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41. A A Acland, Henry Wentworth Dyke And John Ruskin. The Oxford allingham, william. Ashby Manor A Play in Two Acts. London Longmans, 1883? Publisher from label pasted on t.p. Binders title Poems. http://www.asu.edu/lib/speccoll/prb/prb_a.htm | |
42. Oak Knoll Books & Oak Knoll Press (allingham, william) Lasner, Mark Samuels william allingham, A BIBLIOGRAPHICAL STUDY. Philadelphia Holmes Publishing Co. 1993 8vo. unbound signatures. http://www.oakknoll.com/results.php?s_City=Philadelphia&s_ShowPics=1 |
43. William Allingham Quotes william allingham quotes,william, allingham, author, authors, writer, writers, people, famous people. http://thinkexist.com/quotes/william_allingham/ | |
44. The Walden Woods Projects Thoreau Institute allingham, william Letters to william allingham photocopied excerpts (London, 1911); Cameron, Kenneth Walter william allingham and Emerson Some New http://www.walden.org/Institute/Collections/Harding/Harding Finding Aid/Harding | |
45. Stories, Listed By Author allingham, william (18241889) (chron.) * An Evening, (pm). The Golden Book Magazine Jul 1928 * The Wayside Well as by Anon., (pm) Household Words Mar http://www.philsp.com/homeville/fmi/s27.htm | |
46. Short List Of Indexed Books(page 81) - EBooks Search Engine allingham, william, 18241889 - By the way verses, fragments, and notes. allingham, william, 1824-1889 - By the way verses, fragments, and notes http://www.ebdb.net/List.aspx?p=81 |
47. David J. Holmes Autographs: Results william allingham. A Bibliographical Study Illustrated, and with a Portrait Frontispiece. Original cloth. Philadelphia Holmes Publishing Co., 1993. http://www.holmesautographs.com/cgi-bin/dha455.cgi/scan/tf=author/se=/mp=keyword | |
48. The Rare Book & Manuscript Library, University Of Illinois Papers of william allingham, an Irish poet, editor of Fraser s Magazine and a supporter of the PreRaphaelite movement in art and literature, and his wife, http://www.library.uiuc.edu/rbx/manuscript.htm | |
49. Dictionary Of Ulster Biography william allingham was born in Ballyshannon, County Donegal, and was educated there. As a young man he was employed in banking and customs and excise, http://www.ulsterbiography.co.uk/biogsA.htm | |
50. Algernon Charles Swinburne Collection An Inventory Of The Collection At Syracuse Includes letters by william allingham, Laurence AlmaTadema, Edward Burne-Jones, Edmund Gosse, Victor Hugo, Benjamin Jowett, E. Lynn Linton, http://library.syr.edu/digital/guides/s/swinburne_ac.htm | |
51. Princeton University Library. Dept. Of Rare Books And Special Collections. Brows Abstract Consists of selected correspondence (18851887) of Irish poet william allingham and twenty-seven letters (1892-1916) by his wife, http://diglib.princeton.edu/ead/eadBrowse.xq?browseType=default |
52. Dawn Allinger-Lewis â Michèle Alliot-Marie : ZoomInfo Business Peopl allingham, william, Bayshore Community Health Services Inc, william allingham william allingham, allingham, Winnie, iDEa/iDEe, Winnie allingham . http://www.zoominfo.com/people/level2page707.aspx | |
53. COSMIC BASEBALL ASSOCIATION Season 2003 Pre-Raphaelite Baseball Club Roster Described as the archetypal PreRaphaelite woman, Siddal was discovered working in a milliner s shop by william allingham. She became a model for Hunt, http://cosmicbaseball.com/03prbr.html | |
54. Elizabeth Nesbitt Room Illusrators Project allingham, william. Fairy land Pictures from old world. sp.l.; D. Appleton, 1869. allingham, william. In fairyland. London Longmans, Green, Reader, http://www.library.pitt.edu/libraries/is/enroom/illustrators/doyle.htm | |
55. -- A -- 21 Thousand Books By (prisoner520) : Books > Ebooks - Mininova allingham, william Allison, Dorothy Allston, Aaron Alshinn, Ellaine M ALFFYSIQSVEK1Y\Mine dokumenter\My Ebooks\allingham, william\ http://www.mininova.org/tor/528881 | |
56. Author:William Allingham - Wikisource Authorwilliam allingham. From Wikisource. Jump to navigation, search. Author Index A, william allingham (18241889) http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Author:William_Allingham | |
57. The University Library 1959; Fatal snowstorm (via Literature online (LION)) Barrymore, william 1839 Fifty modern poems (via Literature online (LION)) allingham, william 1865 http://www.shef.ac.uk/library/ebooks/ftofz.html | |
58. William Allingham 18241889 pseud. Patricius Walker; b. 19 March, Ballyshannon, Co. Donegal an odd, out of the way little town, on the extreme western verge of Europe http://www.pgil-eirdata.org/html/pgil_datasets/authors/a/Allingham,W/life.htm | |
59. RootsWeb: ALLINGHAM-L Re: [ALLINGHAM] Re: William Allingham Of Co Fermanagh Fermanagh County allingham william allingham b. bef 1768, prob. Co. Donegal, Ireland . william allingham of Canterbury Kent by Chris Coomber http://archiver.rootsweb.com/th/read/ALLINGHAM/2006-01/1136974883 | |
60. Index A - Thomas Henry Huxley Collection allingham, william 10.43; Allman, George James 10.46 10.48 10.50 10.52 10.54 10.61 10.63 10.65 10.67 10.69 10.71 10.73 10.74 10.76 10.78 10.80 10.82 10.83 http://www.imperial.ac.uk/recordsandarchives/huxleypapers/index_a.htm | |
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