what happens when he is mistaken for a private detective named Paul Auster. Quinn agrees to take on a case intended for Auster, one that leads him down the path of obsession, and one that causes him to cross paths with a novelist named Paul Auster. The result is something akin to a film noir directed by Franz Kafka from a script by William S. Burroughs.

    14. Paul Auster - EVENE
    Translate this page Paul Auster , auster paul - Ecrivain américain. Découvrez la biographie de Paul Auster, ainsi que des anecdotes, des citations de Paul Auster, des livres de
    sas_pageid='4827/30333'; // Page : ExpressExpansion/ sas_formatid=126; // Format : dhtml-popup 1x1 sas_target=''; // Targeting SmartAdServer(sas_pageid,sas_formatid,sas_target); sas_pageid='4827/30333'; // Page : ExpressExpansion/ sas_formatid=151; // Format : leaderboard-haut 728x90 sas_target=''; // Targeting SmartAdServer(sas_pageid,sas_formatid,sas_target); document.write(blocmembre); samedi 26 janvier
    Paul Auster
    Ecrivain américain
    Littérature étrangère
    Né à Newark, New Jersey le 03 février 1947
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    Biographie de Paul Auster
    Né à Newark Paul Auster passe de nombreux week-ends dans l'appartement new-yorkais de ses grands-parents. Dès l'âge de 13 ans, il rédige de petits récits, des poèmes, et décide de devenir écrivain. Etudiant, il publie des articles sur le cinéma dans la revue Columbia Review Magazine . Diplômé de la Columbia University , Paul Auster part aussitôt pour la France , où il exerce dans un premier temps le métier de traducteur - de Mallarmé Joubert Sartre Simenon . Il se plonge dans la littérature européenne . En 1979, le jour du décès de son père, il démarre '

    15. Paul Auster News - Topix
    News about Paul Auster continually updated from thousands of sources around the net.
    var t_v = "bcjWrHH4sIAAAAAAAAA2NhYzE0MjZhYWHhYOZmYGDg4i3ITM4u1k8uLSpKzSthAwolJpdk5uexMgOZOZkpXPzlGfn6BYmlObqJpcUlqUUsQPG8/JRUsIL8zAJWViBdkAwU4RIwDQ4I8zZ3NTcLcQ1y9fQIBaktKMtMYQUxSlKLS9he3p3lzgTiFLOCqNJEsDGlQHsE9NEsAksU5QAAYpgx5bIAAAA_"; var addthis_loaded = 0; Join the Topix community today. Sign Up Sign In Dallas, TX City,ST or postal code Home Most Popular Top Stories Local ... Directory Obama leads S. Carolina, racial gap widens While his edge his closer than in some other polls, Barack Obama leads Hillar... Fire blazes at Vegas' Monte Carlo Resort A spectacular fire was raging atop the landmark Monte Carlo Resort and Casino... New federal rules make it easier to kill wolves The rule change issued Thursday would ease the burden of proof to justify a w...
    Paul Auster News
    News about Paul Auster continually updated from thousands of sources around the net.
    News Wire via KQED Arts Paul Auster reads the first section of Travels in the Scriptorium , in which a man awakes to discover that he cannot remember who he is or how he has arrived in an unfamiliar room.

    16. Paul Auster - Definitive Website
    paul auster, auster, Smoke, Mr Vertigo, Timbuktu, New York Trilogy, Book of Illusions.
    This site is optimised for a javascript enabled browser like Microsoft Internet Explorer or and a screen resolution of 800 x 600. S tuart Pilkington 2000-8

    17. Paul Auster
    Writer Blue in the Face. paul auster was born in Newark, New Jersey on February 3rd 1947. His father Visit IMDb for Photos, Filmography, Discussions,
    Now Playing Movie/TV News My Movies DVD New Releases ... search All Titles TV Episodes My Movies Names Companies Keywords Characters Quotes Bios Plots more tips SHOP PAUL AUSTER DVD VHS CD IMDb Paul Auster Quicklinks categorized by type by year by ratings by votes by TV series awards titles for sale by genre by keyword power search credited with tv schedule biography other works contact message board miscellaneous Top Links biography by votes awards news articles ... message board Filmographies categorized by type by year by ratings ... tv schedule Biographical biography other works publicity contact ... message board External Links official sites miscellaneous photographs sound clips ... video clips
    Paul Auster
    advertisement photos board add contact details Photos Add photo(s) and resume with IMDb Resume Services
    Date of Birth: 3 February Newark, New Jersey, USA more Mini Biography: Paul Auster was born in Newark, New Jersey on February 3rd 1947. His father... more Trivia: Member of jury at the Cannes Film Festival in 1997 more Awards: more
    Jump to filmography as: Writer Director Actor Producer ... Archive Footage Writer: In the Country of the Last Things in production (writer) The Inner Life of Martin Frost (2007) (written by)
    ... aka Vida interior de Martin Frost, La (Spain)

    18. NPR: Paul Auster: 'The Brooklyn Follies'
    Nathan Glass is the hero of paul auster s new book The Brooklyn Follies. In a conversation from his own Brooklyn brownstone, auster tells Jacki Lyden the

    19. Salon People | Paul Auster
    The author of the recent novel Timbuktu and the screenplays for Smoke and Blue in the Face discusses cynicism, sentimentality, Brooklyn and the

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    20. Stillman's Maze
    Stillman s Maze is a site devoted to the study of paul auster, a contemporary American writer who has also authored screenplays and directed movies.
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    Stillman's Maze
    (Paul Auster)
    Strap It On (Helmet) Invisible Jewel (House of Freaks) My name is Peter Stillman. Or maybe it isn't. I don't know. My name is Peter Stillman. Sometimes I think I am someone else . I wander the streets of Brooklyn, looking for clues to my own existence. I am writing a book. It is called The Invention of Solitude . It is about my father, Peter Stillman. My name is Paul Auster I wander through this city of glass , looking for clues. Ghosts surround me. I wonder who I am. My name is Peter Stillman. Some days I cannot tell if I am free on the streets of New York or if I am still in the locked room . There is darkness all around. Everything is as clear as glass. Things are no longer what they once were. I came to the city to find someone. I am lost in the city. There is no longer any way to escape. We are living through the last times, we are living in the country of last things . There are clues everywhere. But is there still a mystery to go with them?

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