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         Aristotle:     more books (97)
  1. Ethics by Aristotle, 2009-10-04
  2. Politics: A Treatise on Government: A Powerful Work by Aristotle (Timeless Classic Books) by Aristotle, Timeless Classic Books, 2010-08-28
  4. Poetics. English by Aristotle, 2009-10-04
  5. Aristotle on the art of poetry by Aristotle, 2004-10-01
  6. Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle, 2009-09-16
  7. Poetics by Aristotle, 2008-10-31
  8. The Basic Works of Aristotle (Modern Library Classics) by Aristotle, 2001-09-11
  9. Rhetoric by Aristotle, 2010-09-18
  10. Aristotle for Everybody by Mortimer J. Adler, 1997-06-01
  11. Complete Works of Aristotle, Vol. 1 by Aristotle, 1971
  12. The Complete Works of Aristotle: The Revised Oxford Translation, Vol. 2 (Bollingen Series LXXI-2) by Aristotle, 1984-09-01
  13. Categoriae. English by Aristotle, 2010-02-13
  14. Aristotle: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions) by Jonathan Barnes, 2001-01-18

1. Aristotle - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Encyclopedia article about the Greek philosopher, who was a student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great.
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Ancient philosophy
Name Aristotle ( Birth 384 BC Death March 7 322 BC School/tradition Inspired the Peripatetic school and tradition of Aristotelianism Main interests Politics Metaphysics Science Logic ... Ethics Notable ideas The Golden mean Reason Logic Biology , Passion Known for: Father of classical taxonomy Influenced by Parmenides Socrates Plato Heraclitus Influenced Alexander the Great Al-Farabi Avicenna Averroes ... St. Thomas Aquinas , and most of Islamic philosophy Christian philosophy Western philosophy and Science in general Aristotle Greek Aristot©lēs ) (384 BC – 322 BC) was a Greek philosopher , a student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great . He wrote on many different subjects, including physics metaphysics poetry theater ... biology and zoology Aristotle (together with Socrates and Plato ) is one of the most important philosophers in Western thought. He was one of the first to systematize philosophy and science. His thinking on physics and science had a profound impact on medieval thought, which lasted until the Renaissance , and the accuracy of some of his biological observations was only confirmed in the last century. His logical works contain the earliest formal study of

2. Aristotle (384-322 BCE): General Introduction [Internet Encyclopedia Of Philosop
The life and work of the 4th century BCE Greek philosopher.
Aristotle (384-322 BCE): General Introduction
Table of Contents (Clicking on the links below will take you to those parts of this article) 1. Life Upon the death of Philip, Alexander succeeded to the kingship and prepared for his subsequent conquests. Aristotle's work being finished, he returned to Athens, which he had not visited since the death of Plato. He found the Platonic school flourishing under Xenocrates, and Platonism the dominant philosophy of Athens. He thus set up his own school at a place called the Lyceum. When teaching at the Lyceum, Aristotle had a habit of walking about as he discoursed. It was in connection with this that his followers became known in later years as the peripatetics , meaning "to walk about." For the next thirteen years he devoted his energies to his teaching and composing his philosophical treatises. He is said to have given two kinds of lectures: the more detailed discussions in the morning for an inner circle of advanced students, and the popular discourses in the evening for the general body of lovers of knowledge. At the sudden death of Alexander in 323 BCE., the pro-Macedonian government in Athens was overthrown, and a general reaction occurred against anything Macedonian. A charge of impiety was trumped up against him. To escape prosecution he fled to Chalcis in Euboea so that (Aristotle says) "The Athenians might not have another opportunity of sinning against philosophy as they had already done in the person of Socrates." In the first year of his residence at Chalcis he complained of a stomach illness and died in 322 BCE.

3. Aristotle
A brief discussion of the life and works of aristotle, with links to electronic texts and additional information.
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384-322 BCE
Life and Works

Internet Sources
Born at Stagira in northern Greece, Aristotle was the most notable product of the educational program devised by Plato ; he spent twenty years of his life studying at the Academy. When Plato died, Aristotle returned to his native Macedonia, where he is supposed to have participated in the education of Philip's son, Alexander (the Great). He came back to Athens with Alexander's approval in 335 and established his own school at the Lyceum, spending most of the rest of his life engaged there in research, teaching, and writing. His students acquired the name "peripatetics" from the master's habit of strolling about as he taught. Although the surviving works of Aristotle probably represent only a fragment of the whole, they include his investigations of an amazing range of subjects, from logic philosophy , and ethics to physics, biology, psychology, politics , and rhetoric. Aristotle appears to have thought through his views as he wrote, returning to significant issues at different stages of his own development. The result is less a consistent system of thought than a complex record of Aristotle's thinking about many significant issues. The aim of Aristotle's logical treatises (known collectively as the Organon ) was to develop a universal method of reasoning by means of which it would be possible to learn everything there is to know about reality. Thus, the

4. Aristotle
Article on the philosopher provided by the University of California Museum of Paleontology.
Aristotle (384-322 B.C.E.)
Mine is the first step and therefore a small one, though worked out with much thought and hard labor. You, my readers or hearers of my lectures, if you think I have done as much as can fairly be expected of an initial start. . . will acknowledge what I have achieved and will pardon what I have left for others to accomplish. Aristotle was born in Stagira in north Greece, the son of Nichomachus, the court physician to the Macedonian royal family. He was trained first in medicine, and then in 367 he was sent to Athens to study philosophy with Plato. He stayed at Plato's Academy until about 347 the picture at the top of this page, taken from Raphael's fresco The School of Athens , shows Aristotle and Plato (Aristotle is on the. right). Though a brilliant pupil, Aristotle opposed some of Plato's teachings, and when Plato died, Aristotle was not appointed head of the Academy. After leaving Athens, Aristotle spent some time traveling, and possibly studying biology, in Asia Minor (now Turkey) and its islands. He returned to Macedonia in 338 to tutor Alexander the Great; after Alexander conquered Athens, Aristotle returned to Athens and set up a school of his own, known as the Lyceum. After Alexander's death, Athens rebelled against Macedonian rule, and Aristotle's political situation became precarious. To avoid being put to death, he fled to the island of Euboea, where he died soon after. Aristotle is said to have written 150 philosophical treatises. The 30 that survive touch on an enormous range of philosophical problems, from biology and physics to morals to aesthetics to politics. Many, however, are thought to be "lecture notes" instead of complete, polished treatises, and a few may not be the work of Aristotle but of members of his school.

5. Aristotle Summary
This article suggests that aristotle, more than any other thinker, determined the orientation and the content of Western intellectual history.
384 BC - 322 BC
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to see six larger pictures Aristotle was a Greek philosopher who made important contributions by systemizing deductive logic and wrote on physical subjects. His philosophy had a long-lasting influence on the development of all Western philosophical theories. Full MacTutor biography [Version for printing] List of References (67 books/articles) Some Quotations A Poster of Aristotle Mathematicians born in the same country Show birthplace location Additional Material in MacTutor
  • Preface to Heath's Mathematics in Aristotle
  • Aristotle on physics and mathematics Honours awarded to Aristotle
    (Click below for those honoured in this way) Lunar features Crater Aristotleles Other Web sites
  • Encyclopaedia Britannica
  • Science Museum Florence
  • The Catholic Encyclopedia
  • InterNet Encyclopedia of Philosophy ...
  • Columbia University (Texts by Aristotle)
  • MIT (Works by Aristotle)
  • Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Aristotle and politics)
  • Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Aristotle and mathematics)
  • Mark Harden's Artchive The School of Athens by Raphael) Previous (Chronologically) Next Main Index Previous (Alphabetically) Next Biographies index JOC/EFR © February 1999 The URL of this page is:
  • 6. Aristotle - Now You Know
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    7. The Internet Classics Archive | Works By Aristotle
    List of works by aristotle, part of the Internet Classics Archive.



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    Works by Aristotle
    The Athenian Constitution

    Written 350 B.C.E
    Translated by Sir Frederic G. Kenyon
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    : 10 comments Categories Written 350 B.C.E Translated by E. M. Edghill Read discussion : 22 comments On Dreams Written 350 B.C.E Translated by J. I. Beare Read discussion : 20 comments On the Gait of Animals Written 350 B.C.E Translated by A. S. L. Farquharson Read discussion : 1 comment On Generation and Corruption Written 350 B.C.E Translated by H. H. Joachim Read discussion : 3 comments On the Heavens Written 350 B.C.E Translated by J. L. Stocks Read discussion : 10 comments The History of Animals Written 350 B.C.E Translated by D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson Read discussion : 3 comments On Interpretation Written 350 B.C.E Translated by E. M. Edghill Read discussion : 2 comments On Longevity and Shortness of Life Written 350 B.C.E Translated by G. R. T. Ross Read discussion : 1 comment On Memory and Reminiscence Written 350 B.C.E Translated by J. I. Beare Read discussion : 1 comment Metaphysics Written 350 B.C.E

    8. Aristotle Quotes - The Quotations Page
    Read the works of aristotle online at The Literature Page aristotle; All human actions have one or more of these seven causes chance, nature,
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    Aristotle (384 BC - 322 BC)
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    Showing quotations 1 to 30 of 67 total We have 1 book review related to Aristotle.
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    A flatterer is a friend who is your inferior, or pretends to be so.
    A friend is a second self.
    All human actions have one or more of these seven causes: chance, nature, compulsion, habit, reason, passion, and desire.
    Aristotle - More quotations on: [ Actions
    All paid jobs absorb and degrade the mind.
    Aristotle - More quotations on: [ Work
    All virtue is summed up in dealing justly.
    Dignity consists not in possessing honors, but in the consciousness that we deserve them.
    Aristotle - More quotations on: [ Dignity
    Education is the best provision for the journey to old age.
    Happiness depends upon ourselves.
    Aristotle - More quotations on: [ Happiness
    Humor is the only test of gravity, and gravity of humor; for a subject which will not bear raillery is suspicious, and a jest which will not bear serious examination is false wit.

    Philosopher, born at Stagira, a Grecian colony in the Thracian peninsula Chalcidice, 384 BC; died at Chalcis, in Euboea, 322 B.C.
    Home Encyclopedia Summa Fathers ... A > Aristotle
    The greatest of heathen Philosophers, born at Stagira, a Grecian colony in the Thracian peninsula Chalcidice, 384 B.C.; died at Chalcis, in Euboea, 322 B.C. His father, Nicomachus, was court physician to King Amyntas of Macedonia . This position, we have reason to believe, was held under various predecessors of Amyntas by Aristotle's ancestors, so that the profession of medicine was in a sense hereditary in the family . Whatever early training Aristotle received was probably influenced by this circumstance; when, therefore at the age of eighteen he went to Athens his mind was already determined in the direction which it afterwards took, the investigation of natural phenomena. From his eighteenth to his thirty-seventh year he remained at Athens as pupil of Plato and was, we are told, distinguished among those who gathered for instruction in the Grove of Academus, adjoining Plato's house. The relations between the renowned teacher and his illustrious pupil have formed the subject of various legends, many of which represent Aristotle in an unfavourable light. No doubt there were divergencies of opinion between the master, who took his stand on sublime

    10. Greek Philosophy: Aristotle
    aristotle represents for most of us an icon of difficult or abstruse philosophical thinking; to know aristotle often provokes hushed whispers even from
    Aristotle represents for most of us an icon of difficult or abstruse philosophical thinking; to know Aristotle often provokes hushed whispers even from highly educated people. For all this reputation, though, Aristotle is actually quite an easy read, for the man thought with an incredible clarity and wrote with a superhuman precision. It really is not possible to talk about Western culture (or modern, global culture) without coming to terms with this often difficult and often inspiring philosopher who didn't get along with his famous teacher, Plato , and, in fact, didn't get along with just about everybody (no-one likes a know-it-all). We can say without exaggeration that we live in an Aristotelean world; wherever you see modern, Western science dominating a culture in any meaningful way (which is just about everywhere), Aristotle is there in some form. Alexander the Great . Although Alexander was a stellar pupil, Aristotle returned to Athens three years later, founded his own school, the Lyceum, and taught and studied there for twelve years. Because Alexander began conquering all of the known world, Macedonians became somewhat unwelcome in Athens and Aristotle was accordingly shown the door in 323. He died a year later. empirical . As a result of this belief, Aristotle literally wrote about everything: poetics, rhetoric, ethics, politics, meteorology, embryology, physics, mathematics, metaphysics, anatomy, physiology, logic, dreams, and so forth. We aren't certain if he wrote these works directly or if they represent his or somebody else's notes on his classes; what we can say for certain is that the words, "I don't know," never came out of his mouth. In addition to studying everything, Aristotle was the first person to really think out the problem of

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    aristotle Internet ISP, a nation wide internet access service provider, offers free tech support, free email spam filters, a free popup blocker,

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    12. Aristotle - History For Kids!
    aristotle for Kids Who was aristotle? What was aristotle s philosophy?
    Aristotle for Kids - the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle
    A papyrus with a scrap of Aristotle's "Politics" Aristotle's father was Nicomachus, a doctor who lived near Macedon, in the north of Greece. So unlike Socrates and Plato , Aristotle was not originally from Athens. He was not from a rich family like Plato, though his father was not poor either.
    When Aristotle was a young man, about 350 BC , he went to study at Plato's Academy. Plato was already pretty old then. Aristotle did very well at the Academy. But he never got to be among its leaders, and when Plato died, the leaders chose someone else instead of Aristotle to lead the Academy. Probably Aristotle was pretty upset about this. Soon afterwards, Aristotle left Athens and went to Macedon to be the tutor of the young prince Alexander, who grew up to be Alexander the Great . As far as we can tell, Alexander was not at all interested in learning anything from Aristotle, but they did become friends.
    When Alexander grew up and became king , Aristotle went back to Athens and opened his own school there, the Lyceum (lie-SAY-um), in competition with Plato's Academy. Both schools were successful for hundreds of years.

    13. Aristotle's Ethics (Stanford Encyclopedia Of Philosophy)
    aristotle conceives of ethical theory as a field distinct from the theoretical sciences. Its methodology must match its subject matter—good action—and must
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    Aristotle's Ethics
    First published Tue May 1, 2001; substantive revision Tue Jul 17, 2007
    • 1. Preliminaries 2. The Human Good and the Function Argument 3. Methodology
      1. Preliminaries
      Aristotle wrote two ethical treatises: the Nicomachean Ethics and the Eudemian Ethics . He does not himself use either of these titles, although in the Politics Eudemian Ethics Eudemian Nicomachean eudaimonia Though the general point of view expressed in each work is the same, there are many subtle differences in organization and content as well. Clearly, one is a re-working of the other, and although no single piece of evidence shows conclusively what their order is, it is widely assumed that the Nicomachean Ethics is a later and improved version of the Eudemian Ethics . (Not all of the Eudemian Ethics was revised: its Books IV, V, and VI re-appear as V, VI, VII of the Nicomachean Ethics .) Perhaps the most telling indication of this ordering is that in several instances the Nicomachean Ethics develops a theme about which its Eudemian cousin is silent. Only the

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    15. Aristotle
    We turn now to the third member of this trio, aristotle, born in 384 B.C. in Stagira, in Thrace, at the northern end of the Aegean, near Macedonia.
    Michael Fowler U. Va. Physics Index of Lectures and Overview of the Course
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    Beginnings of Science and Philosophy in Athens
    Let us first recap briefly the emergence of philosophy and science in Athens after around 450 B.C. It all began with Socrates , who was born in 470 B.C. Socrates was a true philosopher, a lover of wisdom, who tried to elicit the truth by what has become known as the Socratic method, in which by a series of probing questions he forced successive further clarification of thought. Of course, such clarity often reveals that the other person's ideas don't in fact make much sense, so that although Socrates made a lot of things much clearer, he wasn't a favorite of many establishment politicians. For example, he could argue very convincingly that traditional morality had no logical basis. He mostly lectured to the sons of well-to-do aristocrats, one of whom was Plato , born in 428 B.C. Plato was a young man when Athens was humiliated by Sparta in the Peloponnesian War, and Plato probably attributed the loss to Athens' being a democracy, as opposed to the kind of fascist war-based state Sparta was. Plato founded an Academy. The name came (at least in legend) from one Academus , a landowner on whose estate Plato and other philosophers met regularly. The important point is that this was the first university. All the people involved were probably aristocrats, and they discussed everything: politics, economics, morality, philosophy, mathematics and science. One of their main concerns was to find what constituted an ideal city-state. Democracy didn't seem to have worked very well in their recent past. Plato's ideas are set out in the

    16. Aristotle Quotes
    149 quotes and quotations by aristotle. aristotle It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. aristotle

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    Year of Birth:
    384 BC Year of Death: 322 BC Nationality: Greek Find on Amazon: Aristotle Related Authors: Plato Epictetus Socrates Plutarch ... Diogenes A constitution is the arrangement of magistracies in a state. Aristotle A friend to all is a friend to none. Aristotle A great city is not to be confounded with a populous one. Aristotle A sense is what has the power of receiving into itself the sensible forms of things without the matter, in the way in which a piece of wax takes on the impress of a signet-ring without the iron or gold. Aristotle A tragedy is a representation of an action that is whole and complete and of a certain magnitude. A whole is what has a beginning and middle and end. Aristotle A true friend is one soul in two bodies. Aristotle A tyrant must put on the appearance of uncommon devotion to religion. Subjects are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider god-fearing and pious. On the other hand, they do less easily move against him, believing that he has the gods on his side. Aristotle All human actions have one or more of these seven causes: chance, nature, compulsions, habit, reason, passion, desire.

    17. Aristotle | Guardian Unlimited Politics
    Searchable database of MPs, ministers, election candidates, constituency map and parliamentary activity. Includes biographies, jobs and committees,
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    Hi, I’m aristotle Pagaltzis and this is my weblog. You will find the 3 most recent articles below, all 417 of them in the archive, and new ones in the
    Saturday, Jan 26, 2008, 03:00 Hi, I’m Aristotle Pagaltzis and this is my weblog. You will find the 4 most recent articles below, all 418 of them in the archive , and new ones in the newsfeed
    Album cover art meme
    A bit over a week ago or so, I saw this meme on Charles Miller’s blog How to create your album cover:
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    19. Island Of Freedom - Aristotle
    aristotle was born in Stagira in northern Greece in 384 B.C. His father, Nicomachus, was a physician, under whose influence aristotle developed his great
    Island of Freedom Plato Aristotle Aurelius Plotinus ... Wittgenstein To make light of philosophy is to be a true philosopher. Blaise Pascal Home Theologians Philosophers Poets ... Siddhartha
    384-322 B.C.
    Literature on Aristotle and Virtue Ethics

    On-line Works by Aristotle

    Aristotle was born in Stagira in northern Greece in 384 B.C. His father, Nicomachus, was a physician, under whose influence Aristotle developed his great observational talents. For twenty years he was a member of Plato's Acadamy as a student and teacher. When Plato died in 347 BC, Aristotle moved to Assos, a city in Asia Minor, where a friend of his, Hermias, was ruler. There he counseled Hermias and married his niece and adopted daughter, Pythias. After Hermias was captured and executed by the Persians in 345 BC, Aristotle went to Pella, the Macedonian capital, where he became the tutor of the king's young son Alexander, later known as Alexander the Great. In 335, when Alexander became king, Aristotle returned to Athens and established his own school, the Lyceum. Because much of the discussion in his school took place while teachers and students were walking about the Lyceum grounds, Aristotle's school came to be known as the Peripatetic ("walking" or "strolling") school. Upon the death of Alexander in 323 B.C., strong anti-Macedonian feeling developed in Athens, and Aristotle retired to a family estate in Euboea. He died there the following year.
    The early writings of Aristotle were intended for the general public, some written in dialogue form, with a largely Platonic outlook. Very few of these writings survived; the works that we read are his systematic treatises which were intended for serious students. They are basically lecture notes which have been edited several times over several generations, which makes the chronology of his writings very complicated. His approach to philosophy is systematic yet not dogmatic; he constantly questioned his conclusions and found difficulties, and it is in this constant analysis and acute argument that he gained his reputation as one of the most influential philosophers in Western thought.

    20. Aristotle - Crystalinks
    aristotle (384 BC March 7, 322 BC) was an ancient Greek philosopher, student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great. He wrote many books about
    Aristotle (384 BC - March 7, 322 BC) was an ancient Greek philosopher, student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great. He wrote many books about physics, poetry, zoology, logic, rhetoric, government, and biology. Aristotle, along with Plato and Socrates, are generally considered the three most influential ancient Greek philosophers in Western thought. Among them they transformed Presocratic Greek philosophy into the foundations of Western philosophy as we know it. The writings of Plato and Aristotle form the core of Ancient philosophy. Aristotle placed much more value on knowledge gained from the senses and would correspondingly be better classed among modern empiricists (see materialism and empiricism). He also achieved a "grounding" of dialectic in the Topics by allowing interlocutors to begin from commonly held beliefs (Endoxa); his goal being non-contradiction rather than Truth. He set the stage for what would eventually develop into the scientific method centuries later. Although he wrote dialogues early in his career, no more than fragments of these have survived. The works of Aristotle that still exist today are in treatise form and were, for the most part, unpublished texts. These were probably lecture notes or texts used by his students, and were almost certainly revised repeatedly over the course of years. As a result, these works tend to be eclectic, dense and difficult to read.

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