Number 2 Pencil: One Teacher's Response To The SOLs A Virginia teacher blames the (sols) (standards of learning) exams for his My teaching directly to the highstakes test would better serve him in the
Extractions: Kimberly's take on testing and education reform Main A Virginia teacher blames the SOLs (Standards of Learning) exams for his decision to leave the public school system Standards of Learning were introduced to make education better. But in my experience, they had the opposite effect. The intense pressure to raise test scores eventually squeezed the life out of school, both for my kids and for me... The idea behind the SOLs is simple: Lay out what kids should know, test them on it and then hold the schools accountable for their scores...Beginning this June, students who do not pass the high school tests won't graduate; beginning in 2007, schools that do not have a 70 percent passing rate on the exams will risk losing state accreditation. From the start, the get-tough tests rubbed me the wrong way. Implicit in the notion of "accountability" are the assumptions that: (a) education is a product, the input and output of which can be standardized and measured; and (b) it's high time for teachers and schools to quit slacking and get to work. It's very hard for me to imagine what education is if there's no observable change in the student. Just because a test is standardized doesn't mean that something other than reading and math can be measured with it. And some teachers have been spending an awful lot of time slacking, though they call it "child-centered education" while others call it "the soft bigotry of low expectations."
Patrick Welsh Like all her classmates, she took Virginia s standards of learning (SOL) exams in Every year, I find myself having to teach against the test to get
Extractions: Sunday, October 22, 2003 Christina Walker is a senior at T.C. Williams High School in Alexandria, Va., who will be attending Virginia Commonwealth University in the fall. Like all her classmates, she took Virginia's Standards of Learning (SOL) exams in the spring semester every year of her high school careear. When she received an "advanced proficiency" rating in chemistry last year, she coundn't help being pleased - and highly amused. After all, she had gotten a "C" in her chemistry class, hardly a mark of "advanced" proficience. But in fact, Walker says whe knows lots of kids who actually failed certain courses, yet passed the SOLs in those same courses " with flying colors." If that's true, those's something seriously amiss here. The SOLs are supposed to measure student achievement and raise school standards. Yet there's clearly a discrepancy between actual achievement and the scores students are getting on these state exams. Nevertheless, over the past five years, Alexandria school officials have joined the state Department of Education in trying to convince the public that an academic revolution is taking place because more and more students are passing Virginia's SOLs. No one sees through the charade more clearly than many of the seniors who are graduating from T.C. Williams "The SOLs are based on a simplistic, paint-by-numbers view of learning," says 17-yearj-old Molly Grove, who will attend Oberlin College in Ohio this fall. "Any decent student should be able to handle them easily."
SOL Related Sites Virginia Department of Education Teaching Virginia standards of learning How to assess (sols). Complete site with information about testing,
Extractions: teacher/student creation of quizzes, games, tests, flash cards WebQuest links ! What are they? Take a quick jump to find out! TOTALLY COOL! Additional SOL sites Lesson plan sites are proliferating and improving in quality. SOL Test Sites SOL Search Engine Enter text from one SOL to identify other SOLs that correlate. SOL Program Search from WHRO Use this search engine to select a subject area, grade level, and specific SOL to find ITV television programming that supports the educational goal. SOL Teacher Resource Guides are now available from the DOE for all core subject areas. This link will take you to the DOE page where all 4 core subject areas can be accessed. Don't miss the additional resources available for each area.
SOL Online Practice Tests Teaching Virginia standards of learning from the DOE Virginia standards oflearning tests for 4th Grade Accessible only from within the GCPS network.
Extractions: grade levels range from 3rd to 12th. Virginia 2001 SOL Tests Virginia 2000 SOL Tests released by the DOE These are WORD versions, single question per page, accessible/hyperlinked by reporting category, prepared by the Region 5 Governor's Best Practice Center . Virginia 2000 SOL Tests NOW , available in the form of PowerPoint presentations or individual WORD documents, each containing a complete test. Extensive collection ** of actual standards tests given in Texas annually since 1997. Includes printable K-8, End-of-Course Exams, and Reading Proficiency tests. Some tests have been converted to interactive ONLINE format that can be taken and scored via the Internet. Results reported by Objective. Grades 2-8 from Edutest at Lightspan Selectable by subject, grade level, and strand.
TfHS Virginia English Samples from the tests for Higher standards in English This can be a realconflict for those who are used to teaching learning for mastery.
Extractions: The Tests for Higher Standards Grade-Level Tests in the areas of Mathematics, Science, English (Reading and Writing), and History and Social Science for grades Kindergarten through eleven have been developed to help teachers focus instruction on the content and processes of the Virginia Standards of Learning. Because TfHS Grade-Level Tests closely match Virginia Standards of Learning, their value is to help teachers plan, teach, and assess, providing information about student and program strengths and weaknesses. Test Description
TfHS Virginia Science Samples from the tests for Higher standards in Science This can be a realconflict for those who are used to teaching learning for mastery.
Extractions: The Tests for Higher Standards Grade-Level Tests in the areas of Mathematics, Science, English (Reading and Writing), and History and Social Science for grades Kindergarten through eleven have been developed to help teachers focus instruction on the content and processes of the Virginia Standards of Learning. Because TfHS Grade-Level Tests closely match Virginia Standards of Learning, their value is to help teachers plan, teach, and assess, providing information about student and program strengths and weaknesses. Test Description
Test Usage Information Links ETS Study Links Effective Teaching Methods to TestScore Gain and critics ofthe Virginia standards of learning tests, thinking the public would
Susan Ohanian's Testing Outrages (Susan Ohanian Speaks Out) Under pressure to improve his students standards of learning scores, The ideabehind the (sols) is simple Lay out what kids should know, test them on it
Fairfax County (VA) Council Of PTAs The Board of Educations standard setting process was designed to bring together a performance scores for the State standards of learning (SOL) tests.
Extractions: State Board of Education Accountable The one thing we all share in common is that we have gone to school and had the experience of taking tests, and receiving scores such as 45 of 50, 82% or 1200. Therefore, when the Virginia Board of Education reports cut scores "proficiency" and "advanced," this method of reporting a students academic achievement level doesnt conflict with our own personal experiences. However, each one of us must stop for a moment and consider our goals for our children and the quality of education we expect them to receive. In doing so, we must also think about our beliefs and theories about schooling that reflect our experiences with teachers, schools, and administrators; and, recall the grades, percentages and points we achieved on tests and in courses. We then must determine if we remember if those scores accurately or specifically addressed what we did and did not know or, did they assess just what we memorized for the test? Did the scores appropriately reflect what we could or could not do; or, if we were receiving an excellent education; or, if we really understood, remembered, or could use the information or concept over time; or, if the test questions were understandable or relative to what we had learned? In a more recent context, we could consider if our current employment has specific standards, by which we are measured on a yearly basis. For example, does someone determine your performance assessment outside your office or employment? Could taking a multiple-choice assessment indisputably and appropriately assess the quality of your work or expertise? How would you feel if the performance questions were poorly stated, didnt appropriately measure your skills or the quality of your work; and yet, the security of your employment potentially rests on this type of assessment? What if you were interested in improving your work performance, would it be useful to quickly memorize lots of facts and concepts and then have your abilities (your strengths and weaknesses) stated in a final report by combining and reporting the results in: percentages, grades or points?
Standards Of Learning The goals of English education are to teach students to read and to prepare Through these standards, students will learn to acquire information from a
JLARC Report Summary The standards of learning have had a profound impact on Virginias elementary by principals and teachers are that the (sols) reduce teaching creativity,
Extractions: The study had two major research components. The first part was a quantitative analysis of the measurable factors that are associated with Standards of Learning (SOL) test results in schools and school divisions. The other major research component was a qualitative review of schools and school divisions. The primary purposes of this review were to examine the challenges to achieving academic success faced by schools and the best practices used by schools that have had success. JLARC staff also considered other issues related to school performance in conducting the study. These included the impact of the SOLs and of the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act, and the issue of on-time graduation and dropout rates. Six major findings result from this review: Over the course of several years of SOL implementation, SOL test scores and pass rates have increased substantially.
Virtual Guide To Teaching Civil War SOLs Guide to teaching Virginia s Civil War (sols). This web site is divided into threemajor Fourth grade standards of learning. Civil War and Postwar Eras
Extractions: Each topic above includes several subtopics. By clicking on a subtopic, you will find further detailed information, primary source photos, and documents. This section is factually intensive. All background information has been carefully researched, and is largely based on the Virginia Standards of Learning. The Activities section is also divided into several topics including: Within each of the five topics there are corresponding activities. The activities can be found by clicking on the activity title within the section or by selecting the activities in the gray menu. Activities range from multiple-choice questions to writing news articles to coloring a map of the United States blue or gray. The Help section is divided into two categories: To easily navigate the web site, the teacher or student can use these two powerful tools. The key word index consists of words, taken directly from the SOLs, making it a useful guide for teachers when planning lessons. It will also be helpful to students doing research, so they can quickly find their topic.
Ms. Shaw's Favorite Websites Teaching and learning Virginia K3 History and Social Science standards of learningResources for all of the K-3 (sols) including lesson ideas and links to
Extractions: Ms. Shaw's Favorite Websites Virginia SOL Related Search Engines Teacher's Treasures Science ... Instructional Technology/ Tutorials Virginia SOL Related Virginia Standards of Learning currently in effect for Virginia Public Schools . This includes all subject areas and grade levels. Enhanced Scope and Sequence Includes: Units organized by topics from the original scope and sequence, essential knowledge and skills from the Standards of Learning Curriculum Framework, related Standards of Learning, and these are great review questions to use with your students to prepare for the SOL tests. Spring 2000 Tests Spring 2001 Tests Spring 2002 Tests Spring 2003 Tests This includes all grade levels and subject areas except History and Social Science. Spring 2003 History and Social Science Tests Ten released items for each of the history tests are available here.
Standards Of Learning Links Virginia SOL Test Blueprints SOL Sample Test Items 1998 SOL Released Test Items The VDOE s Teaching Virginia s standards of learning Site
Extractions: Albemarle County Public Schools is committed to assisting students, staff, and parents as Virginia implements the new Standards of Accreditation. Each curriculum area has been aligned with the Standards of Learning with appropriate instructional materials identified to support student learning. Below is a menu that will help you understand this new program. Virginia State Assessment Program and Graduation Requirements Virginia Standards of Learning for English, Math, Science, and Social Studies Virginia Standards of Learning for Music Virginia SOL Test Blueprints ... University of Richmond's Teaching Virginia's Standards of Learning Site Back to Instructional Programs
American Association Of School Administrators - The School The issue of teaching to these tests has become a major concern to Much ofthe criticism against Virginia s standards of learning tests has to do with - Feature Story: 'A Decade Later ' For It s standards of learning time. All the kids are focused and excited, said The (sols) test students in grades three, five and eight, as well as nine
Extractions: University of California, Davis PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH's approach to education policy has earned him cautious plaudits from otherwise hostile critics, who see much to admire in the implementation of standards for education. However useful such standards prove for testing students' technical skills like arithmetic and reading, they create problems for less-standardized processes like thinking about history. Some states, including Virginia, have already instituted "Standards of Learning" (SOLs) to lend coherence to history teaching throughout the state. But the Virginia SOLs' treatment of the Cold War provides ample warning about the perils of such state standardization. The Cuban Missile Crisis ended peaceably as much because of John Kennedy's famous luck (so reliable till it suddenly ran out) as because of good policy or good leadership. The President didn't know that Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev had delegated responsibility for nuclear weapons in Cuba to the same trigger-happy Russian commander who had shot down an American U-2 at the height of the crisis. The Russian field commander in Cuba could at any time, at the slightest American provocation, have fired off a tactical nuclear missile, which would surely have set off American retaliation. The world had been closer to nuclear incineration than Kennedy knew.
A Dinner Discussion With Dr. Daniel Domenech of the Virginia standards of learning ((sols)), the state academic standards, When the first (sols) were given in 199798, 97 percent of the schools in
Extractions: Dr. Daniel Domenech, Superintendent of Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS), provided his thoughts on education reform, the process of change, and the implementation of the Virginia Standards of Learning to a group of education policymakers on Capitol Hill. FCPS is the 12 th largest school system in the United States and consists of 234 schools and centers with 157,000 students. The system has approximately 40 percent minority students with approximately 20 percent on free and reduced price lunch. The average SAT score for FCPS is 1095; at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology it is 1450. But the overall number for the County is misleading: while the upper and middle-income (generally white) students are achieving at high levels, there are large clusters of poor (generally minority) students who are failing. The demographics of Fairfax County are no different than those of the District of Columbia or New York City. The SOLs did demonstrate, however, a discrepancy in achievement between majority and minority students. Domenech decided to use the SOL tests as a way to determine which schools needed the most help in ensuring high academic achievement for all students. He said he wanted to instill an attitude of equal
Extractions: Introduction Immediately upon becoming the president of Harvard in 1933, James Bryant Conant established a scholarship program for underprivileged students from underrepresented backgrounds (but with very high intelligence) to attend his University, and he commissioned his staff to find a tool by which intelligence could be measured. The Harvard team quickly landed upon contemporarily-fashionable I.Q. testing as a source for measuring intelligence, adopting Princeton professor Carl Brighamís tool for assessing the intelligence of World War I army recruits: the Scholastic Aptitude Testóour friend, the SAT. However, Brigham opposed the wide-scale academic use of the SAT, warning: If the unhappy day ever comes when teachers point their students toward these newer examinations . . . then we may look for the inevitable distortion of education in terms of tests. (qtd. in Lehmann 55) Poof!: Itís the year 2000, and forty-eight states administer standardized tests to public school students to measure scholastic achievement, nearly half of the states publicly rate schools along the results of those standardized tests, and over a third have in place provisions by which they can close, reconstitute, deny accreditation, or otherwise sanction schools whose students do not meet minimum performance standards on the tests (McGinn 48-9). I teach in such a state.
Food For Thought Question 1 The SOL (standards of learning) tests are an accurate measure of Question 3 Teachers spend too much time teaching to the test rather than
Extractions: Professor, George Mason University Each semester my educational research class, composed of graduate students, conducts studies on important educational issues as part of their course requirements. This semester the student project centered on parental views of the Standards of Learning (SOL). An optical scan survey instrument was designed containing 19 questions. The results of the most pertinent questions in the survey are discussed here. A population sample of 373 parents completed the survey. The responses from Northern Virginia parents provided both quantitative and qualitative data, which were statistically analyzed by the class. The following is an abstract report of the findings. Graph: Question 1 The graph also illustrates that females and males negatively responded to this question with female responses being significantly more negative than males. Data from other demographic factors not illustrated on the graph showed that Caucasians and non-Caucasians also negatively responded to this question, but Caucasian responses were significantly more negative. Those parents with a college education were significantly more negative than non-degreed parents when responding to question 1. Question 2: The SOL tests measure the most important information that every student should know.