STRUCTURE OF EDUCATION SYSTEM IN UKRAINE Type of school providing this education vocational school schools. The present vocational education system covers both general secondary and vocational
Extractions: Types of higher education institutions: Uniwersytet (University) Akademia (Academy) Instytut (Istitute) Konservatoria (Conservatoire) Koledge (College) School leaving and higher education credentials: Atestat/Matriculation School Certificate Dyplom Molodshogo Spetsialista Dyplom Bakalavra Dyplom Spetsialista Master Dyplom Magistra Internatura Kandydat Nauk Doktor Nauk STRUCTURE OF EDUCATION SYSTEM Pre-higher education: Duration of compulsory education: Age of entry: Age of exit: Structure of school system: Elementary Type of school providing this education: Elementary School Length of program in years: Age level from: to: Lower Secondary Type of school providing this education: Lower Secondary (Osnowna Serednia Shkola) Length of program in years: Age level from: to: Certificate/diploma awarded: Swidoctwo Pro Nepownu Seredniu Oswitu/Lower Secondary School Leaving Certificate Upper Secondary Type of school providing this education: Upper Secondary Special School (Licei) Length of program in years: Age level from: to: Certificate/diploma awarded: Atestat/Matriculation School Certificate Upper Secondary
HDR - What Is HD - Glossary primary and secondary schools; universities and colleges; vocational, technical and other training institutions; and general administra tion and
Extractions: Administrators and managers Includes legisla- tors, senior government administrators, traditional chiefs and heads of villages and administrators of special interest organizations. It also includes cor- porate managers such as chief executives and gen- eral managers as well as specialized managers and managing supervisors, according to the Interna- tional Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO-1968). Bank and trade-related lending Covers commer- cial bank lending and other private credit. Budget deficit or surplus Central government cur- rent and capital revenue and official grants received, less total expenditure and lending minus repay- ments. Carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) emissions Anthropogenic (human-originated) carbon dioxide emissions stem- ming from the burning of fossil fuels and the pro- duction of cement. Emissions are calculated from data on the consumption of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels and gas flaring. Children reaching grade 5 The percentage of children starting primary school who eventually attain grade 5 (grade 4 if the duration of primary school is four years). The estimate is based on the Reconstructed Cohort Method, which uses data on enrolment and repeaters for two consecutive years.
Encyclopedia: High School Motto pro Rege, Lege et Grege (For the Queen, the Law and the People) Nickname vocational CEGEPs are three years. Secondary schools in the remaining
Extractions: Related Articles People who viewed "High school" also viewed: Bellaire High School Education in Indonesia Education in Hong Kong Columbine High School ... Kimpossible What's new? Our next offering Latest newsletter Student area Lesson plans Recent Updates West Virginia State Route 28 Wentworth Miller Weapons of Star Trek Warrior (wrestler) ... More Recent Articles Top Graphs Richest Most Murderous Most Taxed Most Populous ... More Stats Updated 6 days 7 hours 35 minutes ago. Other descriptions of High school High school , or Secondary school , is the last segment of compulsory education in Australia Canada Hong Kong Ireland ... Republic of China ) (only junior high school), the United Kingdom and the United States . It provides a secondary education for boys and girls. The idea was first instituted in France by Napoleon as a way to train future officers for his military. Secondary education is a period of education which, in most contemporary educational systems of the world, follows directly after primary education, and which may be followed by tertiary, post-secondary, or higher education (for example university). ... For other uses, see Napoleon (disambiguation). ...
Pro Audio Schools - Are They Worthwhile? In the United States alone, there are several hundred vocational schools So is a proaudio course of study right for you? Which school is the best
Extractions: So assume you've had a similar epiphany, and you feel certain that a life as a studio rat is for you. Or maybe your own personal revelation involves working in post-production or touring the world mixing front of house for major concerts. Whatever your motivation, may I extend you both congratulations and condolences on your life-shaping career decision. Working as an audio professional can be one of the most creative, fascinating, exhilarating, totally cool lifestyles anyone could ever wish for. It can also be 40 flights of mind-numbing, body-abusing hell, the likes of which have probably been outlawed in a hundred Geneva Conventions. A lot of it depends on you and what you make it. By committing yourself to a goal, you've taken the first step toward becoming a professional. Keeping that goal in sight will require perseverance, self-discipline, and a never-ending desire to learn. As with most careers in the music biz, there are as many different paths into audio as there are people working in it. But they all have one thing in common: the professionals you see before you have all put in the time, educating themselves and perfecting their craft. Most have come up through the ranks, starting out as interns or gofers, receptionists or solder jockeys. They got a foot in the door any way they could, and then they stayed, listened, and learned.
Nursing Careers Wise County vocational technical school Wytheville Community College Russell County vocational school Sentara Norfolk general Hospital
Extractions: Nurse Practitioner Average Salary Range Nurse practitioners are advanced practice registered nurses whose advanced training and graduate education enable them to provide high level primary care to people of all ages. They work in collaboration with physicians and other health professionals. With the increased need for primary care providers, there is a particularly high demand for nurse practitioners nationally and across the Commonwealth of Virginia. Nurse practitioners: Educational Requirements Students interested in a career as a nurse practitioner should take challenging high school courses in science, math and English, including advanced placement courses.
Infosheet About Transition-The Council For Learning Disabilities Assist in planning courses of study in general education curriculum; identify and provide modifications, visits to vocational and technical schools
Extractions: The term transition refers to passing from one state or condition to another. Many important transitions occur throughout each person's life, and many of them are associated with predictable life events, such as beginning preschool, leaving elementary school, and entering middle adulthood. One of the most critical transition periods for students with learning disabilities (LD) is the transition from school to young adulthood. Even though transition planning has been mandated for all students with disabilities for more than 10 years, transition planning for individuals with LD has lagged behind that of other groups. A major reason for this lack of attention has been an assumption that individuals with LD have a mild disability that primarily affects academic achievement; therefore, they have the ability to move from secondary to postsecondary environments without a lot of difficulty. Unfortunately, this is not the case for many students with LD. The results of a number of recent studies have suggested that many adolescents with LD do encounter difficulties in making the transition to adult life, including problems related to unemployment, underemployment, job changes, participation in community and leisure activities, pay, dependency on parents and others, satisfaction with employment, postsecondary academics, and functional skills.
AN ACT CONCERNING WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in general Assembly education and regional vocationaltechnical schools for the development of
Extractions: Substitute Senate Bill No. 517 Public Act No. 04-212 AN ACT CONCERNING WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Assembly convened: Section 1. (NEW) ( Effective July 1, 2005 ) (a) The Office of Workforce Competitiveness shall, within available appropriations and in consultation with the council established under subsection (b) of this section, establish a competitive "Innovation Challenge Grant" program to promote and encourage partnerships and collaborations involving technology-based business and industry with institutions of higher education and regional vocational-technical schools for the development of educational programs in emerging and interdisciplinary technology fields and to address related issues. (b) There is established a Council of Advisors on Strategies for the Knowledge Economy to promote the formation of university-industry partnerships, identify benchmarks for technology-based workforce innovation and competitiveness and advise the award process for Innovation Challenge Grants to public postsecondary schools and their business partners. The council shall be chaired by the director of the Office of Workforce Competitiveness and shall include the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management, the Commissioners of Economic and Community Development and Higher Education and the Labor Commissioner and four representatives from the technology industry, one of whom shall be appointed by the president pro tempore of the Senate, one of whom shall be appointed by the speaker of the House of Representatives, one of whom shall be appointed by the minority leader of the Senate and one of whom shall be appointed by the minority leader of the House of Representatives.
About Cyprus general and secondary technical/vocational schools, special schools, Secondary technical and vocational Education (STVE) has been operating since
Fayette County Area Vocational Technical School Pennsylvania s First vocational technical school Operating Systems (DOS, Windows 98, Windows 2000, XP Home and pro). Word processing (Microsoft Word
Extractions: Shop Rules Computer Technology Course Description: The Computer Technology Program is designed for students who wish to pursue a career in this ever changing and challenging field. This program is also for those high school students who plan to attend college or other post secondary school, and wish to enhance their chances of success at these schools. Students will receive hands on training in all aspects of the program. Students will be using the latest computer equipment and software available on the market. The experience gained in our classroom can be used for credit at some post secondary schools. This can save students money. Following is a list of activities covered over a four-year period: Computer fundamentals to include the latest terminology and using the latest equipment Operating Systems (DOS, Windows 98, Windows 2000, XP Home and Pro)
Educational Software For The Odysseia School Computer Labs A subject for general Education The History of the Modern and Contemporary World for technical and vocational school Areas Economy, Management, logismikon
Extractions: Educational software provided by the Odysseia program me SOFTWARE TITLE TEACHER SPECIALIZATION REFERENCE TO CURRICULUM ARHAIA ATTIKI PEZOGRAFIA (ANCIENT PROSE OF ATTICA) Language Ancient Greek for Grades A, B, C, High School ASTERES KAI PLANITES (STARS AND PLANETS) Physics Elements of Astronomy and Space Studies, for Grade B, High School AUTO CAD Graphic Arts and Arts Studies, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering Technical and Vocational School -Areas: Engineering, Applied Arts, Digital Design AUTOHALL Mechanical Engineering, Auto Mechanics Technical and Vocational School -Area: Mechanical Engineering including specialization in automobiles: English for Auto Mechanics AVAKIO E-SLATE Mathematics, Physics, Language, Biology, Natural Sciences, English, French, German Mathematics, History, Foreign Languages, Geography and Physics for Junior High and High School BOTANIKOS KIPOS (THE BOTANICAL GARDEN) Agriculture Technical and Vocational School - Area: Agriculture, Food and the Environment
Illinois Pro Bono: Vocational Rehabilitation If VR services are being provided to a high school student with disabilities, Educational and vocational/ technical Training Programs
HB 0191 (d) In any fiscal year where the state pays a pro rata share of school building Extends the eligibility from high school vocational technical education
Extractions: 2005 SESSION HOUSE BILL 191-FN AN ACT relative to using school building aid for leased classrooms. SPONSORS: Rep. Weyler, Rock 8; Rep. Alger, Graf 6; Sen. Barnes, Dist 17; Sen. Gatsas, Dist 16 COMMITTEE: Education ANALYSIS This bill provides that temporarily leased classroom space shall be eligible for school building aid grant money. This bill is a request of the department of education. Explanation: Matter added to current law appears in bold italics. Matter removed from current law appears [ in brackets and struckthrough. Matter which is either (a) all new or (b) repealed and reenacted appears in regular type STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE In the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Five AN ACT relative to using school building aid for leased classrooms. Be it Enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened: 1 School Building Aid; Annual Grant for Leased Space. Amend RSA 198:15-hh to read as follows: 198:15-hh Annual Grant for Leased Space. I. The amount of the annual grant for a lease or lease-purchase agreement to any school district duly organized, any city maintaining a school department within its corporate organization, any cooperative school district as defined in RSA 195:1, or any receiving district operating an area school as defined in RSA 195-A:1, shall be a sum equal to 30 percent of the amount of the annual payment of the lease incurred, for the cost of leasing
University Of Dubuque Admission Requirements Transfer students must complete the skills and general education requirements of UD. Credit from vocationaltechnical schools, provided that they are
Extractions: Select UD Home Admission Financial Planning Academics Athletics Student Life ROTC Wendt Center Viewbook Mission, Values, Vision Undergraduate Degrees Graduate Degrees Course Schedules My UD On-Line Resource Center Registrar UD for Kids Charles C. Myers Library Advancement Office Alumni Connections South Campus Development UD Newsletter UD News Technology Services Student Life Academic Support Center Career Services Parents and Families Campus Dining Sylvia's Common Ground Site Search Human Resources Campus Directory Employment Campus Forms Theological Seminary Personal Web Pages UD Web Mail UD Network Storage Babka Bookstore
Malayasia 1994 - Education training at vocational and technical secondary schools and polytechnics. The curriculum was formulated in line with the general education concept.
Extractions: This article has been taken from 'Malaysia 1994'. If you would like to ask anything about this article, please contact the Ministry of Information, Malaysia). Education in Malaysia is a continuous effort to further develop individual potentials in a general and integrated manner in order to create an intellectually, spiritually, physically and emotionally strong individual who believes in God and strictly adheres to her/his respective religious teachings. These efforts are meant to inculcate praiseworthy values such as being knowledgeable, skilled, morally strong and responsible. This will surely contribute to the well-being, racial harmony and prosperity of the country and nation. PLANNING AND EDUCATION RESEARCH DIVISION The division is responsible for carrying out planning and research activities for the whole ministry. The functions of the division is to carry out complete macro-planning activities and undertake research on factors which influence the implementation of the education policy besides collecting, processing and disseminating information on education. This division is also involved in coordinating educational projects subsidised by foreign agencies and acts as secretariat to the Education Planning Committee.
Poland :: The Education System Education at a vocational school concludes with a professional examination is of an general and technical grammar school concludes with the matura,
Union County Vocational-Technical Schools UNION COUNTY vocationaltechnical schools File Code 1100. SCOTCH PLAINS, NEW JERSEY 07076 X NJSA 18A54-20 Powers of board (county vocational schools)
Extractions: Union County Vocational-Technical Schools POLICY NAME ADOPTION DATE Communication With The Public Media District Publications Board of Education Meetings Distribution of Materials By Pupils and Staff Participation By The Public AD Hoc Advisory Committees School-Connected Organizations Visitors Community Complaints and Inquiries Contests for Pupils Use of School Facilities Local Units Relations Between Other Entities and The District BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - UNION COUNTY VOCATIONAL-TECHNICAL SCHOOLS File Code: 1000 SCOTCH PLAINS, NEW JERSEY 07076 X Monitored Mandated X Other Reasons CONCEPTS AND ROLES IN COMMUNITY RELATIONS GOAL AND OBJECTIVES The chief school administrator or designee shall develop and implement a school-community communications program including, but not limited to the following: Promote public interest and participation in the operation of the school system;
The Seattle Times: School Guide In spring 2003, we asked vocational experts in the 27 school districts included in proStart One of the first school districts to adopt this culinary
RoleVETTcnew States vocational schools provided education and training for grades 9 or 10 to 12. Postsecondary technical schools - the higher level of vocational institutes
Extractions: I-10133 Turin, Italy INTRODUCTION 'Transition' indicates the act of passing from one stage of development to another. Societies, even 'established' ones, are undergoing continuous review and change. As regards vocational education and training, this implies a permanent adaptation of the system to technological and social change. The notion of 'transition countries' is not new. History has seen many examples of countries trying to adapt to a new economic and social order. We also refer to 'transition countries' when we speak about Central and East European countries and the New Independent States, whose developments in the field of vocational education and training shall be reviewed in this paper. The region in question includes in principle all former 'Eastern bloc' countries that have, in the context of their transition to a market economy and a democratic society, undergone tremendous political, economic and social change after the collapse of the socialist system in 1989. In comparison with the context in which reforms usually take place, the current vocational education and training reforms in Central and Eastern Europe and in the New Independent States (particularly in the more advanced Central and East European countries), have two very unusual aspects. Firstly, the breadth, range and depth of education and training reforms proposed or already started is extraordinarily large. They concern all levels and sectors of vocational education and training: legislation, management and administration, the financing of the system, vocational education and training institutions, programmes and personnel. They also include the creation of new vocational education and training institutions and the design of completely new types of curricula.
Section 160-545 A+ School Program Established--purpose- schoolsGeneral Provisions Section 160.545 August 28, 2004 a college or postsecondary vocational or technical school or highwage job with work place
Extractions: A+ school program establishedpurposerulesvariable fund match requirementwaiver of rules and regulations, requirementreimbursement for higher education costs for studentsevaluation. 160.545. 1. There is hereby established within the department of elementary and secondary education the "A+ Schools Program" to be administered by the commissioner of education. The program shall consist of grant awards made to public secondary schools that demonstrate a commitment to ensure that: (1) All students be graduated from school; (2) All students complete a selection of high school studies that is challenging and for which there are identified learning expectations; and (3) All students proceed from high school graduation to a college or postsecondary vocational or technical school or high-wage job with work place skill development opportunities. 2. The state board of education shall promulgate rules and regulations for the approval of grants made under the program to schools that: (1) Establish measurable districtwide performance standards for the goals of the program outlined in subsection 1 of this section; and
Vocational/Technical Education-High School Curriculum-FNSBSD Activities include participation in on and off-site after-school activities Prerequisite Completion of all technology or vocational course offerings
Extractions: Fee may be required As students learn how to prepare for work and life through career planning, they will complete a thorough search of an occupational and educational direction using electronic resources. Students will gain the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to secure and succeed in their first job. FUNDAMENTALS OF WEB SITE DESIGN (WEBSITE DSGN) Grade Level: 10-12 Tech Prep Core Class Students learn and apply word processing skills to produce a variety of personal and business documents. Critical thinking skills are applied through real-life topics and career-oriented applications. Students become proficient users of an industry-specific software program. They develop and/or refine touch keyboarding skills for document production.