Extractions: wsha@wismed.org Mission Statement The mission of the Wisconsin Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Professional Association (WSHA-P) is to serve Wisconsin's audiologists and speech-language pathologists by providing professional support, public awareness and opportunities for professional growth and by being an advocate for these professions and the individuals they serve. Membership Become a WSHA-P Member TODAY! WSHA-P Student Weekend On Friday, October 21 and Saturday, October 22 students from across the state will travel to UW-Stevens Point to attend the fourth annual "WSHA-P Student Weekend" featuring a Friday night leadership retreat and Saturday conference. This year's student weekend, "Cracking the Case: Unique Perspectives in the Fields of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology," will feature a wide-variety of speakers and interactive opportunities to both foster students' professional growth and build connections between students in programs throughout Wisconsin.
Wisconsin The Northern wisconsin Educational Communication System will connect 18 school wisconsin State Legislature http//www.state.wi.us/agencies/wilis/ http://www.benton.org/publibrary/state/wisconsin.html
Extractions: In 1993 the governor appointed a Blue Ribbon Task Force on Telecommunications comprised of industry representatives, state and local government agency heads, educators, small business owners, corporate communications users, and private citizens to study Wisconsin's telecommunications uses, needs, and infrastructure. The task force's report, Convergence, Competition, Cooperation, recommended establishing an advanced telecommunications infrastructure throughout the state, creating a statewide information technology plan with an emphasis on telecommunications, and linking individual state agency telecommunications plans and procedures with a comprehensive state plan. It also recommended regulatory policies to foster competition, universal service funding mechanisms, and elimination of policy barriers to telecommunications uses. One outcome of the task force's report is BadgerNet, a project to create a new state telecommunications infrastructure. BadgerNet will consolidate planning efforts and forecast future technology needs in a coordinated way. The Department of Administration is leading the effort to aggregate and enhance the state's independent voice, data and video networks by surveying local units of government, including schools and libraries, on what they want from the new network. BadgerNet is expected to be deployed by July 1997. Ameritech, the state's largest telecommunications provider, has installed about 2,400 miles of fiber optic cable in the state, including 706 miles in the Milwaukee area. Other providers also serve Wisconsin, but there are complaints that Ameritech is stalling on providing access to its network to competitors, as required under the Wisconsin Telecommunications Act (see below).
Wisconsin Family Ties Resources State education agency to call for clarification regarding education and special www.wimentalhealth.org. wisconsin United for Mental Health is a http://www.wifamilyties.org/wifamilyties.org-res.html
Extractions: Wisconsin Resources and Links to National Organizations We have created a list of links, immediately below, categorized into groups that we believe are of relevant importance to you, as well as to our organization. Following the categories is an alphabetical list of the Wisconsin resource organizations along with their information. If you have any suggestions, comments, and/or links that you think should be included, please contact: info@wifamilyties.org Click on a resource link below to see more information on that resource: Wisconsin Resources Disorders/Support Groups Education/Special Education Health Care ABC for Health Katie Beckett Program Medical Assistance Coverage and Benefits SSI (Supplemental Security Income) ABC for Health: www.abcforhealth.or
Wisconsin Family Ties Home Page education. wisconsin Family Ties sponsors workshops and conferences for Email info@wifamilyties.org. Disclaimer The information on this web site is http://www.wifamilyties.org/
Extractions: and understanding. Helping you find what your child needs... Advocacy Support Groups Education Children and adolescents with mental health problems are the most under-served disability group. Approximately 12 percent of children under 18 nationwide, 7.5 to 9.5 million, suffer from problems that warrant mental health treatment. However, 70 to 80 percent of these children get inappropriate mental health services or no help at all. And, perhaps more unfortunate, is the stigma associated with having a child with an emotional, behavioral, or mental disorder. Parents may blame themselves and may be too embarrassed to discuss the possibility of a mental disorder with an outside source. There are no simple answers. But that is why we are here to ease the frustration of finding help. We are a statewide not-for-profit organization run by families for families that include children and adolescents who have emotional, behavioral, and mental disorders. Today, thousands of families turn to us. We help parents develop skills necessary to advocate for their families and children. Wisconsin Family Ties continues to be run by families like yours and is the only resource and support agency of its kind in Wisconsin. We know what you're going through. We're here to help empower you to find the level of care you feel your child needs. Call us today.
Extractions: mailto:Cyndi@cpd2.usu.edu This paper was supported by the U.S. Department of Education (grant number P339A990640,) Learning Anytime Anywhere Program managed through the Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education. No official endorsement is implied. The following groups are partners in WebAIM: The winds of change have blown over postsecondary education. As Internet technologies transform our educational experiences, so these technologies create a wide chasm. There is a very real divide between students who do and do not have access to the Internet in education today. As our nation grapples with issues of physical access to hardware, software, the Web, and a National Information Infrastructure, decision-makers must be mindful of those with different issues of access. These individuals are those with disabilities and their issues of access are related to the environment of the Internet today.
Wisconsin Nurses Association -- Www.wisconsinnurses.org NLN said it would honor existing agreements with staffing agencies until they In addition to proficiency tests and measurements, and other educational http://www.wisconsinnurses.org/newscopy.asp?id=65
Extractions: Below is a listing of web sites related to brain injury. A brief description follows each title. They are listed in alphabetical order. Select Catagory From List GENERAL INFORMATION ON BRAIN INJURY ORGANIZATIONS RELATED TO BRAIN INJURY WISCONSIN GOVERNMENT OFFICES NATIONAL AGENCIES AND OFFICES TRAVELING AND ACCESSIBILITY
WEEB -- Grant Program--Program Overview educational service agencies); State agencies, tribal governments, public colleges, and universities wisconsin Environmental education Board http://www.uwsp.edu/cnr/weeb/application/program overview.htm
Chicago Botanic Garden - 26 Gardens - Research SESSION A1 DEVELOPING EFFECTIVE NPS AND STORMWATER education PROGRAMS Elaine L. Andrews and Kate L. Reilly, University of wisconsin, Madison http://www.chicagobotanic.org/aquatics/nonpoint/
Extractions: CONFERENCE OVERVIEW Runoff pollution beginsand endswith each of us. Also known as nonpoint source pollution (as an unregulated source), stormwater runoff (as a regulated source), or simply "people pollution," solutions rely on people changing behaviors. Quite simply, our messages must be brought before the public, and understood and endorsed by them, before they are motivated to change. REGISTRATION The conference registration fee of $295 includes two breakfasts, three luncheons, refreshment breaks, written materials, and conference proceedings. There is a $45 additional fee for the special tour, reception and dinner at the Notebaert Nature Museum on October 19. Additional registration fees apply for each of the four pre-conference workshops on October 17 (see the agenda below for details). There are no discounts available for students or single-day conference registrations, through you may register for a pre-conference workshop without attending the full conference.
SchoolGrants Links - Federal Agencies Federal agencies. Regional Educational Laboratories Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and wisconsin. Specialty Area, Educational Technology http://www.schoolgrants.org/Links/fed_agencies.htm
Extractions: Index to Grant Opptys Sample Proposals ... Join the SchoolGrants Team! Links - Federal Agencies G et into the habit of regularly checking the various federal Web sites. These agencies frequently publish grant information as well as other useful data. If you know of links that should be included here, please let me know . If you encounter a "dead" link, I would appreciate it if you would let me know - please include the Web page on which you encountered the problem so I can find it to correct it. (Links on SchoolGrants always open in their own windows so you will always be able to return to your spot on this site.) Federal Agencies Regional Educational Laboratories Federal Agencies Department of Education Education Publications Related to ESEA Programs
Extractions: First Name: Required Last Name: Required Address: Required City: Required State/Province: other Alabama Alaska Alberta Arizona Arkansas British Columbia California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Manitoba Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Brunswick Newfoundland New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota North West Terr.
Extractions: In 1998, Congress amended the Rehabilitation Act and strengthened provisions covering access to information in the Federal sector for people with disabilities. As amended, Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act requires access to the Federal government's electronic and information technology. The law applies to all Federal agencies when they develop, procure, maintain, or use electronic and information technology. Federal agencies must ensure that this technology is accessible to employees and the public. The law directs the Access Board to develop access standards that will become part of the Federal procurement regulations. The scope of Section 508 is limited to the federal sector. It does not apply to the private sector, nor does Section 508 impose requirements on the recipients of federal funds. However, the Department of Education interprets the Assistive Technology Act (AT Act), to require states receiving assistance under the AT Act State Grant program to comply with Section 508, including the Access Board's standards. The Department of Education, the agency responsible for administering the AT Act, plans to issue guidance to explain specifically how the proposed standards would apply to the states for purposes of the AT Act. Thus, while Section 508, on its face, is "limited to the federal sector," recipients of federal funds under the AT Act must also comply with Section 508.
Extractions: Home Defenders Publications The Biodiversity Center Saving Biodiversity: A Status Report on State Laws, Policies, and Programs ... West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming he state's population density is 89 people per square mile. The overall risk to ecosystems is high. Population density has increased 5 percent since 1982. The amount of developed land increased 12 percent between 1982 and 1992. Virtually all of the original sedge meadows and nearly half of the wetlands have been lost since 1780. The state has 16 federally listed threatened and endangered species. Biological Diversity Policy Status of Biodiversity Science Endangered Species State Agency Management for Biodiversity State-owned Lands Cooperative Efforts Cooperative efforts take the form of written agreements with other agencies to improve land management. For example, a cooperative agreement between the state and the U.S. Department of Agriculture exists to acquire, develop, restore and enhance waterfowl habitat. The Department of Natural Resources also cooperates with paper companies in order to regulate forest harvesting and to allow for forest regeneration. State Agency Training Wisconsin does not have identified programs of agency personnel training for biodiversity.
Early Education Matters agency for the Early education Matters project described above. www.wccf.org. The wisconsin Early Childhood Association This membership agency for http://www.wccf.org/projects/eem_resources.htm
Extractions: main menu Select a Page about the Council what's new projects/topics publications membership bill summaries e-mail bulletins links Projects/Topics Main Page Welfare and Economic Support Wisconsin Budget Project Great Beginnings ... Home EEM Home Project Goals Advocacy Tools Grants/Opportunities Training and Technical Assistance: The Wisconsin Early Childhood Association will provide a series of intensive, two-day trainings - three trainings in each of three sites - open to all interested individuals from around the State. Sites will be selected on the basis of geographic diversity and the potential of a supportive partnership with the regions. A team of up to 5 individuals from the communities receiving Early Education Matters Community Planning Grants will participate in the trainings free of charge; others will be charged a fee. Additionally, training and technical assistance will be available to the selected grant communities on specific issues, as identified by the individual communities. For a copy of the most recent training registration brochure
News From The Wisconsin Department Of Public Instruction Summary wisconsin education Calendar listing dates, meetings, conferences, training and Contact http//www.artsusa.org. 10/7 Global Volunteer Day. http://www.dpi.state.wi.us/dpi/dltcl/eis/cal200610.html
National Multiple Sclerosis Society - Wisconsin provides more professional education programs and furthers more MS Click here to become a member of the National MS Society, wisconsin Chapter. http://www.wisms.org/
Extractions: Keep Smyelin is a quarterly publication for children, ages 5-11, with parents or loved ones with MS. Keep Smyelin helps answer questions children have about MS as well as explain difficult issues. The newsletter presents MS information through interviews with children, games, puzzles and illustrations.
Extractions: Charter schoolspublic schools that are exempt from many of the procedural regulations that apply to regular public schoolsare a widespread but poorly-studied form of education reform. With nearly 2,700 charter schools now educating more than 684,000 children nationwide, policymakers and parents need to know how the education charter schools provide compares to that provided by regular public schools. Assessing the academic performance of charter schools is difficult, because many charter schools are targeted toward specific populations such as at-risk students, disabled students, and juvenile delinquents. This makes it very challenging for researchers to draw a fair comparisoncomparing targeted charter schools to regular public schools is like comparing apples and zebras. As a result, there are very few reliable research findings on the academic quality of charter schools as compared to regular public schools.
Down Syndrome Association Of Wisconsin The policy of the Down Syndrome Association of wisconsin is not to endorse any medical, therapeutic or special education alternatives. http://www.dsaw.org/
Extractions: Are you here as a new or expecting parent? Someone with Down syndrome looking for friends or information? A family member or friend? A health care or social work professional looking for answers? A teacher or education professional? We hope your journey is simple and helpful , as our primary mission at DSAW is to provide you with information and resources mailing list Down Syndrome Association of Wisconsin
Educational Resources About Animal Research educational Resources. Animal research has played a vital role in virtually every wisconsin Association for Biomedical Research and education (WABRE) http://www.fbresearch.org/education/
Extractions: Make a donation About us What's New FBR in the News ... Contact Us Search Home Educational Resources Educational Resources Physicians and researchers overwhelmingly agree that animal systems provide invaluable and irreplaceable insights into human systems. The essential need for animal research is recognized and supported by medical socieities and health agencies around the world.