Wisconsin Head Start Association family resource centers; cooperative educational service agencies and many others! 4 educational tracks provided indepth coverage in areas of priority http://www.whsaonline.org/
Extractions: House to Vote on Head Start Reauthorization (H.R. 2123) Week of September 19, 2005: The U.S. House of Representatives will vote on H.R. 2123, the School Readiness Act of 2005, this week. House Committee on Education and the Workforce - Full Committee Mark Up of H.R. 2123 H.R. 2123 as reported out of Subcommittee (PDF file) What should you do? Phone, e-mail or fax your Members of the House regarding what you want them to do when they are asked to vote. Remember that given that this is a period where all of the lobbying restrictions are in place, USE NO FEDERAL RESOURCES TO DO THIS, UNLESS ASKED DIRECTLY FOR INPUT BY A MEMBER OF CONGRESS OR THEIR STAFF. Contact information for your representative is here . Here are some important points to keep in mind as you contact your representative: We should drop NRS until such time as there is science to support it. Taking one million staff hours per year to implement an instrument that the GAO has identified does not work, takes us away from 1 million hours of learning time for the children! We want Head Start to continue to be a proud asset of both parties and seek bi-partisan support.
RNT - Department Of Education (614) 4667420; http//www.okhighered.org/student-center/financial-aid/ wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, Teacher education Professional http://www.rnt.org/channels/clearinghouse/deptedu.asp
Extractions: @import url(/css/core.css); State and Federal Requirements Search through our directory of State Departments of Education , which offers contact information and Web links to help you find information about licensure, alternative routes to teacher certification, and financial aid. State Department of Education Requirements Although all states must comply with the federal provision of No Child Left Behind, many states have programs for mid-career changers individuals who already have a bachelor's degreethat are alternatives to the traditional route to teacher certification. Just as teacher certification requirements differ from state to state, so do alternative certification program offerings. In the State Departments of Education directory, RNT provides resources developed by the National Center for Alternative Certification: a coded list of alternative certification programs offered in each state, and an alternative licensure key that describes details about the types of programs offered by each state.
WisBar | Practice Forms continuing legal education information, wisconsin bar examination. wisconsin State Government Agency Forms Many forms produced by wisconsin state http://www.wisbar.org/forms/
Extractions: Limited Liability Legal Practice Registration Form : In order for a lawyer or a law firm to be recognized as a Limited Liability Organization under SCR 20:5.7, an annual registration form must be filed with the State Bar of Wisconsin. To help our users in this process, the form is now available for download on WisBar with complete instructions. Lien Forms Real estate forms Professionalism Standard Form Letters : The Milwaukee Bar Association's collection of standard forms includes nonengagement, disengagement, waiver of conflict, and retainer letters and agreements.
SHEEO Agencies State Higher education Agency Contact Information www.ctdhe.org Return to top Delaware Delaware Higher education Commission (C) Maureen Laffey, Director http://www.sheeo.org/agencies.asp
Extractions: (G) = governing board Jump to: AK - Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education AK - University of Alaska System AL - Alabama Commission on Higher Education AR - Arkansas Department of Higher Education AZ - Arizona Board of Regents CA - California Postsecondary Education Commission CO - Colorado Commission on Higher Education CT - Connecticut Department of Higher Education DC - D.C. Office of Postsecondary Education DE - Delaware Higher Education Commission FL - Florida Department of Education GA - Georgia Board of Regents HI - Hawaii Board of Regents IA - Board of Regents, State of Iowa ID - Idaho Office of the State Board of Education IL - Illinois Board of Higher Education IN - Indiana Commission for Higher Education KS - Kansas Board of Regents KY - Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education LA - Louisiana Board of Regents MA - Massachusetts Board of Higher Education MD - Maryland Higher Education Commission ME - University of Maine System MI - State of Michigan: Dept. of Career Development (not a SHEEO member)
Wisconsin Assembly For Local Arts - Home2 wisconsin education Association Council, Community Shares wisconsin, Corporate Report member agency. Corporate Report wisconsin. media sponsor http://www.wisconsinarts.org/
Extractions: WISCONSIN ASSEMBLY FOR LOCAL ARTS The Wisconsin Assembly for Local Arts is now known as ARTS WISCONSIN, with a new name, new look and revitalized mission and vision. Please go to our new website for the latest information on the organization, and on the arts across Wisconsin: www.artswisconsin.org Wisconsin
Educational Policy: Education Service Agency (ESA) Educational Service Agency (ESA) Alliance Information Page wisconsin. Mr. Don Stevens, CESA 5; Mr. Fred Schlichting, CESA 12; Ms. Joan Wade, CESA 6 http://www.ncrel.org/policy/network/esa.htm
Extractions: Description Meetings, Summaries, and Activities Membership Links Representatives from NCREL and various educational service agencies (ESAs) from states throughout the North Central region (Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin) have been engaged in an ongoing, collaborative alliance since June 1992. Over the years, NCREL and the ESAs have attempted to create and put into operation both a "knowledge utilization system" and a "network" of governance and service delivery providers in the North Central region. Composed of three directors from each of the North Central region's statewide educational service units, the ESA Alliance serves as a market research group, a product and service dissemination network, and a partner in joint development initiatives with NCREL. Click on the state for a listing of Education Service Agency sites for that state.
Wisconsin The wisconsin educational Communications Board (ECB), the licensee of six of the The State education Agency (SEA) works with all entities involved in http://www.ncrel.org/sdrs/pbriefs/94/94-3wi.htm
Extractions: Previous section Next section Contents Pathways ... home page Local Efforts Many local districts are working on distance learning technology projects in the state. Approximately 22 groups are planning fiber optics-based systems. An additional 20 Instructional Television Fixed Services (ITFS) sites are in operation, and local districts are planning the expansion and operation of several of these sites. The state has decided not to create a state-level, distance learning system or network, but to allow projects to be created at a local or regional level. Then a backbone infrastructure would be created to link these projects. State Efforts The Wisconsin Educational Communications Board (ECB), the licensee of six of the state's eight public television stations, coordinates telecommunications planning efforts among state education institutions. ECB works with the University of Wisconsin system, the Department of Public Instruction, and the Vocational, Technical, and Adult Education (VTAE) system. In August 1989, the state legislature created a 15-member Information Technology Advisory Board (ITAB) to manage a comprehensive study and make recommendations for improving Wisconsin's data processing and telecommunications systems, including education services. The ITAB published a report in November 1990 entitled Information Technology Management in Wisconsin. One of the report's major recommendations was the formation of a statutory board on information technology under the governance of the Department of Administration. Another priority identified in the ITAB report is the implementation of strategic business and information technology planning throughout all state agencies. A recommendation affecting education was to provide a centralized support for the independent, regional educational telecommunications initiatives that have been established throughout the state.
Extractions: Skip Navigation Email RFW HOME ABOUT US ... SEARCH SITE REHABILITATION FOR WISCONSIN WELCOME! Rehabilitation For Wisconsin, Inc. (RFW) is a statewide nonprofit membership association located in Madison, Wisconsin. Our members consist of over 50 community rehabilitation programs. RFW members provide services that address the vocational, residential and community support needs of people with disabilities or other disadvantages. RFW provides leadership, advocacy, education and other services to its members and works to build strong partnerships between community rehabilitation programs, public policy makers and the community of people with disabilities in Wisconsin. S.B. 281 Community Rehabilitation Programs Tax Credit Legislation
PATH - Education WI PATH wisconsin education Calendar As of 08/05/2005. Course Subject to Change Information WAFCA (608) 2575939 or www.wafca.org. http://www.pathinc.org/education_wi.asp
Extractions: Youth Work Professional Development Program (YWPDP) This program offers 40 hours of continuing education for those who work with youth in a variety of community and group care settings. The curriculum addresses the core competencies developed in the field of youth work. The focus of the program is on relationships, daily interaction, and skill-building activities.
Educational Interpreters TEXAS Contact Jennifer Howell, Program Specialist Texas education Agency wisconsin The Role of educational Interpreters educational http://www.rid.org/eduterp.html
Extractions: Many documents referenced on this page are available in the Adobe Acrobat format (PDF). The documents will automatically download and open for you to read, print, or save. If you don't have the Acrobat Reader plug-in installed than "click" on this link: Get the Adobe Acrobat Reader . Most RID documents are also available from fax-on-demand Join RID today! Educational Interpreters have always been an important part of the mission and programs of RID. However, over the years, we have gotten feedback that some of you feel overlooked by the majority of publications, VIEWS articles, conference workshops, etc. So we have rolled up our sleeves and are working to improve our outreach, advocacy, and resource development efforts for YOU!! Minnesota Setting the Standard for Other States to Follow Check RID's Searchable Databases for RID Approved Workshops Here are various states' resources and requirements for their educational interpreters: CALIFORNIA Educational Interpreters proposed standards FLORIDA GEORGIA Georgia School System Establishes Equitable Salary Scale KANSAS KENTUCKY Educational Interpreter Role (scroll to page 59) MAINE Maine's licensing requirements MINNESOTA NEW YORK ... TEXAS Contact Jennifer Howell, Program Specialist Texas Education Agency
NCEF Resource List: School Size/Small Schools Texas education Agency,Div. of Policy Planning and Evaluation, Austin , 1999) wisconsin education Association Council, Great Schools Initiative, 1999) http://www.edfacilities.org/rl/size.cfm
Extractions: Presents results of studies in Maine indicating that a consolidated school can serve the same student population and offer the same curriculum with less square footage and thus at a reduced cost than two or more smaller schools. Operating and personnel costs are also lower in the consolidated school option, with savings approaching $3,500 per student over 40 years in Maine. As a school's enrollment decreases, the square footage and subsequent cost per student increases. Interpretation of the data by the Maine Department of Education is included. 19p.
State Resources For Gifted Education Texas education Agency 1701 N. Congress Ave. Austin, TX 78701 512.463.9581 (phone) wisconsin Department of education 125 S Webster St. PO Box 7841 http://ericec.org/fact/stateres.html
Extractions: This list includes State Department of Education offices responsible for gifted education and state-wide advocacy groups. For technical assistance, contact the individual listed for your state. State of the States, a book that provides state-by-state statistics and information, is available from Kristy Ehlers, listed under Oklahoma. State advocacy groups offer members a variety of services, including newsletters, conferences, and local resources. For current and detailed information on US State mandates governing gifted education, please visit Tennessee Initiative for Gifted Education Reform (TIGER) , and review their National Survey on the State governance of K-12 Gifted and Talented Education Reform (http://giftedtn.org/tiger/releases.htm). (70+ pages in .pdf format; Adobe Acrobat Reader required.) Alabama
Extractions: This page provides resources in the following areas: This page provides links to tools, research, and new articles about SES . If you would like to update or suggest a resource for this page, please call us at 866-544-8686 or email tutorsforkids@air.org SES : Who Does What? â This chart provides a quick overview of the roles that states, districts, providers, and families play in implementing SES SES : The Basics â This page offers a general explanation of SES , a description of how it works, and an overview of roles and responsibilities for SES SES by State â Visit this page to find information about âTitle I Schools Identified for Improvementâ in your state, links to lists of approved SES providers in your state, and contact information for your state department of education. Questions for Families to Ask SES Providers â This set of questions can help families choose an SES provider for their children.
Wisconsin State Improvement Grant--Home Page wisconsin Department of Public Instruction/Special education, Home Site Map. wisconsin State Improvement Grant (SIG). wisconsinsig.org. Search This Site http://www.wisconsinsig.org/
Extractions: Topical Search: Select A Topic All Articles Americans w/Disabilities Act CADRE Collaboration Coming Attractions Communication Skills CR Education Dispute Resolution Options Diversity Early Intervention Español Features CADRE Products For Advocates For Mediators IDEA/IDEA 97 Index Page Mediation Negotiation News Outreach/Promotion Participating in Mediation Partner Organizations Research and Evaluation Resources Sample State Forms System Design Training Resources Video Resource What's New IDEIA 2004 FAQ Text Search: Skip Navigation CADRE Continuum Literature Database Resources ... Archive Email this Print this In 1997, when Congress reauthorized the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA 97), they included the requirement that states make mediation available whenever a due process hearing has been requested. Congress recognized that in states where mediation was available, "parents and schools have resolved their differences amicably, making decisions with the childs best interest in mind."
Action Wisconsin contact contribute wishlist. dots. volunteering jobs. The Action wisconsin education Fund is a proud member agency of Community Shares of wisconsin. http://www.actionwisconsin.org/
Extractions: Click here to sign the petition Help Action Wisconsin defeat the proposed constitutional ban on civil unions and marriage by volunteering , joining our speaker's network , throwing a house party, or donating money. NEWS SEPT. 23, 2005 Wednesday's marriage debate between LGBT leader Evan Wolfson and Focus on the Family's Glenn Stanton garnered media attention from the Capital Times Wisconsin State Journal and the Wisconsin Radio Network . And in the Badger Herald op-ed section, one reader states, "The debate in the Union proved that the UW-Madison campus can be very liberal indeed, while at the same time the university maintains official anti-gay policies. In fact, UW is the only Big Ten school that does not allow same-sex benefits for its faculty." SEPT. 21, 2005 The Winnebago Presbytery became the latest regional religious organization in to formally oppose the Wisconsin amendment. The vote at the Presbytery meeting was 37-14. The Winnebago Presbytery represents 40 Presbyterian congregations in Northeast and central Wisconsin. SEPT. 21, 2005
Wisconsin Resource Guides, National Mental Health Information Center wisconsin Resources. State Mental Health Agency For example, the education office might have information about help for children, and the agency for the http://www.mentalhealth.org/publications/allpubs/stateresourceguides/Wisconsin01
Extractions: Each State has a protection and advocacy agency that receives funding from the Federal Center for Mental Health Services. Agencies are mandated to protect and advocate for the rights of people with mental illnesses and to investigate reports of abuse and neglect in facilities that care for or treat individuals with mental illnesses. These facilities, which may be public or private, include hospitals, nursing homes, community facilities, board and care homes, homeless shelters, jails, and prisons. Agencies provide advocacy services or conduct investigations to address issues that arise during transportation or admission to such facilities, during residency in them, or within 90 days after discharge from them. Contact: Wisconsin Coalition for Advocacy, Inc.
Extractions: HOME ALABAMA ALASKA ARIZONA ARKANSAS CALIFORNIA COLORADO CONNECTICUT DELAWARE FLORIDA GEORGIA HAWAII IDAHO ILLINOIS INDIANA IOWA KANSAS KENTUCKY LOUISIANA MAINE MARYLAND MASSACHUSETTS MICHIGAN MINNESOTA MISSISSIPPI MISSOURI MONTANA NEBRASKA NEVADA NEW HAMPSHIRE NEW JERSEY NEW MEXICO NEW YORK NORTH CAROLINA NORTH DAKOTA OHIO OKLAHOMA OREGON PENNSYLVANIA RHODE ISLAND SOUTH CAROLINA SOUTH DAKOTA TENNESSEE TEXAS UTAH VERMONT VIRGINIA WASHINGTON WASHINGTON DC WEST VIRGINIA WISCONSIN WYOMING DRIVER EDUCATION WISCONSIN DRIVER EDUCATION Recommended Parent Taught Driver Education Program: Completion of a Wisconsin driver education program is recommended for any new teen driver. Every year, thousands of teens are involved in accidents that could have been prevented if they had more knowledge prior to getting behind the wheel. We recommend Driver Ed in a Box® as the best driver education Visit Driver Ed in a Box® today and find out about their program as well as exactly what new teen drivers need to know about getting a Wisconsin license.