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Amis Kingsley: more books (100) | ||||||||||||
1. Kingsley Amis - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Kingsley Amis was born in Clapham, South London, England, the son of William Robert Amis, a mustard manufacturer s clerk. 1 He began his education at the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingsley_Amis | |
2. Kingsley Amis - Wikiquote Sir Kingsley William Amis (April 16, 1922 October 22, 1995) was an English novelist, poet, critic, and teacher. See also his son novelist Martin Amis. http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Kingsley_Amis | |
3. Kingsley Amis Kingsley Amis. Kingsley Amis Born 16Apr-1922 Birthplace London, England Died 22-Oct-1995 Son Martin Amis (novelist, b. 25-Aug-1949) http://www.nndb.com/people/838/000044706/ | |
4. SS > SF > Book Reviews > Kingsley Amis Kingsley Amis, Robert Conquest, editors. Spectrum 1. 1963. Contents (possible spoilers). Frederik Pohl. The Midas Plague. 1951; Clifford D. Simak. http://www-users.cs.york.ac.uk/susan/sf/books/a/kngslyms.htm | |
5. Kingsley Amis - Simple English Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia As a young man, Kingsley Amis was a member of the Communist Party. He left them when the Soviet Union invaded Hungary in 1956. After that, Amis became http://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingsley_Amis | |
6. Kingsley Amis Biography | Clivejames.com In his early role as Lucky Jim, Kingsley Amis declared the awkward essence of his personality. I m the boredom detector . That ability, or affliction, http://www.clivejames.com/kingsley-amis | |
7. Kingsley Amis - Poems, Biography, Quotes Free collection of all Kingsley Amis Poems and Biography. See the best poems and poetry by Kingsley Amis. http://famouspoetsandpoems.com/poets/kingsley_amis | |
8. Kingsley Amis - The Huffington Post Irving Babbitt about Sophocles, estimating the relative merits of English comic writers from W.S. Gilbert to Kingsley Amis, paying a wellinformed tribute http://www.huffingtonpost.com/topics/Kingsley Amis | |
9. Famous Poet: Kingsley Amis Kingsley Amis was born in Clapham, South London, educated at the City of London School and St. John s College, Oxford, where he met Philip Larkin, http://www.todays-woman.net/article1644.html | |
10. Kingsley Amis: Blogs, Photos, Videos And More On Technorati Kingsley Amis (1922 1995), English novelist. I am currently reading Amis The Old Devils which won the 1986 Booker Prize and may be Amis best novel after http://technorati.com/tag/Kingsley Amis | |
11. RandomHouse.ca | Author Spotlight: Kingsley Amis Kingsley Amis wrote over twenty novels including Lucky Jim (1954) and The Old Devils, winner of the Booker Prize in 1986. He died in October, 1995. http://www.randomhouse.ca/author/results.pperl?authorid=542 |
12. Kingsley Amis A brief literary biography of the author, with bibliography. http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/amis.htm | |
13. Kingsley Amis A bibliography of kingsley amis s books, with the latest releases, covers, descriptions and availability. http://www.fantasticfiction.co.uk/a/kingsley-amis/ | |
14. Amis, Kingsley | Authors | Guardian Unlimited Books kingsley amis (19221995). Any proper writer ought to be able to write about anything. Birthplace London, England Education City of London; St John s, http://books.guardian.co.uk/authors/author/0,,-5,00.html | |
15. Modern Drunkard Magazine Online Not so kingsley amis. His terror of riding a bus alone and entering a dark room meant that Hilly took him to his place first, then saw herself home. http://www.moderndrunkardmagazine.com/issues/08_05/0805_kingsley.htm | |
16. Sir Kingsley Amis British writer kingsley amis and his James Bond connections. http://www.klast.net/bond/amis.html | |
17. BBC - BBC Four - Audio Interviews - Kingsley Amis Listen to extracts from a BBC interview with kingsley amis. http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcfour/audiointerviews/profilepages/amisk1.shtml | |
18. Ian Fleming Centre: Kingsley Amis This pseudonym was later revealed as the disguise of kingsley amis, the distinguished novelist and author of THE JAMES BOND DOSSIER, which was published in http://www.ianflemingcentre.com/index.cfm?nid=467F0207-AD73-45A0-BFE1-2F4A346814 |
19. Sir Kingsley Amis -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia Britannica online encyclopedia article on Sir kingsley amis novelist, poet, critic, and teacher who created in his first novel, Lucky Jim, a comic figure http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9007187/Sir-Kingsley-Amis | |
20. Kingsley Amis - Times Online When he burst on the scene in 1954 with his funny satire on conventional, respectable England, Lucky Jim,set in a provincial university, kingsley amis was http://entertainment.timesonline.co.uk/tol/arts_and_entertainment/books/article3 | |
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