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Extractions: Home About KSBA ... Contact Us "A brighter future through better public schools" Updated: September 2005 All links free unless noted. If you find a link not working, please e-mail bhughes@ksba.org Site addition of the month Ease History Site is filled with photographs and downloadable videos about U.S. history Preschool sites American Library Assn. 50-plus Web site links for parents and young children. Enchanted Learning Loads of pages for preschoolers with games, printouts Kindle Park Fee-based early learning site for children, parents and teachers Sesame Workshop Ideas for parents of preschoolers in games, crafts, stories Zoom Dinosaurs An on-line dictionary about dinosaurs and such General Educational sites Ashland Inc. Lesson plans for all sorts of subjects Ask Jeeves For Kids B. J. Pinchbeck Links to 650-plus useful sites for homework help CNN for students The news network's education site for students/teachers C-SPAN in the classroom Teaching guides, support materials, broadcast schedules
Homework Help Page homework help Page wh/kids/html/kidshome, today in history (today s Date with a Historical Event) lcweb2.loc.gov/ammem/today/today. Powhatan Rehape http://www.tcnj.edu/~avery2/Homework.html
123 Kidz Area.com Homework Helpers today in history Take aa look back into history. Identifying trees help in identifying trees. Identify them by leaf, fruit, or name. http://www.123kidzarea.com/homework.html
Extractions: Homework Helpers Page 2 Home Figure This! Math Challenges for Families! Give it a try! Ask Doctor Math (Elementary Level) All types of math covered. You can even submit your question. Ask Doctor Math (Middle School Level) Algebra Division, Equations, Exponents, Factorials, Factoring, Fractions and Percents, Geometry and More. Ask Doctor Math (High School Level) Graphing Calculators and Computers in Math Interest, Linear Algebra, Linear Equations, Logic and More. Ask Doctor Math A+ Math Homework Helper will allow you to input a problem and your answer. It will then figure out if your solution is correct. AAA Math Hundreds of pages of Basic Math Skills. Aunty Math Math Challenges for K-5 Learners. Kids Bank A fun place for children to learn about money and banking. Math Magic MathMagic posted challenges in each of four categories (K-3, 4-6, 7-9 and 10-12). Mega Math Site has much info regarding different areas of Math. National Birdfeeding Society Information on making birdhouses, how to attract birds, and basics of feeding birds. Birding Birding in the USA and around the World.
Livonia Public Library Children's Homework Helpers homework help! Library Logo Library of Congress for Kids and Families, Includes today in history (documents and pictures about what happened today in http://livonia.lib.mi.us/children/chnet2.html
Extractions: Michigan History J290s for Mythology Web Site (click one) What It Does How To Use It Library of Congress for Kids Documents and pictures from U.S. history, songs, "Everyday Mysteries" (little-known science facts), and "Places in the News" (locations making recent headlines), as well as "American Memory" (photographs of people and places in U.S. history). Click on one of the icons to begin your search. You can use the search bar, but it can be pretty confusing. American Memory Historical pictures, maps, documents of the U.S. Click on your topic on the left hand side. Once you are in a subject, click on Browse the Subject Index. OR Click on Browse at the top to find more complete list, as well as a time period section on the right hand side. Library of Congress Prints Need some really good photographs or pictures of something in U.S. history? This is the place! You make the pictures larger by clicking on them.
Brighton District Library-Home The following Internet sites may provide help for general homework assignments or questions. Economic history How Much Is That Worth today? http://brightonlibrary.info/learn/links.html
Yahomework Looking for help with that difficult homework assignment? This Day in history (find out what happened today in history or on your birthday) from the http://www.enfieldpubliclibrary.org/yapages/yahomework.htm
Extractions: Looking for help with that difficult homework assignment? Based on students who visit the library to find resources for research and other assignments, we have selected the following websites to make life easier for you. Art American Artists: http://www.askart.com How Cameras Work: http://www.howstuffworks.com/camera.htm World Wide Arts Resources: http://wwar.com/artists/m.html English/Literature Poets.org: http://www.poets.org/index.cfm http://shakespeare.palomar.edu/default.htm Shakespeare Birthplace Trust: http://www.shakespeare.org.uk/homepage Works Cited in a Research Paper: http://www.lib.duke.edu/libguide/works_cited.htm Geography CIA World Factbook: http://cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/index.html Health Eating Disorders Awareness: http://www.edap.org Health Finder: http://www.healthfinder.gov/ Sexuality Information: http://www.siecus.org History American Memory Project: http://memory.loc.gov/ Ancient Greece: http://www.ancientgreece.com This Day in History (find out what happened today in history or on your birthday) from the History Channel: http://www.historychannel.com/tdih/
News Shopper: KidZone: Homework Help Here at the News Shopper s homework help section you will find a list of some today.com/, Leading history magazine online with features accessible via a http://www.newsshopper.co.uk/kidzone/homework/
Extractions: Part of the This Is Local London Network KidZone KidZone Art Competition News Stuff Your Work ... Advanced Search Homework Help Stumped by maths or puzzled by English? This is the place for you. Here at the News Shopper's Homework Help section you will find a list of some great websites which will get you moving in the right direction with homework and exam revision. If you know of a useful site which you think should be featured here, email us the details and we'll check it out. GENERAL HELP FOR ALL AGES http://www.bbc.co.uk/ education/schools/ Fantastic collection of simple to use sites for children of all ages. Detailed online GCSE and AS coursework plus educational activities for primary and pre-school pupils. http://www.learn.co.uk/ Online lessons and tests covering most areas of the curriculum. Particularly good on GCSE work. http://www.brainpop.com/ Fun site which uses cartoon videos to present its lessons on science, technology and health subjects. http://www.homework
AOL Research & Learn: Learn History Online a Quiz of the Week, today in history facts, historic videos, and homework help. Additionally, our homework help resources will connect you with the http://reference.aol.com/history
Extractions: document.domain = "aol.com"; var sb_pipe_url="http://reference.aol.com/sb.adp";bb_sel=-1;sb_id=63; var setSpeedCookie = "1"; Warning: Many features of this site require JavaScript and cookies. You can enable both via your browser's preference settings. var sitedomain="channel.aol.com";var siteState="http%3a%2f%2frl%2echannel%2eaol%2ecom%2fhistory"; AOL Search Search New Orleans has weathered several storms, but none as devestating as Hurricane Katrina. Get dates to remember and learn important facts about the world. Abraham Lincoln Civil War President Watch Video Post your comments about historic events. "I don't believe in astrology. The only stars I can blame for my failures are those that walk about the stage. Sir Noël Coward Why did the U.S. need the Civil Rights Act? What is the Homeland Security Act? What is the United States Flag Code? September 16, 1810
AOL Research & Learn: Online Reference Center homework help. homework help. Everything you need to achieve in school and have fun today in history. The Panama Canal opened on this date in 1920. http://reference.aol.com/references
Extractions: document.domain = "aol.com"; var sb_pipe_url="http://reference.aol.com/sb.adp";bb_sel=0;sb_id=63; var setSpeedCookie = "1"; Warning: Many features of this site require JavaScript and cookies. You can enable both via your browser's preference settings. var sitedomain="channel.aol.com";var siteState="http%3a%2f%2frl%2echannel%2eaol%2ecom%2freferences"; AOL Search Search Today is Search more than 25,000 encyclopedia articles, including over 10,000 photographs and illustrations, 100 animations and videos, 10,000 audio clips, and much more. Everything you need to achieve in school and have fun doing it. Enter a Word or Phrase: This segment of the program 'Did You Know?' highlights the heaviest hailstone, animal, truck, horse and price.
(¯`·.¸LINKS4KIDS Safe Sites - Homework Help¸.·´¯) homework help From Links4kids.co.uk. reference desk plus Featured Sites such as today in US history, Daily SAT Question, NY Times News Quiz, more. http://www.links4kids.co.uk/homeworkhelp.htm
Extractions: var keepstatic=1//specify whether menu should stay static 0=non static (works only in IE4+) var menucolor="#68a6d6" //specify menu color var submenuwidth=130 //specify sub menus' color Add-A-Link Free Games Guestbook JoinTopSites ... Weather document.write("" + day + month); document.write(myweekday + ", " + ""); Alien Clones GoTo: References Abc Teach - One for kids, parents and teachers. Free activities, research and report help, project and writing ideas. Dioarama themes to print. Rain Forest, Butterflies, and other interesting topics. Academic Assistance Access - Help with homework or assignments in almost any field from junior high to college. Most questions will get a response by email within twenty-four hours. Acalogic Inc - "Gives information and showcases products which, when utilized by parents, helps them assist their children in doing homework." ALA - Gotta question and no one seems to have the answer? Ask your question to one of the worldwide school library specialists. They can provide you with direct assistance.
Santa Cruz Sentinel - Homework Help - Middle & High homework help PRESCHOOL 3RD This day in history http//www.execnet.com/today.html today in history from the Associated Press http://www.santacruzsentinel.com/special/homework/high.html
Kids Homework Help (Research Databases) - MCPL Kids homework help. All titles are available remotely unless indicated with library find out who was Born today, or what happened today in history. http://www.mcpl.lib.mo.us/reference/juv.cfm
Jiskha Homework Help - Science: Biology: Microscope History homework help Science Biology Microscope history. by Leo Galleguillos This page will introduce you to the very first microscope and today s http://www.jiskha.com/science/biology/microscope_history.html
Extractions: view results by Leo Galleguillos Without the technology of microscopes, we might have never discovered cells at all. Putting that into mind, many start to wonder who invented the very first microscope, and how advanced they are becoming today. This page will introduce you to the very first microscope and today's microscopes. Back in the 1600's there lived a man and his name was Anton can Leeuwenhoek. He ground glass as a living. One day he found that by placing glass lenses at certain distances from each other, he could enlarge objects in his field of vision. This is an example of the very first microscope, called the light microscope Eventually, the light microscope was used to magnify many different things of the world such as droplets of water. In the droplets of water Leeuwenhoek discovered that the water was filled with many tiny organisms. Another famous scientist named Robert Hooke observed living things such as flowers, insects, cork, etc. In 1665 he finally published a book of drawings filled with his observations through the light microscope. Many of these drawings had many little rectangles on them, which Hooke named
Extractions: view results Nowadays, boys do have as much of a strict environment in which to live and play. Boots or shoes don't have to be polished (unless if wanted to). As a type of style, some boys wear torn clothes. Boys can stare, squint, or frown and it is not forbidden. Sometimes, they might lean on the table with their elbows. Furthermore, babies can get messy and throw toys all over. Despite all the differences; boys from the 1800's and 2002 are related in some ways. They blow and wipe their noses. Some boys try awkward tricks like throwing eggs on cars and houses on Halloween. Also, some boys appear at their dinner table with dirty hands and faces. In addition, some boys wear clean, unrumpled clothes and listen carefully. Our society has evolved from a place lacking liveliness to a place lacking quite a bit of respectfulness. Boys and girls in the 1800's had to follow a list of rules for their everyday simple lives. Meanwhile, at the present time, we do not have those strict and demanding rules, which would've controlled our everyday moves. Our way of living is a way, which emphasizes education, and lacks the necessity of strict rules to control our lives.
Great Sites For Kids! Tell a Friend today in history Biography/history Biography history Government Geography homework help and Writing Resources. Read, Write, Now http://www.kidsbookshelf.com/gsfk/homeworkhelp.asp
Great Sites For Kids! today in history Monday, August 08, 2005 Home Page Biography history Government Land Water Authors homework help Stories Word Games http://www.kidsbookshelf.com/gsfk/todayinhistory.asp
Extractions: Monday, September 26, 2005 - T.S. Eliot, Anglican - George Gershwin, composer, "Rhapsody In Blue" - Kapiolani defies Pele (Hawaiian volcano goddess) and lives. - John Philip Sousa's Band's first performance in Plainfield, NJ - Federal Trade Commission formed to regulate interstate commerce - UN troops in Korean War recaptured South Korean capital of Seoul - The Staten Island is 1st icebreaker to enter SF bay - Japan launches its 1st satellite in to space - Australia II wins The America's Cup yacht race Home Page Biography History Government ... Contact Us
Homework Help Need help with your homework? Check out these links online dictionary, encyclopedia, a homework center, today in history, and a word of the day. http://www.casscolibrary.org/homework_help.htm
Extractions: Atlapedia Online - http://www.atlapedia.com/ - This A-Z listing offers profiles of each nation of the world, as well as political and physical maps in color. The profiles are standard fare: geography, population, history, economy, languages, and the like. Ben's Guide to U.S. Government for Kids- http://bensguide.gpo.gov - This site provides learning tools for K-12 students, parents, and teachers. These resources will teach how our government works, the use of the primary source materials of GPO Access, and how one can use GPO Access to carry out their civic responsibilities. BigChalk: The Education Network - www.bigchalk.com
Kidspace - Homework Help - History Home · Kidspace · homework help · history today s highlights in history. Sponsored by the New York Times. This Day in history http://kidspace.cincinnatilibrary.org/homework.asp?category=1
Homework Help Get help with your homework from the American Library Association s today in history and today s Birthday, games and quizzes, and homework tips and http://www.midlib.org/hc/help.htm
Extractions: From overviews to specific facts on every homework subject imaginable, this site is a treasure trove of information including current events, spotlights on a variety of topics, and "Ask the Experts" links. Students can chose to view topics on the elementary, middle school, or high school and beyond level. Fact Monster