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         Washington Cities:     more books (100)
  1. Washington Dc (USA city maps - Washington DC)
  2. Harold Washington and the Neighborhoods: Progressive City Government in Chicago, 1983-1987 by Pierre Clavel, Wim Wiewel, 1991-12
  3. Washington: Capital City, 1879-1950 v. 2 by Constance M. Green, 1976-12
  4. A Tribute To W. W. Corcoran Of Washington City by Mary Bouligny, 2010-06-05
  5. Oration delivered on the fourth of July, 1855, at the Capitol, in the hall of the House of representatives, in the city of Washington by James Mandeville. [from old ca Carlisle, 2010-06-07
  6. Twelve Years a Slave: Narrative of Solomon Northup, a Citizen of New-York, Kidnapped in Washington City in 1841, and Rescued in 1853, from a Cotton Plantation Near the Red River, in Louisiana by Solomon Northup, 2010-01-11
  7. Oration of Hon. Thomas J. Mackey ... at the reunion of veterans of the Mexican war, in Washington City, December 6, 7 and 8, 1883 by Thomas J Mackey, 1884-12-31
  8. Reminiscences of the District of Columbia, Or, Washington City Seventy-Nine Years Ago, 1830-1909 by Sarah E. Vedder, 2010-07-24
  9. Washington: City of Scandals : Investigating Congress and Other Big Spenders by Donald Lambro, 1987-06
  10. Morrison's stranger's guide for Washington city; with etiquette to be observed in calling upon the President, officers of the government, foreign ministers, etc. by Louis Fitzgerald. [from old ca Tasistro, 2010-06-26
  11. Memorial of Andrew Taylor, to the Hon. Edwin Hardin and Benjamin H. Brewster, commissioners under the Cherokee treaty of 1835, now in session in Washington city by Andrew Taylor, 1846-12-31
  12. Puget Sound (USA City Maps - Washington) by Rand McNally, 1997-03
  13. Report On the Women'S Auxiliary Conference: Held in the City of Washington, U.S.a., in Connection with the Second Pan American Scientific Congress, December 28, 1915-January 7, 1916 by Glen Levin Swiggett, 2010-01-10
  14. The Founding of Washington City (Volume 17) by Ainsworth Rand Spofford, 2010-07-24

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