Virginia Fast Facts And Trivia The states of Kentucky West virginia were formed from sections of the state virginia has had 3 capital cities Jamestown, Williamsburg, and Richmond.
Virginia Polytechnic Institute And State University virginia Tech operates 12 agricultural stations throughout the state. Located midway between the cities of Los Angeles and San Francisco, the university
VDOT Travel Center: State And County Maps Official Web Site of the virginia Department of Transportation. City Maps; virginia Highway Map; Online Transportation Information Map - Population Boom Spawns Super Cities Big cities are bumping into small towns, stretching into rural areas, or will have that many by 2040, according to a new study by virginia Tech.
University Of Virginia News Story As the state has cut local aid, city and county officials have protested The study shows that virginias median real estate tax rate of 73 cents per
Extractions: Virginia Local Governments Are In Better Fiscal Shape Than The State But May Have To Rely More On Real Estate Tax, U.Va. Study Warns January 15, 2002 Virginia's severe financial crisis means that local governments as well as the state face tough times ahead. But while state coffers overflowed during the boom of the 1990s, now it is the localities that are in better shape than state government, according to a new study by the University of Virginia's Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service. “So far, local governments have weathered the current recession better than in the previous recession, when a poor housing market diminished real-property tax collections," said economist John L. Knapp. "However, in the near future, Virginia’s local governments will face difficult times, as the state reduces aid and as local tax revenues reflect the slow growth of the economy.” Knapp also warned that "if the so-called housing bubble were to burst, this would cause a sharp drop in real-property tax revenue" for local governments and add to their problems.
University Of Virginia News Story University of virginia,University of virginia top news,University of virginia Top News,University Study Reveals Outer Suburbs More Dangerous Than cities
Extractions: DANGER IN EXURBIA U.Va. Study Reveals Outer Suburbs More Dangerous Than Cities April 30 Leaving home to go to work and other activities is more dangerous for residents of outer suburban areas than for many central city residents and for nearly all inner suburban residents, concludes a recent University of Virginia study. From Baltimore to Minneapolis to Houston, some sparsely settled outer suburban counties are the most dangerous parts of their metropolitan areas, according to a study by William H. Lucy, professor of urban and environmental planning at U.Va., and graduate research assistant Raphael Rabalais. Their findings are contrary to the conventional wisdom that cities are dangerous and outer suburbs are safe. The metropolitan areas examined in the study are: Baltimore, Chicago, Dallas, Houston, Milwaukee, Minneapolis-St. Paul, Philadelphia, and Pittsburgh for the years 1997-2000, depending on data availability. The study analyzed traffic fatalities and homicides by strangers to test the common belief that outer suburban areas with low-density housing and quasi-rural settings are safer places to live and raise children than cities and inner suburbs.
False Cape State Park Located in southern virginia Beach, False Cape state Park is a milewide A 1966 study of virginia s outdoor recreation resources recommended that a
Extractions: Park photos (about 45K each) General Information: No vehicular access. Located in southern Virginia Beach, False Cape State Park is a mile-wide barrier spit between Back Bay and the Atlantic Ocean. Access is through the Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge and is limited to hiking, bicycling or boating. The park features primitive camping and an extensive environmental education program in one of the last undisturbed coastal environments on the East Coast. Vehicular access to False Cape State Park is prohibited because the park is land-locked on the southern end of the Back Bay Wildlife Refuge. Those wishing to visit the park for the day must either bike or hike through the refuge (via beach or interior trails, and the interior trail is closed from November 1 through March 31), or boat or canoe in down Back Bay. You can also take the Terra Gator , a specially designed vehicle that minimizes impact to this special environment, during this period.
Center For Equal Opportunity The virginia Association of Scholars and the Center for Equal Opportunity released a The Center for Equal Opportunity has drafted both federal and state
City Of Virginia Beach - Frequently Asked Trail Questions City of virginia Beach. City Seal, Header And, several studies show that people prefer living along a trail than an abandoned corridor.
Extractions: Information obtained from: Do trails attract crime and vandalism to neighborhoods? No. There is no evidence that trails cause an increase in crime. In fact trail development may actually decrease the risk of crime in comparison to an abandoned and undeveloped corridor. And, several studies show that people prefer living along a trail than an abandoned corridor. Typically, lawful trail users serve as eyes and ears for the community. Return to top How can trails be made as safe as possible? Trail advocates should be sure to address security concerns beginning in the planning stages and continuing through the development of a trail's management plan. The trail's design can also enhance safety, such as landscaping in a manner that limits deep shadows and hiding areas or installing emergency telephones in key areas along the trail. Various safety programs can be used once the trail opens ranging from limiting use to daylight hours to establishing volunteer trail ranger programs and from holding periodic "safety days' to instituting regular police patrols. Return to top What about public and private liability?
West Virginia Culinary Schools: Mountain State University, Beckley The Financial Aid Office of Mountain state University has established a Located in the heart of downtown Beckley, West virginia, 50 miles south of the
Extractions: The Associate of Culinary Arts degree prepares students for a career as a professional chef. Trained chefs are needed throughout the world in hotels, restaurants, hospitals, cruise ships, corporate food service, country clubs and more. In addition, careers can include culinary instructor, corporate chef, purveyor, food writer, and many others. In addition to the exceptional classroom training that you will receive as an MSU Culinary Arts student, you will have the opportunity to hone these new skills in "real-world" settings. Through a series of internships (practicums), you will be able to build confidence in your culinary abilities and make valuable contacts for future job opportunities. In fact, many MSU Culinary Arts students are offered full-time positions from their practicum employers after graduation. The Bachelor of Culinary Arts degree combines culinary skills with a business background so that the student could pursue a career in restaurant management. In addition to the exceptional classroom training that you will receive as an MSU Culinary Arts student, you will have the opportunity to hone these new skills in "real-world" settings. Through a series of internships (practicums), you will be able to build confidence in your culinary abilities and make valuable contacts for future job opportunities. In fact, many MSU Culinary Arts students are offered full-time positions from their practicum employers after graduation.
U.S. Universities, By State Spertus Institute of Jewish studies Trinity Christian College Trinity International University Carroll College; Montana state University System
Extractions: by state AL AK AZ AR ... VI (also available organized alphabetically Tuskegee University United States Sports Academy University of Alabama System University of Mobile University of Montevallo University of North Alabama University of South Alabama ... University of Detroit Mercy University of Michigan System Walsh College ... Carroll College Montana State University System Rocky Mountain College ... University of Great Falls University of Montana System Montana Tech University of Montana-Missoula University of Montana-Western Bellevue University ... Ohio Northern University Ohio State University System Columbus Lima Mansfield Marion ... Phillips University (closed July 1998) Rogers State University Southeastern Oklahoma State University Southern Nazarene University Southwestern Oklahoma State University ... Pennsylvania College of Optometry Pennsylvania State University System Abington Altoona Beaver Behrend College, Erie
Extractions: INFORMATION RESOURCES Mirant's Modeling study submitted to Virginia DEQ (conducted by ENSR, Mirant's consultant) Update to the City Council on Mirant Virginia DEQ letter to Mirant in response to their modeling study Executive Summary of the City's Modeling Study of Mirant ... AERO Engineering Report - Ambient Air Quality Analysis (7MB pdf file) Settled Study Protocols proposed by Mirant (required under still to be finalized consent decree) Microscopical Methods for Determining Coal Concentration in Settled Dust Strategy and Method for Passive Sampling of Settled Dust DEQ's Approval of Protocol Additional City Comments on Revised Protocol ... City comments on Revised Protocol for Modeling the Effects of Downwash from Mirant's Potomac River Power Plant The third Mirant Community Monitoring Group meeting Thursday, February 10, 2005.
About The National Women's Studies Association Sankofa Women; or How Historical Research Can Advance Women s studies Barb Howe, West virginia University. Places Where Women Made History
Extractions: National Women's Studies Association Speaker's Bureau NWSA is pleased to announce its speaker's bureau participants for the 2005-2006 academic calendar. These speakers address a wide range of topics of critical importance to Women's Studies and would make a valuable contribution to your institution's programming. The speakers listed below have volunteered to give at least one lecture in the 2005-2006 academic year on behalf of NWSA, pending their availability. Speakers donate their time to NWSA, and host institutions pay a $500 speaker's fee directory to the National Women's Studies Association, in addition to the speaker's travel and lodging expenses. Speakers' fees will support new and existing projects at NWSA. If you would like to arrange a lecture or need further information, contact Allison Kimmich at or 301-403-0525. Some speakers may be available to address topics other than those listed here. Please do not contact the speakers directly. Rosemarie Tong, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
State Summary For Iowa The Iowa City VA Medical Center is a comprehensive tertiary health care center, VA Central Iowa Health Care System has 17 active research studies.
Extractions: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs General: VA spent more than $551 million in Iowa in 2003 to serve nearly 277,000 veterans who live in the state. Last year, 62,810 people received health care and 27,109 veterans and survivors received disability compensation or pension payments from VA in Iowa More than veterans, reservists or survivors used GI Bill payments for their education, owned homes with active VA home loan guarantees and 89 were interred at Keokuk National Cemetery. Health Care: One of the most visible of all VA benefits is health care. VA has 158 hospitals, 858 ambulatory care and community-based outpatient clinics, 206 Vet Centers, 133 nursing homes, 42 residential rehabilitation treatment programs and 92 comprehensive home care programs. Due to technology and national and VA health care trends, VA has changed from a hospital-based system to a primarily outpatient-focused system over the past eight years. In fiscal year 2003, VA facilities in Iowa had 7,817 inpatient admissions and provided
Virginia DOT Study Shows Cameras Increase Injury Accidents The virginia Transportation Research Council studied all of the state red virginia DOT A brand new, exhaustive study of all seven virginia red light
Charlottesville City Schools | History Department Seventh grade students study United States History 1877 to the Present and eighth Please note In the Charlottesville City Schools, virginia studies is
Extractions: History and Social Science is one of the four core subjects in the school curriculum. The curriculum development is structured around the 2001 revised Standards of Learning. The Sample Scope and Sequence Guides (2002) offer suggestions of how the knowledge, skills, and processes that are identified in the Standards of Learning may be introduced to students in a logical, sequential, and meaningful manner. A recent purchase of maps, globes, and atlases was made to ensure that teachers and students in all schools are equipped with the most current resources to support their study of history and social science. Interwoven throughout the history and social science content are spiraling strands in history, geography, civics, and economics. Through the study of history, students better understand their own society, as well as others. The curriculum guides students to understand the relationships between past and present, to appreciate the heritage and contributions of other cultures, and to value ideas and the contributions of individuals as agents of change and progress. The goal of the civics strand is to develop in all students the requisite knowledge and skills for informed, responsible participation in public life. Civics instruction develops a basic understanding of politics and government and the skills of good citizenship.
Hampton City Schools 3 Introduction to Social studies 4 virginia studies to 1830 United States History United States and virginia Government Electives
Extractions: The Social Studies department offers a comprehensive program promoting Social Studies instruction and unique learning opportunities. All courses are aligned with the Virginia Standards of Learning. The entire social studies program is designed to prepare students to become informed and responsible citizens. The elementary social studies program develops the knowledge and skills of history, geography, civics, and economics providing a perspective for how the pieces fit for studying the world, the nation, the state, and Hampton. Students are introduced to map skills and use them to frame understandings of ancient civilizations, regions of the United States and Virginia. We also focus on the basic values, principals, and operation of American democracy. The middle school social studies program continues to build fundamental skills in history, geography, civics, and economics within the context of United States history. The two-year United States history program for sixth and seventh grade provides opportunities for more depth while the eighth grade course continues to expand the development and operation of American democracy with particular emphasis on the rights and responsibilities of citizens. Thinking skills are developed while students examine historical issues and events.
Fredericksburg Case Study 1990 Census Population, 56718, Map of virginia. Central City, Fredericksburg There are 21 PDCs in the state of virginia. PDCs are creations of local
Extractions: 1990 Census Population Central City Fredericksburg, Virginia Air Quality Status (1990) Stafford County: nonattainment, serious (ozone). Part of the DC nonattainment area. Governor Designation Date November 18, 1992 Voting Policy Board Members City of Fredericksburg (two elected officials and the chief administrator)