Extractions: sponsored by: Your starting place for hiking, trails and where to stay in Europe. PLEASE NOTE: This site is *NOT* a walkthrough. Hints on solving the puzzles on Starship Titanic are revealed gradually so as not to spoil the game. Last update: June 2001 What's new: Hints to the rooms and main problems While you're walking in the starship, some questions will occur to you. Structured in the rooms and problems you will find hints which puts you one step forward For those who are in hurry If you have not found out what happened on starship titanic don't click here. If you know what's necessary to got back home, you'll find here a direct access to the topics which leads you back home. Talk to the bots Beside solving the riddles you can have a conversation with the bots.
Schiffahrt Die Schiffahrt von der Jahrhundertwende 1900/1901 bis zur Untergang der titanic. http://www.jadu.de/schiffahrt/index.html
Extractions: Albert Ballin Bilder-Diashow 1 Bilder-Diashow 2 Cunard Cunard Schnelldienst Das Blaue Band Das Dampfschiff Die Bremen Diverses Funkwesen Hamburger Freihafen Hapag Kieler Woche Linientaufe Linkliste Museen Nord Deutscher Lloyd Nordland Postdampfer-Dienst Bremen-Nordamerika Reedereien Reichspostdampfer Riesenschiffe d. dt. Handelsflotte Schiffahrt I Schiffahrt II Signalwesen Strom Weltschiffahrt Wie findet ein Schiff sein Weg? HOME
Extractions: Bienvenue sur la Home Page de Loch! Le 14 avril 1912, le Titanic, un des plus grands navires de l'époque, entre en collision avec un iceberg. Quelques 1.552 personnes périrent dans le naufrage. Le bateau gise désormais par 3872 m de fond. TITANIC a remporté 4 Golden Globe Awards dont: Meilleur Film - Drame Meilleur Réalisateur - James Cameron Meilleur Bande Originale De Film - James Horner Meilleure Chanson - "My Heart Will Go On" - Musique De James Horner et Parole De Will Jennings Interprétée Par Céline Dion TITANIC a remporté 11 O scars sur 14 nominations: Best Picture Best Costume design -Ici vous trouverez tout sur le magnifique film de James Cameron: Les photos. Les Bandes-annonces et interviews. Les écrans de veille: Musique. Le script intégral du film en anglais (en htm). Liens vers d'autres sites. Les 100 questions que vous vous posez !!! Dernière mise à jour le Visites depuis le 01/02/98 .
Introduction Multimedia, script, novel information, comic strip, and FAQ. http://www.raisethetitanic.com
Titanic - Fartyget Och Filmen Svensk sida f¶r RMS titanic och filmsida f¶r Camerons storfilm, titanic, med Leonardo DiCaprio och Kate Winslet. ven information om fartyget titanic med bilder fr¥n orginalet samt vraket. http://home.swipnet.se/~w-62767/titanic.htm
Titanic - Present Day - Behind The Scenes Designer's work for the film presented along with illustrations by David LeVey. http://www.titanicmovie.com/present/bts_index.html
Lebenslust - Unterhaltung Inhaltsangabe und kurze Rezension des Buches. http://www.lebenslust.at/unterhaltung/archiv/fantasy/adams.ihtml
Ioan Gruffudd Home Page star of Horatio Hornblower and titanic. Multimedia, picture gallery, articles, and discussion forum. http://www.ioan.palacecreations.com
TITANIC Italian Site La storia della nave, i suoi dati tecnici e il suo ritrovemento. Contiene la lista dell'equipaggio e dei passeggeri di quello sfortunato viaggio inaugurale. http://art.supereva.it/titanicsite/index.htm?p
The Tribune, Chandigarh, India - Sports Tribune titanic treat Kapil vs Tiger KR Wadhwaney It will be a great day when Kapil Devand Tiger Woods teeoff together in the Pro-Am (Tag Heuer) event in Boston. http://www.tribuneindia.com/2004/20040821/spr-trib.htm
Extractions: C arl Lewis vs Ben Johnson on the track, the USA vs Australia in the pool, India vs Pakistan on the hockey field all classic head-to-head Olympic rivalries that live long in the memories of fans. Throughout the 28 sports of the games, long-standing conflicts are settled on the biggest stage of all and no world title or record can match the glory of an Olympic gold. Like father like son: Naoya Tsukahara created a unique piece of history when he followed in his father's footsteps by capturing the gymnastics team gold for Japan. Daddy Mitsuo had helped Japan win in the 1968, 1972 and 1976 Olympics. They are the first father-son to win Olympic team gold medals since World War II. Photos: Agencies
Essay On Risk Management -R.Brander Academic article showing how costsavings meant certain death. http://www.cuug.ab.ca/~branderr/risk_essay/titanic.html
Extractions: Roy Brander, P.Eng. I've put off starting this essay for days, because today is so appropriate. As I sit down to write, it is 11:40 PM, April 14th, 1995. Ignoring the time zone difference, it was 83 years ago this minute that the RMS Titanic, on her maiden voyage in 1912, struck an iceberg. The collision was not head-on. The berg bumped and ground along the starboard side and then was gone into the calm, moonless night. At first, few thought the damage serious. It was difficult to coax passengers into the lifeboats. Yet three hours later, the Titanic slammed into the ocean floor almost 4000 metres below, torn in two. Over 1500 of her passengers and crew were dead. And the design and operation of sea vessels changed dramatically and permanently. Most of the discussion of the accident revolves around specific problems. There was the lack of sufficient lifeboats (enough for at most 1200 on a ship carrying 2200). There was the steaming ahead at full-speed despite various warnings about the ice-field. There was the lack of binoculars for the lookout. There were the poor procedures with the new invention, the wireless (not all warnings sent to the ship reached the bridge, and a nearby ship, the operator abed, missed Titanic's SOS). Very recently, from recovered wreckage, "Popular Science" claimed the hull was particularly brittle even for the metallurgy of the time. (A claim now debunked.) Each has at one time or another been put forward as "THE reason the Titanic sank".
Film Score - Art History Online Reference And Guide Film score Your Art history Reference Guide! ArthistoryClub Information Siteon Film score Art history, Art history Search Art history Browse Classroom http://www.arthistoryclub.com/art_history/Film_score
Titanic Ur Svensk Synvinkel Det fanns 128 svenskar och svenskamerikaner ombord, l¤s om deras ¶den p¥ denna webbplats. http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Mezzanine/5714/