Human Resources Administration NYC WAY is a comprehensive welfare reform model designed to encourage both agencies are paid for successfully placing and retaining participants in jobs
Extractions: New York City Welfare Reform Program "NYC WAY" Work Accountability You Beginning in 1995, New York City began a comprehensive plan to fundamentally reshape its welfare policy. NYC WAY is a comprehensive welfare reform model designed to encourage both self-reliance and accountability in the nation's largest welfare system. NYC WAY is designed to engage public assistance applicants and participants in work that assists them in gaining independence. NYC WAY also has data management components that maintain the fundamental integrity of the City's welfare system. NYC Human Resources Administration (HRA) is responsible for program operation and compliance. JOB CENTERS In March 1998, HRA began converting welfare offices in New York City into Job Centers. This bold re-organization of NYC's welfare system emphasizes "work first." All eligible applicants who enter a Job Center are assisted in exploring and pursuing alternatives to welfare. Job Centers provide on-site access to job search and placement services, childcare information, vocational, educational and training services, as well as referrals for Medicaid, Food Stamp and other emergency assistance benefits. Information, services and referrals may be offered as substitutes to cash assistance in order to minimize barriers to employment and negate the need for welfare.
HREOC Website - Social Justice Report 2001 Chapter 2 Mutual obligation, welfare reform and Indigenous Some agencies, especially Centrelink, have contracted their service delivery to private
Extractions: HREOC Home Social Justice Home Mutual obligation, welfare reform and Indigenous participation: a human rights perspective Mutual obligation and welfare reform Coercion and conditionality Penalties for breaching ... Mutual obligation and Indigenous cultural values A modern safety net is not about blaming the victim, or penalising or punishing disadvantaged people. Nor is it necessarily about more government intervention or throwing money at problems. It is about helping people avoid and move out of welfare dependency and giving them real opportunities. And, it is about people on government payments accepting responsibility and an obligation to help themselves by making a contribution to the economy and society as much as they can. This approach has its origins in the liberal democratic notion of a social contract existing between individual citizen and state.
A New Paradigm For Welfare Reform: The Need For Civil Rights Without civil rights protections in the legislation, welfare reform cannot Other studies have found that welfare agencies are least helpful to blacks in
Extractions: A New Paradigm for Welfare Reform: The Need for Civil Rights Enforcement A Statement by the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights August 2002 Passage of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) in 1996 was intended to drastically transform public assistance in the United States. With it, a new emphasis was established to move public assistance recipients from welfare to work. While a laudable goal, rather than engaging recipients in productive activities that lead to self-sufficiency, the reform instituted tough requirements and restrictions on eligibility (including time limits, work requirements, and participation rates). The law gave states discretion to structure programs, as long as they met basic requirements, and impelled them to enforce strict sanctions. The Commission found that the proposals before Congress not only ignore some of the negative outcomes of the 1996 reform, but potentially compound the disparate impact of the 1996 law. Without civil rights protections in the legislation, welfare reform cannot lift all Americans out of poverty. Based on its own review and numerous studies, the Commission encourages Congress to promote policies that will alleviate the disparities and advance the objectives of reform. The Commissions recommendations are offered in three categories: (1) those that will facilitate the enforcement of civil rights laws, (2) those that will safeguard against discriminatory treatment, and (3) those that will prevent future disparate impact.
Extractions: program success story Working Toward Self-Sufficiency Marcela M. is a 23-year-old single mother of two. She has been an active participant in the Welfare to Work Voucher program, Austin Works Together project, and Central East Austin Community Organization (CEACO) since the spring of 2000. Since her enrollment in these programs she has maintained full-time employment and remained active in her community through volunteer work in the local elementary school. In May 2000, she was given a "Certificate of Appreciation" from the elementary school for her services, and she was further honored for her work at a CEACO Fiesta in June 2000. Agency: The Housing Authority of the City of Austin (HACA) (Size of WtW Program: 700 vouchers) The job training and supportive service delivery system in Austin, Texas has historically been fragmented. Although the local government agencies and private, nonprofit organizations serve many of the same people, they have rarely collaborated in any substantive way. The absence of collaboration has served as a barrier to creative, effective approaches to welfare reform in Austin. For example, while recipients of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) must overcome multiple barriers to employment and need access to a comprehensive web of services, Austin's workforce development system lacked an entity that specializes in the long-term, intensive case management required to address the barriers TANF recipients face.
Welfare Reform Speculation Wrong The welfare reform Reference Group s report is an independent report that has recommendations on the role of Government agencies (such as Centrelink) or
Census Bureau News law to assess the impact of the 1996 welfare reform Act. Federal agencies, The 1996 welfare reform Act implemented the TANF program, which replaced
Extractions: EMBARGOED UNTIL: 12:01 A.M. EDT, SEPTEMBER 21, 2001 (FRIDAY) Public Information Office CB01-154 301-457-3030/301-457-3670 (fax) 301-457-1037 (TDD) e-mail: Art Jones 301-457-3185 Census Bureau Releases Data Files from Survey Evaluating Welfare Reform The Commerce Department's Census Bureau today released data files from the Survey of Program Dynamics (SPD), a survey mandated by federal law to assess the impact of the 1996 Welfare Reform Act. Federal agencies, researchers and others are expected to use the data to refine initial assessments. "The data files released today, 1992-1998 Survey of Program Dynamics Longitudinal File Preparing to Measure Welfare Reform using the Longitudinal Survey of Program Dynamics: 2001 [pdf], which provides a first look at the kind of data available from the survey. Because of sample attrition, the SPD data in any one year should not be considered a nationally representative survey of the population and may not be comparable with other data sources. The value of these data are in the picture they give of changes over time. -X-
Treasury & Economic Affairs The Economic Section provides US government agencies in Washington, evaluating the effect of social welfare reform, and reporting on the formation of a
Welfare Reform And Beyond Resources of Federal programs related to welfare, The welfare reform Beyond initiative is being funded by a consortium
Welfare Reform National Internet welfare reform Clearinghouse Information and links to all the complete text of gov. George Pataki s official welfare reform proposal.
Extractions: Welfare Reform Information on the Internet The following links to not-for-profit organizations, research groups, and government agencies provide users with a variety of positions and opinions on welfare reform legislation. The information on these sites is solely the responsibility of the groups that sponsor the web sites. Inclusion of these links on our web site does not imply support or endorsement by the New York State Education Department. Please communicate directly with the cited group to express your own views. An extensive site created by the UCLA School of Public Policy and Social Research. Contains many articles and policy papers, the online journal
Welfare Reform: WEP Education Model Each participant will be interviewed by an appropriate employment agency. overview of welfare reform and what it means for the client; economic outlook
Extractions: Office of Adult and Continuing Education Preliminary planning was completed in February. The pilot provides a vehicle for WEP participants to further their education and training on a volunteer basis while involved in work. The model has two major elements: The first round of participants includes the 604 WEP participants who are currently assigned to various Board of Education sites. The regularly scheduled work site visitations will be covered by Board of Education teachers. These same teachers will conduct the six hours of work-related basic skills. The instruction will take place on the worksite wherever possible. Alternate locations will include nearby city welfare sites or one of the three Adult Centers for Comprehensive Education and Support Services (ACCESS) located in Brooklyn, Manhattan and Queens. During the first week in March a needs assessment will be conducted to determine each worker's child care arrangements, educational needs and availability for classes. Extended child care and transportation will be provides by HRA. It is anticipated that the project will move into full operation by March 10, 1997. This model is not only intended to increase the education and employment readiness of the pilot's participants, but to expand the model to be responsive to the educational needs of all WEP participants. The project also helps to maximize Employment Preparation Education (EPE) state aid for the City of New York and to continue to provide education and training for residents of New York City to acquire meaningful full-time employment.
Labor Protection And Welfare Reform Labor Protections and welfare reform. Accessibility Information Where a private company or local government agency is the employer of the workfare
Extractions: Accessibility Information May 1997 (Rev. 2/99) The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 increased emphasis on the need to move welfare recipients from welfare to work. The new law gives state and tribal governments broad latitude to meet specified work requirements. However, requirements of other laws affecting workers and the workplace also must be met. In an effort to help you better understand the requirements of these other laws, the United States Department of Labor has prepared a guide entitled "How Workplace Laws Apply to Welfare Recipients" that is attached. In addition, the United States Department of Agriculture has developed additional guidance to clarify the use of food stamps as a means to meet the requirements of the minimum wage law that is also attached. If you have questions concerning the application of workplace laws to the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program, please direct inquiries to the
Interagency Collaboration & Welfare Reform and treatment agencies while protecting client privacy, welfare reform and Substance Abuse Interagency Collaboration Its Role in welfare reform.
Extractions: Vol. 4, No. 1 January 2000 Interagency Collaboration and Welfare Reform by Tara Sussman Background Groups and individuals began collaborating on behalf of children and families long before the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) of 1996. However, this legislation affords states greater flexibility in structuring new mechanisms to allow their public assistance programs to better meet the needs of recipients of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF). As states and communities gain more experience in implementing welfare-to-work programs, it has become increasingly clear that they must provide services to a significant number of adults with multiple barriers to employment. There is also growing evidence of the need for services to support adults once they have entered the workforce. The services required to meet the needs of these adults and their dependents often transcend the typical experience and expertise of TANF agency staff. Consequently, many TANF agencies are exploring ways to work more effectively with other public and private agencies and service providers. The importance of interagency collaboration is acknowledged in recent legislation. According to the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA), employment, training, literacy, and vocational rehabilitation programs receiving funds from the Employment and Training Administration (ETA) of the U.S. Department of Labor are now required to coordinate their service delivery systems. Moreover, WIA requires the use of one-stop centers for ETA-funded employment programs. One-stop centers provide employment and training services and information in central locations.
Extractions: Web Results Next Welfare , Poverty and Department of Health ... for the HR workplace - Welfare , Poverty and Department of Health and Human Services links for...department of health and human services welfare state, welfare ...poverty, social welfare ...statistics, welfare system, texas...department of human services , department... services health and human y53k More results from Welcome to California Health and ... Agency Services Health and Human Services Data Center ...the California Health and Human Services Agency (CHHSA...There are few agencies within state government whose essential health and human services for our state's... More results from Community Level Indicators for Understanding Health ... Issues ...with the public health and social services community to develop and...of
U.S. Government Agencies US Government agencies. CHID The Combined Health Information Database other information on Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and welfare reform.
Extractions: U.S. Government Agencies The database topics: AIDs education, Alzhemer's disease, Arthritis, Muscloskeletal, Skin disease, Cancer education and prevention, Deafness disorders, Diabetas, Digestive disease, Epilepsy education and prevention, Kidney and Urologic diseases, Maternal and Child health, and Medical Genetics and Rare disorders.
I 1. this is an agency (EPA) site which provides This specific address discusses the impact that welfare reform has had on
Extractions: Yvette Aidoo then go to the option titled model development principles. This site gives a thorough yet brief description of how land development presents a hazard for the aquatic systems of those neighborhoods. Also offers specific policy suggestions for correcting the the problem. site gives the top 10 lessons in planning and implementing successful watershed programs. Information collected from over a 100 actual watershed practitioners and their supporters. Both are useful to understanding what the watershed project is all about. Michael Callinan gives an explanation on how to start up a local watershed partnership. Also, the site that this link came from could also be of great use.
NCPA - Welfare Issues - States Leading Welfare Reform regarded as a leader in welfare reform since 1987 when Republican gov. Those proposals would hand responsibility for welfare reform back to the!wel42b.html
Extractions: With little or no help from Washington, the states are transforming their welfare systems in response to the demands of exasperated voters and taxpayers. In just three years, 1.28 million people nationwide have been removed from welfare rolls, which totaled 14.1 million at the start of 1993. President Clinton claims that three-quarters of those who now collect benefits must comply with new requirements to work, look for a job, stay in school, avoid additional illegitimate births or meet other demands but critics say the requirements are so full of holes as to be meaningless and that state efforts to institute real work requirements are too constrained by federal welfare law. Washington's positive role, according to many of the nation's governors, has been limited to granting "waivers"or exceptions from federal regulations which allow states to experiment with reforms that would otherwise be prohibited. Since the beginning of 1993, 38 states have been granted a total of 61 waivers with 42 states now involved in some kind of welfare experiment. At least 29 states now limit how long a recipient can collect welfare benefits.
What S New On The Net Welfare And Social Services On The Web Any discussion of welfare reform should start with the federal government Many other state agencies related to welfare and human services may be found
Extractions: What's New on the 'Net: Welfare and Social Services on the Web Robert D. Duval and Rebecca Barrett-Duval Any discussion of welfare reform should start with the federal government and its wide range of welfare related sites. Needless to say, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' site is the place to begin. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has a large number of web pages for its special programs, covering a wide range of services and needs. A quick rundown of each of them, along with a brief description from the Administration for Children and Families' page, is presented here.
Welfare Reform These proposed regulations of the welfare reform bill are intended to help all http// The web site of the US Department of Health and
Extractions: Welfare Reform On August 22, 1996, President Clinton signed into law the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act, the new welfare reform law that established the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program. Under the legislation, the states have unprecedented flexibility to design welfare programs to meet the particular needs of welfare families. In return the federal government demands new, measurable results related to moving families into work and self-sufficiency. These proposed regulations of the welfare reform bill are intended to help all welfare recipients who can go to work, and to encourage state to work with families. To support the success of welfare reform, President Clinton has already exercised leadership in initiating a new partnership with business and organizations to hire welfare recipients and established a new welfare-to-work program targeting resources to communities with high numbers of long term welfare recipients. Clinton has also secured increases in child care funding, obtained the strongest child support enforcement measures ever enacted to force deadbeat parents to support their children, and encouraged good practices by states such as expanding child care and transportation services.
Extractions: @import url(""); @import url(""); @import url(; @import url(; BlogThis! Oregon attorney, former Foreign Service Officer, writing on all matters, foreign or domestic. "The struggle itself toward the heights is enough to fill a man's heart. One must imagine Sisyphus happy." - Albert Camus, The Myth of Sisyphus American readers, and those who have an interest in American politics, will recall the debate about welfare prior to the 1996 enactment of the landmark Welfare Reform Act (or, for you legal purists out there, the 1996 Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act). The debate was long, wide-ranging and complex, but more or less two general opposing schools of thought dominated the debate. The first school of thought was that brought to the table by activists and anti-poverty crusaders, the Welfare Advocates. The wide parameters of their thoughts on this subject are well-known, since they enjoyed largely uncontested dominance from around the time of publication of Michael Harringtonâs The Other America until the rise of the conservative think-tanks during the Reagan years. In fact, a good summation of the arguments of this school can be found in the first âreader reviewâ of this book currently found on In it, reader âLawyeraauâ writes: