Homework Links to more than 700 sites that will help you with your homework. A large collection of help sites. English composition help http://huskers.k12.mo.us/Homework Help Page/homework page.htm
Learning Links Math homework help Get help on pre-algebra, algebra, and geometry Quia-Latin - Latin games and vocabulary quizzes. Science Back to top http://www.chelmsfordlibrary.org/teen/learninglinks_homeworkhelp.html
» School Homework Elementary Grades 1 To 8 « homework help for Elementary and Middle School Students. online game about art history and art composition. ArtLex Art Dictionary http://www.haltoncrimestoppers.com/ip_hw_elementary.html
Extractions: If you haven't made your Scheduler yet, you should go back to last article of this series and get to work. Creating your own Scheduler on your computer is the first step to getting yourself organized. If you've got your Scheduler going, you're all set to get started with letting the computer help you with your homework. Get out the homework the teacher gave you today. If any of it is not due tomorrow (such as test announcements, papers, and projects), add them to your Scheduler . Check your Scheduler to see if there is anything on it that you should be doing now (like reading several chapters for a book review that's due next week, finishing a lab report, studying for a vocab test, etc.). Sonow that you know what you have to doit's time to put your computer to work. If you think computer right away when you come home from school, you'll not only remember to look at your
English Department Web Sites Page vocabulary University vocabulary Puzzles The Shakespearean homework helper - A fan of Shakespeare is offering to help high school students to discover http://www.stmary.k12.la.us/highenglish.htm
Extractions: English Department Web Sites Page English I English II English III English IV ... LA Standards English I Online Schoolyard -General Resource Area On-Line Grammar - by subject headings - This gives good explanations of grammar rules and usage by subject and subsubjects that are more teacher-oriented [especially for reviewing before teaching the concept]. Vocabulary University - Vocabulary Puzzles LANGUAGE ARTS Mini-Lessons - see Miscellaneous for description Creative Writing in a World Classroom on the Internet Guide to Grammar and Writing - This matches the English I grammar requirement:defines, explains, then quizzes. The Parts of Speech - This reviews each part of speech with review quiz at the end. Bartleby Library of Great Books Trojan War-Greek Mythology Link - This presents the background needed to begin Homer's The Odyssey. It not only summarizes the Trojan War but also gives the causes for the war. William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet - Teaching Unit: Teacher's Guide and Student Activities English II Online Schoolyard On-Line Grammar - by subject headings - This gives good explanations of grammar rules and usage by subject and subsubjects that are more teacher-oriented [especially for reviewing before teaching the concept].
Language Arts This course would be designed to help those freshmen who homework or Reading Varied reading, writing assignments, vocabulary studyBrief http://www.usd435.k12.ks.us/AHS2/Class_descriptions/Language_arts.htm
Extractions: Brief Description: English 9 is a comprehensive communications and literature course. The class will include an orientation to high school level learning expectations and study skills. Basic essay writing, creative writing, knowledge of literary terms and genres, reading comprehension and speaking and listening skills will be stressed.
Extractions: GET FAST FACTS! HERE! HOMEWORK HELPERS Acronyms and Abbreviations Almanacs Ask An Expert Dictionaries ... Space RESEARCH SITES Encyclopedia Britannica The Internet Public Library American Association for the Advancement of Science Calculators On-line Center ... Discovery School SPONSORS Reference Desk Acronyms and Abbreviations Almanacs Information Please - from the print reference database, offering millions of useful and interesting facts on a wide range of topics online. Also includes a dictionary and encyclopedia.
English Works! Tutoring Techniques (Dialogue journals also help a student s reading and vocabulary). Explanation Dialogue journals are simply a notebook or a composition book shared by both http://depts.gallaudet.edu/englishworks/manual/tutors/ETTechniques.html
Extractions: English Tutoring Techniques Grammar Reading Vocabulary Semester Projects The techniques, activities and projects discussed here can be used with any student to instruct, practice, and improve grammar, reading, and English vocabulary. Basic Strategies and Activities for Improving Grammar Sample Writing: This can also be called free writing. Sample writing should be completed at the first tutoring session, but can also be repeated many times throughout the semester, especially times when the student brings nothing to work on. This is a good way to determine areas of weakness. Explanation: Give the student a topic , and have him/her write a sample paragraph (you could also write one of your own while the student is writing, and share yours with the student when you are finished). Only allow 15 minutes (at the most) for the student to write. After they are finished writing, there are many ways to use your time. You could go through the paragraph and underline grammatical problems. Give the student an opportunity to make changes to these areas without telling him/her what is wrong. Many times students will be able to correct themselves. For those mistakes that they could not correct, explain the grammar rule that was broken. Or, if you think the student needs more positive reinforcement, don't comment on the grammar. Simply point out the strong areas in the paragraph and encourage them to try this exercise at home. Click here to see a
Homework Helps homework Spot Reference links and lists of homework help sites. Learning vocabulary can be fun flash based vocabulary building game. http://hackleylibrary.org/homework.htm
Extractions: CROSS-BROWSER Dynamic Press Menu - http://DynamicScripts.tk - Author: Richard Hucko - Check Out DynamicScripts.tk for more Quality JavaScript Effects for FREE. WebDevelopment Tools, Forums, Tips, Nav Menus, Dynamic Scripts, Dynamic Content, Dynamic HTML DHTML and Much More . . . Tips Sites Homework may seem like busy work, but it actually helps you : 1. understand what your teacher has taught during the day and helps you remember what you learned; 2. get ready for the next day: if you know what you learned on Monday learning new stuff on Tuesday that depends on Mondays work will be easier; 3. learn about other resources, like the Library! 4. learn about things that arent covered in school (youd rather go to school during the summer to learn this stuff, right!) So.....what is the best way to do homework?
SPANISH 2302 On vocabulary quizzes, I expect you to be able to define vocabulary items in The composition guide I will give you should help you structure your work. http://www3.baylor.edu/~Frieda_Blackwell/Syllabus_Fall_1999.html
Extractions: COURSE GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: This class is designed to help you improve your reading, writing, speaking, and listening. The text presents literary selections by major Spanish and Latin American writers, accompanied by comprehension questions, vocabulary building exercises and occasionally grammar review activities. I hope that as you read and respond to the material offered in this class, you will increase your comprehension of and communication in Spanish. I also hope you add to your knowledge of Hispanic culture. Be sure that your read the material and do any written assignments BEFORE you come to class. That way, you will be able to discuss the works and ideas QUIZZES Quizzes, announced and unannounced, are given frequently. They help insure that you master each segment of work as it is presented and learn necessary vocabulary. You may expect a reading quiz on any selection assigned for class. Reading quizzes simply check to insure that you are reading the material. I ask direct questions, such as the name of the author, main character, where the action is set and what happens at the end. On vocabulary quizzes, I expect you to be able to define vocabulary items in either English or Spanish and to use the vocabulary word or phrase in a complete, grammatically correct Spanish sentence illustrating its meaning or complete a sentence which uses the word in context. Quizzes may be made up
Math Homework Help - Algebra Math homework help Algebra. You are here OCC Home IIC Home AHIIC Home Math help composition of Functions-PM; Substitution of Variables-KCT http://www.oaklandcc.edu/iic/iicah/ah_www_mat_alg.htm
Accelerated Beginning Spanish Learning vocabulary and grammar on the date due is part of your homework and week to help you with questions regarding grammar, vocabulary and homework. http://homepages.gac.edu/~nhanway/accel.html
Skoool.ie :: Homework Zone In the Junior Certificate the composition should be one and a half pages long Use a vocabulary notebook prepare vocabulary based on the list below and http://www.skoool.ie/skoool/homeworkzone.asp?id=1700
Skoool.ie :: Homework Zone (General guidelines and vocabulary for the letter are covered in Question If you choose to write a short composition you will be required to write about http://www.skoool.ie/skoool/homeworkzone.asp?id=1843
Deutsch 3200, Winter 2004 --Leitseite The homework related to the readings and films of the course will help you to and to begin to develop vocabulary fields for discussing specific topics. http://www.langlab.wayne.edu/lhock/wsu320w4/320home.html
Extractions: *Film: Karla This film is on reserve in the language lab (328 Manoogian) and in the Adamany Undergraduate Library. It can also be purchased online from Facets *Class Handouts *You are also expected to own (this is most ideal) or to have ready access to a good (at least 300,000 entries) German-English, English-German dictionary such as:
Homework Help Links Featured site links include daily history tidbits, vocabulary words and SAT questions, Powerschool is a lot more than a homework help site it s an http://www.kyrene.k12.az.us/itech/amsitech/links/Homewrk.htm
Extractions: Homework Help Links Homework Help This basic-looking site from the Salt Lake County Library is a good starting point for research in a wide range of grade levels. The entries are divided into more than two dozen categories covering animals, dictionaries, mythology, dinosaurs and more. Study Web Students in grammar school, middle school, high school and college will find this site useful for all types of classroom projects. Its 69,000 links include both full Web sites and online articles on a host of topics, ranging from agriculture to history to writing. Any Web-savvy student trying to write a research paper will find this site a blessing. B.J. Pinchbeck's Homework Helper Whether it's an algebra, history or chemistry assignment that has you stumped, you'll likely find the homework resources you need here. Created in 1996 by B.J., now 11, and his father, Homework Helper has links to more than 450 sites on every school subject. As B.J. says, "If you can't find it here, then you just can't find it." Ask Dr. Math
English 7 SOL Links The student will continue vocabulary development through a study of Gifted Education History of English homework help Interactive English http://teachers.henrico.k12.va.us/Specialist/franceslively/sol7.htm
Extractions: Standards of Learning: English 7 Grade 7 English SOLs in Word The student will give and seek information in conversations and in group discussions. Use oral vocabulary and style appropriate for listeners. Communicate ideas and information orally in an organized and succinct manner. Ask probing questions to seek elaboration and clarification of ideas. Make supportive statements to communicate agreement or acceptance of others' ideas. Use grammatically correct language and vocabulary appropriate to audience, topic, and purpose. Lesson Plan: Radio Show This activity offers the opportunity for your students to use today's technology to explore historical themes of any era. Students work in groups and participate in class discussions and oral presentations. Radio Show Debate At the conclusion of this activity the student will be able to: Deliver focused, coherent presentations that convey ideas clearly and relate to the background and interests of the audience. Clarify and support spoken ideas with evidence and examples Evaluate the content of oral communication. It's Up for Debate!
Randwick City Council Library Supersites Homework Help homework help site guides for students from Year 4 to Year 10. Office A history of parliament, women in parliament, vocabulary of parliamentary terms. http://www.randwick.nsw.gov.au/library/supersites/homeworkHelp.php
Abington Township Public Library homework help Learning Center. Literacy Link Newsletter Spring 2005 230 pm Students receive help with basic grammar, spelling, composition and PreGED http://abg.mclinc.org/adult_literacy/