202 If a student is absent on the day composition, test or homework papers are A list of vocabulary words that can be tested will be posted on the Web Site http://www.und.nodak.edu/instruct/plee/Syl202S05.html
Extractions: (I recommend the Oxford Spanish Dictionary [black cover], about $12.) Mrs. Lee's office and phone number : M-301; 777-4664 (voice mail); 777-3813 (main office) Mrs. Lee's E-mail address : paula_lee@und.nodak.edu Office hours : WTh 2-3 PM; Th 10-11 AM (or by appointment) Walk-ins are welcome but if I am busy, you will have to return another time.
French In The Workplace Organization And homework OnLine Teaching Webct Registration This course is designed to help students use a better vocabulary at an advanced level. http://www.mcgill.ca/conted-french/workplace/
English 7 Course Description Name__________________________Per Course content grammar, spelling, vocabulary, composition, literary terms, homework assigned as composition format must be submitted on the due date http://faculty.musowls.org/CrippenB/Eng7desc.htm
Extractions: English 7 Course Description Mrs. Crippen Course content : grammar, spelling, vocabulary, composition, literary terms, poetry, short stories, novels, mythology Texts Owl English Handbook Summer Reading: Hound of the Baskervilles Vocabulary Energizers Old Man and the Sea Ovid The Metamorphoses Raisin in the Sun 75 Short Masterpieces The Red Pony First Semester Areas of Concentration writing paragraphs and summaries; spelling; short stories, the novel and poetry (literary terms definitions and application); parts of speech, complements. Second Semester Areas of Concentration : writing essays; Greek and Roman mythology, poetry (literary terms definitions and application); vocabulary, reading comprehension exercises, spelling, sentence structure (complements, phrases, clauses). Materials : Pencils, ball point pens (blue or black), loose-leaf notebook paper, binder (one-and-a half or two inches deep), dividers, assignment book, red pen, highlighter. No spiral notebooks needed! Bring these supplies and The Owl English Handbook to every class.
Universalstudios homework Students are asked to create a vocabulary quiz using the True or False method B How could you help someone who was afraid of roller coasters? http://www.teachnet-lab.org/unhs/vitulano3.htm
Extractions: Julie Vitulano Topic: Task II English Regents Practice Grade: ESL - Intermediate Unit: Universal Studios Escape, Orlando Florida Lesson 1: Jargon Aim: What are the characteristics of jargon? Instructional Objectives: Students will be able to identify jargon associated with roller coasters; and be able to create visuals and use them in their presentations on roller coaster jargon; and be able to create a vocabulary quiz. Materials: Computers with Internet access; word processing program; large drawing papers; drawing markers. Do Now: The teacher mixes up the following the words on the blackboard: swings; monkey bars; see saws; bikes; roller blades; skate boards; bungie jumping; paragliding; scuba diving. The students are directed to group the words in three groups. Motivation: After this exercise is completed the teacher writes these three words on the board: airtime; brake run, lap bar. The students are asked if they know what these words have in common. The answer or lack of the correct answer should lead to the discussion of jargon. Development: 1. After the class makes the connection that certain words and phrases are used specifically for a particular subject, they are directed to
NETC Circuit | Winter 2005 Ultimately, I expect that homework will help instill a sense of personal English faculty members have used WeBWorK for vocabulary quizzes and also plot http://www.netc.org/circuit/2005/winter/better.html
Extractions: NWREL's Northwest Educational Technology Consortium The NETC Circuit is the newsletter of the Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory's Northwest Educational Technology Consortium. Peer Coaching in Edmonds, WA. Better Homework Through Technology Is Technology Integration Happening? Standards-Based, Technology-Rich Teaching in WY ... Director's Message By Mark Schmitt As a high school algebra teacher my job is to help students learn the mathematical skills they will need to be successful in later mathematics and science courses. To support student learning, I assign homework regularly. Homework might simply be problems taken from the textbook or it might be original problems assigned on worksheets. There are times, however, when I use computer-based homework because it adds an important dimension to the homework process. I expect a number of different benefits from every homework assignment. First, I expect that my students will practice the skills demonstrated in class and through that practice, become more adept with the skills. I also expect homework assignments to highlight, for both students and me, areas of proficiency and deficiency. Ultimately, I expect that homework will help instill a sense of personal responsibility in my students. Many students think that "practice" merely means attempting the problems. While it is true that a student cannot practice without attempting the problems, it is not the case that merely trying the problems constitutes practice. Practice also involves assessing and refining the attempts that are made.
Homework Helpers A selection of homework help in the web with links to both general reference an illustrated article along with links to vocabulary and related topics. http://www.fountaindale.lib.il.us/CSD/Homework_helpers.htm
Extractions: Award Winning Children's Books A database on the web collecting several lists of award winning children's books. Boston Globe-Horn Book Awards A warded annually in the fall by The Boston Globe and The Horn Book Magazine. The Coretta Scott King Award The Coretta Scott King Award is presented annually to authors and illustrators of African descent whose distinguished books promote an understanding and appreciation of the "American Dream." Hans Christian Andersen Medals Currently awarded every two years to one author and one illustrator in recognition of his or her entire body of work. Jane Addams Book Award The Jane Addams Children's Book Award has been presented annually since 1953 by the Women's International League for
WTHS Language Arts / English / Research Paper Links Alphabet Fun, Dictionaries Plus, Grammar Guide, homework help, composition 103 by Daniel Kies @ College of DuPage ( Part 2 Research and Documentation http://www.wtps.org/links/english.htm
Extractions: Searching the Internet lists some seach engines and directory sites ... since each one has its own "flavor," try as many as you have time for - each one should come up with different links Teacher Resources about.com: Children's Books about.com: Fiction about.com: Non-Fiction about.com: Language Arts new about.com: Publishing about.com: Role Playing Games about.com: Romance Fiction about.com: Screenwriting ... Academy Curricular Exchange Language Arts Lessons High School (Grades 9-12, 10+ lesson) Academy Curricular Exchange Language Arts Lessons (Grades 6-8, 20+ lessons on reading, grammar and writing) BardWeb: Shakespeare ("A site that collects Shakespeare links on the Web and organizes them by category. Includes information on the author, the plays, and the environment in which he lived and wrote.")
Homework Helper: Middle School Learning vocabulary Syndicate Paradigm Online Writing Assistant Researchpaper.com Study Web Grammar composition. Literature http://www.nvo.com/ecnewletter/middleschoolconnection/
Homework Help Computer Services X About The Library Location Practice tests in biology, calculus, English literature and composition, Youll be connected to a live tutor, who can help you with your homework http://www.addisonlibrary.org/subPage2.aspx?pageId=100
Home Work Help Page This is one of the best all around homework help sites that can be found. Look here for rules of usage, principles of composition, and commonly http://www.crews.org/students/homehelp/
Extractions: http://encarta.msn.com/homework/ Nestled among how-to-get-help-with-your-homework articles, are a handful of short features on improving your study skills. My favorites are How to Memorize Almost Anything ("Break the list into small manageable groups or chunks.") and How to Do More Work in Less Time ("Remove distractions, such as TV, games, or people who might disturb you.") Although I remember doing homework with the television on, as a mom I rail against my kids when I see them trying to do the same.
Spanish & Portuguese Directory Criteria for evaluation will be content and extension, use of vocabulary, to composition writing students should not have tutors or seek outside help as http://spanish-portuguese.berkeley.edu/courses/ldfall03a.html
Extractions: THIS COURSE MEETS FIVE DAYS A WEEK AND STRICT ATTENDANCE IS REQUIRED FOR THE ENTIRE SEMESTER. ABSENCES WILL AFFECT YOUR GRADE. YOU ARE ALLOWED 4 ABSENCES. AFTER THAT, FOR EACH DAY YOU ARE ABSENT ONE PERCENTAGE POINT WILL BE SUBTRACTED FROM THE FINAL COURSE PERCENTAGE GRADE ON WHICH YOUR FINAL COURSE GRADE IS BASED. THIS COURSE IS DESIGNED TO REQUIRE 10 HOURS OF WORK EACH WEEK, THAT IS, TWO OUTSIDE HOURS FOR EACH CLASS HOUR. E ORAL EXAM. There will be a final oral exam the last week of classes. DO NOT MAKE ANY ARRANGEMENTS THAT WOULD PREVENT YOU FROM BEING PRESENT AT THAT TIME. The oral exam will be a conversation which you will not be able to prepare ahead of time. It will consist of a conversation with your instructor covering the topics and structures you have learned throughout the semester. Criteria for evaluation will be content and extension, use of vocabulary, idioms and grammatical structures learned in the course, as well as pronunciation, fluency, grammatical accuracy and your ability to deal with unrehearsed speech.
MODIFIED SPANISH 1010 The tutor will also help with homework, quiz and exam preparations, GRADE composition. homework assignments 8% These will be assigned almost every http://www.colorado.edu/slhs/CLL/span_1020syll.htm
Extractions: MODIFIED COURSE SYLLABUS SPRING 2002 Instructor: Anne Becher Telephone: 303-735-3257 (from on-campus: 5-3257) E-mail: bechera@colorado.edu Office: McKenna 103B Office Hours: W: 12 - 12:50 p.m.; F: 9 - 10:50 a.m. Tutor: MATERIALS: Our text for this course will be Puntos de Partida, th textbook workbook electronic laboratory manual* student CD rom These materials will be used for Spanish 2110 as well. * these can be acquired in book form as well; speak to bookstore staff to request this before buying the packet OVERVIEW: Spanish 1020 is a second-semester Spanish course which is communicative in approach, and emphasizes the mastery of all four basic language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. The overall emphasis is on realistic, practical situations that could prove useful to the student. The modified section of Spanish 1020 is designed for students who have difficulty learning a foreign language. It will be taught using methods recommended for students with this type of difficulty. This course will place even greater emphasis on listening and speaking than the other courses, and will introduce grammatical structures more slowly, more selectively, and with more opportunity to practice them. Despite the modified pace and curriculum, the course is demanding. Plan to dedicate to it at least two hours daily outside of class, and more time on weekends. You must meet with the course tutor once a week outside of class. Set up a regular schedule with the tutor, and keep it. The meetings are obligatory and absences will be recorded and counted when calculating your participation grade. Experience has shown that working regularly with the tutor can improve student grades and reinforce progress in the language. The tutor will help with specific difficulties you are having, or problem areas the instructor wants you to concentrate on. The tutor will also help with homework, quiz and exam preparations, and pronunciation. You may also use your time with the tutor to practice conversation and use the vocabulary and grammatical structures we learn in class.
FYI: Back To School -- Strategies For Success Improve your vocabulary with lessons like Wise Words for TalkShow Guests Live homework help http//www.answerpoint.org/ask_a_librarian_portal.asp http://www.teenspoint.org/fyi/columns2.asp?column_id=819&column_type=teenspoint
The Answer For Special Education in the same class (eg, spelling, vocabulary, grammar, composition, reading, literature). ELAR homework is graded for completion instead of accuracy. http://www.educationnews.org/answer-for-special-education.htm
Extractions: by Donna Garner On Friday, November 19, 2004, Congress passed sweeping legislation which governs Special Education (IDEA). Besides doubling the amount of money to be spent on disabled children, Legislators also made significant changes in the way that Special Education (SE) is to operate in our nation's schools. Since change seems to be in the wind for SE, it is a good time to discuss Content Mastery to see whether this component of SE is productive or counter-productive. CONTENT MASTERY GONE AWRY Because of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) and its requirement regarding Adequate Yearly Progress, school administrators are zealously considering how to best educate Special Education students. I assert that the way most schools have implemented Content Mastery at the secondary level does not help SE students to achieve academic success.
REGISTER USER ACCOUNT Mundle said she has several methods to help students with this problem. She has the students work to increase their vocabulary by learning more descriptive http://ardmoreite.com/stories/092304/loc_0923040015.shtml
Homework Helper Refdesk.com APlus homework Helper homework Helper will allow you to input a problem and your vocabulary University Webster Dictionary - the on-line version of http://www.refdesk.com/homework.html
Extractions: HOMEWORK HELPER Grades 1 - 6 Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12 College ... Other Homework Links ELEMENTARY - Homework Help For Grades 1 - 6 Homework Center READING Children's Literature Web Guide - Massive and well-organized, with links to nearly every worthwhile children's reading site. WRITING Common Errors in English - A concise list of the most common errors in English usage ARITHMETIC APlus Homework Helper - Homework Helper will allow you to input a problem and your answer. It will then figure out if your solution is correct JUNIOR HIGH - Homework Help For Grades 7-8 Infoplease Homework Central MATH Math.com ENGLISH BJ Pinchbeck's Homework Helper: English The 50 States of the United States - A quick resource for fun facts about each of the nation's 50 states, including when they achieved statehood SCIENCE Amateur Science Mad Scientist Network - The mad scientists from Washington University Medical School in St. Louis will answer questions in 25 areas of science, from anatomy and chemistry to zoology. StarChild: A Learning Center for Young Astronomers - introduction to the solar system and space exploration for youngsters.
Syllabus For Rhetoric 1101, Section 6 Start learning to use the vocabulary of rhetoric for example, author, text, homework Read Chapter 2 in WA. Write the rough draft of your abstract, http://www.tc.umn.edu/~ratli008/rhet1101section006.html
Extractions: Back to Table of Contents Rhetoric 1101: Writing to Inform, Convince, and Persuade Section 6 (Make sure you're in the right section!) Spring 2003 Classroom Office Building Room 26 on Tuesdays Classroom Office Building Room 135 on Thursdays (Mac lab) Course Objectives Required Texts and Materials Attendance Policy Late/Missed Assignments ... Assessment of Papers Midterm Alerts Assignments Disability Policy Schedule of Assignments ... May Department of Rhetoric Office: Classroom Office Building, Room 69, St. Paul Campus E-mail: ratl0016@umn.edu Office phone: 612.624.4933 Office hours: Mondays 2:00-3:30, Tuesdays 1:00-2:30, and by appointment. Also, I urge you to e-mail me anytime you have a question. You'll probably get a disturbingly prompt reply. From departmental document: Rhet 1101 Writing to Inform, Convince, and Persuade. (A-F only; 4 cr.) This course introduces the writing process and the types of academic writing you may be expected to complete in your college career such as research papers, argumentative papers, and literature reviews. The course is designed to help you develop a clear thesis in a written paper and support that thesis with appropriate sources. Time will be spent discussing rhetorical elements in writing such as audience, purpose, and argumentative structure. In addition, you will practice steps in the writing process such as invention, research, organization, drafting, revision, and editing. Your assignments will report, synthesize, and draw conclusions regarding the significance of what you read. Assignments may include 1) summary or abstract; 2) rhetorical analysis; (3) short thesis paper; (4) prospectus; (5) evaluation or review of literature; (6) research paper. Some courses are taught in a computer classroom and some in a traditional classroom.
BJ Pinchbeck's English Homework Helper Links - DiscoverySchool.com BJ Pinchbeck s homework Helper. If you can t find it here, then you just can t find Readers s Digest Word Power Test your vocabulary skills http://school.discovery.com/homeworkhelp/bjpinchbeck/bjenglish.html
BJ Pinchbeck's Homework Helper Alphabetical Links - DiscoverySchool.com BJ Pinchbeck s homework Helper. If you can t find it here, then you just can t find. Social Studies Principles of composition Programmer s Heaven.com http://school.discovery.com/homeworkhelp/bjpinchbeck/bjalphabeticallist.html
Homework Helper APlus homework Helper homework Helper will allow you to input a problem and your vocabulary University WWWebster Dictionary - the on-line version of http://www.cssd11.k12.co.us/springcreek/special_interest/homework_helper.htm
Extractions: Children's Literature Web Guide - Massive and well-organized, with links to nearly every worthwhile children's reading site. Writing Common Errors in English - A concise list of the most common errors in English usage Arithmetic APlus Homework Helper - Homework Helper will allow you to input a problem and your answer. It will then figure out if your solution is correct Flashcards for Kids - This is a real working flash card application on the net! Homework Central Junior High - Homework Help For Grades 7-8 Math Math.com English BJ Pinchbeck's Homework Helper: English Authors on the Web - A Collection of Biographical Sketches Social Studies 4 Kids.com - Excellent government and history links. The 50 States of the United States - A quick resource for fun facts about each of the nation's 50 states, including when they achieved statehood